Title: Opposite Attraction - Sequel Author: Blue Ice E-mail: Blue_Ice_Babe@hotmail.com Rated: (PG.) Hi everyone! I'm back with a sequel! Why you ask? Well, some of my friends read Opposite Attraction this weekend and they thought that I should write a sequel. I didn't exactly want to at first. But, after thinking about it, I decided to write one. So here it is. Hope ya'll like it. Oh and don't forget to e-mail me with your thoughts, flames, compliments, whatever you want! "I'm so happy, Darien." "Are you?" "Yes, whenever you're here, I feel all light and warm." Darien chuckled lightly at Serena's content sigh. He set down his book momentarily and turned to his beautiful girlfriend with a smile. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Serena looked up to him with a huge grin. "Why do you study so much? I can't keep focused on anything for more than thirty minutes." By now, she had gotten up and strolled to his kitchen to fetch some drinks. "Tea, Muffin?" Serena called out from behind the fridge door. Darien replied with a 'um hm' and picked up his book again. He read the title with a shake of his head. "Here you go." Serena handed him the cool drink and plopped herself comfortably on the couch next to him. She turned slightly to look at the thunderstorm outside, then sighed. "Something on your mind?" Darien inquired before planting a quick kiss on her cheek. Serena shrugged absentmindedly, getting up in the process to stand before the large balcony windows. She smiled to herself. Nothing could possibly be wrong. Things were utterly perfect... Placing a hand over the glass, she looked into the steadily beating rain. Ever since two weeks ago, everything has been like a dream. After all, she has Darien now. Isn't that what she wanted all along? "I have a feeling that you're keeping something from me? Care to talk about it?" Darien asked from behind her as his arms encircled her and brought her into his embrace. Serena leaned back, closing her eyes to memorize the wonderful feeling. "Sometimes I don't think I deserve you. You're so good to me, and ...and I think I take you for granted." She confessed, eyes unconsciously welling up with tears. A few chuckles escaped Darien's lips before he turned her around in his arms and looked into her eyes. "If anything, Serena, I don't deserve you." He replied. Serena couldn't help but smile and held on to him even tighter. "I love you." She whispered. "You don't have to say it. I already know." Darien returned and kissed her affectionately on the forehead. "I love you too." "I know." Serena sighed. She looked up to him with starry eyes. "I just wanted to tell you, nevertheless." * * * * "What a bummer! One day that we finally get sometime to do anything, it has to rain." Lita sighed as she took another drink of her mocha. "I wonder why everyone else is doing right now. She turned to Ami with a smile and plucked the thick computer book away from her friend. "Ames! Quit studying. It's summer. Enjoy it while you can!" Ami only smiled sweetly and removed her reading glasses. "I suppose you're right. But, it's so gloomy today. What can we do?" Just as she said that, Rei and Mina walked in with two pairs of umbrellas. They all turned to each other with smiles. "Konnichiwa! Isn't this a wonderful day?" Mina asked happily. She plopped down in the booth with a very long sigh. Lita waved her hand slowly over Mina's starry eyes before turning to look at Ami and Rei. "I guess she must have met someone, huh?" Lita grinned and Rei nodded her head with a sweat-drop. Ami giggled slightly before reaching to retrieve her book and then leaning back against the seat. After a while, Lita propped her elbows on the table and looked across at Mina expectedly. "Well, are you going to tell us about him or do we have to ask Rei?" Mina giggled slyly and took a deep breath. "Well, we were at the mall looking for something to wear to that pool party thinging Andrew's having next week. Then my eyes fell on the most handsomest man ever! He had dark brown hair, just parted perfectly, beautiful blue eyes and those sexy lips!" All three of the girls sweat dropped and sunk into their seats. Oh this was going to be a long story... The following week... "Hey girls! Glad you made it! Come on in!" Andrew hollered from behind the bar. "Hi Andrew! Wow, you went all out for this party huh?" Mina giggled before leaning over the counter and watching Andrew scrub the floor. "What are you doing?" "Well, Lizzy's stupid friends brought over their dogs. Guess you can imagine what happened." He replied, rinsing out the sponge with disgust. He looked up momentarily to see Mina glowing like a light bulb. "Huh, didn't know you were this excited to come to my party. You're practically giddy." Mina rolled her eyes affectionately before smiling sweetly down to him. "Who said I'm happy because of your party. I've got other matters in mind." She replied, hopping off the stool and ran out back to the pool. "Boys...probably..." Andrew muttered before returning to his scrubbing. "Why do I feel like Cinderella all of a sudden and Lizzy and her friends are my ugly step sisters." "Really, Andrew? I think they're rubbing off on you." Andrew sat back up with a defeated chuckle before looking up to the arrived guests. There, standing before him, hand in hand, was his buddy Darien and his girlfriend. "Hey guys. Glad you could make it. Oh, and yes I'm scrubbing some dog crap left behind by Lizzy's friend's dogs, alright. You can stop snickering now because I can hear you perfectly fine." He rolled his eyes playfully before going back to his work. "Um, ok. We'll be out back with the rest of the people..." Darien replied with a chuckle before dragging Serena past the kitchen. ------- "Darien!" "Huh? Oh good morning Dr. Saruki." "Come, come. I must talk with you." "I must say that I am most disappointed with your decision to... uh...not continuing the scholarship offered to you in the States. And in exchange for your place, the Board, Dr. Bryan, and I have dutifully chosen another candidate. I am sorry to say that you will be missing out on an once in a lifetime opportunity." Dr. Saruki sat down at his desk with a shake of his head. "Now, tell me Darien. Why?" Darien took a deep