Hauntings Black Rose Ladynorose@hotmail.com ~*~*~*~*~*~ Heyyas! Rose here, and I have some news for you! It appears that this is the last part of my story, except for maybe an epilogue! Yippee!! Well, you know the drill. Sailor Moon & associates aren't mine, but the Celestial Senshi are and so is Vulcan, and Princess Memory. I hold all rights to her because I may be doing a sequel. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "My-- memories?" Iris asked, choking on her words. So this is what Setsuna meant by Memory having a BIG advantage over her. "Yes, your memories. Rebirth wasn't kind to you, was it, dearest Iris? Throwing you into a home that was abusive, and then the orphanage! I see some very interesing memories in your heart... I know you have buried them there... prepare for your doom, Princess of Posidenous! REMEMBER!" Princess Memory screamed, and threw a blue blast of energy at Iris, who couldn't dodge it. It buried her in it's false warmth... and searched her mind for her worst nightmares... FLASH! "Momma, I want to go with you... I don't like you leaving..." A CHibi-Iris whined, pulling at the skirt of a grungy looking woman that was her mother. "Stop it, Iris! I am leaving! Stay with daddy! I'll be back in a little while, I promise!" The woman said, pointing to a unshaven man holding a bottle laying on the tattered and battered couch. The appartment around them looked the same. "But Momma--" "Don't 'but Momma' me! I said go!" The woman pulled herself free and practicly ran out of the appartment. FLASH! "She never came back... you killed her..." Iris cried, tears streaming down her face. "Ah, now that's not a nice thing to say, now is it?" FLASH! "Stop hitting me daddy!" Chibi-Iris screamed, as her father slaps her across the face. She goes flying back into the wall. "Did you just tell me what to do?!" Her father growls. "No no!" She shrieked, as he hts her again... and again... FLASH! "Make it stop!" Iris screamed. "Tsk tsk...." And the flashes came. For nearly three hours, all of whatever bad that happened to Iris went before her eyes. And Mmeory would lash in a few blows during the memories to make them seem realler. So Iris was in a bloody heap in the flor begging for it to stop.. make it stop... But it never did. She saw Daphne die.. Melody die.. Mercury die... Michelle die... Haruka die... Michiru die... the hours of pain after her father realized her mother wasn't coming back... hours of pain in the orphanage when they knew Iris was different... in school... here... never, would it stop. The pain nearly pulled her apart. Flash! It was the memory of Daphne. Iris watched in horror again as the spaer head bit deep into Pyro's stomach.. then her side... and then her neck. Blood poured from the wounds. But then... she remembered the great feeling she had as she transformed into Iris and destroyed the youma that had caused her love such pain before her death. Memory grew confused as Iris's cries ceased. She changed memories. FLASH! It was a memory of a beating. This was the one where her father used the whip... lash! lash! lash! She could still feel the stinging pain from each stroke... But then, there was that pleasure she got when he was arrewsted and hauled away by those men in the uniforms... and one bent down and picked her up, gave her a hug and told her it would be okay... and he gave her a popsicle. Memory paniced. Iris was breaking through her attacks. Her panic grew as Iris stod up, and glared at her. "Memories are supposed to stay in the hearts and minds of those they belong. When they are dead, they are meant to reain so!" Her voice was thick with emotion. "If I can't kill you slowly, then I shall kill you now!" A sword appeared in Mmeory's hand as she rushed forward, intending to impale the weakened girl. "Arck..." Iris moaned, as the sword sliced through her stomach. Memory smiled with a twisted look to her eyes as she pulled thw sword away. Iris remained standing. "What?" "You can't kill me, Memory. I've finally realized it. No one can kill me. And that scares me as much as it thrills me. You can't kill me. All this time I'm worried about dying, and it turns out you can't kill me!" Iris laughed as her body floated away from the ground, leaving her mid-air. The sword clattered to the ground as Memory gasped in shock. Iris's body began to spin, until the colors blurred. Then, she stopped. Her hair was no longer caked with blood, it streamed free, floating around her as though an invisible wind was playing with it. Her garnet eyes flashed with spirit and light. A light loose dress of many purples and blues that were so skillfully blended you couldn't tell where one color began and another ended. A crystal hovered in the air before her, a clear crystal with a blue light. "I am the spirit of Water, Memory. You can't kill me but I will die willingly to see you do. Look at the stone, Memory. This is your doom. And mine. But you see, you care if you die. I couldn't care less. So, in three words I end my life, taking you with it. Aqua..." "Iris, don't do this.." "Ribbons..." "We could talk...." "DESTRUCT!" And the world around them erupted in a flash of light. ~*~*~*~*~ "She's gone and figured it out." Mystic said, gazing at the sun that seemed to have darkened for a minute. "She has found the crystal." Pluto said. "And taken herself." Mystic added. "The waters won't be the same." Makoto said, wistully. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Usagi and Rei both yelled. "Iris has found a way to kill Memory. But she has destroyed herself in the process." Pluto said. "Oh." "I just wish the others didn't have to die. Michelle had a bad temper, but sti--" "HEY!" A very loud and very angry voice came from behind Makoto. She saw Usagi look and faint. "I heard that, and I do NOT!" Makoto whirled around to see Michelle, Michiru, Haruka, Rebecca, Ami, and Daphne. She looked back at Rei and the others to see if they were seeing this. She looked back. Still there. Back at the shocked faces. And the world vanished to her as she followed Usagi's example. "Minna?" Minako asked, weakly. "Ack! Guys! Where have you BEEN!?" Mystic threw herself at Rebecca. "And you! Had to go first, didn't you?!" "Like I had a choice!" was the annoyed reply. "Had to be a hero, Haruka, as usual." Mystic smiled sadly. "Could someone kindly explain to me WHERE Iris is? Cuz I know you're all estaic to see us but you're hiding something." Daphne crossed her arms over her chest. Pluto and Mystic looked at each other, and sighed at the same time. "Well, Daphne, we belive that Iris has found the secret of herself and used it. She used the Stone of Aqua. And if she has, she's dead. She was immortal, Daphne, she just didn't know it. That's why Mystic had to heal her the first few times. Something only *is* if you aknowledge it." ~*~*~*~*~*~ --I am, therefore I am.-- A single thought drifted into her mind. "I am..." She repeated weakly. --You are...-- "Am I? Who am I?" She sat up, her blue hair flying around her. She wore a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She realized her head was empty. She tried to conjure up a name. --Jade-- "Jade? Is Jade my name?" She asked the blank wall of the alley way. She stood up, stumbling. "Jade.. it sounds familar. Yes, Jade is my name." She searched her pockets. A wallet came to her eyes. She checked it. Yes, her name was Jade... but the rest... was a mystery. ~*~*~*~*~ Okay, that's it for hauntings. Fourteen parts. Luv ya, and seeya!!!