Title: Learning How to Love Author: BluCrescent Email:BluCrescent@hotmail.com Rated:G 6/29/99 Hi everyone. I know I haven't written anything in so long. But now I'm out of writer block and is writing again. This one will have several chapters. I don't know how much though. But it'll have chapters, my first of this kind ever. So please stick with me while I write this k. I can't promise to update every week like Alicia Blade did with Royal Flush go read it if you haven't already. But I'll TRY. Note try is capitalized. Ok and last please people write to me. If you have comments or suggestion or anything send it to me. No chain letters please. And thanx to all the people that wrote to me. If I didn't answer I'm sorry but I promise I will answer this time around. Anyhow enjoy the story and email me. If you like romance who doesn't go read (after reading this of course ^_^) Out of the Blue by Stormlight. It's really good. Go read it if you haven't yet. Part 1 A blond ran frantically around the crowded restaurant. Her name is Serena Tsukino. She was tall and seemingly very beautiful. Her hair was pulled up in a bun in the back. Some of the hair surrounding her face found it ways lose of the bun and curls softly around her heart-shaped face. She was wearing a light pink business suit while it looked good on her but it didn't reflect her personality very much. The restaurant is a partnership between her and her best friend Lita Kino. They had conspired about starting a business together since the day they meet in middle school. Lita held a cooking class after school, which was usually filled with both boys and girls for if the food didn't attract the boys Lita's look and charm sure did. She was usually tall for a girl of her age, there for her legs were very long. She had long auburn hair and greenish eyes. Her skin peachy creamy and had a rosy glow on her skillfully crafted face. Lita is a natural in the kitchen. Her cooking was known around the community as one of the best and was even compare to some of the greatest chefs of Tokyo. That was something for a teenage girl who didn't even had any training under a professional cook. Graduation time came around and Serena were accepted to Stanford in the United States. Lita on the hand was accepted to The French School of Culinary Arts. After many years of hard labors and studying Serena and Lita both graduated and planned to meet back in their hometown to start their business. Of course with Lita having a culinary degree and Serena with a business they decided to open a restaurant in their hometown. Lita would take care of the cooking part and Serena would take care of the paper work. It was a dream team. That takes us back to the scene at hand. It is two days till the place open and the tables and chairs still haven't arrived and the freezer broke down. The foods are just literally rotting in there at the moment. "I can't handle this I just cant!" "Chill girl it's not the end of the world. I called Best Buy and they're sending over another freezer right away. It's free too, no charge. So that's one less thing to worry about." "But Serena what about the tables and chairs. They aren't here yet and it's just 2 days away." "I'll call the company and see what's holding them up. You just go back to the kitchen and cook those wonderful foods of yours. Leave the worrying part to me. That's what I'm here for," said Serena as she pushes Lita gently back into the kitchen. "Serena are you sure you don't need some help here, I could..." "Lita I said I'll take care of it. Now we don't need our top chef worrying over these silly matters." Serena said with a matter of factly tone and went back to her desk. Well, it was really one of the tables that had actually arrived and was now being used as a desk by Serena. The table was scattered with papers and weird odds and ends. Now lets see what's taking those tables so long to get here. She looked through the piles of paper looking for the phone. "It's was here somewhere. Now where did it go? Oh what is this? I knew I would find you." She dialed the number of the restaurant supply store and waited for someone to pick up. "Julie's Supply Store how may I help you?" "Julie, it's me Serena. I'm calling about my order of tables and chairs." "Yeah, what about it?" "Julie! It's not here yet. It was suppose to come yesterday but it didn't. Please tell me you didn't forget." "Whoa...let me check the computer, k? Just don't break down on me is all I ask of you. Well, I found out what the problem is." "Well, are you going to tell me or leave me in suspense." "It's simple, we haven't got them for the factory yet. Now don't scream. We have a truck out there on the road and it's coming over to the restaurant. It'll reach y'all by tomorrow." "Ok, thank you, Julie. Bye." "Well, that takes care of that. Now all we need is to get this place clean and clear away all this mess so we'll have space for the guest. Two more days, two more days and it'll be ok. I just need to get these 2 days over with and then I'll be able to have some rest." "That's it! Everything is done," Lita said as she pulled up a chair beside Serena and sink down to it. "Oh god! I am so tire. I don't think I can handle another day of this." "Serena, deal with it. We have it easy compare to some of the other places." "I know. I know but