Hauntings Lady of the Black Rose Ladynorose@hotmail.com ~*~*~*~*~*~ Heyyas! Yuppers, it's me again. You know the drill. Sailor Moon isn't mine, blah blah blah. I think that's it this time. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Aqua! Aqua!" Neptune called. An inky darkness gave them no visibility whatso ever. "I'm right here!" Somewhere to Uranus's left, Aqua's voice came. "Nobody move!" Mars ordered. "FIRE SOUL!" She yelled. The light it gave let them see that they were in a huge cavern. Mars couldn't hold the fire and it died away, leaving the darkness to consume. "Well well well. Isn't this perfect. Twelve very helpless Sailor Senshi." A low, throaty voice ame from above. "That's not much of a challenge, or very fair. So, I'll -gag- help you." The cavern was filled with light. Aqua discovered, after her eyes adjusted, that she was standing an arm's lenth from Uranus, who was clutching Neptune. Neptune was in front of Mercury. Melody was to Merc's left, and the rest of the senshi were clustered in that main direction. "Who are you?" Sailor Thunder demanded at the man who was floating in mid-air. "Oh, me? My name is Nader. Odel met his fate after failing to kill you." Nader could be called handsome. His blue-black hair fell to his shoulders, and the strangest clear green eyes were set in a chiseled face. He had the body of a greek god. "Why are all the cute ones evil?" Venus whined. "Mamo-chan's not evil!" Sailor Moon protested. "Yeah, but he was." Mars shot back. "Mars, that was over the line." Ice said. She and Pluto had been talking, a bit away from the main group. "ENough talk! My orders are to kill you and believe me, I shall." Nader yelled. A huge energy discus formed in his hands. He raised it over his head as it grew. "Something tells me that's a *bad* thing." Mercury muttered. "Um, DUCK!!" Pyro yelled, as Nader threw it at them. They all hit the floor. It shaved off a couple inches of Sailor Moon's pigtails. She jumped up, outraged. "Hey! I LIKED that pigtail!" She whined. "PLAN Z EM 7!!" Mercury yelled. They looked at her. "Are you sure?" Uranus asked. "I think it'll work." Aqua said. The inner senshi broke away from the others and began powering up for a planet attack. "Let's give them some cover." Thunder said, a sucidial glint in her eye. "CRYSTALLINE THUNDER BLOTS!" "FIRE RAIN!" "SPACE SWORD BLASTER!" "SUBMARINE REFLECTION!" "HURRICANE INFERNO!" "CHRONOS TYPHOON!" "GLACIAL EXTERMINATION!" "RINGING HARMONY!" They combined into three huge attacks. Pyro's, Thunder's, and Urnaus's missed, but the other two hit. Hard. Nader fell from the air, whrithing in agony. "Okay, lets do it! VENUS STAR POWER!" "MERCURY STAR POWER!" "MARS STAR POWER!" "JUPITER STAR PWOER!" "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!" "*SAILOR PLANET ATTACK*!" The five energy beams melded and raced towards the moaning Nader, who had only a split second to scream-- ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Princess, they have defeated Nader." The reporter youma said. Memory pounder the arms rest of her throne with her fist. "Those meddling *BEEP*!" She yelled. "Princess, if I may speak--" a youma stepped forward. "Go ahead, Ruior." Memory sighed. "My team and I have been studying these Sailor Senshi. We have noticed that each has a weakness." Ruior said slyly. "And?" "We have developed skills that will over come them. We believe that we can vanquish them." "Really? Well, you've got permission to try.I have one condition. You leave Sailor Aqua to me." ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Oh, that was so not pretty." Aqua moaned. They were resting, for they had no idea what was o come. "Hey, maybe this princess person is really just a kid, so we'll just make her watch a few Barney reruns and then leave." Thunder suggested. "I doubt it." Jupiter replied. She was watching Ice, Aqua, and PLuto. Pluto had pulled the other two over into a corner, and she and Ice were apparently chewing Aqua out. "I wonder why they won't let her fight." Melody said thoughtfully. Uranus and Neptune turned away slightly. "Yeah. Aqua and Pluto were really having it out before she ran into this place. What about, do ya think?" Venus said. "Maybe Aqua can't fight. Maybe this Memory princess thingie is invincible to water." Sailor Moon suggested. "No, then Mercury and Neptune would be in the same boat." Mars retorted. "Du-uh." "Oh, yeah? Well then you tell me, Miss high and mighty!" Moon yelled. "Stop fighting." Neptune hissed. "You know. You have to know." Pyro said, looked at both of them thoughtfully. Uranus began playing with her sword. "We don't know anymore than what she wants." Neptune said, after a very long pause. "And that's not very much. All's we know is that Princess Memory has the power to call up one's memories. And that Aqua's past isn't a happy one. That's all." "Pluto and Ice know what's happening. Aqua's to bull-headed to realize she could go wacky on us." Uranus muttered. "Maybe she didn't hav-- argg!" Melody groaned, and slumped forward. A stone spear stuck out of her back. ~*~*~*~*~*~ The end. JUST KIDDING! I wouldn't leave you off there! That would be inhumane!" ~*~*~*~*~*~* "BECCA!" Mercury screamed. They all whirled around. Ten very tough looking warriors, nine of them carrying spears not unlike the one that was presently embedded in Melody's back, stood there. Mercury fell to her knees and felt for a pulse. She shook with grief as she stood back up. Her head went slowly from side to side. Aqua, Ice, and Pluto all started up, ready for battle. "Well, now. That was much easier that I thought." The spearless one laughed. "I think we've *over*-estimated you." "You goddamned son of a bi--" Aqua started. "Ah ah ah! You shouldn't use such naughty language, my dear. I'd kill you now, but Princess Memory has requested you stay alive." He said in a mocking tone. "Senshi, attack!" Sailor Moon screamed. "With pleasure." The ten rushed forward. "Dead Scream!" "WORLD SHAKING!" "TSUMANI RAGE ENGULF!" "Ice. Eternal Whirl. Freeze." Ice said, almost whispering. A flurry of hail rained down, combining with the other attacks, taking out one of the ten. "Shimatta. SUPREME THUNDER!" "SHABON SPR--ack!" Mercury went down, blood pouring from a wound on her neck. There was no doubt, she was gone. "Mercury! That's it! You've messed with the worng people! MOON PRINCESS HALUTION!" Sailor Moon yelled, taking out two of the nine standing. "You go, girl! VORTEX SPARKLING FLAME!" "BURNING MANDALA!" "SUMPREME THUNDER DRAGON!" "VENUS LOVE ME CHAIN!" "DEEP SUB--" Neptune didn't even cry out. She just slumped over, a spear through her stomach. Uranus looked down at her, then at the youma who had been unfortunate to throw it. She raced at him in fury, slicing him to ribbons with her sword. ANother fell under the attacks. 5 down. 5 to go. "AQUA!" Aqua yelled. Her own spear appeared, and she rushed at the youma, taking down another. "FIRE RAIN!" "EVIL SPIRITS BEGONE!" Paralyzed by Mar's scroll, the youma died quickly from Pyro's rageful attack. "Ahhhhh!" Pyro screamed, as one of the remaining four's spear sliced through her stomach, and then her neck. She fell, and Aqua watched in horror. She dropped to Pyro's side. "Iris-- *gasp* I loved you *ga...*" Pyro died. "Nooooooo!" ~*~*~*~*~ Okay, now that is the end. Yeah, I know, cruel. So, this is the picture: Slrs Mercury, Neptune, Pyro and Melody are down and out. Four out of ten of the youma are capooie.