Title: Something Unexpected Chapter 6 Author: Blue Ice E-mail: qysm@hotmail.com Rated: G Hi everyone!!!!!! How's it going? Well, I was up all night last night finishing chapter 5. And it's finally done. I had wanted to make it longer, but my friend Bubblegum thought it would be a good idea to leave it where I left off. That would give all you readers out there to have something to look forward to. Besides, I was probably going to work myself to death if not for her. So thanks Bubblegum. You should read her fanfics sometimes. They're so cute. She has one out called Mina's Depressing Days. It's really funny!!! I'd like to thank Violet Ice again for writing me. (You're so sweet) She gave me the best compliments ever. And don't forget to read her fanfics too. I just read them today and they were terrific. It had a lot of emotion and was written with great details. I really liked the one called To Be Needed. It's very deep and moving. And then I'd also like to thank Morris H. Wilson who sent me the nice message and encouraged me to keep writing. You guys are great!!! I can never stop saying this, but PLEASE e-mail me after you read my fanfic and tell me what you think. Was it fantastic, good, bad, horrible, whatever you want to say. Or you can just write me and talk about Sailor Moon. I'd be more than happy to reply your mail. Well, I better stop here before I go on forever. Enjoy......... ~ Serena ~ Everything went dark for a minute as I felt my head hit the floor hard. I could not open my eyes because of the pain that surged through my head at the moment. My face felt stinging and swollen. I heard voices all around me asking me questions I could not comprehend. "Darien......." was the first word out of my mouth. Why I had asked for him of all people puzzled me. Then memories began to flood back. I was dancing in his arms. He had been so soft and romantic. His hand was on my exposed back sending shivers up and down my spine. I remember how I ran my fingers through his hair and......and he gently kissed my cheek. There was something else I could not focus my memory on. We were staring into each others eyes.......and then.....and then.......oh my, he was going to kiss me! Then why is my head hurting so badly and I could feel the coldness of the marble floor below my body? Someone's name popped into my mind.....who was it? M... Me......Melissa? It became suddenly clear to me now. I realized with sudden disbelieve that I had been so selfish and did not even consider her feelings. What have I done? I felt a throbbing headache pounding heavily within my head ready to burst any moment. Feeling a little nauseated, I let my mind drift off into another world. ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* Darien had been pulled suddenly out of this blissful dream state as he stood there stunned for a moment. He felt something missing as reality finally settled in his clouded mind. Looking over at Melissa's triumphant face, a heat of rage overtook him. Walking over to her quickly with a haunting expression on his face, he grabbed Melissa harshly in the arm and led her away from the scene. He dragged her all the way out to the balcony and forced her to sit down on a stone bench. Meanwhile, Melissa was rather enjoying this whole charade. Looking up at him seductively, she began to whisper in a sultry voice. "I have an interesting proposal for you Darien." She paused and stood up sliding her body against Darien's in an agonizing pace. "What you did to Serena was out of line." Darien said angrily to Melissa. "I didn't want my boyfriend associating with some low class girl who can barely walk, let alone dance." Darien stared at her with cold eyes, but remaining calm, not wanting to make a scene. "You know Darien, my father is a very wealthy man. He would give anything to see me happy." She stopped to sit down again. "My father's fortune would make you richer than anyone in the world. Of course there is another part of the deal. He wants to see his little girl with the best in everything." walking over to Darien, Melissa pulled out a piece of paper from her purse and held it in front of Darien's face. "If you marry me, you can have all my father's money as it says in this will. That company of your would expand nationwide. Not just in American, but all over Asia and Europe. Wouldn't that fulfill your father's dream? Isn't that what you wanted to do, to honor him? To remember what a great man he was? He left you everything trusting you that someday, you can take of the business and make him proud. Well? Here's your chance What are you going to do Darien?" Melissa snickered as she saw Darien's eyes flickered briefly remembering the promise he had made after the death of his father. He was so close making it happen. But how can he with someone whom he doesn't love. "Come to me when you make the decision." and with that she walked off with a sly smile. 'No way he'll ever turn down the offer. Wouldn't it be great showing him off as her husband.' she laughed as she went back into the ballroom. After finding some of her snobbish friends, they indulged themselves in a deep conversation. 