Title: The Fire From Within Chapter 3 Author: Blue Ice E-mail: Blue_IceSM@hotmail.com Rated: G Hi everyone. Thanks for coming back!! And thank you for all your wonderful compliments. I received more than I had expected. ^-^ I had thought that this story wasn't going to be that important, but I'm putting more efforts into this one than the others. I guess it's because I've written a Serena/Darien fanfic and it gets kind of old sometimes. I can tell you now that this story is going to be a sad one. Happy endings doesn't always exist. We should all know that by now. And another reason I'm just tired of writing Happily After... endings....which happens in all of my other stories. Perhaps it's good to have a little change, ne? Well.. I'll stop here and let you read the story... (I'm not even going to bother with that copy right stuff.) Jedite stared after Rei's retreating back not comprehending what had just happened. She just ran away from him like they've never met. "Rei." he sighed longingly. Shaking his head, Jedite sat down on the bench. It was really hopeless for them. Even if she felt the same way about him, she can't never be with him. 'She's betrothed for crying out loud.' Jedite thought angrily. "I'll find a way Rei." he vowed silently. Rei ran across the courtyard as her heartbeat fastened. "This isn't fair." she hissed angrily and stopped to lean against the closed door. "I just want to be with him." she sobbed quietly. "Princess." Rei snapped open her eyes at the new voice. It was Prince Helius. "Prince Helius." she nodded. "I had been wanting to talk to you since breakfast, but didn't get a chance." he smiled and walked over to her. "I'm really sorry.. I was preoccupied." she tried to smile. "You don't have to apologize. I'm glad you're here now and available." he grins and takes her hand leading her down the hallway. "When we are married, our kingdoms will be united. It is very useful incase the negaverse ever attacks, which is less than likely since we defeated them so long ago. But precaution is better than any weapons isn't it?" Rei only nodded as she looked down at her clicking shoes. The rest of their conversation was a blur to Rei. She didn't bother to listen about his plans for their future. As far as she was concerned, she had no future with this egotistic prince. 'He's a big talker.' she thought with dismay. That was another thing she didn't like in a husband. Husbands and wives should have equal say in a marriage. It seems like this Prince Helius guy likes to be the boss. "Rei! Helius!" a high pitched voice hollered. Rei raised her head suddenly. "It's such a welcoming sight to see you two getting along so well." the queen said and looked down at their clasped hands. Rei quickly jerked her hand away. She was thinking so deeply about Jedite that she had forgotten about Prince Helius. "Don't push it mother." Rei said calmly and walked into the throne room to see her father. "Rei dear. Are you happy?" he asked gently. "No daddy. I'm so miserable." the king shook his head. "You know darling." he says and takes her into his arms. "I was forced to marry your mother. At the time I had been only 21. I was still a young man. Marriage was the last thing on my 'to do list.' But I knew being the prince and future king had a great responsibility. My kingdom's safety and wellbeing rested in my hands." Rei looked up to her father. "Did you love my mother?" she asked softly. "I fell in love with her the first moment we met." he answered honestly. "She on the other hand was quite reluctant, just like you. But I have no idea where you got your fiery personality from." he chuckled. "After a week or so, she begin talking to me. And then one night, we confessed our love to each other." "I want that daddy. I don't care who I fall in love with, prince or no prince, I know I'd choose him." the king sighed. "My dear daughter. You do not have a choice. It is tradition and the law. It is forbidden to ever change it. You must do what is right. Royalty isn't what it's cracked up to be. In time you will learn to love Prince Helius. He is a strong young man. He will provide for you. Try to understand." he said and turned to sit on his throne. There was no arguing with him. Rei turned away sadly. 