right about now I can sure use a nice slow soak in the tub." "How about we go home now? Everything is done and all we need to do tomorrow is set the tables up. I need some sleep desperately. Let go home." "That's cool with me. I'll lock up k?" "Cool with me. Bye Serena." "Bye Lita. Later!" She walks to the front door and turn off the lights. Looking over the place one last time, she closes the door behind her and walk over to her blue BMW. It's was classic, it had one of those key that pops up when you press the button. She opens the car and hope in and drove out of the parking lot, leaving the stressful day behind her. Serena enter her apartment and throws her purse on the coffee table. She has being living along since her high school graduation. Her parents had since move to the States so now only Serena live in Japan. It's lonely sometimes but then she thinks of how her parents are so happy in the States and of all her friends here. So she enjoys it very much actually. Seeing the answer machine blinks she clicks on the play button and begin to take off her jewelry and change into her pajamas. Beep: Serena Tsukino, hi I would like to make reservation for the opening of Crescent Palace. I tried to call the restaurant but the phone was busy. Please give my manager a call before 4 tomorrow. Her phone number is 456-7442. Thanks a ton. Mina Aino. Beep: Serena it's me honey. One of my best friends has a son who live in Tokyo. I want you to look him up and get to know him. He's perfect for you, honey. He's name is....ssss and static filled up the rest of the message. Mom, always trying to fix me up with somebody. No sirs I wont have it. I have enough problems as it is, without adding another one to my life. The last thing I need right now is another man in my life. I've played that game and frankly don't want to anymore. No my life is just fine as it is right now. No need to complicate it with a man in it. With that thought she fell asleep on her bed and strangely enough dreamed of her prince charming like she did when she was younger and more innocent. The tables have finally arrived but now the whole staff is frantic. There isn't enough room in the refrigerator so some of the food will have to be place in the freezer and the tables aren't even set up yet. "Ok. People!" Serena scream above the uproar. " First off all the kitchen staff get inside the kitchen and help Lita out. All waiter and waitress help set up the tables and decoration. Now get a move on people. We have one more day left and this place need to be spotless. It's our opening night after all. We really need a good review of the service and food so everyone please try to work with Lita and me k?" "Kay" comes the chorus of answer to Serena's question. "Thanks you all for dealing with this. Now off to work y'all go." And groans were heard from practically everyone in the room. Two hours later all the tables and chairs are set up precisely to Serena's liking. She even picks out the tablecloth and napkins, with Lita's help of course. The table clothes are of a light blue color with little crescent moon printed on them, a trademark of the restaurant. The napkins are of a soft fabric and have the number 4 at the corner. It was Lita's favorite number as a kid and it was her idea to put it on the corner of the napkins. The walls are line with huge glass windows looking out onto the view of the ocean and the ceiling are made of glass which makes it perfect for star gazing and on warm night the glass ceiling can be open and make the whole place feel like it's outside. Along the walls are seashell shaped lamps that makes the whole ocean side feel tangible. In the front is the stage where the band will play. Along the edges of the stage are lined with sea shell and moon shapes white rocks. On the stage wall is a mosaic of the entire Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. "Serena! I'm missing the cream cheese. There is no way I can make a cheesecake without cream cheese. Will you go to the store and get it for me. Get about 6 pound, k?" yelled a frantic Lita. "Yeah, I got it. 6 pound of cream cheese. It's not a problem," with that Serena took off to the grocery store." Serena maneuver her cart down yet another aisle. She has been desperately trying to find where the cream cheese was without any success. "I knew I should have gone to the grocery store. But no practical Serena had to set in and go to the new one because it's having a sale. Oh, great now I'm talking to myself!" "Miss, may I help you?" "Oh I'm just..." Serena lose her train of thought as she look up to see what has to be one of the most beautiful man alive. He had the blackest hair, black as the night, and the deepest blue eyes that seem to stare out at you in the most fascinating way. He was tall around 6 feet Serena estimated. He has a very tone body that most women flock to. Needless to say this man is gorgeous. "I'm...I'm just...trying to find where the cream cheese is," Serena manage to get out. Which after she regain herself composure very quickly while scolding herself. "It's down on aisle number 8." "Thank you for your help. Excuse me," she nod her head to acknowledge him and push her cart to aisle number 8. "Your welcome," the stranger said to her retreating back. "That will be 35 dollars Miss," said the clerk at the