Black Dawn Lady of the Black Rose ~*~*~*~*~*~ Heyyas! Here's part five. I hope you like! Sailor Moon ain't mine, ppl!! ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Seiya?" Sailor Moon's surprised gasp hit home. The three starlights stared at her. "Huh?" Fighter's mouth hung open. "Oh, my god! I thought you were a man, but um, well, geez! I thought all of you were!" She gasped. "Huh?" This time, all three of the starlights joined in. "I see it now. Yaten, Taiki and Seiya! This is so weird. You really looked like guys. Seriously. I was thinking how much you looked like my ex-boyfriend! Geez!" Sailor Moon said. Sinato was getting bored. He was going to grab Sailor Moon's arm, and then he looked at her for the first time. His mouth dropped open. "Wow." He muttered. Long, slender legs, an immpossibly small waist, large bust, the most gorgeously thick silver hair, eyes that were full of life-- His eyes looked her over. She was a Goddess. Truly. "That reminds me. Who are you?" Sailor Moon turned, while the Starlights were in their shocked stage. "Uh-oh." Fighter said. "Princess! Come on!" Sinato grabbed her arm, and they ran, starlights right behind them. They ducked into an alley and avoided the crowd. "*gasp gasp* They like us either way, *gasp* that's an ego boost." Healer said. "You are Seiya, right?" Sailor Moon asked Fighter. "Uh, um, er." Fighter murmured. Maker shrugged. "Who are you?" Sinato asked. His hand went to the sword hilted at his waist. "Yes! I'm Seiya!" Seiya dehenshined. Sailor Moon's eyes bugged out as she watched her waist become thicker, shoulders broader, hips slimmer. Her bust shrank, face changed slightly. "You are a guy! But.... how?" Her face was red. Maker and Healer powered down as well. Sinato was shocked as well. "Well, we don't really know-- well, we do, but--" Taiki mumbled. Sailor Moon nodded. She then realized that the other man, the one she did not know, put his arm around her shoulders. She drew back. She spun around to face him. Sinato admired her courage. Full grown warriors had backed down to him, but this girl was unlike anyone he had ever seen. A starnge, powerful aura was cast around her, that was barely withheld. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Who are you?" She asked. Sinato ignored the urge to rolled his eyes and knelt before her. Her mouth went open in surprise. "I am Star Warrior Sinato. Sailor PLuto sent me to protect you, Princess." He said. "Number one, stand up. Number two, don't all me princess. My name is Usagi." She powered down. He stood up and had a hard time controlling himself. She was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. Endymion was lucky. "I'm supposeing you'll be staying with me, Sinato?" She asked. He nodded. "Well, you want to get out of that armor, first." "What's that?!" Sinato asked, pointing to the sky. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "ARG! Haven't you found her yet? Geesh!" Mamoru paced back and forth. "Hold your horses!" Ami snapped. Three straight days with no sleep was getting to all of them. Usagi's family had cops searching everywhere, but if Ami couldn't find her, no one could. "Hey, ya know, we could always make a really big chocolate cake and put it outside. She'd be here in a flash." Makoto mused. "Might work." Minako said. Mmaoru glared at them. "Oh. My. God." Rei's shocked voice floated in from Mamoru's living room. They all rushed. She was staring at the TV. "What?!" Minako asked. "Is that-- Am I seeing-- Jesus--" She stuttered. They crowded to see the TV screen. A short video clip was being shown. Of a girl in a Sailor Fuku. Sailor Moon. Three other new senshi were behind her, as well as a man that whisked her off. A very HANDSOME man. Mamoru growled. "Where?!" Makoto asked, raising her transformation pen. Minako did the same. Ami was typing into her computer. Rei and Ami answered their question at the same time. "America." ~*~*~*~*~*~ "YOU FAILED!" Metalia roared. The cavern shook with her rage. Codir shank back, in fear. "It was Sailor Moon and her senshi, my queen." "Sailor MOON?! YOU WERE DEFEATED BY THAT PATHETIC MOON TWIT?!" "Um, yes?" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRR!" Metalia threw a bolt of energy at him. He dodged it, just barely. "I have another idea for energy, my queen. And we did get quite a bit from that crowd before she arrived." Codir tried to calm her down. "WHY IS THAT BRAT IN AMERICA?! SHE"S SUPPOSED TO BE IN TOKYO!! WITH THOSE OTHER FREAK SENSHI!!" Metalia yelled. Codir whinced. Loud, ppl. Loud. "Well, the other senshi you warned us about were not there. It was just her and three senshi we have no reocrds on." Codir said. Metalia stopped fuming and looked at him with suuden interest. "No senshi?" She asked, leaning forward. "Yes. Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and/or Sailor Venus did not show up. Not even Tuxedo Kamen. We did, however, detect their energy in Japan. Not with Sailor Moon's." Codir said, taking a step back. Metalia's look of interest was scary. "Really? Why, she's broken up her band! She is not nearly so powerful without them! Yes!" Metalia exclaimed. "Carry on with your plans, Codir. Thank you for that little fact. You may use Youma Xeuinous." The general's eyes brightened at the mention of one of the most powerful youma they had. And he had the perfect plan for it, too. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "What's what?!" Sailor Moon turned around. All she saw was the darkiening nght sky. Sinato pointed to the moon. The Lights and Sailor Moon rolled their eyes. "The moon?" Seiya asked. "You've never seen the moon?" Taiki looked shocked. "I've been on the moon!" Sinato snapped. That has no energy coming from it. It cannot be the Moon." He said, looking at Sailor Moon, who dehenshined and hung her head. "You don't know. They didn't tell you." She said softly. That caught all four of the men's atentions. "What do you mean?" Sinato asked. "A thousand years ago, Sinato, the moon as you know it was destroyed. Everything. My palace, all the planetary palaces, destroyed. Queen Beryl, of the nega-verse, attacked us. We lost the senshi and Endymion in her anger. I killed myself for the pain of Endy's death was to much. Mother saw and-- she used the crystal. To full strength. Beryl, not defeated, was weakened and thrown back into the caverns. Mother sent all of us to the future, where we were reborn. Here." Usagi said softly. "I killed Beryl, when she attacked again and Luna was forced to revive us. The senshi regrouped. The outer senshi have no clue of us but do know of themselves. Sailor Saturn has not been found nor revived. I fled from Tokyo under Pluto's command and am here. The senshi are probably going crazy, but my mission is here. Endymion is there also." She said. Sinato's eyes widened with shock. "The Silver Alliance?" He asked. "Lost. When the moon died, as it did with my mother, the other planets lost their magic and slowly died away. Only a few were able to escape. Everyone was killed. I am sorry." "Okay, now this has been a VERY interesting day, so how about we go to the Jayqyth and you and muscle man can catch up, okay? Our limo's around there." Yaten said. Usagi nodded. ~*~*~*~*~*~* Heyyas! Again! That's part five, ladeda. I hope you like the story, so far. Any suggestions, comments, flames, etc, go to me, at . Ja ne! *dodges the watermelon that is thrown her way* WHO KEEPS THROWING STUFF ME?! AHHH! -Lady of the Black Rose