'If you'd only understand me daddy.' she thought as a tear escaped her sorrowful violet eyes. Closing the double brass doors with a soft click, Rei ran to her room. "Rei? Are you in there?" someone knocked at the door. "Please just go away." Rei answered miserably. "It's just us." Ami whispered. Standing up slowly from her dresser, Rei trudged to the door. "I thought we were supposed to meet for lunch. We waited for you." Serenity asked. "I don't feel like eating right now." she answered hastily and sat back down in front of the mirror. "It's final. I have to marry him." she said with a calm tone. She just couldn't cry anymore. Her tears were dried up. "Ahh. No Rei. You can't just give up. There must be something we can do...what about..." "Serenity! Did you hear me? I said it's final!" Rei shouted angrily as Serenity took a step back. The princesses looked at each other. If Rei has given up, what else can they do. "What about Jedite? You're just going to leave him in the dark? Don't you have feelings for him?" Serenity asked sternly. "It doesn't matter how I feel. I can never be with him. Don't you get it? I'm betrothed damn it. It's the law!" she screamed on top of her lungs. "I just want to be with him. I just want him to hold me again." she softened up and sobbed. Just when she thought her tears were all gone, they came back instantly the second she longed for Jedite. "Rei..." Serenity whispered softly as the princesses wrapped their arms around Rei. "If I were you I'd see him again. I'd spend every waking second with him. Time is precious, Rei. Don't waste it when you still have it." Lita encouraged. "But how? The only way I can see him is in secrecy. There are guards everywhere." Rei looked up to Lita. "Then we'll have to do something about that don't we?" she winked. "Go on.. .Lita." Serenity smiled. "Oh I don't like the sound of this." Ami shook her head. "What about Rei? Ami. We have to do something to help. She doesn't have much time left." Lita said urgently. "Tonight I'll talk to Jedite. We'll help you escape. Remember the river we went to last year? That's far enough from the palace. Take him there. Then you guys can talk and sort out things, ok?" Serenity asked. Rei nodded. "It could work." she said finally excited to see Jedite. "We'll be back before dinner. I'm going to find Mina and inform her too." Lita smiled. "It's got to work. I have a good feeling." she said and closed the door behind them. Rei leaned back on the chair. "I'll find a way Jedite. I promise." she vowed determinedly. "Law or no law, I have to see you again." Half an hour before dinner..... "Mina, you'll take that guard over there by the hallway. Ami, you'll have to distract Prince Helius right after dinner. And Lita, you take the guards by the door. And I'll help Rei escape." Serenity commanded. "Right!" they all said and went to their rooms to get ready for dinner. "Now I've got to find Jedite." Serenity thought as she went down the hall. knock, knock..."Who's there." A groggy voice from inside answered. "It's me Serenity. Please let me in. I have urgent news." she said quietly just incase. "Princess Serenity?" he asked and opened the door. "Shhh." she put a finger to her lips and quickly shut the door. "Now here's the plan. You will ride out of the palace at exactly 7 p.m. which is right after dinner. That's when everyone begins dancing. If anyone asks...tell them you went to town to get fabric...." "Whoa slow down." Jedite spoke up. "And why am I doing this?" he asked with a confused expression. Serenity looked up to him and giggled. "Oh my. I didn't even tell you." "Tell me what?" "Rei's going to meet you right outside of the palace gates tonight. You have to be there. You two may not have that much time left, but you just have to be together. It's killing Rei, not being able to be with you." she said in one breath. "Now back to the plan.. ." "Wait!" Jedite interrupted. "You mean Rei wants to see me again?" he asked hopefully. "Yes. I know she has strong feelings for you. So what do you say?" she asked nervously. "I had been thinking about her all day." he looked away. "I miss her." Serenity gently touched his arm. "So does she. Come one work with me here." Serenity begin telling him their plans. "...You got that?" she asked finally. "Yes." he answered with a hint of hope as Serenity smiled. "This is so exciting..." she squealed and turned the door knob. "See you at dinner. And act though as if nothing