Black Dawn Black Rose ~**~ Iris: Well... I figure they've got to get tired... and besides, Rose has been hit one too many times with Suna's Dead Scream. Surely one of them has to go down... Rose: Rahaha! I am the invincible Sailor Rose! Die, evil senshi who wants to take MY MAN! Setsuna: Sailor Rose? Hehehe... yeah, Zoisite in disguise.... hehe.... *throws kumquats* Rose: Rose Power Make up! Setsuna and Iris stare in amazment as Rose really does transform into a sailro scout. Setsuna: This was unexpected. Iris: No kidding. Rose: Rose Petal Blur! *She throws a really big rose petal at Setsuna, who blows it up with her dead scream. Iris: This is rediculous. Absolutely rediculous. Before I have to torture you guys any further by letting you see this, here's the story. ~**~ Usagi paced back and forth between the bed and her wall, wondering what she should do. Everything had been revealed, and the sight of the bloody moon was still giving her heeby jeebies. But now, she had no... well... uh, she still had a reason, but now it seemed irrelevent. If Metalia was at the root of all this, then she would still have a certain ahem... control over him. Not to that extent, but so she could pplace memories and a mirage.... It was the only thing she could thing of. Call her delusional. "Oh, I don't know what to do!" She exclaimed at last. Pacing sure wasn't helping. She had to think about everything like a calm, rational adult. As if! "Usagi?" A voice floated up from her communicator. "Usagi, are you alsleep?" "No, Minako. What's up?" "Well, we've sort of got a lot of youma here... and we don't really know what to uh, do... because they've got civilians hostage... and well..." "You're joking." "No." Usagi let out a string of curses, some a little past unprintable. MInako went pale, and she bit her lip. "I'll be there in a minute. I want *everyone* there. NOW. You guys had better be together, de-henshined. I don't care if you have to sit on top of Makoto!" Calm down, Usagi. Come on, girl. No time to be blowing up. "Even Tuxedo Kamen?" What the hell. "Yup." "Alright-y...." MInako's face disappeared. "I hate Metalia, I hate Metalia, I hate Metalia..." Usagi shook her head, and pulled out Apollo's Sword, and rasied it in the air. A bolt of lightning fell from the sky... ~**~ "SHE SAID WHAT?!" Makoto screamed. Mamoruand Sinato were having a hard time keeping her henshin stick away from her. "Not to fight..." Minako repeated in a very small voice. "GIVE ME THAT WAND!" She went after Sinato again, but just as her hands found his throat, he tossed it to Mamoru. "Alright, fine." She stopped in her tracks, looking very calm. Mamoru looked confused. Didn't she want her wand? "Oh, no! Her other wand!" Ami screamed, just as Makoto whipped out her other henshin stick. It may not have as much power, but, by golly, it worked. "Jupiter Power Make up!" She called, and the senshi watched in horror as she henshined. "Usagi's going to kill us." Rei whispered to Yaten, who gulped. "Hhmmm, let's see?" Jupiter put her hands in position. "Sparkling Wide Pressure!" She screamed, throwing the bolt at the side of the alley, stopping it just before it hit. "That's a good thing," She declared as she let the thunder disappear. "If we ever loose one henshin stick, we can always use the other." "Oh, yeah. Wonderful. But if you go out there, Jupiter, we will try to stop you." Rei said. Sinato shook his head wildly. Not him! He'd had one to many encounters with an angry senshi, and wasn't about to do it again. "Alright. Henshin yo!" A voice yelled from above. They looked up to see Artemis (warrior) on the roof above them. "Well, come on. Mercury Star Power--" "No!" Artemis interupted. She wearily jummped down into the midst of them. "What?" Ami asked, confused. "Pluto has told me that your powers are that so that you can power up. Take your wands, and yell Crystal Power Make up." "Are you sure?" Jupiter asked, dehenshining. "Positive." "Alright. Mercury Crystal Power Make up!" "Venus Crystal Power Make up!" "Mars Crystal Power Make up!" "Jupiter Crystal Power Make up!" The four innner senshi watched in amazment as their wands melted awayfrom their hands, and a new wand appeared, the hands shaped something like a pair of wings, and the top a ball, with their respective symbol inside. "And now, you guys. Sorry, I can't do anything about your transformations." She motioned widely to the guys, and doing something she hadn't done in a very long while, she actually looked at Mamoru. The transformed senshi didn't know how to take this. Neither did Mamoru. He pulled out his rose and henshined, trying not to think about the flood of emotions that had come in that gaze. Mostly anger. But there was other emotions. Sorrow. Longing. Love. Tears. Frustration. More Anger. "This rocks!" Jupiter said, inspecting her uniform. "Yeah, well. We've got enemies to reckon with." Artemis gave them a flippant smile. ~**~ "Alright, Nega-sleeze. I've got a lot of things to do a thousand times better than fight you. So, let's get this over with. In the name of the moon, I'll punish you." Artemis stepped from the alley, her senshi behind her. Tuxedo Kamen somewhere, ready to drop in if things got nasty. "It's about time!" The head youma rasped. "Oh, get over it." Jupiter stepped forward. "Jupiter Oak Revolution!" She sent her new attack at it, it being the only one without a hostage in it's clutches. It exploded into dust. "Let the people go." Artemis said coldly. "Never!" Another youma shouted at her. Venus was about to blow it to smitherines, but