Black Dawn Lady of the Black Rose ~*~*~*~*~*~ Heyyas peeps! Yuppers, I'm back! Hey! Stop running away! PLez?! Well, here's part 6. Yippee. As you might have guessed, Sailor Moon isn't mine BUT, Sinato is! Hehe!! *Tomato makes a direct hit in face* OUCHIES!! ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Hold on. America? As in NORTH AMERICA? As in, 30 bazillion miles away?!" Makoto stormed. "Not 30 bazillion miles, but yes, America." AMi answered, her voice and eyes distant. "HOW DID SHE GET TO AMERICA?!" Luna yelled. "Usako? IN America? With another guy?" Mamoru looked none too happy. "Oo boy! We get to go to the US! Yippee!" Minako shouted, grabbing Artemis and dancing around the room with him, humming. "Where-- OW-- exactly --MINAKO! -- in America -- OUCHY!-- Ami-chan?" Artemis asked, as Minako continued to swing him around, occasionaly hitting him with the wall and/or tables. "Hold on-- I'm pinpointing-- AMi said, as Rie continued to watch the TV. "Eastern-- New England-- Bo--" "BOSTON, for the love of Kami! Duh, Ami- chan. Watch the TV, for once." Rei rolled her eyes. "Let's go! JUPITER STAR POWER M--" "Hold on!" Luna interrupted her. "We may not have enough power to teleport so far." "Well how are we suppose to get there?" Ami asked. "If I concentrate my energy we SHOULD have enough. I hope slash think." Mamoru said, holding up his crystal rose thingie and henshined into Tuxie Boy. "Alright then. And if we can't teleport, we won't go anywhere, right? Luna? RIGHT?" Minako asked. "Well-- yes, or..." "Or what?" Makoto asked. "We'll end up in the middle of the ocea--" "Okay!" Rei said, before Luna could finished her sentense. "MARS STAR POWER MAKE UP!" "VENUS STAR POWER MAKE UP!" "MERCURY STAR POWER MAKE UP!" "JUPITER STAR POWER MAKE UP!" And the world seemed to disappear to them as the power of the planets flashed. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Oooo-kay." Yaten said uncertainly. Usagi had just told them the whole story of the Silver Millenium, minus about the part were she was princess, start to finish. The sun had just been setting as she started, sitting indian style on the floor of Seiya's hotel room, Sinato and the light gathered around her on the sofa and chairs. Taiki was surprised to see the inky blackness that lay outside the window. "All those people--" Sinato was also staring out the window, his gaze fixed on the lifeless gray orb. "I'm so sorry, Usagi." Seiya leaned over and hugged her. She stiffened, and he pulled away. "What about your fiance? Endynion, was it?" "Endymion-- and he's not here." Usagi said, a mask coming down on her face. Seiya sensed he had struck a nerve. "But PLuto said I wasn't allowed to--" Sinato stopped. Not the perfect thing to tell the princess, epecially if the prince WAS gone. "Pluto gave me the immpression he was alive, Usagi." He ammended. She gave him a long, cool glare. "I say what I mean." She said, after a long silence. She looked away. "I'm going to go see what my rooms look like." She said, and stood up. She walked out the door, and then turned. "You're welcome to join me, unless you want to stay with the lights." She said to Sinato. "My job is to protect you." He said, and followed her. After they had both left Yaten turned to Seiya. "Wow. What a story." "I believe it." Taiki said. "Only 18 and to have seen so much." "She's beautiful." Seiya murmured. "Hm? What?" Yaten asked. "Nothing." ~*~*~*~*~*~ 'She is so gorgeous.' Sinato thought, as e watched the sleeping girl. She slept fitfully, sleeping but not resting. 'I wonder if she was telling the truth about Endymion. Why would Setsuna tell me *hands off* if he wasn't here?' He asked himself, sitting down in a chair. 'He *is* here. That's why she won't let Seiya touch her. Seiya looks like the Prince, and if I already knew he wasn't Endymion, I'd say he was. But she knew he wasn't. So she knows where the Prince is.' He concluded. "Mamo-chan..." She whispered, and turned over in her sleep. "No... no leave..." She mumbled into the pillow. Sinato raised an eyebrow. He settled into the chair, and was just driftly off to sleep... BANG BANG BANG! ~*~*~*~*~*~ The end. Of the story. JUST KIDDING! ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Ahh!" Usagi lept out of bed. Sinato turned away from her, blushing at her choice of sleeping wear-- a not-so-long t-shirt. He himself was in a pair of boxers, loaned to him by Taiki. All in all, it was a VERY suggestive picture. Usagi grabbed a robe. The loud knocking came again. Sinato stood up as Usagi went to the door. She pulled it open, not stopping to look and see who it was. And the moment she pulled it open, she wished for all the world she had. "Am-- Sailor Mercury!" She gasped. Sinato didn't know whether to relax or tense. Usagi pulled Mercury in and slammed the door shut, locking it's several locks. "Princess Ami." Sinato acknowledged, before sitting down again. "Usagi-chan! Where have you been?" AMi asked in Japanese. Sinato understood her. "Right here. Where are the others?" Usagi asked, running to shut the blinds. "Looking all over Boston for you." Mercury said. "And who... are... you...." She blushed as she looked at SInato. "Sinato. Pleased to meet you. Again." He added, under his breath. "Ami, you can't tell them were I'm at! Please? I am begging you! I have to stay away from Mamo-cha-- Mamoru-san." Usagi said. "You're crazy. He's been going mad looking for you. And has Rei." "Meow! Mercury, did you find her?" Luna's voic came from the outside of the door. Usagi looked imploringly at Sailor Mercury, who bit her lip in thought. "Um, no-- Luna. I'm just, um, er scanning to see if she was here--- and yup! She was-- but she-- er, left!" Mercury lied. Sinato rolled his eyes. He'd seen a parrot who could lie better. "Um, okay. I'll tell the others." Luna said. "Arigato, Ami!" Usagi hugged her. "Mamoru is not going to be happy about you, that's for sure." Mercury said, dehenshining. "I'm not going to be happy about what?" ~*~*~*~*~*~ The delima! The suspense! What will Mamo-chan do to the handsome Sinato? Or Seiya? Let's find out! I'm so evil. *SPLAT* THAT'S IT! NEXT TOMATO, NO FIC! *Watermelon comes flying her way* Arg. Rose @>-;--