checkout counter. Serena rummage through the purse trying to find the wallet. Only to realize that she grab Lita's purse instead of her own purse. "I seem to have taken my friend's purse instead of mine do you take business credit card?" Serena ask with a pleading look on her face. "I'm sorry Miss but we just open and for the moment we don't take any kind of credit card what so ever." "Oh I see," Serena said with a distrait look. "How about you let me help you pay for the cream cheese and you can pay me back whenever you want to," someone behind Serena said. She recognized that voice. It's the voice of the man who helped her out earlier. Serena turn around to see the young man smiling warmly at her. "But I couldn't..." she tried to refuse but was at lose for words. "But I insist," said the young man. "By the way my name is Darien Chiba and yours?" "Oh...it's Serena, Serena Tsukino." "Well, Serena how about you let me pay for those," he pointed to the cream cheese " and we can all go home happy." "Well, ok but you'll have to let me pay you back. Is there anything that I can do to pay you back?" "How about we pay for those first? She'll take those please," he said handing the money to the clerk. He turn back to Serena and after what seem to Serena to be forever spoke. " How about you accompany me to the opening to the Crescent Palace and that will even you and me out." Serena almost burst out laughing, the only thing holding her back was her charm school training. "Oh...I'm sorry I can't that night Darien. You see I already have plan for that night. Could we take a rain check?" Darien face fell at the rejection but quickly turn back to it's normal self. But somehow his eyes didn't seem to have the same sparkle as it did. Seeing that Serena quickly try to mend the hurt for Darien. "Here's my phone number," she handed Darien her business card, " and call me when you can and we'll make plan for a night out, k. Thanks for your help again. Call me. Bye Darien." She waved to him and went quickly out the door. "Didn't even let me get a word in edgewise but I like that girl. Definitely going to call." Darien said to no one in particular. " Would you like to take those," the clerk asks Darien and knocks him out of his daydream. Serena turn on the water to fill the tub for her bath. It had been a long day. After she got back to the restaurant and gave Lita the cream cheese she found out that the lighting of the place was too dim and had to order a batch of more powerful bulbs. Then the curtains arrive for the window and Serena hanged them up with the help of some of the workers. The rest of the day was used to make sure everything is in place and ready for tomorrow's big opening. Mina Aino the famous movie star will be there. Along with her will come flocks of Tokyo's elite club. It will be pretty much a party for the rich and famous. With them will come the reporters and critics. They along will decide the success of the restaurant with their reviews. All these thoughts ran through Serena head while she wash her face and waited for the tub to fill up. Her head jerk up when she heard the phone in the hall rang. "Hold on. I'll be right there. Hello? Serena Tsukino resident how may I help you?" "Um...Serena this is Darien. Hi...um I called about our night out. Or well, the plan for the night out." "Oh...Darien...hi...how are you?" "I'm fine. You?" "I'm fine, great actually." "Cool.... So I was thinking since you're not free tomorrow night. Would you be free Saturday night?" "Yeah...I'm free Saturday. Are you gonna tell me what we're going to do?" "Um...well, it's a surprise. I'll see you then, k. I'll leave you to your sleep now. It's late anyhow." "Ok, bye." "Bye" "Bye" click. Well, that was interesting, I never thought I would be at lost of words. But hey! I got a date for Saturday. Mom would be happy to hear I'm going out again. Oh ...whom am I fooling...? What have I got myself into? With that thought Serena went back into the bathroom only to find the tub over flowing with water. Well, there goes the bath Serena thought bitterly. The rest of her night was spent using to clean up the bathroom. Once again she went to bed dreaming of her price but this time he had a face even though she can't for the life of her remember his face. It was there in the back of her head but she just can't seem to get at it. "OK. Everyone all I have to say is thank you for putting up with my attitude for the last few days. I just wanted everything to go smoothly. You have been a great team to work with and let hope tonight will be a big success. Lita would you like to say anything?" "Yeah, well tonight's the night people. It's our night to shine and everything in order, it's up to the customers now. Thanks to all of you for helping us achieve our dreams. Now lets just get out there and be the best we can be. Remember to stand tall and don't linger too much on one person. Move around and try to make sure your post is filled. Thanks that all. Opening hours begin in 10 minutes so let get out. Thanks everyone." The whole staff cheer for Lita was truly as inspiration. Serena is nice but it's Lita that they worship. "Hi welcome" Lita and Serena both said at the same time. They have been saying the same thing to all the customers for the last 20-minute since the opening began. Since the foods were