'I'll have Darien no matter what.' Melissa thought with pride. Darien sat down again on the same bench just half an hour ago. Melissa's offer was so tempting. Everything he's ever worked for, all those long meetings and negotiating with rich CEOs, countless trips around the world would finally pay off. Darien thought bitterly as he remembered the first time he met Melissa. They were at a meeting together discussing the combining of his and her father's business. She had been enticing him with her flattery. Dating her not only would rank him higher in society, but make sure that her father's smart business men would cooperate. At the same time, he had thought she really did love him. But it was only a role to play. Fame and fortune was all she ever cared about. He had built high walls around himself not letting anyone enter his soul. The possibility of falling in love was one in a million. Even if he did, no one would want him if he wasn't rich and famous. It was hopeless to even dream. But little did he know until tonight that someone did in fact see through his wall and made it crumpled like paper. Sweet memories of the past 30 minutes flooded back to his mind. He could tell that the sweet angel he had been holding in his arms cared for him not because he had money or a social status. She was so innocent and naive, but at the same time, mature and sophisticated. Darien has heard from Andrew how kind and compassionate she is. Always making sure that everyone was happy and about. And whoever wounded up in her life, she would love them fiercely. He closed his eyes and imagined Serena staring up at him with so much love and understanding.....and....and nothing. It will never happen. How could she ever love a cold hearted conceited jerk like him? Suddenly a loud commotion could be heard from within the ballroom. Remembering what had happened to Serena, Darien became protective all of a sudden, and ran inside looking for her, hoping that she was ok. When he walked in, he saw all of Serena's friends standing around her supporting her as her body swayed a little unsteadily. "You thought you could get away with it so easy, now did you?" Melissa asked a very dizzy Serena. "You better watch what you say lady. I don't take kindly of people who mess with my friends." Rei said, her eyes burning deep into Melissa's. "I don't know what Darien sees in a rotten person like you with a zero personality." Mina said stepping up defiantly. "I'd like to land some punches in your face and beat the crap out of you." Lita said with her hands in a tight fist. "Stop.....please Mina, Rei, Lita, I'm fine." Serena lost her balance and felt limp. Rushing over to her side, Darien held her tightly and let her body lean against his. "That's enough, Melissa!" he yelled angrily not able to contain his temper. Serena had been hurt because of him. "Darien.....?" Serena asked shakily reaching up a hand to his chest. "How many times must I say this. How hard is it to understand a few words? Stay the hell away from my BOYFRIEND!!!!!" Melissa stomped angrily over to Serena cursing her with unmentionable names. Amy stepped between them and said urgently. "Please Melissa, stop this at once. Someone's going to get hurt." Melissa looked through Amy as if she were a pane of glass. "Ha, Get out of my way!" Melissa yelled loudly and pushed Amy aside. 'Nobody mess with my friends.' Steam boiled up to Amy's head and was shooting out of her ears. "Who the he...." before she could finish, "BAAM!!!!!!!!!!" A fist landed right on her left eye. "Whoa, Amy!!!! Where did that come from?" Lita asked stunned that Amy would ever hit someone. "Gosh, I.....I don't know. I was just upset......and it was an instinct I guess...." Amy trailed off staring at her still balled up fist. Finally regaining her composure, she looked over at Melissa holding a hand over her eye. "Ohhhhh..." she screamed in pain and marched to the bathroom humiliated. The rest of the girls crowded around Amy congratulating her. "Gee, I would have never seen that one coming." Mina said amused. "Ya, my hand's sore now." Amy said scrunching up her brow. "I'll get some ice." Rei left to find an ice pack. "Serena, are you alright?" Darien helped Serena to her seat. "Darien.....I didn't mean it. I promise it wasn't intentional.......I'm so sorry." Serena buried her face in her hands ashamed of all that happened. She had let her own feelings cloud her judgement and ruined everyone's night. "Please I just need some time alone." She stood up shakily. "Where are you going?" Darien asked her not knowing what else to say. "Just outside. Why don't you go check on Melissa. She probably really needs you right now....." Serena said wiping away tears that fell unchecked down her cheeks. Walking half way to the balcony doors, she turned back hoping he would stop her and take her into his arms. But alas he didn't. Feeling abandoned and crushed, she ran outside. The howling cold wind blew against her body, making goose bumps appear on her sensitive flesh. With her arms supporting her weight, Serena leaned against the stone railing feeling the iciness seep through her palms. She looked up to the clear starless sky and felt her entire body shiver from the freezing winter night. Two pearl like teardrops rolled down her cheeks, but she did not bother to wipe it away. 