Black Dawn Black Rose. ~*~*~*~*~*~* Detications!! I have to deticate this to my sis, Jen, and her friends. This also goes out to Meghan, Miss J., Meara, and Lady Triumph. Thanx!! ^_~ Heyyas, heyyas. How did you like all the parts last week? Good? Uh-huh. I've been hording those up for a while. Just like I have been with Hauntings. But of course, no one's READING THAT ONE! Anyways, here's part 9. And don't you feel sorry for Usagi and Seiya? That much embarassment in one night, and more to come! WoooHooo! Bring out the popcorn! P.S. Sailor Moon isn't mine. SINATO IS! YEAH! I *GO*! *Large passionfruit comes flying from audience.* A passionfruit? Man, you guys are getting paranoid. ~*~*~*~*~*~ It was almost a week later, and everyday they saw Minako and Makoto, who knew a litte of the finer details. This one time, Minako had had more than enough Surge and had been asking very *ahem* PERSONAL questions about Usagi's and Seiya's relationwship. After a few hours of unscathed teased and outright embarassment, Usagi and Seiya were able to escape. Sinato had sided out about half an hour ago after MInako began circling him again. They ran for a mile and slowed down to a walk, breathing hard. They didn't say anything. Usagi was okay with that. She was going through her mind, double checking every spell and and making sure, three times at least, she had the cloaking spell on. That one had gotten her into trouble twice. Well, actually, if you counted the Silver Millenium, it would be around.... give or a take a few... and that one time... 6...7...8... 9,392,847 times. That's just a rough estimate. "You have some freaky friends, Usa." Seiya said, breaking the silence. "You're one to talk!" "Uh-hmm. Why do you worry about Mamoru seeing us? If it's off..." Seiya asked. "It is! Don't you dare suggest I'm lying, or cheating, Seiya Kou! It just, well, if you knew him, you'd know what I am talking about. He is a very determined man. You have something he wants. And when someone has something he wants, he gets it. No matter what." 'Especially after he breaks up with you and goes out and gets drunk his his goddamn self-pity.' "Don't I stand a good chance?" "Against him? Maybe... not. But if I'm on your side...." "And you're not?" Seiya stopped walking and turned to face her. A smile was on his face. "You just got me into a huge mess with two of my best friends!" "I apologize deeply, my beautiful princess." Seiya said, mock bowing. "Flattery isn't going to get you any where, Mr. Kou." Usagi said, putting her hands on her hips. "Oh really?" Seiya leaned forward and kissed her. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "He's been gone a while." Yaten said, drumming his fingers on the table. "Are you *worried*?" Taiki sounded scandilized. "Shuddup before I kick your sorry a--- Sinato! Where's Seiya?" Yatne pounced on a breathless Sinato. "Run." he breathed. "Run?" Taiki and Yaten both look at each other, confused. "Why?" You see, with all the uproar over the senshi, they had forgot just who they were. "AHHHH! THERE THEY ARE!! YATEN! TAIKI! EEKKK!" A whole mob of screaming and squealing girls turned the corner of the lobby. "RUN!" Yaten shrieked. They ran out of the hotel and down the road. "Why.... am.... I.... running.... too?" Sinato gasped. "Because.... we.... need.... three... people..." Taiki answered. "Where... is... Seiya...?" Yaten asked, whipping his head around to see that the mob was close on his heels. He sped up. "With... two... senshi... and... Usagi... " "Senshi?!" Taiki and Yaten asked. "Yeah." Sinato said. "That corner." He said. They turned a sharp right and stopped dead in their tracks at what they saw. The mob staopped too and puilled out cameras. A few disappointed sighs came from the crowd. Right there, in front of them, was Seiya and Usagi, in a very passionate lip-lock. "WHAT THE FU-- Meow. Meow." A black cat with a white one behind it was hidden in the shadows. The black one was having nothing short of a heart attack. Two figures, one yellow, one green, jumped down. All this went unnoticed to the *ahem* pair. "Alright, people, let's move before I lose it." Jupiter growled. The crowd backed off a few steps before running off. "Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Tsukino Usagi! What do you think you are doing?!" The cat exploded. Taiki and Yaten both stared at it. "It talks?" "Yes, that's Luna. You must be his brothers. Healer and Maker." Venus stuck out her hand. "Call me V-chan." She said to Yaten. "Usagi! Usagi? Hello? Um... er... late for school?.... no..... Usagi! There's Mamoru!" Artemis yelled. Usagi and Seiya pulled away. "Where! Ack!" Usagi shrieked. Then she saw Venus. Blushed. Jupiter. About not quite ripe strawberry-red. Sinato. Taiki. Yaten. Tomato-red. Seiya wasn't much better. Luna and Artemis. She paled whiter than a ghost. Cats. For the last nine days she had lived in mortal fear of cats. And now, bright and center stage, Luna and Artemis! "Um, er, hi, uh, Luna, and er, Artemis." She said weakly, hiding behind Seiya. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, YOUNG LADY?!" Luna shrieked. "Um, well..." Usagi said. "Luna, chill, okay?" Artemis soothed Luna, who began breathing deeply. "Occupied, huh? You were occupied? Yeah, you look pretty occupied a few seconds ago." Sinato crossed his arms over his chest. "Er......" Usagi's face went back to tomato red and ducked behind Seiya, who looked like he wanted to hide, too. "Usagi, we really just want to know why you left, that's all. Oh, yeah. And why you broke up with Mamoru. And why you aren't human." Artemis said. Luna nodded. "And why you were kissing Seiya, of the three lights! Ohmigod, why didn't I RECOGNIZE YOU BEFORE?!" Venus began jumping up and down with glee. "yeah! You GO Usagi-chan!" "Sorry about V, Usagi. Surge." Jupiter shook her head. "When I'm queen, we outlaw it." ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Luna! Artemis!" Usagi called to the cats while Minako and Makoto interogated the Lights and Sinato. "Usa-chan, why did you run?" Luna asked. "Luna, I had to. I have to stay away from Mamoru, those are my direct orders from Mother. But please, tell the senshi you made a mistake. Don't tell them who I am." "What do you mean?" Artemis asked. "You don't know?" "Know what? We know you're immortal because you joined souls with Princess Serenity." Luna answered. "No, no. I am not just that. Since my mother has died and my brothers and sisters have perished, I am now the Goddess Selene, also known as Artemis, sole ruler of the heavens, Queen of the Earth and the Moon." Usagi said, giving the whole shi-bang. "WHAT?!" Luna screeched. "I'll never understand why they named you after me, Artemis." Usagi studied the white cat. "What. Do. You. Mean?" Luna said, taking a deep breath in between words. "Mother, by legend, was called Leta. You remember my brother, right, Luna? Apollo? Surely you remember that myth. There are a few. Setsuna gave me the anchient records-- quite a few of the greeks were right-- but Hera? Come on. She wasn't like that. She was so soft and gullible!" Usagi smiled. "I never thought to put the two together, Usagi-chan." Artemis said. "Duh duh duh duh duh!" Luna hit her head against the pavement. "Why didn't I GET it? Duh!" "Stop that before you give yourself brain damage." Minako scolded as she walked over and picked Artemis up. "We need to get Ami and Taiki together. They'd *love* each other." Makoto whined. "Yaten is so kawaii!" Minako giggled, whispering. "Uh-huh. Sinato is!" Makoto protested. "Yaten!" "Sinato!" "Get a grip, you two!" Usagi stamped her foot. "Do you realize, that if Rei, or even worse, Ami and Mamoru, tracked you here?! They'd find me! Rei would be bad enough, but MAMORU?! That's like, ordering Seiya to EXECUTION!" "Rei's bad enough, ne?" A red figure slaunter from the shadows. Usagi turned around and paled. "You're that other girl that saved my rear." Seiya said. Mars nodded, not taking her eyes off the silver-haired Usagi. "Konbanwa, Rei-chan." Minako winked. "It turns-out-Usagi-has-been-staying-with-THE-CUTEST guys!-This-is-Sinato,-ya-know-the-first-one-Mamo- san-wants-ta-kill,-and*deep breath*Seiya-KOU,-of- the-three-Lights,-the-other-one.-Ya-know,-Hot-Lips? Well,-this is Yaten*deep breath*-KOU-and-Taiki-KOU. We-need-to-get-Ami-hooked-up-with-Taiki,-cuz-they- would-*love*-each-other,*deep breath*-and-dontcha- love-Usagi's-hair?-Yeah,-people-can't-mix-me-and- her-up-anymore-and--" "Can it already!" Mars interuppted Minako's mile a minute speech. Seiya and Usagi were both red. "So, I didn't get a good look at you before." Rei winked at Usagi while looking at Seiya. "Heh heh, hey, Rei-chan. Sup?" Usai said, weakly. "I'm wondering a few things, but I'm mainly wanting to tell you that Mercury has a lock on you, and last time I talked to her she was about half a mile away-- making them-- they'd be about..." "Right here." A frigid voice seemed to feel all the silent void. Usagi froze. Seiya ducked behind Makoto, and Sinato hid behind a bunch of garbage cans. "Oh, shit." She muttered under her breath. "Usagi! OMIGODS! Where have you *been*? And what's up with your hair? I've missed you SO much!!" Mercury nearly strangled Usagi with a bear hug. "Usako..." Tuxedo Kamen started. "No no no! I'm not your's anymore! How many *times* do I *have* to tell you that!?" Usagi stomped her foot. "You went way too far, Chiba Mamoru! Setsuna told me all about it and let me tell you--" She was in his face, practicly, yelling. "I have never in my LIFE seen such-- such- - ABOMINATION!" A painful memory returned. "I DON'T