breath and leaned forward slightly to look into the eyes of his professor. "I...I think that the decision was made a long time ago for various reasons. But, as I've told you before, that there is a bigger reason why. It might not be something that you'd consider a good reason, but to me, it is quite a..." "No, you don't have to say more, Darien. I guess I can understand how you feel. Very well, perhaps in the future huh? Anytime you say the word. Now, would you like to accompany me for some coffee?" Dr. Saruki stood up with a sigh and walked to his door. He knew that whatever was keeping Darien from this must be something special. - - - - "So, they've chosen someone else, huh? That's too bad." "Yeah, I guess." Darien sighed again and stirred his coffee absentmindedly Andrew looked over the counter at Darien skeptically before shaking his head in wonder. Of all the hard work and the many sleepless nights he had spent writing his thesis, it finally paid off and not only that, but he received the most prestigious offer ever made to anyone attending, or anyone who's ever attended Juuban University. He knew that Serena was the reason why he decided not to go, but was it really worth it? "Look, Darien, maybe you still have a chance to go. I mean it'll just be a year right? I'm sure Serena would understand." Andrew suggested. He hated to see his buddy down. "I...I can't leave Serena. I mean what if I had to stay longer for some reason and she gives up on me just because I wasn't ever there for her. And then what if she finds someone else who isn't selfish enough to leave her suddenly... No, Andrew, I just can't do it." "Serena's lucky to have you, Darien. Very lucky." They both chuckled slightly before two hands came up to cover Darien's eyes. "Guess who Muffin?" She giggled from behind. "Oh, there's only one person who calls me that." Turning around, Darien wrapped his arms around Serena affectionately before planting a kiss on her lips. She sighed in return and after whispering something into Darien's ear, hopped onto the stool next to him. "Good morning, Andrew. Just a coke for me today." She smiled brightly. "One coke coming up!" Andrew replied and left them momentarily to get her drink. "Oh Muffin, tell Andrew that I'll be right back. Gotta make a quick phone call to mom." Serena suddenly remembered and left quickly. "Hey where did Serena go?" Andrew asked, a little confused that Serena was nowhere around. "She went to make a phone call." Darien replied and looked toward the back of the caf鮍 "You know, I think you should really take this offer. I'm sure if you decide to go, they wouldn't turn you down. Besides it was your thesis that was accepted, not that other person's. And they'd be stupid if they sent some guy over there who doesn't know what he's doing. Come on Darien, just think about it. Don't let a little problem get in the way of your dreams. Serena will understand, I guarantee you." "You sure are a big talker, Andrew. I just can't. Serena means too much to me..." "What if she told you go. What if she told you that she wanted you to go?" "Then I'd know she'd be lying. Look, Andrew, I've made up my mind. She needs me here." Darien replied. "Look, just think about it ok? I'm telling you, you're making a huge mistake just because of Serena." Andrew chided. Darien chuckled slightly and took a sip of his coffee. "Fine, I'll think about it." They continued to talk, neither noticing the shadow behind the wall that lingered only moments before quickly dashing into the bathroom. "Oh...god, Darien..." Serena whimpered. She had just heard every word of their conversation and couldn't bare any longer as tears streamed down her pale cheeks. After all they've been through together, Darien was actually thinking about going away and leaving her here all alone? It was a selfish thought, but she wanted him to be with her always. "Serena? I didn't know you were here." Quickly wiping away her tears, she turned to see Rei walking out of a stall. "Yeah, I...I just got here." They stood side by side and both looked into the mirror to check their appearances. Suddenly, Rei noticed the trail of try tears on Serena's cheek. "Have you been crying?" She asked, looking carefully into Serena's downcast eyes. That was all it took for Serena to break down then and there. She sunk to the floor defeated as she buried her face in her hands in sadness and shame. Rei didn't have a clue why Serena was acting this way, but she kneeled in front of her friend with sympathy. After a while, Serena raised her head from her folded arms and sniffled silently. "What happened, Serena?" Rei asked worriedly. Not getting a reply, she shook her friend gently. "Get yourself together, girl. Did you jump to conclusions again?" She kidded with a chuckle. This time, Serena looked up with a threatening glare. "Oops, sorry. I won't say that again." Rei smacked herself inwardly for bringing up such a touchy subject. The last time Serena jumped to conclusions, Darien almost died. "He's leaving me..." Serena choked out in a coarse whisper. "What??! What do you mean he's leaving you? Darien's leaving?" Rei shouted in alarm. Just when everyone thought that things were finally back to normal, something had to happen to ruin it. "Are you sure, Serena? How do you know?" Looking down, Serena recounted everything that she heard between Andrew and Darien and then explain why she thought it would really happen. "I was the only reason that Darien stayed. Because of me, he lost his dreams, everything he's worked so hard and long for. I...I know I'm selfish for wanting him to stay with me, but I can't help it. I don't want to lose him. What if...what if he goes to America, meets some gorgeous American woman, falls in love with her and comes back with a wife!!!????? Wahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" Rei covered her ears and shook her head with a sweat drop. "Serena! You're over reacting! Darien loves you and he will not fall in love with anyone else okay?! Now you're going to march out there and tell him how you feel! Crying will do you no good." Serena nodded in agreement and shakily stood up. "I...I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here." She sniffled out and launched into Rei's arms. 