'I was a fool.' she thought. 'a stupid headstrong girl who fell hopelessly in love with a man. A man with character, who's handsome, smart......and...and everything anyone would ask for in a man.' leaning against the railing, her body slowly slid to the floor. Burying her head in her knees and wrapping her arms around her ankles, Serena cried miserably. No one could hear her now. She can let out all of the pent up sorrow, the smallest hope ever escaped just like smoke. "I love you Darien......so much it hurts." Serena sobbed quietly. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Darien ~ I let her go. Just like that. I could not think of anything to say for fear that I might tell her everything then and there. I would have confessed my love to her. And she'd just laugh at me. It was probably for the best anyway. What if I did tell her and had to leave her because of Melissa. That would break her heart as if it didn't already. I had to make a decision soon. My father's dreams or Serena? Maybe I can think of some way to come back to her 10 years from now and start all over again. No, she'd be already married to some fantastic guy who would never bring her into something and leave her all of a udden, ya like me. I was selfish leading her on like that. And then that kiss we almost shared.....it had been so close. What was I thinking? It was so crazy even considering it. She had stood there in my arms anticipating the same thing. Did she really feel something for me at that moment. Could Seiya have been right all along. I shook my head not wanting to dwell on the issue. It was too much for me to deal with. I glanced at the glass double doors that led to the balcony and looked across the table. Serena had been out there all this time without her coat. Grabbing my heavy wool coat, I ran outside looking for her. It had just started to snow again. I looked everywhere, but could not find my Meatball Head. 'My Meatball Head?' Where did that come from? Since when was she ever yours?' Suddenly my heart broke as I heard a soft whimper behind me. Turning around I could barely make out a figure shaking violently on the floor. More snow began to fall as I made my way slowly towards her. I don't think she noticed me there standing in front of her. She continued to sob and I felt a heavy boulder on my shoulders all of a sudden. I had hurt her badly. Not only did she injure her head but now a broken heart. I looked down in shame, not knowing how to approach her. I was holding something in my arm. It was my coat. Remembering why I was out here, I kneeled down beside her and draped the heavy coat over her freezing body. Gently I pulled her close to me and held her without a word. "Thank you." she said into my chest. Her body was cold and I could feel her trembled despite my coat. Quickly I pulled her up and hovered my body over hers in a protective embrace. ~ Serena ~ My body was numb and I couldn't even feel my lips. How long have I been out here. I couldn't move from the position I was in. My legs just wouldn't budge. Bitter tears ran down my cheeks and into my dress. I recounted the lesson we had in science about frost bites in junior high. Frost-bites: injury to any part of the body after excessive exposure to extreme cold, sometimes progressing from initial redness. Looking at my hands, I saw that my finger tips were red and swollen. God, can this night get any worse. Feeling completely helpless and miserable, I cried my heart out. My voice seemed coarse and my throat felt parched and dry. At one point I could not even make out a sound. And I whimpered in pain. Suddenly something heavy and warm draped over my shoulders and strong arms wrapped around my aching body. I did not know who it was, but it seemed familiar and alluring. "Thank you." was all I could manage to choke out. Whoever this savior was, I owed him a great deal. I felt him pull me up to my feet and embrace me fiercely warming up my soul like a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup. Finally I was able to open my eyes. "Darien?" I gasped. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serena wrapped both arms around Darien's neck and pressed her body against his for warmth. All she needed now was for him to hold and comfort her. That's exactly what he did. No matter how hard he tried to tear himself away from her sweet body, he faltered helplessly. "Take me out of here.....please." Serena begged still clinging tightly to Darien, not wanting to let go of this incredible feeling. Picking her up with one hand underneath her knees and the other supporting her back, Darien carried her inside. 