Okay heres part 4 also kind of short though. Questions, Comments, Death Threats e-mail me at DarkBlaze1_1@hotmail.com - Blaze - Love and War part 4 1 week later Serena left her office to go talk to Amy the head of technology and weapons. She had found some information she needed to discuse with her about the newest weapons they had reseived. Besides it would get her out of that stuffy office she was stuck in. Serena had done nothing but think of Darien. Every morning this week he had gone and "talked" to her which really meant they ended up making out & arguing about the past. He was not giving up and Serena had placed herself in total denial not being able to sort her feelings. it never occured to her to just lock her car door. As she entered Amy's office she saw Mina talking furiously to a a tall blonde haired man. No not a man a second glance showed but a woman. It must be the hair and of course the clothes she mused silently as she went closer. "Mina have you seen Amy?" Serena asked and Mina replied "Uh she left a minute ago with her sister Michelle she'll be back in a minute. i was left here talking with Alex Michelle's partner." Serena smiled at Alex who just glared at her as she said "Hello" Alex still glaring said "Look i don't like you. Much as i admired Jed and his desisions i don't agree with this one. In the week you've been here you've done nothing except sit around in that office. i seriously don't think your cut out for this business. You wouldn't survive a day out there because you don't know how" Alex said icily getting right to it. Serena just smiled and said "You think so huh? Alex tell me something are going on a job right now?" Alex knodded and Serena grinned. "How bout i tag along? How would you feel about that?" Serena asked as she ran her fingers down Amy's desk. Alex got a sour expression on her face and said "I'm not going to babysit you. If you get in a jam I'm not going to help you so your gonna end up finding your own way out of it" Alex said still frowning. Serena's smile got wider "Fine by me" Mina suddenly cut in "Sere you sure about this?" She sounded like she was almost pleading for her to stay behind. Serena frowned at her "Ah Mina you try being stuck in an office for a week. I wanna have some fun" Serena said giving her best puppy dog face and Mina sighned "Oh all right but don't cause to much havoc" she said and left the room. "So when do we leave?" Serena asked sitting herself down on Amy's desk. "As soon as Michelle gets back" Alex said and as if on cue she walked in along with Amy. Michelles aqua hair was in a high ponytail which was a first. Well at least as long as Serena had known her she had never seen her wearing one. "Hey Shelly its been awhile. Ames do you still have that stuff i had you store for me a while back?" Serena said as greeting. Michelle gave Serena a smile while Amy turned pale and her eyes got big. "Yeah but why? Oh no you didn't tell me you didn't?" Amy asked glaring at Alex and giving Serena nervous glances. Serena gave Amy a huge grin and Amy hung her head. "You had to challenge her didn't you? ugh follow me" Amy said giving Alex one last glare and then turned and started leading them down the hall to a locked room. The three women followed. "So what kind of job is it?"Serena asked as they walked. "A mobster trust me this is not going to be an easy job." Alex said a bit confused by how Amy was acting. "Not with her around" Amy muttered and everyone heard. Alex and Michelle gave her questioning glances but Amy didn't elaborate. They finally got to the room and Amy unlocked it. "Wait here you come with me Serena" Amy said and the two girls went into the room. Alex and Micheele exchange confused glances. It was now two people who reacted weird to Serena going out on a job. instead of worring for Serena they seemed to worry about the other people. What the hell was going on. Amy and Serena came out aand Amy looked defeated while Serena just gave them a smile that could outshine the sun. "Go easy on them" Amy called after them as they left but was ignored. ********************************************************************** Amy smirked as she saw them come back. Alex had faint bruises on her face and Michelle just looked worn down and a bit torn up. Yet Serena had not one scratch on her and was still smiling. Amy couldn't help it she burst into laughter. "I warned you not to challenge her"She said in between laughs. Alex glared at her and turned to Serena. "I'm sorry about earlier I now know why Jed made the desision he made. i'm sorry if I misjudged you" she told Serena who just waved it off. "Forget about it. It was an honest mistake besides you weren't around during my time here. And I really don't look the type but it is fun"Serena said cheerfully. "So whats up with the office Rena?" Michelle asked curious. Serena made a face "I've been going a bagillion files trying to figure out what everyones the best at so that they get those jobs more often. Jed really wasn't very organized. It sucks but somebody gots to do it. Speaking of which I've gotta get back to it" Serena said but was still in a good mood and you could tell. "I'll catch you guys later" She said and headed off singing something like "Hi Ho hi ho its back to work i go" Alex watched her for a moment and said "I like her" Amy snorted and Michelle rolled her eyes. Just that morning Alex had been going on about how much she hated Serena and now she suddenly liked her. ********************************************************************** Serena left late that night making Mina leave before her since she had so much work still left. She was only halfway through the files. She sighned and headed for her car. Suddenly she sensed someone in back of her. She swung around and threw a punch at whoever it was. *hehehe i wonder who it is?* _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com