is going on between you two." waving one last time, Serenity shut the door behind her. Jedite stood there in front of the closed doors. His heart sped up all of a sudden at the thought of seeing Rei again. "She still wants to see me." he said in disbelieve. Suddenly the clock chimed 6 p.m. signaling dinner. Grabbing his pocket watch quickly, he walked out into the hallway. At the royal table..... "Oh the most interesting idea came to me this morning while I was having tea in the vineyard. I thought perhaps we should have that famous tailor from Mercury to make the gown for Rei. I've heard that he makes the best wedding gowns in the whole galaxy. Uh...do you know his name Ami dear?" the queen asked. "No I'm afraid not. Maybe you should ask my mother." she smiled and looked at Rei from across the table. She had her head down and was sipping her soup quietly with a knowing smile on her face. Ami wasn't the only who noticed this. Prince Helius had been watching Rei the entire time during dinner. He had thought that she was thinking about him Not in million years she doesn't. Turning slowly to look at the clock behind her, Rei noticed it was 5 till 7. 'How long do I have to wait?' she impatiently counted the seconds. 6:56....6:57.....6:58.....6:59.....Bong, Bong, Bong... The clock stroke 7 p.m. Rei jumped in her seat suddenly and looked across the table at Serenity. She nodded her head slowly and stood up. "Pardon me, your majesties....uh...may we be excused?" the queen looked up. "For what Serenity?" "Well, Rei has asked us to help with her hair...for the wedding of course." the queen smiled. "I'm glad to hear that you've finally made the right decision dear." the queen nodded with satisfaction. Wiping her mouth quickly, she winked at Jedite and left with the other princesses. When they had reached a safe distance from the dinning room, "Ok guys take your positions." Serenity whispered. "Rei and I will be waiting around the corner." she pointed. "We're on. Good luck Rei." they all group hugged and went their separate ways. Mina walked slowly to a guard standing against the wall just around the corner of the front doors. "Uh hum." she coughed slightly and batted her eyelashes. "Hello darling." she said in a deep sexy voice. The guard immediately started sweating. "Princess Mina." he bowed and looked up to her. Mina slowly ran her hands over her curves in an agonizing pace. "You look like a handsome fellow." she put her hand under his chin and brought him up to face her. "What do you say, you accompany me to the dance?" she asked seductively. "Gee I...I can't. I must stand guard." Mina smiled. "What for? There are other guards. Let them watch for intruders." "It's the kings orders...that...that...uh." he groaned as Mina slid her body up and down his, letting him feel her curves. He was handsome, she had to admit, but nothing compared to Malachite. "Are you refusing me?" she asked and touched his uniform. "No...of...of course not." he laughed nervously. She knew she was torturing him, but she had to do this for Rei. "Come on just one dance. I'll make sure you have the time of your life." She winked and lifted her dress to reveal two creamy, slender legs that went on forever. "They said ballroom dancing is popular on earth. Have you ever ballroom danced." she asked and smiled as the guard started to loosen up. "No." he answered somewhat shyly. "I'll teach you." she winked and grabbed his wrist. "What do you say?" she asked her face right in front of his. "Yesss...your highness." 'Ha got him!' Mina cheered inwardly. And just as she pushed him through the door, she quickly gave a thumbs up to Lita who was watching right around the corner. "Ah ha...plan A is in action." Lita smiled and took out her watch. "I've got exactly one and a half minutes to do this. Come on Jupiter, lets go kick some butts. Putting on her most frightened face, she ran down the hallway whimpering. "Please somebody help.....help." she yelped and purposely bumped into one of the three guards at the door. "Princess Lita." they said in unison and bowed respectfully. "Oh help me please get him get him!!!" she screamed. "Is there an intruder?" one of them asked. "I don't know!! It was oh it was terrifying! I had just walked into my room and I saw something outside my window. You must come and help me!!" She grabbed on to him frantically. The guards wanting to play hero followed Lita to her room. "You better go first I'm afraid." she pretended and rolled her eyes. 