'No not the ballroom, somewhere private.' He took the back door through the dressing room and into a small lounging room where there were some nice comfortable couches. Setting Serena down gently, he went to pour her a hot cup of tea. Thanking him gratefully, she took the cup eagerly into her hands. "Ooww..." She winced in pain and dropped the ceramic cup. It shattered into thousands of pieces and the tea spilled everywhere. "Are you alright?" Darien bent down and took her cold hands in his. Feeling the fingertips swollen, he gently massaged the red areas in a circular motion with his large, warm hands. "You were lucky I found you before you got frost bites." Darien said softly. "I.....hha cheww!!!" Before Serena finished what she was saying, sneezes came one after another. Then followed by loud coughs that shook her whole body. Putting his hand over her forehead, he felt a great amount of heat even though his hands were quite warm. Being a doctor always comes in handy. Then looking down at her red face, he knew she had caught a fever. "Serena, you should go home. Looks like you're very sick." Darien said with concern. Serena just nodded knowing it was true. "I'll just get a taxi. Could you hand me that phone book over there?" Serena pointed to something on a table. "That's not a phone book, it's a box." Putting her hands over her eyes, Serena groaned. "My head hurts really bad. What's happening to me Darien?" "You were out in the cold too long. "Darien took out his car keys. "Come on, I'm going to take you home. You need some rest." Picking Serena up again, he carried her to his black Mercedes Benz. After putting her in the front seat and strapping up her seat belt, he got in and turned up the heater full blast. 15 minutes later....... "Serena wake up." Darien gently nudged Serena's arm. "Humm....what.....where am I?" chuckling softly at her clueless expression Darien said in a calm voice. "It's your house. Come on I'll walk you up." Rubbing her eyes a couple times, Serena finally got a hold of herself. "I must be really sick." she mumbled under her breath as she got out of the car. Darien wrapped an arm around her shoulders on instinct as they walked up the front steps. "ding dong....ding dong...." no one answered the door. "That's strange they should all be home." Serena said as she tried the door knob. It was locked and she didn't have the key. "I think this might explain it." Darien took out an envelope that had been sitting inside of the mailbox. Serena took it and read it out loud. Dear Serena, Your father and I went out of town for the evening s ince you weren't planning to come home tonight. I've already sent your stuff to Rei's house. Sammy is spending the night at his friend Ryan's and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. I hope you had fun at the ball. We'll be back tomorrow around noon. I love you very much. Love, Mom & Dad "Oh my goodness, I forgot about the sleep over at Rei's completely." Serena said in realization. "Could you take me back to the ball? I bet they're wondering where I had gone to by now." Darien smiled. "Come on let's go." Taking Serena's hand, they walked to his car. During most of the ride there, neither could think of anything to say to each other. Serena silently stared at Darien from the corner of her eye. 'He's so sweet." she thought smiling to herself. Catching her gaze, Darien looked at her in the dark. Sometimes they would pass under a street light, and Darien would take in a deep breath thinking how beautiful she looked. The yellowish light making her hair glow like if it was spun from gold, and her skin a healthy tan color. 'This is impossible.' Darien thought to himself. 'How can I ever live without seeing her smile, or holding her in my arms?' Finally reaching the ball, they walked quickly inside to fine Rei searching frantically for them. "That Serena, where the hell is she?" "Looking for me?" Rei jumped as she whipped around to see Serena and Darien standing together hand in hand. "Gosh, we had been so worried about you. Where were you?" Rei asked a little angry. "It's really a long story." Serena hesitated. "Serena!!!!" Mina came rushing over and gave Serena a hug. "Oh, you feel warm, are you alright?" she asked worriedly. "Well, actually, Darien was taking me home because I wasn't feeling well. But turns out that my parents are out of town, so he had to take me back here." Serena finished as she felt dizzy all of a sudden and collapsed into Darien's arms. "Serena!!!" everyone rushed forward. By now Amy, Lita, and the guys found them all together in the hallway. "What's wrong with Serena." Lita asked. "She has a pretty bad fever." Amy said feeling her forehead. "Well, what are we going to do? Take her to the hospital?" Chad asked. "No, I don't think that's a good idea." Darien interrupted. "They would send her home anyway because it's not serious enough for her stay the night there." "Then what would you suggest?" Amy looked up to Darien with Serena in his arms asleep. "Why don't I take her to my flat. I am a doctor. I have some medicine for her there." Darien said as he looked at Serena lovingly. The girls caught his gaze and understood his request. "Take Serena with you? In your flat all by herself???" Chad burst out. "I don't know if that's a good idea. What would her parents think?" "Well for starters, they don't have to know. And besides, Serena's in good hands." Rei said giving him a warning look. "Come on, Serena needs some rest." Mina stepped up. "Darien, do you mind if we tag along just to make sure she's alright?" Darien nodded, "Of course." "Gee, he is rich!" Chad exclaimed. "Look at this place." There was a guard at the front who opened the door as they entered the building. After getting off the elevator on the third floor, Darien took out his keys as the girls supported Serena. Turning