Title: Opposite Attraction --Chapter 2 Author: Blue Ice E-mail: Blue_IceSM@hotmail.com Rated: (G) Hello everyone!! Well I've got two more weeks until school starts, so I have to hurry and finish up all of my stories. Because I won't be able to write anymore during school. My last story that I've decided to write is going to about Darien and Serena and I have no idea what so ever to name it at this point. But I'll think of something. Well that's all I've got to say so I guess I should let you read the story. Serena fell asleep as the sun set slowly behind the horizon. Suddenly the phone ringed shrilly on the night stand. "I'm up....I'm up...wha?" Serena turned around slowly and refocused her eyes. "Stupid phone..." she muttered before picking it up. "Hello..?" she said into the receiver lazily. "Hi this is Ami." a soft cheery voice answered. "Oh hi Ames. I was just taking a nice nap." Serena sat up and stretched. "Oh I hope I didn't wake you." "No I needed to get up anyway. So what's up?" Serena asked as she stood up to close the blinds. "Well I'm calling about Saturday. You see my mother's going to be out of town this weekend for a doctor's conference in Hiroshima, and I had decided to go with her. So I can't make it to Rei's sale. I just thought I would call and tell you that." "But Ames. It's going to be so fun and we need as much help as we can get." Serena whined. "Well maybe you can ask Andrew...or, what about Darien?" there was silence and then...."No way!! I'm not going to ask Darien. I hate him so much I can't even stand to hear his name." Ami was startled for a moment. "I thought you guys made up." "Ha, made up my butt." Serena huffed indignantly. "I wouldn't be his friend if he were the only person alive." Ami shook her head. "You should learn to solve your problems and not run away from them.... just like school work." Ami begin lecturing while Serena sighed. "You don't know him like I do. There's no way he can ever be nice" Ami gave up. "Oh alright. But I still think that you should..." "Ami you're worse than my mom. I don't want to talk about him" Serena looked out the window. "Well, oh I had better go study. I can't afford to waste time. See you at school tomorrow." Ami smiled into the phone. "Ok bye Ami." "Bye." Serena had kept her word and didn't show up for tutorial all week. "I'm feeling great not having to see Darien." Serena yawned as the girls walked towards the arcade after school. "I think you like him." Mina giggled and received a glare from Serena. "I do not. And why does everyone have to say that? We're like two completely different person. I can't get along with him and he can't get along with me." Lita laughed and elbowed Mina. "And who says opposites don't attract?" the girls giggled at Serena's stubbornness. "Lita!" "Ok, Ok. I'm just stating the obvious." she shrugged innocently as they walked into the arcade. The doorbell jingled as they walked in and found a booth by the window. Andrew walked over casually and sat down beside Serena. "Where's Ami?" he asked. "Oh she's out of town this weekend. Her mom has to be at a conference tomorrow." Rei answered. "Ooh what is this?" Serena pointed to a luscious looking dessert on the menu. "That's our new special. Chocolate fudge with mint chip ice-cream...." he didn't have to go on as Serena stared at the picture with drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. "Do you mind Meatball head. You're drooling like a dog." Rei handed her a napkin. "Give me one of these and oh of course this one too...." she went on and ordered her usual treats. Everyone just stared and sweat dropped as Serena went on with the list. "That's all thanks!" she finally stopped. "Eh...I'll be right back." Andrew shook his head and left. "So are you really not going back ever again?" Mina asked as the girls ate their desserts. "Go back where?" Serena wiped her mouth after her third cup of sundae. "To Darien....I mean tutorials." Shaking her head Serena sighed deeply. "I can't face him. He's too difficult. I tried my best to be nice and what does he do insult me even more. How does he even have the nerve...." she muttered under her breath. "I heard from Andrew that he's had a pretty rough childhood." Lita added. "I wonder what he meant by that. Do you think maybe his parents are divorced or something? Or maybe he had a bad relationship with them?" everyone shook their heads in wonder. "He's always on his own. At least whenever I see him." Rei thought about all the times she would see him walking all by himself. "Wait a minute. Are you guys trying to make me feel guilty or something?" Serena sat up suddenly. "He has a rotten personality