'ya right.' Just when she passed the hallway to the stairs, she whistled signaling coast clear to Rei and Serenity. "What was that?" one guard turned around quickly and took Lita into his arms to protect her. "It was me." she smiled sweetly up to him. "I whistle when I'm scared." he smiled and held her by the waist. Was he going to tell his buddies that he had actually touched a royal princess or what? They disappeared up the stairs as Serenity and Rei quickly escaped out of the front door. "Here put the hood over your head." she whispered behind a bush. Rei had put on a cloak so no one would recognize her. "Just don't say a word when we pass by the guards. Rei nodded her and covered up her face . Serenity took her wrist and guided her through the courtyard quickly. They ducked behind benches and bushes as they made their way to the gates. Luckily no one stopped them. "What are we going to do?" Serenity asked as she saw all the marching soldiers switching positions and patrolling. "Last time I just knocked one of them out and climbed over." Rei shrugged. "Good idea. Look we can take that one out." Serenity pointed to a guard standing by himself on the east side. "I'll distract him and you'll do the punching." Serenity whispered. Walking up to him quickly Serenity cleared her throat. "Excuse me." she said as the guard bows. "Have you seen a cloaked person around here. I uh....I'm looking for my maid." she smiled and then "WHACK!!" the soldier fell against Serenity. "Ok just lay him here for now. He'll think he was dreaming or something." they giggled and climbed over the gate. "Did you tell Jedite to meet us here?" Rei asked and looked around. It was already dark out as Rei squinted her eyes to see better. "Yes he knows." Serenity nodded and begin to get worried. They had been waiting for at least 5 minutes now and haven't seen a trace of Jedite anywhere. "Just wait a little longer. Maybe he's having trouble getting out." "I hope not." Rei bit her lip. 'Come on Jedite.' Meanwhile inside the ballroom.... "Ah General Jedite." Prince Helius exclaimed as he saw him leaving. "Are you retiring already. It's not even 7:30." he smirked and stood before Jedite. "No...I uh was just going to the...uh my room." Jedite replied. "To get my schedule for the extensive training. I had been wanting to discuss it over with the king." Prince Helius nodded. "Why don't we chat for a while. You're not in a hurry are you?" he asked as Jedite silently cursed him. 'you son of a jackass.' "Why no." Jedite answered and followed him to the wine table. "How long have you been first in command general?" he asked and sipped his wine. "For nearly 4 years now." Prince Helius laughed annoyingly. "Is that all? Why on mars, you have to have at least 8 years of training first. You must have been a close friend to Prince Endymion to get such a high position...hum...?" Jedite was at his boiling point. How dare he insult him like that. "No...in fact, I didn't even know Prince Endymion personally before I was ranked." he hissed barely containing his anger at this self-absorbed, egotistic prince. Prince Helius continued his challenge as Jedite looked around for Ami. Wasn't she suppose to distract him right now. As if on cue... "Excuse me. Prince Helius?" a soft voice asked behind him. " Princess Ami...what a pleasant surprise. How are you?" he asked and turned his full attention to her. "Oh fine thank you, I had just heard from Rei of you ingenious plan for the future of your kingdoms. I couldn't believe her words, they were uh...they were beyond my understanding. A man of you intelligence should be praised." she smiled innocently. "Perhaps you could explain the whole thing to me..but in simpler words. I'm afraid I'm not as smart as you." "Oh why thank you Ami. You're too kind." he smiles and turned around to Jedite. "If you'll excuse me General Jedite, I have more important matters." Jedite sighed. "Of course Prince Helius. It was rude of me to keep her waiting." Jedite tried his best to smiled politely. "Good night then." he bows and walks out of the ballroom. "Princess Ami, as I was saying....I plan to hold a very important meeting after our wedding. My plan is to....." and he went on and on. Usually Ami loves to join seminars and lectures given by her professors, but this was way too much. 