Changed by Rose PART 1: Luna crept in and out of the shadows, looking for the saviors of the planet. It had been almost three years since the great battle. Beryl had awoken earily, and sensing the weakness of the planet, had complete control of it within a month. Earth's armies tried to put up a fight, but it just wasn't even. Guns and cannons against magic? They hadn't even had a chance. Oh, it wasn't that bad. Beryl was a good queen, even if she was cold hearted and cruel. The people could do anything they wanted, if they weren't against her. Some people didn't even note a difference. Children still went to school. People still went to work. Dogs still barked, the sun still shone. But it was if a gray wash had been painted over the colors. The air was heavier. Any who had opposed the Queen died. It was that simple. "It is her." Luna gasped, watching a girl with blonde buns, the royal hairstyle of the Moon family. She wondered if Beryl had noticed it. Probably not. If she had, she and her family would be dead. Murdered, in the cold blood. She prepared to run to the girl, beseech her to transform, as she had already spotted two of the other ones she was looking for. She came to her senses. There were people around. Agents of the Dark Kingdom. If they saw a talking cat, she'd be fried before she could blink. No, follow the girl, then approach her. Approach the Savior. ******************************** Usagi walked up the stairs to her bedroom, wondering about what she would wear the next day. The Dark Kingdom had done away with the school sailor fukus and made a law saying that anyone who remoting even dressed in anything slightly resembling a sailor's fuku would be tortured and fed to the dogs. She jumped when she saw the black cat on the bed. 'How did that get in here?' She wondered. She noticed the open window. "Oh. You scared me, Neko-chan." She giggled, and walked over to her closet, carelessly throwing her bag on the floor. "Usagi." She heard someone say. She turned. Just the cat. "Hmm. I could have sworn..." "Usagi, I have something to tell you." The cat said. Usagi stared, open mouthed. But she wasn't really surprised. Three years of seeing freakish creatures walk by your window sorta prepares you for this kind of thing. "You talk?" She asked, stupidly. "I do. My name is Luna. Do you remember me, my princess?" Luna asked hopefully. Her smile went into a frown as the girl shook her head. "No, I don't. What do you want? You aren't from the Dark Kingdom, are you?" "God, no! But that is why I'm here. You, Usagi, are the Moon Princess. You are here to fight Queen Beryl, for it is you that should rule. You cannot fight as the princess, and it is even more such that I don't know how to awaken her. "You must fight as Sailor Moon. Artemis and I created her, before he left. He is a cat, like I." "Sailor? I can't be a sailor! Sailors are outlawed." Usagi said incredously. "And you know why? A thousand years ago, a great battle occured and the warriors that fought were dressed as Sailors. The Sailor Senshi. You weren't one then, but you must be now." "I know this is insane, but I believe you, Luna." Usagi said, closing the closet door. "What should I do? I've never liked Beryl, anyway." "Take this." Luna did a backflip. Out of no- where, a gold locket appeared, dropping to the bunny bed-spread. "Hold it up and shout Moon Silver Power, Make up." "Okay." Usagi picked up the locket and looked at it's glossy cover. On it was a silver moon, a rose interwined along it's side. On the edge was many colorful symbols. She thrust it above her head. "MOON SILVER POWER MAKE UP!" She shouted. A flash of light blinded Luna. It was like all the light that had been hidden away came into the small room, encircling Usagi and lifting her up, as she danced in the light. It hid her body from view for the shortest of seconds. When the light left, Usagi was no more. A young warrior stood. She wore a Sailor Fuku with a skirt of shimmering gold. The bows were silver, sparkling with some unknown glitter. The locket was in the center of the bow on her chest. A silver tiara was on her forehead, and a dark violet gem inside it. "That is Sailor Moon." Luna whispered. The words gave her hope, and filled her with a giddish glee. "I feel... powerful." Sailor Moon said, looking at herself in wonder. "You are, or rather, will be the most powerful person in the planet. Come on, Sailor Moon. Let's go wake your guardians." *************************** "Study study study. That's all I ever do." Ami grumbled, as she pulled out a science book and took notes on Chapter 6, over the exciting topic of land masses! Joke, people. Joke. She was bored with life. Everyday, she woke up, brushed her teeth, ran a comb through her short blue hair, walked to school, then came home, and studying until bedtime. Everyday. "I've had it!" She slammed the book shut, stomped over to her window, and threw it open. She fell back on her