Mina's Depressing Days - Chapters 1-4 by Bubblegum qysm@hotmail.com Mina's Depressing Days Chapter 1 "Mina " cried Serena in a very loud tone that could be heard all over the kingdom. "I'm sorry," I said to Serena getting a worm out of her hair. " Why did you do that, I am a Princess and need to be clean." With that I looked at Serena with a look that made my servants crawl, "Oh, really," I said in a teasing voice," I never saw you clean in my life, Miss Tomboy." Serena looked at me and said," Well, I can be clean when I want to." She added," I smell dirty in the morning but when I take a bath I will smell better than you." I looked at her in disbelieve and smirked. Then a long pause, when I said," Oh, Miss Tomboy," That name stuck, "Is this a challenge." Serena looked at me in the thought of the challenge; I giggled at her face of discomfort. Then she said," I will beat you." I made a smirked and said," You have a deal, Miss Tomboy." Later that day Serena and I went to do our challenge, we agreed upon doing the winners chores of being princess on whom ever kingdom for a week. I giggled when I imagined Serena doing my chores. Serena trying her best to be clean the entire day until the real challenge came to bath. While I am in my daydream, I should tell you I live in the Silver Millennium, Serena and I are both eight, we are best friends. "Aaaaaahhhhh", Serena screams," Serena, what happened," I ran to her and saw she had fell on her face, She must of tripped. " I got dirty!" I sighed when she said that and said," Your are okay," I grabbed her and pulled her up as she still was crying. "Oh, Serena." I can't believe that Serena was trying to stay clean, man wait till my mom sees. Later that day, my mom needed me to come to the palace to put on my princess dress for a party, Queen Serenity and my mom and a few other queens in the galaxy like Queen Jupiter, Queen Mercury, and Queen Mars. Oh, I almost forgot that Prince Darien from Earth is coming too, he is thirteen. I think that Darien and Serena are the best of friends, and Serena is very exited to have her best friend over again. I am to wear a pretty dress that has a blue silk all over it, and I can wear a flower on my head. I went to Serena's room and to see what she was doing because I will stay here for a month. "Serena," I hoped she was in her room "Yes, I'm here." I asked politely scents I am a princess" Can I come in?" Serena said yes and I went in to see Serena on her bed combing her long blonde hair, in her pink nightgown. Her room is big and her bed, covered in her stuffed animals, was huge, her room was pink, she had her own bathroom, and closet, and balcony. Any way the reason I am here" Serena ", I began," I was just wondering are you going to see Prince Darien?" I asked hoping she would reply the way I wanted her to say," Yes, I will," said Serena dreaming about her best friend," I will probably spend a lot of time with him, he only stays two weeks." Surprised in witch she said I knew she won't spend a lot of time with me, I will be lonely. Oh, well I can always play by myself, but I will miss Serena, I won't be able to stand being alone. Oh, well I can last can I, can I? Chapter 2 It was the night of the ball and I was dressed in my blue dress. Serena was in a red dress that went to her knees in height, It was pretty. I know that I wanted it, but I liked my dress. Then, I saw three girls on the banquet table with Queen Jupiter I learned that one of the three girls was her daughter. Her name was Princess Lita from Jupiter, she was pretty and had a long ponytail, and what looked like rose earrings they were pretty. Queen Mercury had a daughter with brains, her name was Princess Amy, she had blue hair cut to her shoulder I thought she was nice, but I could tell she was shy. Queen Mars was different, her daughter had a lot of peep and fire she wasn't as shy as the others but more mean, looking at her made me feel nervous so I sat and watch people dance. Serena was eating the buffet, eating everything she saw, even the fish-egg stuff called caviar, just seeing her eat that made me sick and stick my tongue out in disgusts. My mom saw me sticking my tongue out and yelled that is not proper. After the party I saw Serena and Darien talking, and going off to talk they disappeared into the bushes. I didn't see Serena all day, until dinner she wouldn't talk to me just Darien. She wouldn't even look at me. I felt so depressed, but when Serena went with Darien, I sat in the flowerbed to pick up roses and I hope that I will see Serena again. The next day, I woke in my room in my orange gown that was soft as silk. I looked and saw breakfast on my bed, hmm, I never had breakfast in bed before it will be a treat but were is Serena she usually wake me and eat breakfast with me. Oh, she is probably with Darien. Oh, I am getting jealous. Oh, well I see her again, but when, I will