on the lights, Darien took Serena in his arms and carried her to the couch. The girls sat down on the floor around Serena as Darien and the guys looked around the flat. "You got it made for you huh?" Ken asked. "Ya, talk about a good life." Greg nudged Darien in the arm. "It isn't as splended as you think." Darien sighed and looked out the balcony door. "Really? I'd give anything to have this place. How much do you pay for rent?" Ken asked as he stepped out to the huge balcony. "I own the whole building actually." Darien said a matter-of- factly." "You what???? This whole building flat thing is yours???? Gees." Darien smiled. It is nice to have a lot of money. You don't ever have to worry about savings and spendings. "Hey Darien?" Andrew and Mina came up behind them. "We're leaving now. Tell Serena hi for me would you?" Mina asked. "Yes, of course." "Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow." "Good luck buddy." Mina and Andrew turned to leave. "I think we better leave too." the girls stood up and each grabbed their dates. "But.....but, I'm getting a deal on a flat.......ahhh." Rei dragged Chad by the arm and pushed him out of the room. "Hee hee, sorry about that, Darien. You'll just have to get used to him.....No Chad.....Hey who said you can......" before Rei could finish, she was chasing Chad down the hallway. "Good night Darien, I hope Serena won't be too much trouble." Amy said smiling. "We'll be fine." "See ya." Lita winked and they all left. "Bye." Darien said and closed the door. After locking the door, Darien turned to see Serena sitting up and leaning against the arm rest. "Are you feeling any better?" Serena rubbed her eyes and looked at Darien a little confused. "I might by hiluscinating, but this doesn't look like Rei's temple." Darien chuckled. "No, you're at my flat." Serena's heart jumped in excitement. 'Why is he taking such good care of me? Maybe he really does have feelings for me.' "Why don't I get you something comfortable to wear, and take your temperature?" Darien asked taking off his tuxedo jacket and walking to a cabinet. "Oh, ok." Serena laid back down and took a deep breath. "Here, turn your head around." Serena complied. "I'm just going to stick this into your ear. It's the fastest way to take your temperature." Serena felt something click and Darien took the point out. "Is it bad?" Serena asked a little afraid of his answer. "You have a temperature of......104. Do you feel sick to your stomach?" Serena sat thinking for a second. "No, I guess not." "Good, at least you don't have the stomach flu." Darien left to put the thermostat into his doctor's kit. Darien went into his bedroom to get Serena something to wear. After looking through his closet and drawers, the only thing he could find was a white dress shirt. "I guess this will have to do for now." he said tossing the shirt to Serena. "Oh, am I staying here for the night?" Darien looked down all of a sudden blushing. "Well, you see, since your parents aren't home, I suggested that you come over here so I could give you some medicine. But, if you want, I can take you back to Rei's." Serena couldn't believe what he was saying. He had offered to take care of her. "No, I'm fine here. Besides, I don't think Rei's grandpa could handle everyone plus a sick girl." Darien breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, I'm glad you want to um...stay. I...uh.....why don't you go change and take a hot bath. I'll have your medicine ready by then." Serena stood up and walked to stand in front of Darien. Looking up to him with teary eyes, she whispered, "I don't know how to thank you. I..... I really owe you a big one." Running a hand through Serena's hair liking the soft silky feeling, Darien smiled. "Don't mention it. You better take that bath, it'll warm you up really fast." Giving Darien a tired smile, Serena walked into the bathroom and t urned on the water. Darien paced around the flat in deep thought while Serena was in the bathroom. It was such a hard decision, whether to marry Melissa and get the money or be with Serena. 'You stupid!' he thought. 'How do you even know she wants the same thing.' He sighed in frustration. In need of some fresh air, Darien opened his glass balcony doors and stepped outside. The cold wind made him shiver, but it was also a good feeling too. Billions and billions of tiny snow flakes drifted down softly and covered the city in a blanket of white. Looking at the bright crescent moon, he sighed again. It seems like he's sighing a lot lately. All these important and complicated matters he has to take of all at one time is really giving him a headache. Remembering the paper work about the board of directors he's been pressuring to sign by Mr. Saruko, he groaned loudly. 