******************************************************* **A Soul Reclaimed** By Brickgirl Brickgirl@hotmail.com http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/palace/7112 Rated: PG Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and friends do not belong to me. Adonis, Thalia, and this story do. **Part 6: To All Thing An Ending** ******************************************************* The soft music and flickering lights sought to ease the tension of those in the hall. Silken gowns and capes swirled around the room. From all outward appearances, this seemed to be a quite ordinary royal ball, like so many others that were often held in the palace on the moon. Yet the usual tittering of conversation was absent, as were the occasional bursts of laughter. Those in the room danced stiffly, lacking their usual carefree grace. The expressions behind their masks varied from angry to stonefaced to despair. Suddenly, the Princess Serenity swept into their midst like an angel in feathery white. Her partner was tall and dark, his identity shielded by a gilded mask. The few that knew of the Earth Prince?s presence in the palace were not present at the ball. The other dancers stopped to watch, wondering at the man?s identity, and admiring the beauty and grace of the Princess. The pair whispered back and forth, the love between the two obvious to even the most unobservant. Their happiness eased the hearts of the people of the moon, and for a time, the impending battle was forgotten. __________ "My Queen, our forces stand prepared, save those who attended the ball. Shall I retrieve them?" "No Adonis. I will sense Beryl?s forces approaching with enough time to warn them. Let them enjoy themselves for now. Perhaps it will help them to remember what they are fighting to save." "As you wish." Queen Serenity, Adonis, and the cats Luna and Artimis sat in a small chamber that overlooked the hall and the festivities taking place. The Queen watched her daughter for a moment, then turned to Adonis. "She looks quite happy, doesn?t she?" "Yes, My Queen." Serenity sighed. "I?m glad she has one last chance to enjoy herself before the battle. Between the events with Beryl, and the death of Lady Thalia, things have been quite hard for her recently." "Yes." Adonis shifted his position, gazing down at the Princess below. "She and the Lady Thalia were quite close." "On another subject, were you able to discover any more information about the Cult of Apollo." "No, your Majesty. Fortunately or unfortunately, they seem to have ceased activity. Without any new information, I?m afraid I have no leads as to where to search." "I have some information for you," the Queen said, still gazing at her daughter. "They planned the attack that killed Lady Thalia." Adonis started, looking at the Queen with shock. "But . . . but the attack was against the Princess," he stammered. "Lady Thalia was killed in an attempt to defend her." "I think that is what we were meant to believe. According to the Princess, the first attacker claimed he wished the Princess, but once the rest of the attackers arrived, they concerned themselves only with Thalia. With so many, they could have attacked the Princess while Lady Thalia was busy fighting. But they didn?t." "But the shot that killed Thalia was aimed for . . ." "The Princess, I know. Whoever planned that knew that Thalia would react in time to save the Princess, probably by taking the arrow herself. They must have known how sensitive she was to anything that reminded her of her mother?s death." Adonis nodded. "That makes sense," he said absently, "But how does this indicate the Cult of Apollo?" "No one of Earth would have dared to attack their Senshi. Those Terrens involved in the attack must have been misled into thinking they fought another of the Senshi, not Earth." "But what would the Cult gain from the death of the Senshi of Earth?" Serenity sighed. "I think you know Adonis." "My Queen-" "You made a mistake Adonis." Serenity reached under her chair, pulling out a large, ancient book. Adonis froze. "There are only a few people who know of the hidden rooms inside of the castle, where Andora?s Prophesy was. Myself. Luna. Artimis." She looked at her advisor. "And you." Adonis straightened, looking at the Queen with almost pleading eyes. "I did what needed to be done." "By forming a group of traitors? By feeding them knowledge they had no right to know?" Her voice rose. "By killing my foster daughter?" Adonis?s voice hardened. "After the death of Queen Thetis, you allowed a monster into the palace, while I took steps to protect your kingdom! I found the group responsible for the attack, killed those who knew of it, and use the rest to form a group who were willing to save what they believed in!" The Queen rose, looking her advisor in the eye. "You killed an innocent girl