'That's why I'm here.' Rei thought to herself with a smile. "You're such a baby sometimes!" She couldn't help but huff out with a sigh. Then smiling, Rei pushed Serena out of the restroom. "Go tell him. He needs to know." Quietly, Serena made her way out of the ladies room and to stand behind Darien. They had long changed the subject and now were just discussing some everyday things. At her cough, they both stopped talking and smiled at her. "Is everything ok? You took kinda long in there." Andrew questioned, making Serena blush with dawning humiliation. "Oh! I wasn't sick to my stomach or anything. Rei happened to be in there and we just chatted for a while...that's all." Serena quickly replied. "Where's my coke?" Changing the subject, she hopped onto the stool again and started to sip at her drink ravenously. "Eh...there's more coke Serena. Take it easy there." Andrew grinned before continuing their conversation. "Anyway, as I was saying, Lizzy really needs your support at this play next week. Do you think you guys can make it?" He asked. Darien thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose, if I don't have anything else planned. What do you say Serena?" "Uh, I...I think I'll be busy next week...with...with..." "Yes?" Andrew motioned for her to continue. "It's summer." Darien stated. "I'm just going to be busy that's all! What's with the third degree!" She suddenly yelled, making Darien a little uneasy. Then she turned her attention back to the ice cubes left in her glass. She sighed loudly before looking up to Darien apologetically. "I'm sorry, Darien." She choked out. 'Darien?' Darien thought in surprise. She hasn't called him by his real name the time that they've been dating. It was always Muffin, or Pumpkin, or some kind of desert name. Something wasn't right here. "Um...I'm going to go check in the arcade. You know what those rowdy kids can do?" With a smile, Andrew left them alone at the counter. After a moment of silence, they both looked up at the same moment to stare intently into each other's eyes. 'Why don't you tell me how you really feel?' they both asked silently. 'I thought we were past keeping secrets from each other, Darien. Why won't you trust me?' Serena thought with urgency. This foreign exchange thing was obviously important to him and he would rather share it with Andrew than her. 'Why are you acting this way? Am I not making you happy?' Darien thought at the same time. Ever since that day they spent at his apartment, things have somehow changed, not for the good of it though. He turned away when she broke the contact and they both just sat there wondering what the other was thinking. "Well, I...I guess I'm just cranky because it's so early and honestly I usually don't get up until about noon. Hey, it's summer vacation, right?" Serena chirped out in the effort to make some comfortable conversation. Though it didn't help much, Darien was glad that at least they were talking to each other. "Yeah, I guess it's too early in the morning for me too." He replied. 'No, it's not. You're always an early riser.' Serena thought sadly to herself. He was lying again. She then smiled. She really didn't give him the good opportunity to admit his feelings. Oh well, maybe at a better time. She swore that she will somehow get it out of him. "Oh, look at the time. Mom wants me back to make lunch. The whole family's going over to Aunt Anita's house for a picnic. I'll call you when I get back." With that said, Serena leaned in to kiss Darien quickly on the lips, and walked out of the caf鮍 Darien stared after her form oddly. That was the most awkward moment they've ever shared in the entire time that they've know each other. "She left huh? What was that all about?" Andrew asked, returning to his shift. "I honest don't know, Andrew. I thought everything was working out. I don't know what could possibly be happening between us." Darien answered truthfully. "You know you guys don't have one thing in common. Yet, you're completely in love with each other. Don't let this get in the way because I know it's going to work out." "Yeah? Who named you the God of Love?" "Me of course. You know what they all say? Opposites attract, and that's a fact!" Darien chuckled to himself. 'That's what Serena's friends said.' - - - <- - ~<@ "Sooooo? Are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to start guessing?" "Nothing happened. I...I didn't tell him." "But, I thought you wanted him to know how you..." "That's not important Rei. What's important is that his decision is based on his needs, not mine. I can't keep on standing in his way. If I tell him how I really feel, he'll never leave." Rei sat down next to Serena and handed her a cup of tea. "I, uh, thought that's what you wanted - for him to stay with you. Why the sudden change of mind?" Serena smiled. "It's more of a change of heart, I guess. I love him dearly and it's time that I make him happy. And you're going to help me, Rei." Rei suddenly spit out her drink and turned to Serena suspiciously. "Me? What do you mean I'm going to help you? Just what exactly is going on in that meatball head of yours?" Serena returned with simply a gleam in her eyes. "Oh no. I don't like that look, Serena. You better explain yourself." 5 minutes later... "What? That's insane! Serena, how could you even think of taking such a risk!?" Rei shouted. She couldn't believe what she was hearing from the love-struck girl. She shook her head in disagreement. "I...I simply can not see you two tormented again." Serena groaned in impatience. "Rei! Would you please just listen to me? This is for Darien. This is for all the hard work and persistence he put into his studies, into his thesis. He deserves this opportunity and I'm not going to be the one stopping him. Now, please, you need to understand this so we can tell the rest of the girls." Rei rolled her eyes again and shook her head in wonder. "Alright. If you say so." The next day... "What?!" Ami, Lita, and Mina shouted simultaneously. "This is..." Ami started. "unbelievably..." Mina continued. "crazy! Definitely crazy!" Lita finished as the girls continued to gawk at Serena and a sweat dropping Rei. "That's exactly what I told her." Rei mumbled under her breath, but