Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken - Part 1 by BreaSenni Konnichiwa minna-san! Sorry I haven't written or finished any of my stories in a long time but I have been busy getting ready for school. It started August 3 and we get out May 23. I came up with the title of this story from a movie I saw. It was a really great story so if you haven't seen it yet, please go out and rent it. I guarantee you will like it if you like romance and drama. I don't own Sailor Moon. Never have and never will, so unless you want to be the lucky owner of two cent, I suggest you don't sue me. So on with the show! Spring time had arrived and like so many before, love was in the air. Couples littered the park like blades of grass, whether they were skating, picnicking, or just sitting beneath a tree whispering sweet nothings into eachothers ear. Everyone was in love. That is, everyone but one person. Serena Tsukino hurried through the park, not taking notice that she was the only one alone or that everyone was staring at her. She had more important things on her mind than love and romance. She cut through the small, but dense patch of trees and into a fenced in pasture. Hopping the fence with ease, Serena ran towards the small,comfortable barn. She dropped her bags in the office and walked towards the stables. She stopped at the first stall where a chestnut Morgan horse was awaiting to hear its masters tender and loving voice. " Come here Tuggfire. Thats a good boy!" She stretched her hand out and ran her fingers through his long black mane while he nibbled at the carrot in her hand. Serena opened the stall door and led Tuggfire out to the pasture, then she went to the next two stalls, letting each horse out simultaneously after they each finished their carrot. She hesitated at the last stall as an ear-splitting shriek emerged from the enclosed space. Serena shivered slightly, then leaned against the stall door and peered inside the stall. It was dark and dank with no sign of life except for an occasional snort from the shadows towards the back. " Come here Clandell." She whispered soothingly as she held her hand out flat and placed a large apple on it. " I won't hurt you." She heard the horse stamp at the ground a few times before poking his face curiously out of the shadows. Inch by inch he made his way towards the apple, until not one part of his body was left in the shadow. Standing before Serena stood the tallest horse she ever saw. Standing at seventeen hands high from hoof to shoulder blade he was a giant. With a pair of wild smoky gray eyes, a buttermilk colored coat, and silky, cream colored mane and tail, she could barely take her eyes of the majestic horse. Clandell stared into Serena's eyes as if deeply in thought, he cautiously walked up to her and snatched the apple out of her hand, quickly retreating to the darkness. " Come on Clandell," she said as she opened the stall door. " Go join the other three outside." The horse whinnied happily and cantered out of the stall. Serena smiled happily at the Arabian horse as he touched noses with Aubretia, a very beautiful filly. ******************************************************* That is all for now but I might be able to come out with part two before this Sunday. My thanks to Alicia Blade, because if I hadn't read her heartfelt stories I might not have had the courage to start writing my own. Miss J for all your help and guidance, Keely Thompson, for your encouragement and compliments and all the rest of you who e-mailed me about my stories, Thank You For Your Support! Comments? Flames? Suggestions? Questions? E-mail me at Aubretia86@yahoo.com _____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com