because of a prophesy you didn?t understand! Do you have any idea of what your actions have done." "I saved us!" "You condemned us to death!!!" Adonis took a step back, his confidence shattered. "What . . . what are you talking about?" "Your attack failed. Thalia survived. Somehow, Metallia got a hold of her and turned her into the monster that we now know as Beryl." She looked at Adonis. "You are the cause of all this. Your actions are what set the prophesy in motion. Thalia was never the danger." Her voice hardened. "You were." Adonis tried to speak, but nothing came out. "Get out of my sight!" the Queen hissed, her beautiful face twisted in anger. Adonis tried to protest. With a flash, Luna and Artimis switched to human form and trained their weapons on him. He stood frozen for a moment, then swiftly turned, his cape swirling behind him. He paused at the doorway. "You will regret this, my Queen," Adonis said, quite calmly. "If not today, then someday. Your kingdom will fall thanks to your weakness." Then he was gone. Serenity stood for a moment, watching the empty doorway. Then, she suddenly grew rigid, her hand clenching the top of her chair. The Ginzuishou appeared, flashing as it hovered in midair in front of the Queen. "What is it, Queen Serenity?" Luna asked. "Warn the others," Serenity said, her voice pained. "Metallia is coming." __________ The sky darkened over the palace, as swiftly as if someone had thrown a black cloth over the moon. A portal opened up, and the Dark Kingdom?s army poured through, led by Endymion?s four former generals. The Moon Kingdom army was quick to engage them, but from the beginning it was a losing battle. There were many more in Metallia?s army then in Serenity?s, and they were able to see and function much better in the surrounding darkness. The Senshi met the Generals head on. They held nothing back, knowing that the men they loved were beyond reach, and that their duty lay in protecting the Moon Kingdom. The Generals were swiftly cut down, and the Senshi moved on to aid the rest of the army, leaving behind only a few tears as their actions. Queen Serenity stood atop a tower of the palace, watching the battle below. Luna and Artemis stood with her, ready to defend their Queen if necessary. Pluto stood in the shadows nearby, generating a shield that protected the Queen and cats from any falling debris or overzealous attackers. She knew the Queen?s moment would come soon. __________ Princess Serenity huddled behind a fallen pillar, trying to hide herself from the demons that attacked her people all around her. She desperately wished that she knew something about fighting so she could help her mother?s army, or at least defend herself, but she didn?t. She and Prince Endymion had been separated when a section of the palace wall collapsed, and now she was alone and quite frightened. "Now what do we have here?" a harsh voice rang out behind her. The Princess whirled and found herself face to face with Beryl. She gasped, tried to back up, but stumbled over her frothy dress and fell. "Why, it?s a pretty, pretty princess, all alone," Beryl cackled, leaning over the fallen girl. Her eyes glinted red. "A new toy to play with?" "Leave me alone!" screamed the Princess. A burst of energy shot from the crescent moon on her forehead, throwing the witch backwards. Serenity struggled to her feet, glaring at Beryl as she shook her head dazedly. "Get off of the Moon! You can?t have it!" "Whose going to stop me?" Beryl snarled. "You?" With a scream, she leapt towards the Princess, her claws ready to tear the girl to pieces. Something flew towards Beryl, impaling itself in her side. She shrieked and crashed to the ground. Serenity stared. A perfect red rose quivered from Beryl?s fallen body. "No, I will," said Prince Endymion as her strode over to the Princess. Her gently helped her to her feet. "And you said you only gave roses to the pretty ladies," the Princess murmured. Endymion smiled. Beryl managed to stand, dark blood coursing down her side. "Endymion," she gasped, her voice full of pain. "Join me! Rule by my side as king. You will have more power then you ever dreamed!" "Sorry, offer graciously denied," spat Endymion. He stepped in front of Serenity and drew his sword. Beryl?s eyes narrowed. "You will be mine. One way or another." A giant pillar of dark energy burst from the sky. Endymion was sucked away from the Princess, up towards the black clouds in the sky. Without a thought, Serenity dove in after him. She couldn?t see anything, but could hear Endymion?s voice, pleading her to get away. Ignoring him, and the incredible pressure that was crushing her, she strained for him. She felt him grab her hand, and smiled, despite the immense pain. Then a flash of dark fire consumed them both. __________ "No!" shrieked Beryl, staring accusingly at the