was jabbed in the ribs by Serena's elbow. "Ok, ok." After a moment of contemplation, Lita looked up to Serena with a nod of her head. "Alright, Serena. If it means this much to you, then we'll help. I...I hope it works out at the end." She announced. She hated to see them go through more tormenting, but Serena seemed determined to make Darien happy and this was the only way. "Yes, I agree. You two love each other and deserve happiness. If this is the way to get it, then I'm in." Ami added. She smiled to indicate reassurance. Serena couldn't help but feel tears stinging her eyes and her heart beat wildly in anticipation. At last, Mina walked up to Serena, her face expressionless. "Promise me one thing, Serena." She urged. Serena nodded and Mina put her hands on her best friend's shoulders. "Promise me that you and Darien will get back together at the end. Promise me that there will be no more crying over him or going into depressions because he's away." "I promise, Mina. Pinky swear." Serena raised her pinky with confidence. Mina linked her pinky with Serena's and they came together with a warm and comforting hug. "Then, you have my full support." The girls gathered around Serena and put their heads together. "Alright, tell us what to do." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >^-^< "Alright. There's Darien. Let's just get through this fast and go on to the next step, ok?" Mina asked. She was already getting nervous. The girls had gotten together earlier to rehearse their little skit. The time has finally come and there's no turning back. Rei glanced back once more before shushing everyone and resuming their positions. "So you think she's in love with him?" Rei asked, loud enough for Darien to hear across the caf頩n another booth. "I...I don't know what to say, except that he's so hot!" She faked and mentally kicked herself for going along with it. Just then Darien looked up at the loud voices coming from around the counter. Andrew wasn't there, and it was so early that just one or two other customers were reading their papers quietly while drinking coffee. Since he knew the girls, he didn't bother to wonder who they were talking about. Mina motioned with a wink that Darien was listening to them. They straightened up a bit before continuing with the charade. "I guess Darien wasn't the one. The poor thing, after all he and Serena went through, she had her heart set on someone else all the time." "Aw, how is she ever going to break it to him?" Ami asked. Lita shook her head. "I know she loves him, but not the way that he loves her. Isn't it a shame?" This time Darien raised his head from the magazine he was reading and glanced over at the girls with confusion. 'What?' He thought in alarm. 'What the hell are they talking about?' Adjusting slightly in his seat, Darien looked up silently and continued to eavesdrop on their conversation. "Well, what do you think she's going to tell him? He needs to know the truth." Ami said. This time, every doubt he had of their conversation vanished. 'Ami would never lie.' He thought. But still, something doesn't make sense. He had now stood up and started to walk toward the girls, wanting some answers. Rei turned around just as he was within a few feet of the girls. "Darien! Oh...I, I didn't know you were here." She pretended to be alarmed and made eye contact with Lita briefly before looking out the window. "Um..." She started. "I couldn't help hearing what you were talking about and..." "Uh, yeah, whatever. Um let's go talk somewhere else huh? It's hot in here. Yeah, let's go next door to the arcade. Boy, I feel like playing some video games." Rei replied quickly and started to pull Darien away from the door. "Wait a minute. What...? I need to know what's going on, Rei. Tell me the truth." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to stare into her eyes. The girls could tell that Rei was weakening and she would soon give up and tell him everything. "What were you saying about Serena?" "Um..." Rei stuttered before glancing back at the entrance again. "Let's go talk somewhere else. We're disturbing the customers." "But you never cared when you were talking so loudly about Serena. Why the sudden change?" He demanded. He wanted to know. He needed to know what was going on. Maybe get some answers about Serena's behavior lately. "I..." "Darien...this is not a good time for us to discuss this..." "Serena?" Mina was suddenly interrupted when the door bell jingled and in came Serena, hand in hand with another boy. He was probably around her age. Tall, handsome, masculine, and just as Rei had said, hot. He looked back and forth between Serena and Darien. "Do you know him Serena?" He asked, claiming to be clueless. "Darien. I...I didn't know you were going...to...to be..." "What's going on Serena?" Darien asked, his tone and gaze hard as stone as he stared down to Serena in disbelieve. Lita was the first one to recover and stepped up to Serena comfortingly. "Go ahead, Serena. Tell him. He needs to know." She chided. There it goes again. This...this insane idea that Serena was keeping something from him. And that she was in love with another guy? Darien shook his head in denial as he grabbed Serena's hand in his and led her to a corner. "Hey, get your hands off of her!" The other guy shouted, reaching out to take Serena back. But, he was stopped by Serena herself and she reached up to touch his cheek tenderly before whispering something into his ear. Still not satisfied, he glared at Darien and stepped back reluctantly. The girls also held him back from Darien. "Darien...I...I need to tell you something." Serena begin, tearing brimming her eyes. They weren't fake tears. She was sobbing not because she was going along with the charade, but in fear of really hurting him, her true love. "We...we..." Finally choked up, she turned away from him to wipe away some tears. "What are you trying to say?" He asked, his voice slicing through her like a thousand knifes. It all seemed like some kind of a nightmare to him. One day they were happy together, and now, Serena's crying because she can't tell him that... "I don't love you, Darien. I...I was confused and, and..." "What?" "I love Josh. He's always been the one for