Changed By Rose PROLOGUE: It was over. The barren wastes of the once beautiful and magic city of the Moon and the surrounding lands looked odd. A lone woman, her hair floating softly in the breeze, stood at the edges of the waste-land. Tears streamed down her scarred cheeks, unwanted memories of what had happened just a few moments ago flooding her mind... A woman in red, holding a glowing mass of black above her head, a horrid smirk on her face... A black mass of energy speeding towards a group of sailor fuku-clad women, it was alive, but not. Dead bodies littering the ground, the streams and rivers ran scarlet with the blood of It's victims... A rainbow of colors... The horrible laughter It screeched as it killed them off, one by one... A small girl, of about sixteen, holding a sword to her stomach as she cried over the body of a young man, his blood making a red pool around them... A lady in white, with a short wand in her hand, crying for the soul of her daughter as she shouted words that made the wand errupt with light... As she stood, she slowly pushed them away, to put in her chest of sad thoughts. She would go back over them when she was feeling sorry for herself. But she would do one last thing for her Queen, the Lady of the White Moon, so that perhaps the guilt would not be so great. Maybe, if she gave herself to fight this demon, destroy it forever, the time-lines would be changed. She didn't like the idea of Crystal Tokyo. She didn't like the thought of putting her princess through so much pain to achieve it, only to be destroyed. No, she would do the forbidden. She, the first senshi of the Planet Pluto, would give her life and title up, to change the future. She ran over the choices for the next Sailor PLuto. She found it, smiling gently as she wrote a letter to her processor. -Meioh Setsuna. You are given this task. I should have found you and trained you during the Empty Times, as it was to be, but I had decided to do the forbidden. Ask the Gates. They know all.- She picked up the staff and looked at the purple orb. Every senshi had a different staff, a different color. When it was time to go on, or when they chose to go on, the staff broke and the color changed. Purple would be no more. In a swift, sudden movement, she ran through the Gates of Time, throwing her powers here and there. Changing the future with every blast. At the end, when no power was left, she stood tall, breathing heavily. She took a deep breathe, and swung the staff towards the ground. The orb shattered into millions of pieces. Pain shot through her body, and her vision disappeared, she saw hot white light. And her soul drifted away.... *************************************************** Oakie doakies! There's the prologue of Changed. I hope you like it. -Rose