sky. "You killed him!" Two dark red eyes flared in the sky. The stone on Beryl?s crown flared as well. She shook her head, as if to clear it. When she looked up, there was a feral gleam in her eyes. "Kill them," she hissed, "Kill them all!" __________ Serenity stared at the sky in horror, where her daughter and Prince Endymion had hung but a moment before. She stared down at the battlefield, her fists clenched. She saw the fallen bodies of the generals, and the Senshi grouped together. There was a sudden flash of fire from the sky, and then they too were gone. She saw Beryl laughing at the sight "No, it wasn?t supposed to be this way, for any of you," the Queen murmured, tears falling from her eyes. With a flash, the Ginzuishou appeared before her. She cupped it in her hands. "What are you doing?" gasped Luna. The cat took a step towards the queen, but was stopped by a gentle look. "What I should have done from the beginning," Serenity said. "For all of them." She raised her arms. The world went white. __________ Setsuna stood over the fallen Queen. Serenity?s breath was ragged, and the Senshi of Pluto knew she didn?t have long. "Will . . . they be all right?" the Queen gasped. Setsuna smiled. They will all reawaken in the future on Earth. Your daughter will be a senshi, and someday will rule in a time as glorious as the Silver Millennium. You will see her again someday." Serenity struggled to reach for something at her side. Setsuna picked it up for her. It was an ancient book, miraculously untouched by the battle. "Take it," Serenity wheezed. She shuddered once, then was still. Setsuna bent over and kissed her friend on the forehead, then closed her eyes with gentle fingers. Stepping away from the queen, Setsuna flipped through the book. When she came to the torn page, she frowned. Calling up her staff, she held it over the book. The missing piece reappeared as if it had never been torn at all. Setsuna read, even though she knew the words by heart. The Light is reborn Yet Darkness will follow An Earthen Angel will rise and fall Her power to Darkness And Darkness swallows all but Light Light entraps Darkness Light to Darkness, Darkness to Light The Light reborn from Darkness An Angel?s heart weeps And the Moon shines no more Save for a distant Light These were the words that Adonis had read, but he had failed to continue reading. Setsuna studied the words that the advisor had missed. The Light shines on Love shines on The Angel flies again Something caught Setsuna?s eye, half buried in the rubble. Closing the book, she walked over, sifting through the gravel. Picking up the object, she began to smile. It was a perfect red rose. Still smiling, Setsuna vanished. __________ The woman awoke with a gasp. Grasping a hand to her head, she tried to sort out the images she had seen. Looking down at herself, she saw not the long purple gown that she had been wearing before, but, rather, a dress of copper silk. It took her a moment to recognize it. It was what she had worn the day that she had nearly died, protecting Princess Serenity. Struggling up, she climbed off of the stone bed and staggered over to a mirror that hung on the wall in a twisted black frame. She was no longer Beryl. The woman in the mirror was not fourteen any longer, perhaps six or eight years older, but was unmistakably Thalia. Thalia collapsed on the ground, weeping with relief and revulsion at who she had been, what she had done. She huddled on the floor for a while, shuddering at the grotesque memories that still remained in her mind. A cracking noise finally brought her out of her misery. Looking up, she was startled to see the walls around her starting to crumble. Over the time she had slept, the Dark Kingdom had slowly disintegrated, and now the last pieces were falling to dust. "I?ve got to get out of here," Thalia muttered to herself. Looking to the right, she saw the portal Beryl?s minions had used so many times to attack Earth. It still glistened with magic. Thalia walked over, but hesitated before stepping through. How could she face Princess Serenity, now Sailor Moon, after all she had done to her. How could she face Endymion, the other Senshi? A large rock heading her way gave her no time for contemplating. She hurled herself into the portal, shouting, "Take me to the Princess Serenity!" She only hoped that her friends would take *her* back. __________ The walls of the room were wrought of the finest crystal. They glittered and flashed in the sunlight. It would have been enough to blind most people, but the occupants of the room were quite used to it. "There were thirteen people injured this time," one said, pushing her long, dark hair back. "We?re lucky we got there in time. Another minute or two, and we would have had several deaths on our hands." "We need to figure out where these creatures are