prepare earlier Lita is able to come out of the kitchen and co-host the events. "Hey, Serena how about we go mingle. It's been 20 minutes since we've been standing here. Let's go have some fun. It's our night after all huh?" "I say your right. Let's go, I don't want to stand here all night." Serena and Lita walk toward the crowd and begin to blend into it. All the people they talk to couldn't believe that such young and beautiful women could run such a wonderful restaurants and that made they glow. When their acquaintances at the party would look so shock when they realize they were talking to the owners. Lita and Serena were in one of those conversations when Serena saw Darien from across the room with another girl hanging on to him and his arms wrapped around the girl's waist possessively. A look of pain flash across Serena's face but was quickly replace without one of her dazzling smile even though her eyes didn't radiate the happiness her smile did. "Serena let's go over there," Lita pointed to where Darien and a group of people where dining. "No, really Lita. I would like to rest for a moment my feet are killing me," beside I don't want to face Darien right now. I know we're not a couple but does he have to be so close to another girl the night before our date. Oh...what am I saying it's normal. Darien and I are only going on a date so I can pay him back that all. But somehow that thought of their date as only a way to pay Darien back for his kindness only sadden Serena more. "Hey, girl you ready now. Let's go meet the people shall we," Lita said sticking her arms as if for Serena to link her arms through it. "Ok let's go might as well get this over with," muttered Serena and link her arm through Lita's and walk over where Darien is. "You gentlemen mind if we cut in?" ask Lita teasingly. "Not at all," Darien turning around and his jaw drop to the floor and drop his hand from around the girl's waist he was holding, when he caught sight of Serena and Lita. Serena's hair is let down for the night and reaches halfway down her shoulder. It's in a layer cut and frames her face quite nicely. She's wearing a pink satin dress. It's simple but yet very elegant. It's a spaghetti strap dress and it cling softly at her waist and flow freely from there to the floor. Her face was brush with the slightest hint of lipstick and a little glitter on her eyelids. Lita have on a green dress that brought out the green of her eyes. It's a strap dress and crisscross at the back of the dress. It's clings to Lita curves and finally fans out a little bit at knee on down. Her hair is put into a loose braid with little pink rose buds in them and loose curls frame her face. "Um.... Hi Serena. It's a surprise to see you here," Darien finally manage to chock out after he had pick his jaw up from the floor. "Hi Darien," Serena said calmly and thanking god that her voice didn't crack. "Woah...y'all know each other?" Lita ask accusingly. "Yeah, he's the one that pay for your cream cheese Lita." Serena answer trying to put off the butterflies in her stomach. "Oh" was all Lita could say. "So what are you ladies doing here tonight?" Darien asks trying to get rid of the tension he could feel between him and Serena. Or was it just him. She seems awfully calm. It didn't even bug her that's he's here with someone else. Lita was trying real hard to hold back her laughter. Obvious this guy doesn't know who they are. "Well, we just happen to own this place. Serena manage the paper works and I do the cooking." Lita finally manage to say after she tried to calm her laughter. And Darien's jaw hit the floor for the second time tonight. "Oh..." was all Darien had to say for the matter. "Well, I hope you gentlemen and ladies are enjoying yourself. Serena and I have to be going now. Can't let words get around that we are bad hostess you know," Lita said and following a very anxious Serena into the crowd again. I wonder why Serena's so quiet tonight Darien thought to himself. "Hey, Darien who was that girl you were staring at? Now don't deny it. I saw you staring at her the whole time she was here," the girl by Darien's side asks eagerly trying to get all the info. "Really Liz, you are a 20 year old lady can't you stay out of your big brother's life for once." "Nope. Can't do that Darien. Oh...I'm gonna have to tell mom. She'll be so happy." "Sister...." Serena woke up two the birds singing outside her window and the sun shining into her bedroom through her double window. Serena had got the chance to finally meet Mina Aino. Mina is one of the most famous actresses in Tokyo. Even though with all the success she's a very down to earth person. Which only make Lita and Serena like the girl and they quickly became friends. All in all last night was a big success there were lots of compliments and congratulation on the project. The party ended at 2 am then they made sure everything was cleaned up and every dished wash. After a night of champagne and walking on 4 inch heels they were extremely tire so Lita and Serena close up and called it a night. Both went home and collapse on their bed for a long, silent, dreamless sleep. Now one thought and one thought along accompanies Serena's mind. Or rather it's one person Darien. He was so handsome last night. He was wearing a black tuxedo like almost every single