me. I'm sorry Darien. I'm so sorry." She was bawling now, not being able to hold back the pain. Darien turned away in disbelieve as he listened to the heart breaking words of his beloved. Why is she doing this to him? "We love each other, Serena! After all this time? I don't understand." "Darien! You're not listening! I!" She pointed to herself dramatically. "I felt guilty that you were in an accident because of me, ok? I didn't mean to lead you on in anyway. You did that on your own!" She was practically yelling now, trying to get across to her point. "I never saw that coming..." He replied, his eyes also welling up with tears. His heart was completely broken as a black void filled his slowly dying soul. "If this is the way you feel, then...then I have nothing to say." He turned to leave, but Serena had grabbed his arm and held it against her chest. Was this really over? "Wait...please...please..." "What else do you want from me?" He asked sharply, his voice nevertheless wavering in pain "Go...go to the United States. I knew I was the one keeping you from your dreams. Now, I won't be in your way. Please, go." She begged, trying to convince him. "Is this what you want? You want me to be out of your life forever? You've been in love with someone else all this time? The other day, you were so reluctant to speak to me. I should have known that something was happening between us. I just never thought you were this kind of a person, Serena. Anyone, but you..." Darien gave Serena one last look before turning around and walking out of the caf鮍 The girls took in a deep breath and patted Josh on the back. "Nice job, Josh. Thanks." Mina smiled wanly. At least the worst part was over. Now it aws up to Darien. They all turned their gazes to Serena as she stared after him longingly. "I love you, Darien. I will never hurt you again." She vowed. "Things will be back to normal, soon." Three weeks later... "Thank you for dinner, Darien. It was delicious. I had no idea you were such a good cook." Darien smiled and brought out two champagne glasses and some wine. "Care for some Merlot, Claire?" He asked. She nodded gracefully and joined him on the balcony. He poured out the wine, and after making a short toast, drank down the half glassful in one large gulp. "I didn't know you were a drinker?" She asked with a giggle. Darien grinned lopsidedly and set the glass down with a cling. "I didn't either." They became silent and both just stared off into the orange sky with the setting sun. Darien suddenly remembered bitterly that one night while Serena was over here, she had fallen asleep in his arms watching the same exact sunset. He smiled slightly at the memory. But the smile faded suddenly as he glanced at Claire beside him. He didn't know why he had called her up and asked her to dinner. He was mad and it drove him insane thinking of Serena's betrayal. Not really thinking, he had dragged Claire into this big mess. Closing his eyes, Darien leaned against the railing and felt the light breeze brush across his face. "Darien, where are you?" Claire asked. "In a world that's disappearing, I'm afraid." Darien answered. He turned slightly and smiled softly at her. She looked so beautiful tonight. Maybe it was the wine or just because he was distracted, but somehow his heart yearned for her company. He looked back down at the streets with a sigh. "Perhaps, I can bring you back to my world..." She stopped talking when he was no longer paying attention to her, but instead looking intently at something...or rather someone walking below. He seemed frozen in his position as he squinted his eyes to see better. The person down below had also looked up at the same time and made eye contact with him, and then Claire too. Her pale blue eyes widened in surprise, and even though they were six floors up, she knew who Claire was. Her pink lips suddenly let out a gasp and her steps quickened immediately. "Who is she, Darien?" Claire asked after a moment of silence and confusion. "I've gotta go. I'll be right back." Darien mumbled before running inside and out the door, leaving a confused Claire behind on the balcony. -<>- -<>- -<>- -<>- "Wait!" He shouted and continued to run after her. She was fast, but he was faster. Before long, Darien had caught up with her, and he reached out to grab her wrist. "Wait! I have to know something!" He demanded. "You're the only who can tell me the truth now, Ami." "What do you mean, Darien?" Ami's timidly voice choked out. She really didn't want to be in this situation. She looked into his eyes nervously. "I know that you don't lie, Ami. I've known you long enough to know that you'd never betray your friends. But you would never hurt them when you know that something could be done. Tell me, is it true?" He asked. Ami freed her wrist from his grasp and lowered her head in shame. She couldn't possibly tell him the truth no matter how much it was eating her away inside. Like Serena said, he would never leave if he found out what they were really up to. And if he didn't leave, he wouldn't be happy, even if he had Serena. "I...I don't know what you're talking about." Ami replied hastily before turning to leave. But Darien still followed. "I just want to know one thing. Did Serena mean it?" "Why are you asking me? You heard what Serena said to you at the..." "I don't care what she said to me!" Darien shouted. He took hold of her shoulders and shook her really hard. "I know you know the truth and I want to know the truth. Just tell me, is it over between Serena and I?" Ami looked up frightened, not a single word escaping her lips. "I...I..." She stuttered. "Please, Ami. That's all I'm asking you to tell me. Is it...over?" Darien asked again. He searched her eyes desperately for the answer the wanted to hear. Alas it wasn't there. "I'm sorry Darien. She told you the truth." That was all he needed to hear. Ami silently cried as he turned away momentarily. She could tell that his heart was breaking. "Was that Claire you were with on your balcony?" She asked after a minute of silence. "So what if I was. It doesn't matter anymore." Darien ran a hand through his hair before walking across the street toward his apartment complex. "Thanks for telling me the truth, Ami. Maybe I'll see you around." He waved before entering the building. Ami's sympathetic gaze followed Darien's retreating form until it was just a mere shadow. She then looked up to the sixth floor and her eyes met those of Claires. They reflected confusion. Ami only turned away and continued her walk. When she looked back once more, Darien was already there with her, and they walked inside to his apartment. "Please Darien, don't do anything you'll regret." ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ "Ami! For once you're the one late!" Mina hollered as Ami entered the temple and sat down at the table with the rest of the girls. Ami only smiled slightly before picking her tea cup and drinking its content in one gulp. "I heard from Andrew that Darien is leaving for the states tomorrow morning. What are you planning to do now, Serena?" Rei asked. They had come together to hear what Serena had in mind for the next step. Serena took a deep breath before a smile spread across her face. "Well, first I'm going to let him go." At the girls' confused stares, she continued. "Now, when he gets there, I will call him and tell him everything. It will then be too late to come back because he'd already be in class and can't possibly leave. Then everything will be okay and I'll simply have to try to survive until he comes back." The girls nodded in unison. "Wow, Serena. You thought all out on this didn't you?" Mina asked with a giggle. "I'm just glad that things will turn out just fine for you two at the end." "Yeah, the worst part is over." Lita added. "I don't know about that." Ami suddenly interjected. She looked across the table at Serena with a sad expression. "Serena...I...oh it's horrible!" She finally cried. "What is Ami?" they all asked simultaneously. Ami wiped away a tear that was falling from her eye and told them what had happened on her way to the temple. Afterwards, everyone became silent, Serena especially. She thought deeply to herself before looking up with a smile. "That's alright. I'll...I'll just have to trust that he didn't do anything. I believe in him. He can't just give up that easily. He loves me." They girls came together with a hug. "Don't worry Serena. Just have faith." Lita whispered as a tear fell from her eye. The next day... "Hey Andrew! Where were you?" Mina asked wonderingly. "I've been waiting here forever. Did you oversleep this morning?" She joked. Andrew shook his head with a chuckle and motioned her to follow him inside the caf鮍 "Actually I just dropped Darien and Claire off at the airport." He replied. "It's such a shame what happened between him and Serena. Claire was actually his replacement, and after he told his professor that he wanted to rejoin the program, he let both of them go." "What? What time does their plane leave?" Mina asked as she grabbed his shirt collard urgently. "Uh...11:45. Why?" "Never mind that! Tell Rei that I went to the airport, but do not tell Serena, you hear me or I will come back and kill you!!!" She yelled and let go of him. "Ok ok, geez. Don't have a cow!" By now, Mina had ran out of the caf鬠and after getting a cab, got in and zoomed out of view. "Ohmygod, ohmygod!!!" Mina mumble as she looked for the departing gate. "Ah ha! Gate 637, leaving at 11:45. I have two minutes to get there!" With that, she jumped over some luggage, knocked over a poor steward, tripped an old lady, and finally was on her way to stop Darien from getting on that plane. Meanwhile at the caf鮮. "You took Darien AND Claire to the airport??!!! YOU...YOU IDIOT!!! I didn't think anyone could be more idiotic than Chad! But I was wrong!" Rei screamed angrily at a confused Andrew. "Dude, that's quite a compliment." Chad said happily. "YOU SHUT UP TOO! Now take me to the airport NOW! I'll deal with you later!" She pointed to Andrew before pushing Chad out of the caf鮍 "This is the last call for Flight 234, exiting Gate 637 from Tokyo to New York. All passengers must board the plane. This is the final call for Flight 234." The announcer's voice rang throughout the terminal. Mina rushed to the gate before being stopped by the flight attendant. "I'm sorry, Miss. May I see you ticket please?" She asked politely. Mina on the other hand didn't have the time to be polite or respectful. "LOOK LADY! There are two people I care deeply about who's lives are going to be ruined if you don't let me pass! I must find Darien and tell him something this moment!" "I'm sorry. I cannot let you pass without a ticket." Mina glared at the confused woman before pushing herself all the way inside the terminal and yelling on the top of her lungs, "DARIEN! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, SERENA LOVES YOOOOOUUUUUU! PLEASE, DON'T DO ANYTHING REGRETFUL!!!!! DARIEN!!!!!!!!" "Miss! Please, stop this at once or I will have to call security. The plane is scheduled to leave exactly now and it will leave whether you like or not. Please step back!" She shook her head in disapproval as he shut the terminal door after her. There, she had tried her best and failed. What was to happen now? Mina sighed dejected while sitting down amongst other passengers. "I'm sorry Serena. I tried my best." Just then, Rei and Chad ran around the corner breathlessly to find the plane already preparing to leave the runway. They looked at one another silently. "We're too late, aren't we?" Rei asked, plopping down next to Mina with a sigh. Mina nodded, her gaze focused on the plane that had already taken off. "What are we going to tell Serena. She'll be devastated." "Dude...I knew it was a bad idea." Chad added, before ducking behind the row of chairs. But to his surprise, Rei didn't smack him. Instead, she nodded with a sad expression. "Darien went to America and Serena's left with a backfired plan. I was afraid of this, Mina. I was afraid of this." Later that night, the girls gathered at Rei's temple and broke the news to Serena. She didn't cry or whine, but just sat there listening quietly to their comforting words. "I'm so sorry, Serena. There was nothing we could do. His plane had already left and I couldn't stop him..." Mina apologized. "Then I guess I have to go to him myself and explain everything, don't I?" Serena asked. The whole group became silence all of a sudden and