Arteis shook her head. She mumbled something under her breath, and the people simply vanished, only to reappear about half a block away. "Now..." She ordered, stumbling. Fighter caught her. "Are you alright?" She asked, concerned. "Yeah. I'm fine. Go help the others." "Okay." Fighter left, as she watched the battle. The teleportation took a lot out of her. "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" "Mars Flaming Sniper!" "Mercury Aqua Rhaspody!" "Star Senstive Inferno!" "Star Gentle Uterus!" "Star Serious Laser!" Where once stood about twenty youma, ten were left. Sinato was fihgting another, and the rest fell under the senshi's attacks. One remained. He stepped forward from the shadows, enjoying the gasps of shock and anger. Tuxedo Kamen jumped down from the roof where he had been standing. Artemis pushed her way through the mob of senshi, and stood not twelve paces away from the man. "I knew she had done something like this." Artemis cursed, her arrow nocked against her bow, aimed accuratly. The youma before her looked exactly, in every way, like Chiba Mamoru, or rather, Prince Endymion. "You mean..." Fighter looked a bit caringed. "Silver Arrow!" Artemis let the arrow fly, right into Endymion's chest, blazing with silver energy. It hit his chest, and arrow after arrow flew before the youma fell, laughing harder than anything as it melted away into dust. ~**~ "But... but... but..." Venus stuttered, as the last of the dust vanished, and Artemis collapsed. The senshi were standing in shock, as were the Starlights. Tuxedo Kamen froze. He was afraid if he moved, he'd explode. How dare that witch make a clone of him... Sinato walked forward, and picked Artemis up in his arms. He understood everything now, just as Artemis did. It made so much sense... "Sere, Sere, wake up. Wake up, come on. You can't give up now." He whispered. "I'm awake. I just can't open my eyes. I don't want to." She answered. "It's alright. Everyone was fooled..." "No! He'll never forgive me..." "He already has. He's furious, but at Metalia, not at you." "But Sina... I can't..." "Do I *have* to get Hera?" "You wouldn't!" Artemis jumped out of his arms, and stared at him. "I would." "Sinato, you are so mean!" "Well, it got you up." "Why, you overgrown son of a monkey!" "Ahem! It was an oranatang, and I think I'm the oerfect size, thank you very much!" ~**~ A week and a few youma later\ ~**~ Usagi was asleep. So were the rest of the senshi. But not Mamoru. He was awake, looking out at the moon. He was asking himself a lot of questions. Mainly why, who, where. But mostly, Why? WHy had this happened? Why had it begun? Why wouldn't Usagi still talk to him? Why was Seiya giving him glowing looks? Why did the senshi go red and suddenly have a place to be when he asked them about Usagi? You know. Stuff like that. "Surely they can't blame me..." already the memories of The Accident were fading... he knew they weren't real. He knew he wouldn't have done anything like that. Surely.....they knew it too... right? "What if..." No! There were to many what ifs. He could NOT begin thinking about them... no way! "I'm Tuxedo Kamen... but she can't do this to me..." He stopped abruptly, as he watched a familar figure jump out of the hotel window below him... Artemis... no... Sailor Moon... with a strange fuku on. "What the bloody hell...." He asked, deciding against following her. She might be going to meet one of those goddesses... and they didn't like him. Screw them. He held up his rose... ~**~ "Damn damn damn damn damn. Of course she would pick TWO OCLOCK in the morning. Why? Because she's a brat. But I did call for her. I just hope my future self isn't too pissed..." Super Sailor Moon ran through the streets of Boston as fast as she could to meet her guest. "And she would pick the dock, and she would bring that STUPID CAT with her. I've already got TWO crazy moon cats on my case! And another! Geez!" She wove through was little foot trqaffic there was, suprising many people at the sight of the heroine. Finally. The docks. She stood at the end of one, waiting impatiently, tapping her foot. Her guest was late. "Ahhhh!" The familar cry met her ears, and Sailor Moon jumped out of the way just before her guest hit her head, full force. "Mama!" "Chibi-usa, you're late!" Sailor Moon cried, as she hugged her daughter. "Yeah, I know. But you wouldn't let me leave until I took my Luna P." "Oh, really?" "Yeah, I would. Damn me." Sailor Moon muttered. "Huh?" "Nothing, Chibi-chan. So, where's Diana?" "Diana? Oh, in my backpack. She's asleep. I brought my locket this time. You said I had to fight." "That's great. Listen, hurry up and transform. We need to get back before any one misses us." "Alright. Moon Crystal Power Make up!" Mohter and daughter took off for the hotel. Tuxedo kamen stood for a little while longer behind the boxes where he had been hiding, wondering why Chibi-usa was there. Then, he followed the two senshi. ~**~ Sailor Rose: Rose Petal Blur! Sailor Pluto: Dead Scream! Iris: *sighs wearily* This is impossible. Well, I hope none of you guys were hurt by flying rose petals. Rose: SINATO IS MINE! Pluto: No way, sap! Rose: Who are you calling a sap? At least I don't whipser my attacks! Pluto: You should! Your voice is waaaaay annoying! Rose: Take that back! Pluto: No way, Tomato girl! New voice: FREEEEEEEEZE, SCUMBAGS! Pink Power Ranger jumps out onto satge. Iris and the two senshi look at her in confusion. Pink Power Ranger: Oops... wrong set. Seeya! *runs out* Iris: That was... unexpected.... Rose