'I need a long vacation this summer.' he mentally made a note to himself. "Um....Darien? I don't think you want to be sick too standing out here without a coat." Serena giggled for the first time. Darien turned around at the sound of her sweet voice. The sight of her melted his heart right then and there. She had a large white towel wrapped around her head, and on her body she only wore his white dress shirt. It was almost see through as the dark color of her bra and underwear were showing slightly. Darien turned away not wanting to look at her at that moment. He felt like he was greeting his beloved wife after a hard day of work. He had wanted to sweep her into his awaiting arms and kiss the living daylights out of her. As tempting as it had been, Darien held himself. He didn't want to scare her away, afraid that she would turn and walk out of his life forever. Laughing lightly, he stepped through the doors and slid it shut, but leaving the thick dark green curtains open to enjoy the spectacular view of a winter wonderland. "Do you feel any better?" he asked while going through his kitchen cabinet looking for the medicine he had promised. "Yes, much better. At least my fingers aren't swollen anymore." She looked down at her hands. "I need to check one more thing before you take this." He said motioning for her to join him in the kitchen. "I have to check if you have a swollen appendix. Sometimes it can be dangerous." Serena looked frightened. "Am I going to die?" Darien laughed wholeheartedly at her question. "No, of course not. It happens a lot when you have an infection." Serena felt a blush stain her cheeks as she laughed along. "Well, you're the doctor here." "Ok, this is just going to take a minute. I want you to sit right here." He patted the counter next to the sink where there weren't any cabinets above. "On the counter?" Serena looked skeptically at Darien. "It's the next best thing to a doctor's examination table. We might as well play the part while we're at it." Giggling at the thought, Serena hopped on the counter, but ended up slipping. Darien caught her by the waist as Serena put her hands around his shoulders for support. The laughter and giggling died as time froze on the two letting them store in this moment. Licking her lips, Serena wanted to finish what they had started back at the ball. She wanted to kiss him so badly. The clock ticked away slowly as they just held each other, not wanting to let go. Finally coughing uneasily, Darien gently lifted Serena onto the counter. "Thanks." she whispered softly at the lost moment. Darien chuckled to lighten the mood. "Alright, now I need you to lift your shirt up so I can check your stomach." Gulping, Serena did as she was told and rolled up the shirt. Darien sucked in his breath as he saw her flesh. Serena blushed madly and scolded herself for not putting on any pants earlier. 'That's because he didn't give you any.' she said to herself. Serena had been wearing a pair of blue silk panties that made her figure look really nice. For a minute or so, Darien could not get this thoughts together no matter how hard he tried. 'Ok, this is no big deal.' he thought. 'I could have seen her in a two piece bathing suit anytime, just like..... just like.' Shaking his head slightly to clear his mind of Serena sitting in front of him with her legs hanging on either side of his waist, he proceeded to tell her what he was going to do. "I'm just going to press your stomach right around here," he pointed to her belly button. "to see if your appendix is swollen or not. If it is, I'll have to give you some antibiotics." Serena nodded, not saying a word as she watched him examine her. She jumped slightly as she felt Darien's hand press into her stomach lightly, stirring something unfamiliar to her senses. It took Darien with all his efforts not to pull Serena into his arms as he moved his hands about on her stomach. It was soft and creamy just like her back. Remembering the dance they shared, he smiled a little. After a moment of examining her stomach, Serena rolled down her shirt and sighed in relief. 'He's just a doctor. Don't get your head mixed up.' She warned herself. 'Oh but wouldn't it be great if he would touch me and caress me?' Snapping out of her thoughts at Darien's voice, her face turned a crimson red as she answered him somewhat dreamily. "Hum, what was that?" Darien looked up to her still sitting on the counter and chuckled. "You're just fine. Here take these pills and then get straight to bed." Serena took the cup and pills from Darien. In two large gulps, she swallowed the medicine. Jumping off the counter, she followed Darien to his room. "This is a nice room." Serena commented. "You didn't decorate it did you?" she asked looking around at all the expensive little gadgets. There were two beautiful paintings and little miniature sculptures. The bedside table was made of cherry wood that matched most of the furniture in the room. On it was a stained glass lamp that had rose designs. A dresser was situated on the far end of the room with various little things on it. "Nope, I didn't." Darien answered as he came out of his walk-in closet with a pair of boxer shorts and a white t- shirt. "You can take my bed tonight since you are the guest." Darien bowed and gestured his arm towards the bed. "No...no, I couldn't possibly let you do that! I mean I've already ruined your evening and then this." Serena felt guilty for not being careful and getting sick. "Serena, I insist you take my bed. I'll camp out on the couch." "No, Darien, I'm not sleeping until you promise to take the bed." "I'll be fine, really. It's no big deal." "It is to me. You've been so good taking care of me. I think you deserve a good night's sleep." Darien sighed giving up. "I have an idea!" Serena squealed. "We'll both compromise since we can't seem to agree who sleeps where." she paused and looked at Darien a little shy. "We'll both sleep on the bed. It is a queen size, so there'll be plenty of room." Serena finished and turned around in embarrassment. 