'Oh god.' Ami thought and sighed inwardly. 'What a showoff..I'm going to be here for a very long time.'Ami sweat dropped and tuned him out completely. Jedite wasted no time getting to the stables. Mounting his horse quickly, he rode to meet Rei. "Please wait for me." he prayed silently. As he came to the front gate. Two soldiers stopped him. "Why are you riding out late at this time?" one asked suspiciously. "I'm going to town to get some fabric." he said and took out a note. "Signed by Princess Serenity herself." the soldier read it silently. "Alright. You may go." Taking a breath of relief, Jedite rode into the night. Just when he was out of sight, he got off the horse and quickly ran to the spot where he was suppose to meet Rei and Serenity. Ducking behind a bush, he saw them fidgeting nervously as the guard beside them was starting to stir. Keeping himself low, she walked swiftly to them. "Rei?" he asked and took her hand in his. "Jedite, what happened?" "I'll explain later." he whispers and turns to Serenity. "Thank you." he said gratefully. "Be back before midnight, and try to stay out of trouble." Serenity warned them. "We better go before he wakes up." Rei pointed to the yet another passed-out guard. "Have fun Rei." Serenity giggled and hugged her best friend. "We'll cover up for you as long as we can." she winked and climbed over the gate. "Come one Rei. Lets not waste anymore time." Rei nodded and followed Jedite to his horse. Holding on to Jedite tightly, they rode off towards the lake. Rei leaned against Jedite's back as the cool wind blew across her face, making her cheeks turn red. "We're here. We better walk to the riverbank. The horse isn't needed." Rei said and loosened her hold on Jedite to his disappointment. "Whoa!" he pulled the reigns on the horse and it stopped under a willow tree. Jumping off first, Jedite helped Rei down and tied up the horse. "This way." Rei smiled and took Jedite's hand, leading him through a wooded area too small for the horse, they finally came to the river. The water was calm and clear as its tiny ripples reflected the moonlight. "It's beautiful here isn't it?" Rei asked and kicked her shoes off on the soft grass. "Not as beautiful as you." Jedite whispered sincerely into her ear. Rei blushed slightly. She has never blushed before from a man's compliments. Sure she receives thousands of letters from admirers each week and praises from suitors, but they merely caught her interest. "Rei.." "Jedite..." they said in the same time. Rei giggled and looked down at her cloak. "You first." she said and looked up to him. "I'm really glad that we came here tonight." Jedite smiled and tucked a small lily behind her left ear. "Me too." Rei replied. "I wish things were different. I wish I could do things my way. But I can't...." "Shh." Jedite shushed her with his finger lightly over her red lips. "Lets not talk about saying goodbye. Lets just enjoy what we have right now. That's all it matters." Gently cupping her ivory face, Jedite looked into her violet eyes. "I missed you today. Even if it was only a couple of hours." he whispered longingly. "I had really thought that you didn't want to see me again..." suddenly a gust of wind blew down Rei's hood as her face was revealed to Jedite. "You are so stunning." he murmured and untied her cloak as it fell to the grass unnoticed to the couple. Rei had been wearing an elegant gown of cream just for this occasion. It was revealing with two thin spaghetti straps that held the dress in place. The top clung to her curves and hugged her figure nicely. The rest of the dress flew down her longs legs like a waterfall. Jedite stepped closer to Rei. "Kiss me Jedite." Rei whispered softly and slightly leaned in on tiptoes. Without hesitation, Jedite's lips came over hers with a passionate moan. Rei wrapped her arms tightly around Jedite's broad shoulders as he lifted her up slightly. They both groan at the pleasure of being so close. Finally Jedite let go, needing some air. They both held each other and breathed rapidly. "Don't stop.. ..Jedite..." Rei whimpered. Tightening his hold around her waist, Jedite smashed his lips to hers and kissed her passionately. Never has he ever felt so right with anyone. Rei ran her hands