CARE HOW LONG AGO IT WAS, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" ~Flash~~ It was the middle of the night, the first night she spent in the hotel. Sailor PLuto appeared silently, missing a vase by centimeters. She woke Usagi up quietly, not waking Sinato. A portal opened and Usagi stepped through it, Pluto following. "What is it now, Puu?" Usagi asks, worried and annoyed. "I just talked with your mother-- she agrees we should show you one of the main reasons that we made you leave Mamoru." Setsuna looks sad as a mirror appears in front of Usagi. "it is your choice to see." "I would like to know why Mother seems to dispise him so suudenly." Usagi agrees. Pluto frowns and a beam flies from her staff, which she has pointed to the mirror. An image appears. Usagi watches for fifteen minutes in indescibable horror. At last, she summoned up the will to push the mirror from her, a dry sob escapes her lips. "I'm so sorry, my Princess." Pluto says. "But if you will remember, he was heart-broken and he was drunk. And that woman seduced him into it." "It does not matter, Setsuna. Please take me home." ~~End Flash~~ "AND you know what else?! You didn't even KNOW her!! That tells me what kind of a person you are!" Usagi turned away, half running. She stopped, grabbed Seiya's wrist, and stomped away from the whole group. "What did you do?" Minako asked, speaking for everyone there. "I- I don't know." Mamoru was totally baffled. 'What could I have done... oh, no..." A slip of a memory returned to him. Makoto saw his face pale. Mercury had already figured it out as Makoto slowly put the pieces together. "OH MY GOD! Mamoru, you DIDN'T!" She gasped. "I-- was drunk-- and it was while I broke it off--" He stuttered. It dawned on Minako. "NO WONDER!" She yelled, and ran after Usagi's disappearing form. "Mamoru-san, how could you hurt her like that?" Rei asked. "If I know Serenity like I think I do, it's going to be a few years before she even calms down, let alone forgives you, Prince Endymion." Sinato said. "I'm glad we don't have to put up with this, Taiki." Yaten sweatdropped. "I don't know-- that was very wrong of you, Mamoru-san, even if you were drunk-- it will be a while before she can come to terms with it-- Seiya will have bagged her by then-- but hurting him will only further destroy whatever faith she has in you." Taiki spoke to the paled man. "I just don't know." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "She is angry." A floating, whispery voice said. "She is sad." A different one, but not unlike the first, said. "The time for blood is nearly here." Another replied. "The warrior she is with must protect her." The first answered. "But it may not be enough..." The secnd voice worried. "Sisters, our Queen will triumph, as she has before. And this time she has an advantage, as her immortality has been restored." A stronger, forth voice seemed to declare. A small light shines through the blackness, and four women are visible. one, with straight brown hair and grey eyes, two, had eyes that shone with many colors and blondish hair. Three had hair that drifted and moved like the seas, and her eyes were blue in colour. The last had hair of wheat-coloured blonde and eyes of spring grass. "I call my body forth, for I am Athena!" The gray-eyed one, The Goddess of Wisdom and Battle, whispered. "I call my body forth, for I am Hebe!" The one with multi-colored eyes twisted as her form, the goddess of Youth, became visible. "I call my body forth, for I am Iris!" The Goddess of the Seasons called. "And I call my body forth for I am Demeter!" The last, the Goddess of All living things, beckoned. "Pool our energies... give her power..." Hebe laughed. They began to glow with different hues and then, the colors melded togther and shot up out of sight. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Arg! That-that bastard!" Usagi hit the wall. Her fist went through it. She grolwed again and pulled it out. "Usagi, um, that's not a good idea, because the hotel people might get mad-- ya know?" Seiya said, quietly. He had never seen Usagi like this. "I don't care what they think! Do you *know* what he did?" She was in histerics. She fell back, sitting on the bed. Seiya walked over and sat down beside her, putting a comforting arm around her shaking shoulders as she sobbed. "It's okay--" "No! It's not okay! He cheated on me, Seiya. Went to a bar and picked up a girl he never saw before, didn't even ask her *name*, and... and..." She began crying. "Oh, I'm so sorry..." he felt anger towards this man, who had harmed Usagi in this way. "Ack..." Usagi fell back, seemingly dead, as many different colored beams poured into her. ~*~*~*~*~*~ And we have chapter nine. --Rose. ~The more things change, the more they remain the same.~ --Alphonse Karr