no matter what happened in his past." Rei rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You know Meatball head. It wouldn't hurt for you to forgive him. Not everyone has a perfect family like you do. And I'm sure you take that for granted too. Of all the inconsiderate things people do!" Serena was quiet for a moment. What Rei said was hurtful, but it was true. "Well....I guess you're right, but did you have to be so mean about it?" Serena whimpered. Rei turned to look at Serena, and sighed. "Gees meatball head. Don't start the water works." Suddenly the doorbell jingled as Darien walked in with a handful of books. "Hey Darien!" Andrew hollered as he sat down at the counter. "Coffee?" Darien nodded. "Ya, I just need to keep awake for a couple more hours. Finals are really tough." Andrew smiled friendly. "Maybe you need to take some time off over the weekend. Oh Rei's having a charm sale tomorrow morning. You want to go? I have to take Lizzy there anyway." Darien was about to answer when he was interrupted suddenly. "NO, NO, NO!!! He just can't!" Serena stumped over to the counter and sat on the stool beside Darien. "You'll be busy right? With finals. So you can't be there!" she practically screamed at him. "If it makes you so miserable to see me....." he looked over to Andrew. "Then I must go." "Uhhhhh!" Serena threw her arms in the air. "Don't you have anything better to do than pick on me all the time?" "Not really." Serena gave him one more look and treaded out the door. "What side of the bed did she wake up on?" Darien laughed as he drank his coffee. "What is it between you two? Not one moment you guys spend together do you not go to each other's throats." Andrew chuckled and shook his head. "She is the one being difficult. I spent almost an hour teaching her a simple math problem that would take a normal person two minutes to learn." he rolled his eyes. "And she is always running into things. Just yesterday, she walked right into a pole. I mean how hard is it to see a wide pole right in front of you. And then she has this really annoying habit of running into me on the street. And it would take her minutes just to realized who she has ran into. She is just too impossible!" Darien rushed out everything in one breath. "Why do you care what she does anyway?" Andrew asked slyly. "I don't care. It's just so obvious! I can't stand people like her." Andrew chuckled slightly. "You two have a lot in common you know." "Ya right! We're complete opposites! No wonder we can't get along.....oh and this one time....." Darien went on and on...for about 20 minutes while Andrew grinned knowingly. "...So you see what I mean. She's....you can't even describe her using words." Darien put his head on the counter. "One little remark and she runs out like her life was in danger." Andrew chuckled. "You should give her a break. She's just that way. Do you think she likes being reminded of her terrible grades? Everyone already gives her a hard time about it. She really doesn't need to hear it from you. Maybe you shouldn't tease her so much." Darien got up and picked up his books. "Teasing her is like a reflex. I just can't help it. Well see ya tomorrow." "See ya." Darien walked out of the door and sighed. What was it about Serena that always attracts him. Not a day goes by does she not run into him....literally. Shaking his head, Darien turned the corner and walked home...alone again. Saturday morning..... "Oh Rei! Look at all these pretty charms!" Serena exclaimed happily and took out her money. "Ok. I'm going to be your first customer!" Rei put the empty box away. "We have 30 minutes until open time. What's the hurry?" Serena shrugged slightly. "I just want to buy something before everyone else grabs them all." she begin to pick out some necklaces and lockets. "Ok, count them up." Rei took out her abacus. "Ok Serena, you owe me $25.50. But since you're helping out today. You can pay half price." "Oh thanks Rei." Serena gladly paid her and ran inside to try them on. Moments later people started to show up group by group. By 11 a.m., the temple grounds were all full of shoppers. "I thought Andrew was coming to help today. Where is he?" Mina asked as she put a charm into a gift box. "I don't know. He should be here soon. And where did Serena run off to?" Rei hissed angrily. "I don't know, but I just sold everything in this box!" Lita exclaimed. "Hey Rei, sorry we're late!" Andrew ran up the temple steps with Darien and Lizzy beside him. "There was a lot of traffic." Rei stood up relieved. "Thank god you're here. We need your help big time." she smiled and motioned for them to sit behind the counters. "Now