man there. However he seem to stand out like the suit was made especially. You could tell that his hair was comb carefully back still some persistent tendrils manage to escape and fall into his midnight blue eyes. It's almost seem impossible that such a handsome man exist but then again this one who had so much possibilities at the beginning now went down the drain. That girl with him last night was beautiful. They made a great couple she had to admit but why is it hurting so much. Darien and her aren't dating but it still hurt all the same. Possibilities of what could've happen been yank out of her hand. This is not right; I'm not suppose to think this way thought Serena. I've just meet him there's no way that he could stir these emotion inside of me after just 2 days. Oh god and I have to go out with him tonight. Serena groan and roll over in her bed burying her face in the pillow. Maybe I can cancel it, say I'm tired from last night or something. Yeah that's it. Tire real tire I can't possibly make it. Well, I can't stay in bed all day. Got to get the restaurant and help Lita out. My turn to be the cashier I guess. She throws her blanket to one side of the bed and swings her legs to the floor. Standing up she stretch her back then proceeded to start the day. Ring, ring.... "Crescent Palace, how may I help you?" "Um...yes...may I speak to Serena Tsukino?" "This is she." "Oh...hi...Serena this is Darien. I was wondering are we still on for tonight?" "...Yeah, why not," I'll tell you why not. He got a girlfriend that's why not. Serena thought to herself. "Great! So I'll pick you up at the restaurant around 9. Is that ok with you?" "Yeah, that'll be fine." "Kay, see you then bye." "Bye" Oh my gosh what have you done Serena. What happen to the plan? You were going to say you were too tired from last night remember. She reminded herself. Oh well, that's down the drain. I'm going to get myself kill for this. I just know it. She thought as she bang her head against the counter. Well, as least there was one good thing about today. Serena reminded herself. At breakfast with Lita that morning the two had practically brought every newspaper printed. Articles after articles they read complimented the restaurant's food and it's service. Many article were very generous and print pictures of the place. Lita's cooking obviously captured the attention of many of the critics. The service was magnificent quoted one of the newspaper. This place will be the new dinning room of the star another said. To Lita and Serena however the fruit of success have never been so sweet. Darien entered the Crescent Palace with 5 minutes to spare. Actually he had been outside the place deciding or rather obsessing over what to say to Serena. Should he go with a casual hi or is hello better. And is his hair ok and whether the suit was a little too much or isn't formal enough. Let just say the guy was a nervous wreck. He's worse than most girls are during their prom nights. He scans around the room trying to find a familiar blond. His eyes finally come to rest at the front counter where she seems to be talking to one of the waitress there. Walking up to her he carefully hides the dozen roses behind his back. "Hi Serena!" he said excitedly. Why there goes trying to sound calm and cool out the window he thought. "Hi Darien, hold on for a second I'll be right there," as she walk around the counter to Darien. "Here, this are for you," Darien said as he pull the roses from behind his back and give it to Serena. She held the roses up to nose inhaling its intoxication scent and closed her eyes thinking about the last time she had receive roses from a guy. She had always loved roses. They were perfect in every way. She had dream of receiving rose from the guy she loved but then.... Serena snap out of her daydream. "Thank you for the roses they are beautiful," she try to sound please but the color had visibly drained from her face and did not go unnoticed by Darien. However being the wise man that he is, he decided to let the matter slip for now. Deciding to lighten the mood a bit Darien ask dramatically "Shall we go my lady?" and bow down to her. Serena had to smile at the gesture and forget about her worries for the day and loop her arm through his. They walk hand in hand or rather in arm in arm out to the parking lot. He led her to a black Porsche and opened the passenger door for her and went to the other side and got in. "So...are you going to tell me where we're going to?" Serena ask to break the ice and get the conversation rolling. "Nope! It's a surprise." "Oh." And then there were silent for the rest of the ride there. Well, so much for conversation thought Serena. "We're here," Darien said pointing to the very posh Minnie's Restaurant. "Wow! You know Darien coming here really isn't necessary." "How am I suppose to sweep you off our feet if we don't go somewhere romantic?" Darien asks jokingly. "But you're not suppose to sweep me off my feet. This dinner was only suppose to pay you back for your kindness toward Lita and me." "Let's forget about that incident, k. Tonight it's just us and I'm enjoying getting to know you," he said as he open the door for her and helps her out. He held out his arm and she loops hers though his and they walk to the entrance. "Reservation for 2. Darien Chiba," he