'what are you trying to do?' she asked herself. 'God, that didn't come out right.' she mentally kicked herself. Darien couldn't help but laugh at her embarrassment and walked around the bed where she was standing, her back turned to him. "Alright Serena, if it means that much to you." Serena smiled triumphantly. "I always win." Sitting down at the edge of the bed, there was this big cabinet in front of her. "What's this?" she asked and opened the doors. "oh wow. This is so cool!" she gasped at the 32" big screen TV. "I want to watch a movie. Oh can we please? It's only 11." Darien couldn't deny his love's wish at a time like this. "Ok, what do you want to watch? I have....." Darien took a booklet out. "Rush Hour, Titanic, The Perfect Murder, Madame Butterfly, Beauty and the Beast, and..." Before Darien finished naming all the movies, Serena interrupted him. "Oh, Beauty and the Beast sounds like a good one. Let's watch that one." "No problem." Darien picked up the phone and dialed the office downstairs. "Yes, I'd like to order Beauty and the Beast for 11 please?" Darien tossed the booklet aside. "Good evening to you too Bernard, no I'm not babysitting." Serena huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I'm not a baby. Why can't grown ups watch a cartoon?" Darien couldn't help but laugh. Serena giggled along. "What? No, well yes there's a girl here.... but....No it's not like that." Darien looked at Serena a little irritated at Bernard's remarks about a girl in his room at night. "Alright, just send the movie up would you? Before I fire you?" Darien laughed trying to be serious. "That's all thanks." He hung up the phone with a sigh. "That Bernard, he's always sticking his nose in someone else's business." Serena laughed. "What was it that he said about a girl in your room?" Darien grinned somewhat embarrassed. "You don't want to know." "My fever has gone down. What did you give me?" S erena asked a little surprised. "Just some Advil." Darien smiled. "Let's go get some popcorn while we're waiting for the movie." Darien took Serena's hand and led her to the kitchen. "Ding Dong...." the door bell ringed. "I'll get it!" Darien opened the door to find Bernard with a sly smile. "Good evening Mr. Chiba. Here is your movie." he handed Darien the video and slightly stepped forward and poked his head in. "Darien, this shirt is way to big. And look it's missing a button." Serena laughed and stood beside Darien. "ooh." Serena jumped when she saw Bernard at the door staring at her legs that were exposed all the way to her mid thighs. Stepping behind Darien to hide herself, she quickly apologized for her clothing. Darien turned to look at Bernard who had a knowing smile. "Hee, hee, hee, she's definitely quite a fox isn't she?" Bernard whispered behind his hand to Darien, who in returned groaned in frustration and slammed the door in his face. "Um, that was interesting." Serena stepped out behind Darien all of a sudden very shy. "Does he always look at a girl like that?" Darien laughed. "Only beautiful ones with irresistable bodies." He said casually and did not notice Serena turning away slightly, a little embarrassed that Darien thought of her that way. Catching himself, Darien ran a hand through his hair and laughed nervously. "I mean uh, I mean he...he, I guess I..I mean he thought you were some super model or something. I don't really know...um...oh god." he sighed and turned to look at Serena who was still blushing. "Ding." the microwave stopped pulling them out of their uncomfortable silence. Taking her hand in his, Darien got the popcorn and popped in the movie. "Oh, how charming, Belle and the Beast are feeding the birds." Serena said excitedly and propped herself on her elbows with her hands supporting her head. Darien was leaning against the head board looking at the shinning girl rather than the movie. 'She's really something.' Darien thought and pictured himself with her like this every night. He sighed thinking about Melissa. There's definitely no love between them. He felt like he was standing on a teeter totter with Melissa and Serena and either ends. It's so difficult to choose. He closed his eyes a minute thinking about his father. Their death had always haunted him and gave him nightmares. Soon he felt the sandman inside him beating against his head drawing sleep closer and closer until he shut his eyes. "Oh no, the Beast, he's dying! Oh my goodness, he's turning into a human. How romantic. Don't you think....Darien?" When she didn't get an answer, Serena turned around to see Darien dozing off with his head leaned to one side. Smiling, Serena turned off the TV and crawled back next to him. Laying his head gently on the pillow, Serena turned of the lights and got under the thick blanket beside him. "Sleep well, my handsome prince." She kissed him softly on the forehead. Darien smiled in his sleep and wrapped an arm around Serena's waist pulling her closer to him. Turning on her side, she buried her head against his chest. Listening to the steady beating of his heart, she fell asleep dreaming of her wedding day. ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^. "Ahhh, don't.....don't go. Nooooooo!" Darien tossed and turned in his sleep. "Darien, wake up. You're having a nightmare." Serena gently shook him after being awakened. "Ahhhhhh!!!" Darien bolted upright in bed panting, his breath shallow and cold sweat beaded his forehead. "It's alright Darien, Shhhhhh." Serena hushed him and rubbed his back trying to calm him down. "What happened? Was it a bad dream?" Darien put his head in his hands remembering all the horrid pictures in his nightmare. Turning to Serena, he hugged her fiercely. Serena wrapped both arms tightly around Darien's shoulders rocking him back and forth to sooth his racing heart. "It's ok now, I'm here." She said quietly into his ear. Finally calming down a little, Darien let go and leaned back against the headboard, thanking God that Serena was there with him. Turning on the lamp, Serena touched Darien's arm gently. "It helps if you tell someone about it. I know it helps me when I tell my mom about my bad dreams." At the mentioning of mom, Darien closed his eyes, tears threatened to spill. After a moment of just sitting in the silence. Darien spoke softly. "My parents died in a car accident on my sixth birthday." Serena gasped at the alarming news. " We....we were on our way to my party. And then everything happened so fast, that I didn't even remember breaking my legs." he stopped and looked at Serena. "They died the instant the car fell off the cliff. I had been fortunate enough to survive. I was unconscious when the ambulance arrived. All I could remember afterwards were flashes of the images at the time of the accident. They said I suffered from amnesia, but how come I remember everything so vividly? Every night, I have this reoccurring nightmare and it just wouldn't stop." Serena did not interrupt but let Darien finish. All she could do now was be a good listener. Darien continued, trusting Serena with all his secrets. Secrets of his past he did not even tell Andrew, his best friend since second grade. "They told me the day after that my parents had passed away. I was mortified and couldn't sleep for weeks. They put me in the hospital's orphanage for a short period of days. And then I was sent to live with my grandfather in Osaka. I had been lonelier than ever living with him. He was a business man traveling all around the world. The servants took care of me until I was 18. According to my father's will, everything was left for me, the mansion, servants, money, and business. I vowed to take of everything and make him proud someday. But, look at me. I've disappointed him." Darien finished and hung his head low in shame. "How could you say that?" Serena asked a little shocked. "You've grown up to be a great man. Your business is heard worldwide. Even I know that. I'm going to tell you something Andrew told me. Please Darien....don't ever put yourself down like that, and don't let anyone look down at you. Be proud of who you are because you've done everything you could." Darien raised his head and smiled. "Darien.....You are part of me now. And it's never going to change. I.....I care about you deeply. I know I must sound sappy and.....and naive, but all that I've said came from the bottom of my heart." She put her hand over her heart and looked him in the eye. "You don't ever have to be alone anymore. We're friends, and friends will be there for each other." she said tears streaming down her cheeks, and she didn't even bother to wipe them away. "Why are you crying Meatball Head? I'm the one with the pitiful past." "No, don't say that. You're past is only a memory now." Serena threw her arms around Darien and cried into his chest. No matter how she tries to be brave for him, she failed miserably. Touched by her honesty and compassionate heart, Darien embraced her tightly, not wanting to let go. 'I love you so much.' he thought as a single tear rolled down his cheek and landed on her neck. Looking up to Darien, Serena gently caressed his cheek. "Darien, don't keep your pain and sorrow inside. You'll only be heart broken each time." Putting her hands on his chest, she whispered to him. "It's ok to cry." Darien could not hold the pain any longer. Taking Serena into his arms again, he buried his head in the hollow of her neck, and for the first time after so many years, he cried. ................................................ ................................................ Sometimes in the predawn hours, they fell asleep again. But this time, Darien didn't have the nightmare anymore. He wrapped his arms around Serena's sleeping form and pulled the blankets up. Tomorrow is going to be a new day. End of chapter 6 Oh my goodness!!! I'm almost finished with this story!!!! I'd like to thank all of you out there who e-mailed me and complimented me on this fanfic. I appreciate it so much. Stay tuned for chapter 7. Will Darien finally make the right decision, or will something get in the way. Well, that's it for now. Love Blue Ice.