bed, staring at the ceiling... not noticing how her eyes were slowing falling shut... ... ... ... "Ami! Wake up!" She came to, hearing her name whispered in front of her. "Luna, are you sure she's the one?" The voice asked. "Of course. You doubt me?" Another voice asked. "Yes!" "Wha?" Ami asked, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Slowly, a girl's figure came into view. Ami scooted back against the wall as she saw the sailor-ish costume. "Who are you?" She demanded. "A friend, Ami. Hurry, we need you. You are a warrior to fight against Beryl. Luna, do your freaky thing." The girl bent down and sat a black cat on the bed. "It's not, 'A freaky thing'. It's complex move that tears open space itself and rea--" Luna protested. "Whatever!" "You talk!?" Ami screeched, jumping up. "How do you talk?!" "I just *can*, okay?" Luna muttered, and did her backflip. A wand, blue ans silver in color with a delicate symbol on it's tip fell to the bed. "Go ahead, take it." the girl in the Sailor fuku urged. "Hold it up and yell, Mercury Prism Power Make up." the cat directed. Ami felt her hand, as though it had a life of it's own, inching it's way towards the stick. Sighing, she picked it up. It was a change. "MERCURY PRISM POWER MAKE UP!" She yelled, raising it above her head. The room was filled with a sudden draft. From the wand shot many ribbons of blue, each a different shade, but all had the same watery look to it. They wrapped themselves around Ami, and a flash of light made both Sailor Moon and Luna looked away. When they looked back, Sailor Mercury was gazing at the reflection in the mirror. "Is that really *me*?" She asked, voice full of wonder. "It sure is, Sailor Mercury. I'm Sailor Moon. Come on, there's one more of us to get." ****************************** 'Great Fire, please tell me what my visions mean.' Rei pleaded. For an instant, she saw five girls in Sailor Costumes, each one had a different meaning. One of them was fire. Just as suddenly, the vision broke away. Phobos and Diemos flew away from their positions beside her, squaking like mad. She couldn't feel anything. All of her went numb, and the image of the sailor clad girl that was fire flashed over and over in her mind. "What is it?" She asked. "I believe she's having visions. Sailor Mars was the physic one, you know." A female voice with a slight British accent made her spin around, her black raven hair just missing the tongues of flame. "What the...?" She asked. Two of the girls in her vision stood before her, accompanied by a cat. "Hello, Rei." The one that was mainly dressed in silver said. "I'm Sailor Moon." "You could have tried that with me." The one in blue grumbled. "You were asleep!" Sailor Moon retorted. "This is Sailor Mercury. We are here because--" "I'm supposed to fight. Yes, I know. I've been having these visions for a while, now." Rei got to her feet. "Ever since Beryl took over." "Then you know of the mission." The cat said. "I just know that Beryl is not supposed to be on that throne." Rei said. "And I'd like to help take it away from her." "Oo-kay." Sailor Moon handed her a red and silver pen. "We already made Luna give it to us. It saves time." She explained. "Say Mars Prism Power Make Up." Luna said. "MARS PRISM POWER MAKE UP!" The world exploded in fire. *********************** "Do we just pick off a youma?" Mars asked. They were crouched in the shadows, watching the youma go by. There was just usually one at a time, maybe two, at most. "I guess. Send them a warning, or something." Mercury said, unsure. "Come on. There's one right there." Sailor Moon pointed to one that was coming up the street. "Okay. Instant death, here we come." Mercury muttered as Sailor Moon jumped out of their hiding spot. The youma jumped, startled, and then recognized the fuku. "How dare you impersonate a senshi, you teenage brat." It growled. "How dare *you* call me a brat." Sailor Moon said. "And who's impersonating, you DNA mistake? "For Love and Justice, a pretty soldier in a sailor suit, Sailor Moon! I punish you in the name of the Moon!" She said. Mars and Mercury came out and stood behind her, Mars to her right and Mercury to her left. "For love and justice, I am Sailor Mercury!" "In the name of Mars, I am Sailor Mars!" The introduced themselves. The youma had taken a step back. "You are in violation of Act 45, part 6. Your punishment is Death." It said in a shaking voice. "Oh, really?" Mars asked. "What a pity. I'm afraid we won't go quietly. MARS SPIRALING VORTEX!" She shouted. A huge funnel of fire appeared in her hands, which she threw at the youma. "Ahh!" The youma screamed, and was blown back, singed and burned. "AQUA HALLUCINATION WHIRL!" Mercury spuna around, like a dancer, water collecting in a rainbowy mass abover her head. She pointed one finger in the air. The mass solidfied into a sphere. She pointed at the youma. It had no time to dodge. It was trapped in a block of ice. "My turn!" Sailor