said to the host at the entrance. "Right this way Mr. Chiba," the host led them to a small French table in the back and left them there to decide what they would have for dinner. "I think I'll have the lotus salad. How about you?" After a few second of Serena's silence Darien look up to see Serena staring around the restaurant. The whole place was set in dim lighting. On both sides of the windows are small angles and red velvet curtains loop through the arms of the angle and cascade down the side of the window frame. On the ceiling is a replica of the Michelangelo painting on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. Along the walls are painting by famous artist such as Monet, Leonardo, Picasso, and other such famous artists. Surely these paintings must be replica... " Madam what will you be having?" the waiter ask Serena for the third time already. "Oh...I'm sorry. I was just admiring the paintings." "Yes, they are remarkable," said the waiter to be polite. "Now, what will madam have for dinner?" "I'll have a Caesar salad thank you." "Anything else?" the waiter asked. "That will be all for now." Darien told the waiter and tips him. After the waiter left there was an awkward silence between the two. Serena once again attempt to kill the silence hovering over them. "So, Darien you know what I do for a living so what where do you work at?" ask Serena timidly. "I work at the Tokyo Hospital." "What are you? A doctor or something?" "I guess you can say that. I'm a cardiologist at the hospital." "When I was younger I used to think that a cardiologist dealt cards." "Are you for real?" said Darien with a chuckle that spread to his eyes and took Serena breath away. "Yep, my head wasn't exactly screw on right back then." "How so?" "Well, for one thing I used to always daydream and not pay attention in class. I'm was the worst student ever. But then I... I grew up and start paying attention to my school works. Most of my teachers fainted when I turned in my homework for the first time." "Wow, that's really something. I don't remember a time when I didn't have to study for a test or exams. I never got to play around much. My parents were very demanding of us kids." The food came then and the rest of the evening was spent eating dinner and making small talk. When the check came, Darien wanted to pay for it but Serena refuse. She wanted to pay for the dinner since after all the evening out was to pay Darien back for the cream cheese. Darien being a gentleman would not allow it. After all it was his idea to come here so he would pay and that was that. After many minutes of arguing with Darien, Serena finally gave in and let Darien pay. Darien pulled up in front of Serena's apartment. He got out and went to the other passenger side and opened the door for Serena. When she took his hand to help her out of the car he felt an electric current surge through him. "What was that?" Darien thought. "I guess the saying was right love does generate electricity. Woah where did I get love from?" Darien shook his to get rid of the thoughts and walk Serena to her front door. "I had fun tonight Serena." "Yeah me too." "Can we do this some other time again?" "I don't think so Darien." Why not! Darien silently scream in his head but kept his mouth shut. "I enjoy your company a lot Darien but with your girlfriend and all..." she lost her words there not knowing what else to say. "Girlfriend?" Darien chock out obviously confused. "Yeah, the girl with you at the opening. I don't think this is right. Bye Darien." She opened the door, went into her apartment and closed the door behind her then. "But..." Darien was about to explain when the door came slamming into his face. "That was my sister," Darien said to the door." I guess she didn't feel the electric shock like I did huh? Or she still would have been out with me now" he thought to himself. But what Darien didn't see was Serena lending against her door trying to ignore the throbbing pain of her heart. Darien went home to a lonely house that night feeling confuse about his feeling for Serena but not the least bit dejected. Author Note: So how was it, good, bad, weak? Write to me and give me your suggestions. Tell me whether I should continue writing this or give up and just read all the good stories written by other writers out there. If you don't write I might not continue writing this story. You know we don't get pay for this so the only real pay we get out of this is the comment from the readers so write please. I know enough begging y'all to write but please write. Sorry I couldn't resist it. ^_^ P.S. Anybody knows where I can buy Sailormoon manga? I really want to read them but I don't know where to find them. If you do please email and tell me. Besides buying them from the internet though. My dad won't let me do that. I live in the US keep that in mind please. Also does anyone know what Ken's last name is? I need that too. I've tried to find it but can't so if you can help me please do. Thanks a bunch. Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon. I'm just using the characters to write a story, k. So don't sue you won't get any money anyhow. I'm just a poor high school student trying to write about my favorite anime characters. Email: BluCrescent@hotmail.com ( Y ) It's a rabbit do you see it. :) (* _* ) (")___(")