all the charms are marked with their prices. If anyone gives you a coupon like this. Just take 20% off the original price. Easy enough!" Andrew nodded. "I think we can handle it." "Oh ya." Rei took out two kimonos. "Here put these on." she led them into temple to change. Andrew and Darien looked puzzled for a second as they held the kimonos. "How do you put these on?" Darien asked and took it out of the package. "It's simple!" Andrew hollered from the bathroom. "Like this." he steps out and straightened the sleeves. "Looks simple enough." Darien chuckled and went into the bathroom. "Hey Andrew! Is this thing suppose to be here?...Andrew?" Darien poked his head out to find an empty room. "I'm not going outside like this." Darien checked his appearance in the mirror and laughed. Fidgeting with the belt, Darien tried numerous times to make it look presentable. "Rei has to wear this everyday?" he shook his head and looked at his reflection again. The top somehow looks horrible and the pants were too big. The belt wasn't tied right and he looked like a kid learning to dress for the first time. "I give up." "Oh this is so cool. I've always wanted to wear one of these!" Serena in the next room smiled excitedly at her outfit. Kimonos are really fun to wear. Suddenly she heard this audible sigh from the next room. "What was that?" she tied up her belt and slid the door open. She covered her mouth and stifled a giggle at the sight that greeted her. Darien was standing in front of the mirror trying unsuccessfully to pull the kimono into the right place. He looked like a monkey. "So!" Serena stepped into the room as Darien jumped, startled from the sudden unexpected company. "Having trouble?" she grinned and walked around Darien analyzing his appearance. "Do you mind Meatball head, but I'm changing and I'd like some privacy." "Oh don't tell me the great Darien doesn't know how to dress himself?" Serena teased and looked up to Darien triumphantly. "Even I know how to do it. How hard could it possibly be?" she smiled mischievously. Darien sighed and faced her. She got him good. But that doesn't mean he's going to give in. "If you'll excuse me Meatball head. I need to get ready." he turns back to the mirror and adjusts the collard. "Do you need some help?" Serena asked mockingly and folds her arms in front of her chest. "No I'm fine." he coughs and clears his throat while Serena just stares at him knowingly. Finally after the third try, Darien gave up on the stupid kimono. "Ok you win. I do need some help." he sighed agitatedly. "Oh what was that? Did you just said YOU need help?" Serena faked shock. "Oh what has the world come to?" she threw her arms in the air and pretends to faint. Darien slumped his shoulders and turned to face Serena annoyed. "Would you just do it? Rei needs my help." Serena shook her head. "First you have to apologize. And then you have to kneel and beg." "WHAT??" Darien's eyes widen in disbelieve. "Fine I'm leaving." "Ok, ok fine." Darien sighed. He didn't want look like an idiot not being able to dress himself with a simple item. But this is the first time he's ever worn a traditional Japanese kimono. Serena looked pleased and excited. "Now tell me you're sorry for teasing me." "I'm sorry." "I can't hear you!" "I'M SORRY!!!!" Serena smiled and clasped her hands. "Much better. Now...get on your knees and beg for forgiveness. It has to be convincing." 'Who does she think she is?' Darien thought angrily. 'If anyone sees him doing this...' Darien sighed and got on his knees in front of Serena. "I'm waiting." she tapped her foot and looked down to Darien. "Please help me." "I'm not convinced." Darien sighed. "I'm sorry for teasing you and I'd really appreciate it if you'd help me." he said again. "Nope. Still not convinced." Steam was boiling up to Darien's neck. He didn't have to wear this stupid kimono. He could just walk out in his regular clothes and it wouldn't have mattered. But for some reason, he stayed and played along. "Now take my hand and beg like you've never begged in your whole life." Serena giggled expectedly. Rolling his eyes, Darien took her hand. It was soft and it fit his large hand perfectly. Shaking his head slightly, he looked up to her. "Please Serena....I'm begging you for forgiveness. Have mercy on me!! Please I need you!" he couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity of the situation. Suddenly Andrew walked in and stared in disbelieve at Darien and Serena. "My, my, my...I leave you alone for 5 minutes." Darien stood up immediately and let go of Serena's hand. "It's not what you think?" Andrew chuckled. "Whatever you say." he turned