over his strong shoulder blades and down his back feeling him stiffen at her touch. Suddenly Jedite urged her mouth open with his and slid his tongue into hers. Rei gasped at first not familiar with this kind of kiss. She's read about them in those romance novels that Lita likes so much, but never thought how pleasurable they can be. Opening her mouth to give him full access to her sweet mouth, they tasted each other. Soon, she caught on with it and kissed him urgently as he gently rubbed her exposed back sending delicious shivers all the way to her toes. Their tongues danced to their own rythums as the kiss deepened. They finally broke apart and panted wildly for air. "Rei. I didn't mean to push like that....I just couldn't..." "No.." Rei panted and looked up with glazed eyes. "I liked it." she said softly and laid her head on his chest. "Your heart's beating so fast." she murmured. "That's because you're so incredibly close to me." Jedite replied as he ran his hand through Rei's thick luscious hair. Feeling overwhelmed, Rei gently slid down to the soft grass. "Are you alright?" Jedite asked and sat down next to her. Rei nodded her head slowly. "I just felt kind of ...well so...lightheaded all of a sudden." she said and smiled. "I can't explain it." she sighed and leaned back supporting her body with her arms. "It's a strange feeling I know." Jedite sighed and chuckled. "You're a good kisser." he grinned and laid down on the grass. Rei blushed and followed him. "Look at the stars. They're so bright, glittering just like diamonds." Rei smiled and pointed to a cluster of stars. There's Aries." Jedite turned to look at Rei. She looked like goddess as the moonlight made her skin a muted tan. "What?" she asked as she caught his gaze. "Nothing. I was just admiring you." Rei giggled. "I like being admired." she said and propped herself up with one elbow and turned to face Jedite. "This is perfect Jedite. I wish we could do this every night." she looked down at his handsome face and lightly traced her finger across his lips. She smiled as Jedite gently kissed her finger. "Lets run away together." he pull her down on top of him and raised an eyebrow. "You know I can't do that." she laughed and ran her fingers through his hair. "Ya I know. No harm asking though." he smiled and rolled them over with him slightly on top of her. "Ah, General Jedite. What are you going to do?" Rei asked giggling. "Well first I'm going to kiss your nose." he bent down and planted a smile peck on her nose. "Then I'm going to kiss your cheeks. ...and then your neck." Rei moaned as Jedite planted a trail of wet kisses up her throat. "And then your luscious lips..." he says as they look into each other's eyes. Feeling his eyelids getting heavier, he closed them and softly gave Rei a butterfly kiss then deepening it into a passionate heated kiss that sent them both to who knows where. Sometime later..... They both fell asleep by the river as they held each other tightly, not wanting to let go. Jedite awoke to the sounds of crickets and looked beside him to see a fast asleep Rei. He gently kissed her forehead and covered them up with her thick cloak. Sighing deeply, Jedite leaned back and looked up to the stars. "Why does it have to be so difficult between us?" he asked softly. "It isn't fair." 'I love her.' he thought silently. "mm....Jedite?" Rei asked sleepily and rubbed her eyes. "I'm right here." he smiled reassuringly and gave Rei's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "How long have we been out here?" "4 hours and 11 minutes." he answered and felt Rei sit up. "Were you counting the time?" Rei asked and touched Jedite's arm. "No I have a watch right here." he said nonchalantly and looked up to her lovingly. "Maybe we should head back. I don't want to worry Serenity." Rei said sadly and stood up to straighten up her dress. "I guess." Jedite got up and wrapped the cloak around Rei. "I had fun tonight." Rei whispered and touched his face tenderly. Taking her hand in his, Jedite brought it to his lips. "Would you meet me here tomorrow night?" "I will try." Jedite smiled. "Lets go." Yeah!! End of chapter 3. Finally I'm one step closer to getting this story finished. What did you think? Liked it, hated it.....didn't care...whatever you want to say, just e-mail me at Blue_IceSM@hotmail.com. Bye for now! >^-^<