Moon said. She pulled out a staff that was just a few inches shorter than she. A gold crescent moon was at the top, everngy sparkling in it's center. "Moon Lovely Rainbow Kiss." She said, and pointed the staff at the helpless youma. It exploded into dust. "Somehow, I think we caught that one off guard. They aren't always going to be this easy." Mars said thoughtfully. "I know. But this is their warning." A cold glint was in Sailor Moon's eye. *********************** A girl lay asleep in her bed, blankets over her head. Unbeknownst to her, a snake, with a unique symbol on it's hood, slithered toward her bed, climbing up the bed post until it hovered over the girl. Venom dripped from it's razor sharp fangs. But it did not bite. It just hovered there, as a shadow grew. A shadow of a woman. The girl sat up, her face hidden by the shadows. A silent scream of terror tried to escape her throat. "Beware of the dark... the shadows are near..." A woman's voice echoed. "What do you want?" The girl asked. A knife was in the hand of the woman. Lightning blazed outside the window. No thunder. The room was lit up in burning slendor for a brief second, lighting the woman's face. Her hair was the darkest of browns, long, and flowing. Her eyes were purple, filled with sadness and regret. She wore a senshi fuku. "I am so sorry." She whispered. No words escaped her throat, but the girl on the bed sensed her thoughts. "Whatever for?" The girl asked. "Run. What was true is now a lie. What was a lie is now true. Beryl does not know of you yet, but soon truths shall be revealed. "I gave my life to change the future. My soul haunts the dreams of the damned. I am here to tell you... beware. The Dark is upon us all. You are one of a team. Fight, please, fight. "I thought it would be different, but I was wrong." The woman said, a tear tracing down her cheek. "Who are you?" The girl asked, scared out of her wits. "I was a senshi." "Who am I?" "That is yet to be determined. Only you can decide that." "What can I do? I'm just a girl..." "Beware the Dark. It is a snake... ready to bite..." The woman faded from view. The girl spun around, coming face to face with the cobra. Once more, the room was lit with the fire of lightning. The girl was Usagi. The cobra struck just as the thunder roared. ******************** Usagi woke up, a scream stuck in her throat, drenched in sweat. Luna slept on. A thunder storm was at it's peak, rain beating against the wondow like a drum. Usagi stared at the wall. It was like someone had flipped a switch in her brain. It had been off, closed to the horrors. Closed to the pains and terror of the rebels. Closed off like an innocent child's. She had not looked around. When they told her to close her eyes, she had. No more. It was on. Everything that she had once found safe and secure was gone. Her hand went up to grasp the locket around her neck. It made her feel safe. She loved that feeling. She realized, that for the last three years, she had not felt that. Beware of the Dark. The words echoed in her thoughts. "It was just a dream, Usagi. Get over it." She said, taking deep breaths. She threw away the quilt, as the room had suddenly grew hot. She wrapped up in the top-sheet, and threw her hand over the pillow to fluff it up. Her hand hit something sticky. She sprang up, searching, reaching for her lamp's switch. Light flooded the room, making her feel just a bit better. Slowly, she turned to the pillow. She excepted to see the blue pillowcase. She saw red. Blood soaked her pillow. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" ********************************* "Usagi?!" Luna sprang up. Usagi blinked. The red was gone, replaced by the pillowcase. The door burst open, her mother and father running in. "Usagi? What's wrong?" Ikuko asked. "Nothing, Mom." Usagi forced a smile. "Bad dreams, I guess. I'll be fine." She noticed her hands were shaking. "Oh." Kenji tried to sooth his pumping heart. Visions of youmas had seeped into his mind when he heard the scream. "Well, get to sleep, Hime-chan." he said. "Night-night." Ikuko gave her shaken daughter one last glance before turning off the light and closing the door. Luna pounced on her protegee. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Luna, there is something bad going on... where the hell did I put that damn communicator..." Usagi picked up the pink object. Luna noticed how the girl trembled as she hit the button that summonded Mars. After about three minutes, a very sleepy and cranky Rei picked it up. "Wha is ith?" She mumbled. "Rei, get to your fire thingie! Now! Don;t look at me like that. Ask it about the youma." Rei muttered a few 'adjectives' and the screen went black. Usagi heard mumbling, and saw a blaze of orange. Rei picked it back up, pale and no longer asleep. "Usagi, call Ami. They're doing a raid." Rei said. *************************************************** There's part one!! Hope you like! Rose