and slid the door shut. "Ha that was perfect!!" Serena cheered happily. "What?" Darien ran a hand through his ebony hair and frowned. "We just had a witness!" "Uhhh." Darien sweat dropped and hung his head. He's never going to hear the end of it from Andrew. "Look. I already begged and apologized, could you just help me with it?" he asked impatiently. Serena thought about it for a moment. "See you do need help." she grins and walked to stand in front of Darien. "Take that off." she ordered. "What?" "Well you did this all wrong. You can't just fix the outside!" she sighed. "A kindergartner can do this without fussing." Darien chose to ignore that statement and proceeded to undress. "Ok now that..." Serena stopped suddenly and looked away blushing. Darien had taken everything off except for his boxers and socks. Serena noticed with embarrassment that he had a nicely toned chest with defined muscles all over his body. They weren't those big lumpy ones like wrestlers have, but very nice irresistible ones that made him look really sexy. "What? you've never seen a guy before?" Darien asked chuckling at her flushed cheeks. Serena muttered something incoherent under his gaze and looked down. Bad idea. She only got a glimpse of Darien's strong thighs and his tall legs. Shaking her head from all the distracting thoughts, she looked back up to Darien nervously. "Um here." she took the shirt and handed it to him. "Put this on first." Darien complied. "Ok now put this robe on like this." Serena draped this kimono over his shoulders and coughed slightly as she touched his broad, strong shoulder blades. She all of a sudden had an urge to run her hands all over his body, but refrained from doing so as she walked around him. "Now this is the tougher part. You have to make sure that this part here...." she bit her lip in concentration and straightened up the collard carefully." Suddenly they both noticed how close they were to each other as Serena looked up to Darien shyly. "Um...hand me the...um...." she pointed. "the....um belt?" Darien asked and looked away. "Ya. the belt." Serena echoed. 'Gosh what's happening to me?' Serena wondered and snapped out of her thoughts quickly. "Ok tie the belt around your waist like this and..." she suddenly caught his gaze and stared into his dark blue eyes as her hands settled around his waist still holding the belt. "Hey guys! Are you fini....." Andrew stopped as he focused his eyes on Serena and Darien. Serena had her arms around his waist while Darien was slowly moving towards her. They let go of each other quickly and looked away embarrassed. "Uh....we would like some help if you guys are done." he grined and leaned against the door frame. "Ya we're almost um...done. Here just tie this." she told Darien and picked up the shoes. "And put these on." Darien raised an eyebrow. "Those?" he pointed to the pair of wooden slippers in Serena's hand. Andrew smiled at the stuttering couple. "Come on Darien. Put them on and help us out." Darien coughed at the awkward silence and followed Andrew out the door. Serena sat down on a stool and stared blankly after them. "Oh my goodness was I just about to...." Serena wondered softly to herself. "Ughh! What was I think?!!" she stood up and walked outside shoving everything that had just happened to the back of her mind. "It's about time. Meatball head! What excuse do you have this time for being late?" Rei looked at her sternly. "I...was getting ready that's all." Serena laughed nervously and turned to her customers. Rei shook her head...."Chad!!! Move it! We need more ruby charms at table 5!!" she hollered as Chad rushes to the storage. "Yes Sir!! I...I mean Ma'am!!" The whole day had been a success as people came one after another and purchased their entire stock of charms and still had saved some items for each of the girls. "This was so great! We've sold almost everything!" Lita took out her pick of charms and tried them on. "I'm glad I bought these before everything was gone." Mina smiled as she neatly boxed them. "Ya we sold enough to pay for a year of temple expenses." Rei stashed the money into a metal cash box. "Now all I have to do this put the money in the bank. But I'll do that tomorrow. I'm exhausted." "I've got a shift at 7 at the caf鮠I better go." Andrew checked his watch and handed the kimono back to Rei. "Thanks Andrew for all your help!" Rei smiled gratefully. "It was my pleasure. See ya girls later!" he waved as Mina sighed. "Isn't he so dreamy?" "Uh.... I'd like to stay and chat, but I've got to go too." Darien smiled charmingly. "Thank you so much Darien for your help." Rei hollered as he walked down the temple