turned to Serena flabbergasted. "What?" They asked in unison. "What are you saying, Serena?" Ami asked, afraid to hear the answer. "I'm going to America myself." She declared. "It's a nonstop flight to New York and I'm sure that I'll be able to find him." "New York is a huge city, Serena. Larger than Tokyo. You'll get lost and...and you don't even speak much English!" Lita pleaded. "Are you sure you really want to do this?" "Everyone, you've been so great to me these past three weeks and you've done all that you can to help me. Now it's my turn to help myself. I can't just sit on my butt and wait for him to come back to me. I must find him. I have the address where he will be staying and the school he is attending. What else do I need?" "Eh...money, perhaps!" Rei shouted. "Look, if you're going to be insane and do this, at least let me help you. Here's my ATM card. Take out however much you need." The rest of the girls agreed and gave Serena their ATM cards. "Oh no, guys I...I can't do this. This is too much!" Serena pushed back gratefully. "Serena, how else are you supposed to get to America? Hm? Now, just take it and you better pay us back!" Mina kidded before pulling Serena into a hug. "I'm going to do this, guys. I love him too much to let him go. And I'll make it till the end." "Can I help you, miss?" "Eh...yes. Um...I...I am loo...looking for Darien Chiba." "Okay, let me check my references. Are you Japanese?" "Yes." "OH! That is so awesome! I've met a lot of Asian people, but never a Japanese. It's nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too." "So?" The girl at the reference desk looked up from her computer and smiled at Serena. "Who's this Darien guy you've come so far to see?" She giggled at Serena's blush. Not that she was blushing from the straight forward question, but because she didn't understand a word the girl just said. "I'm sorry. I eh...no speak much English." Serena shrugged, eager to see Darien. "Oh, that's alright. Hey did you just get here from Japan? You have so many baggage." Then realizing that Serena didn't understand her, she went back to looking for the files. "Ah ha! I found it. Won't you be happy! He is currently attending a class in room 367. But, you can't go in." She shook her head and finger at the same time. Serena scrunched her brows. "Um...class...no go in." The girl motioned with her hands. This time Serena nodded and she smiled to reassure her that she wouldn't. The girl nodded her head with a grin. "Alright, then, I wrote it down for you. Just go on the elevator to the third floor and to you left." She pointed with her hands. "Oh thank you. Thank you very much!" Serena bowed gratefully. "You're welcome sweetie. Hee hee, she's so cute." Serena stopped shakily before room 367 and set down her luggage, containing two fairly large duffel bags and a travel backpack. "Please, don't let me be too late." She pleaded before sitting down on a chair opposite the room and waited impatiently. Finally the door opened, and students filed out of the room one by one. But, Darien was no where to be found. Just then someone tapped her in the shoulder, and she whipped around in surprise. "I'm sorry if I scared you dear, but you seemed to need help." Serena didn't really understand what the old gentlemen had said, but after hearing the word 'help' she decided to try to reply. "I...I am looking for Darien Chiba..." She said while taking a picture out of her purse and showing it to the old man. He looked at it carefully before nodding his head in recognition. "Of course! Darien! Oh you won't find him here. He's at a board meeting with the dean. Tell you what, dear, since you're so pretty, I'd like to take you to a party we are throwing for his and Ms. Claire's arrival. Would you like to come? You can meet him there." He asked. Looking up with a frown, she told him that she wasn't understanding what he was telling her. He chuckled in response and whipped out his English/Japanese dictionary. After a few attempts, Serena finally understood and agreed almost excitedly to join him. During their day together, Serena not only learned that this old man was not only rich, but part of the board of directors at the regional hospital. Somehow, she was able to figure out what he was trying to tell her. The poor man, she thought, had at last given up on having a conversation. Thank goodness their last stop was a jewelry shop where he let her pick out something of her choice. On their way to the party, he turned to her in the limo and smiled. "You don't really know me dear, but I already know you. You see, Darien has told me about you when he first arrived. He was very fund of you indeed. I just don't understand why you left him? But, I'm just surprise how you made it here without any trouble..." he continued on and on. Serena only smiled and nodded occasionally. She owed him that much for helping her. If he only knew how much trouble she had really gone through to get here. First, trying to find the exit at the NY airport was hard enough. After asking around and meeting another Japanese person coincidentally, she got some directions. Then, it was with vain efforts oftrying to tell the cab driver where to take her. Finally getting impatient, she dugged through her backpack and finally found the address she had gotten. Unknown to Darien, Serena had gone to Dr. Saruki before the whole charade thing and begged for him to accept Darien again. He agreed without a single question and had given her the number and address which Darien would be staying in New York. He was very glad that she was doing this for his top student. Then the old man finally understood why Darien was so reluctant to leave Japan. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Ah, good evening Mrs. Robinson. How are you?" "Good evening, Dr. Reid. We're all very excited to hear your speech tonight." "Why, thank you. I feel much more confident. Enjoy the party." The old man turned his attention back to Serena and smiled softly. "Why so nervous. My, you look wonderful." He commented. "Now, let's go prepare for our entrance, shall we?" He bowed and offered his arm to her. Serena giggled slightly at the old man's silliness and laced her gloved arm through his. "Ladies and Gentlemen, here is Dr. Frederick Reid." Applause... "Thank you, Dr. Thompson. You know, the best thing happened to me today. I met a very wonderful person. She is beautiful, sweet, radiant, and hardly speaks a word of English." At that, everyone laughed and raised their champagne glasses, including Darien. Dr. Reid became silent as he looked down to all the people standing before him. "Ha! Who cares about stupid contracts. People sign them everyday and this is my retirement for crying out loud! Ah, I almost forgot." He chuckled before motioning to someone behind the curtains. "I have never felt so carefree my entire life until I met her, and I dedicate this party to her also. Come on out dear." Everyone turned their attention to the podium, waiting for that mysterious someone. Suddenly the whole crowd became silent as Serena emerged into the spot light. She was probably...no definitely the most beautiful girl there, and every single pair of eyes were glued on her. "Serena!" Darien breathed out in utter surprise. Was he having a dream? "Oh there you are, Darien! She's been looking all over for you today! Why don't you take her somewhere to talk hm?" He suggested with a wink and the whole audience broke into laughter at the two young people's blushes. Darien had no choice but to comply. He walked swiftly to Dr. Reid and Serena. "She was a delightful companian, Darien. Would you please tell her that she may keep everything she has on tonight. My personal gift to her as a sentiment of my affections." He then turned to Serena with a broad smile, full of wrinkles. "I sure will miss you when you leave." Somehow Darien didn't need to translate. Serena already understood. She took his hand into her smaller ones and leaned up to kiss his cheek tenderly before whispering a soft 'thank you,' into his ear. The old man's smile became broader and he kissed her hand with the same amount of tenderness and adoration. "Why are you here?" Darien asked when they were finally alone on the balcony. "To tell you the truth. I...I wasn't honest with you, Darien." Serena replied with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Then tell me the truth." "I...I only faked the whole deal between me and Josh so that you'd get mad and leave Japan. I didn't want to keep you from reaching your dreams. You worked so hard for this and I was so selfish for wanting you to stay with me. You must hate me!" She sobbed, turning around to hide her tears. Darien chuckled deeply before taking her into his embrace. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He asked, brushing his lips against her neck. He had missed her so much and every minute without her was torture. Serena closed her eyes as she leaned against him. It felt so wonderful to feel his arms around her, holding her like before. "Because I heard you and Andrew talking about it. And you said you could never leave me. I...I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I hurt you, Darien. I don't deserve you!" By now sniffles and sobs wracked her whole body. Darien turned her around and touched her face tenderly. "You came all the way here just to tell me that? You could have just called." He smiled, brushing away a tear. "But I'm glad you did." Serena sighed deeply. "I...I thought you were with..." "Claire?" He finished. "I...I asked her over to have dinner to discuss the program. And partly because I was stupid and too blind for doubting you. But, nothing more. I suppose I did wanted some company that night. The night that Ami saw us. But nothing happened, Serena. I promise you." "Then,let's not have any more secrets, Darien. I can't bare to go through that again. And I want you to stay and go all the way through with this program. Even though I will miss you so much, I will be happy knowing that you're happy here." Darien chuckled before lifting Serena in his arms and turning them around. "I love you meatball head. Will you wait for me?" He asked, pulling her closer to him. Serena nodded with the brightest smile. "I will be waiting. And I will think about you everyday. I love you so much." They came together with a passionate kiss under the bright summer stars. When they pulled apart, Darien chuckled suddenly and leaned his forehead against Serena's. "What's so funny, Muffin?" "Do you parents know about any of this?" He asked with an arch of his brow. Serena pulled away slightly and looked up to him with a steady shake of her head. "They think I'm out camping somewhere in the woods with the girls. I don't think we should ever tell them...you know just to be on the safe side." She giggled. Darien laughed along and kissed her again, this time slower and meaningful. "You look so beautiful Serena. When you first walked onto that stage, I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping." He told her while placing soft kisses on her neck. He reached out to grasp her hands in his and laced their fingers together. Serena sighed happily as Darien leaned his forehead against hers with a lopsided grin. "I would give anything to stay this way forever. Just you and I, under the stars, holding each other." Serena murmured. "But," she stopped to kiss him again. "I must leave tomorrow." Darien groaned out in frustration and wrapped his arms around her again. "Why don't you stay here with me?" He asked, knowing what the answer would be. "Darien, you know I can't. And besides, who's going to throw you a welcome back party if I'm not there." "Well, I tried." After a moment of silence, he chuckled down to her serene face. "I thought you hate airplanes." Serena's face suddenly contorted into that of fear, and her eyes widen in remembrance. "Ugh, don't remind me!" THE END! Finally, it's done! So, what do you think? Was it good at all? Anywayz, I'd like to dedicate this to all of you out there who asked me for it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave off where it had been in Chapter 7. Please write me and tell me your thoughts because I'm totally bored out of my mind now that it's summer. And I have absolutely nothing to do this whole week!!!!! Everybody's on vacation except me. It's pathetic I know. I have no life! So you see how much I need mail to keep me alive! Well, Happy summer! Love and Kisses Blue Ice