coming from, and why they seem to insist on destroying Crystal Tokyo," said another, tapping away on a small blue computer. The woman at the head of the room stood. Her golden hair, tied up in odango, flowed over her white gown. "We have a responsibility to the people of this city, myself more then anyone. By creating this new era of peace, I have also bound myself to the protection of those I now rule." Queen Neo Serenity looked pointedly at her Senshi. "Now, more then ever before, we *must* stand for justice. We must protect the future. Both theirs . . ." She clasped a hand to her slightly bulging abdomen, " . . .and ours." The Senshi were silent for a moment. Makoto spoke first. "The thing I don?t understand," she said "is how these creatures even exist. I mean, you purified the entire Earth with the Ginzuishou. I thought that all evil was destroyed." A small black shape uncurled. "Even the power of the Ginzuishou could not eliminate all of the evil that existed on Earth," Luna said, falling into her old role as teacher. "Evil is as much a part of nature as Good. Though the Ginzuishou was able to eliminate many of the lesser evils of mankind, much of the petty greed and hate that for so long has plagued the human race, you could no more remove the evil from a person with them still remaining a person as you could remove the water from a stream and leave it a stream. The problem is when the evil overwhelms the good in a person, leaving them less then human. The Ginzuishou made the people of Earth better people, but not gods." "Rei, were you able to sense anything from the monsters that you fought off?" the Queen asked. Rei shook her head. "Their magic shields them too well. I can?t read anything from them at all. And except when they attack, they don?t register at all. Which means that they shield themselves very well, or they are out of range." "It would make sense that they are situated a good distance from our location," Ami stated, looking up from her computer. "Each time they appear, they seem to use a very strong teleportation, indicating great distance." Minako stood, taking charge of the Senshi. "Next time they attack, Ami, try to get a readout of the portal on your computer. We may be able to track it back to the source, or at least, get some idea of the general direction that they are coming from" Ami nodded. "The rest of us need to work on finding out the weakness of these creatures. Individually, our powers have no effect. We?re luck that they seem to be more interested in causing damage then fighting us. In the next battle, we must try combining our powers. Hopefully, we will be more successful. We want to be able to destroy these monsters if necessary, not just drive them off, as we have been doing." The Senshi nodded. Suddenly, without warning, the Ginzuishou appeared in front of the Queen, flashing urgently. Serenity cupped her hands around the crystal and closed her eyes briefly, as if conversing with it. "What is it, Usagi?" Minako asked, calling the Queen by her childhood name as only the Senshi did. "Something is coming," she replied. A portal flared open on the ceiling, and a small figure hurled through it. Four lights flashed as the Senshi transformed, but Neo Serenity waved them off. She walked tentatively to the figure on the floor. It was a young woman, dressed in a copper-colored silk gown of ancient design. Her reddish hair swirled around her still face and the floor. Even sprawled in awkward unconsciousness, she was still graceful. The young queen stared in shock at the girl. Then, falling to her knees, she cradled the girl?s head in her arms. Unnoticed, tears ran down her face. "Oh my god," Serenity whispered. "Thalia?" ******************************************************* ******************************************************* This part marks the halfway point of the story. For those who asked if this story would continue beyond the events of the Silver Millennium, your answer is now obviously yes! The remainder of the story will concern itself with the early struggles of the Crystal Millennium, and Thalia?s return to the side of good (yay!). If I?m lucky, I will be able to finish this story by March, and start with the next. Plans for future stories will be announced in later parts. I recently discovered that there happened to be a character named Adonis in the "Codename: Sailor V" manga by Naoko Takeuchi that was the predecessor of Sailor Moon. I chose the name Adonis completely at random, just because I liked it. Not only that, but the character in "Codename: Sailor V" was also somewhat two-faced. Weird, huh? Next Time: Who is the mysterious enemy attacking Crystal Tokyo? Will Thalia tell her friends about her existence as Beryl? Does she still love Endymion? See you in a week or two! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com