steps. "No problem!" he waved and disappeared around the corner. Rei smiled and put the empty boxes into a trash bag. "What took you and Darien so long?" she asked Serena who blushed slightly. "Nothing! He needed help with his kimono." "And you helped him? I thought you hated his guts." Serena shrug slightly. "I made him apologize first and then beg me for forgiveness." Rei looked at Serena questioningly and laughed. "Did he do it?" "He sure did. You should have seen him. It was good to get him back." Serena dusted her hands and smiled. "I wish I could have seen that." "I'm hungry. Lets go to the caf顢 Mina suggested as her stomach growled. "You just want to see Andrew." Serena winked. "And you don't?" Rei tossed the full trash bag on Chad as they went inside to change. "It's already 6? Boy time went by fast today." Serena sighed as she put her shoes on. "I'm glad we got to help out. It was fun." Lita smiled and checked her hair. "And what are you doing?" Mina asked accusingly. "Nothing!" Lita turned to them. "I...ah...I wanted to look nice." "For Andrew you mean?" Mina huffed. "Well the truth finally comes out. Is anyone else interested in pursuing him? Better speak now." The four girls walked down a still busy street as they chatted about various subjects. "Hey is that Darien?" Lita pointed to someone standing across the street surrounded by at least five college girls. Serena's eyes widen in surprise. "It is him." "I guess he's really popular. Look at all the girls flirting with him like he's the only guy alive. Do you think he has a girlfriend?" Mina asked as they watched him curiously. "Why should I know. I don't talk to him that.. ..that often. I mean if he had a girlfriend, he'd already be rubbing it in my face." Serena babbled on. "Calm down Serena. I wasn't just asking you." Mina giggled at Serena's strange behavior all of a sudden. "Oh he just looked this way! Hide!!" Lita whispered and pushed them around the corner. "phew.. ..that was close." Serena huffed. "So what if he sees us. I'm not afraid of him." she said indignantly and held her head high. "I'm going to walk straight over there and into the caf頡nd pretend that he isn't even there." Turning on her heels, Serena walked right across the street. "Oh Darien, you're so cute!" a tall girl around Darien's age clung to his arm as she giggle annoyingly. "So are you coming to our party on Sunday night?" another one asked as she leaned forward purposely letting him look at her half exposed cleavage. Darien shook his head. "I'd like to but I have to work on Monday." all the girls pouted. "Oh...but Darien, everyone's going to be there. And I'll be there." the tall girl scooted closer to Darien and reached under his shirt to massage his back. "Really...I can't." he took her hand out as he tried to decline the offer, but the girls just wouldn't stop bugging the hell out of him. Suddenly he spotted Serena walking toward them confidently. She was looking straight pass him and at the caf頷indow. Doesn't she see him? Finally she stopped in front the group and smiled. "Excuse me." Serena said without looking at Darien and walked right inside. "Did you see that?" Lita asked Rei as they peeked around the corner. "She just went straight in." Rei shook her head. "And Darien didn't tease her either. What's going on between them? Next they'll be dating or something...." the girls looked at each other. "Nah...this is Serena and Darien we're talking about....right?" Mina shrugged. "Who knows." "Come on lets go." Lita giggled. "I think Darien needs some help with those snobby girls." Rei grinned mischievously. "Ya lets." the three girls walked casually across the street. Suddenly, Rei waved her arm. "Oh Darien! There you are!" Darien looked passed the girls to see Lita, Mina, and Rei walking towards him and silently begged for help. "Your...uh....girlfriend is waiting for you in your apartment. She asked me to tell you that she has a...uh...surprise for you." she winked at him. Darien nodded. "If you'll excuse me ladies. I can't keep my love waiting." he winked back at Mina, Lita, and Rei thanking them and rode away on his motorcycle. "Girlfriend....did you know he had a girlfriend?" "He's already taken?" Rei smiled as she, Lita, and Mina walked into the caf鮠 "What a bunch of stupid airheads." Mina laughed as they found Serena sitting in a booth already ordering food. Hi guys! Well I know this chapter was kind of short. The next chapter will have more Serena/ Darien moments. I'd like to thank all of you who e-mailed me about The Fire From Within. I'm so glad that people are actually reading my stories. Part 3 is coming out next week. So stayed tuned!!