never see Serena again because of Darien. I have to be happy for her he will go away just wait, yea wait for what? I got up and looked for Serena; she was rolling in the mud smelling like a pig. I walked up ad said," Ha, I won," feeling proud. Serena looked at me and stared at Darien and said," What did you win?" I couldn't believe that she forgot about our challenge so I had to remind her about the deal we made. She finally said," Oh, yea I remember, Okay you won, I will talk later." I walked away happy, because I knew she would not lie, wrong. She never showed, I stayed in my room till mid-night, still no Serena. Oh, I knew it was to good to be true, I waited and played with my dolls till I went crazy, not literally. Oh, what am I to do; Serena was never there and she played with Darien. I was here playing inside, I just hope she will still be my friend. Later that day I went to see my mom and ask were Serena was, I went there and found my mom talking to Queen Serenity and The Queen of Earth about Darien and Serena, This is what they said." I know that Serena and Darien will make a cute couple." My mom said in delight," Yes, but will it come that they love each other?" The Queen of Earth said in a peeling voice that echoed the room." If it comes to that they love each other at the time when Serena is sixteen, we'll know." said Queen Serenity in a low voice drinking her tea, my mother added," Quite true, they would make a really cute couple." My mom keeps thinking Darien and Serena is a cute couple and will be married by the end of the Millennium. What am I to tell Serena? Oh, Serena wont listen to me, Darien is going to leave in a week I can last but my birthday is soon and when he leaves Serena will forget that I am here I feel so used. Queen Serenity added," The Silver Moon Crystal will know it has never lied about the future, and the time to be foretold said that Princess Serena and Prince Darien will be married, so we have to think quickly." She paused for a moment to sip her tea, she continued," If Darien and Serena is to be betrothed we have to do it know." Serena and Darien no way and I can't tell my friend what was to be her future is to be. Oh, well I won't tell her until she is older. Man, I have a major problem. Chapter 3 I heard a knock at my door and it was Princess Lita, I thought I would never see her in the palace." Hi," I said I a pretty voice as possible, Lita laughed at what I said, it didn't sound funny." Hi, I am Lita," she said in a bright smile and walked into my room I was staying in. I looked at her in wide eyes, I asked," How are you?" Lita looked back at me with a smile and said," I'm fine," she was wearing a blue dress that looked like a sailor outfit, it was small but it fit her very well. I said that Princess Serena was usually here playing with me, she looked at me with concern and said," Where is she?" I replied," She is playing with Prince Darien." She stopped smiling and said," Well, that wasn't nice," she paused for a brief second and added," Hey, I'll play with you." I smiled that at least I had someone to play with until Darien left and Lita, Serena, and I will be able to play again, but Lita had to leave when Darien left. Oh, I'll miss her but I can see her again," I would love to play with you, I don't want to be alone on my birthday." She smiled and said," Your birthday," I smiled when she said that because I knew that she wouldn't forget. Later that day Lita and I went to the lake to swim, I put on my bathing suit that had blue and pink stripes and it was a whole suit. Lita came out wearing a green whole bathing suit it was pretty with a pink ribbon in the back. We went into the lake, and when I got in Lita started to splash water on me. I knew that it was a water fight, after that we laughed. Then all of a sudden Queen of Jupiter and my mother told us to get dry and meat them in the study. We did what we were told and went to the study; we found Princess Serena, Princess Amy, and Princess Raye sitting on a sofa together waiting for Queen Serenity to come with two cats called Luna and Artemis they were supposed to be what's that word Guardian. They told us that we belonged to Serena's Royal Court. It was weird because my mom gave ma a stick that was very pretty, she told me to say these exact words Venus Power. So, here I go," Venus Power," within a second I was a girl in a weird outfit like a sailors it was a little orange and white, a little blue. I had a little skirt that was orange, and I was wearing high heels. The bow on my chest was blue with a metal thing on it shaped like a circle, My mom said that I had special powers. I now know that I turned into a SUPERHERO. I looked around and saw Princess Raye, Princess Amy, Princess Serena, and Princess Lita were dressed like superheroes. I asked my mom," What is this all for?" She looked at me in awl and said," This is just in case real bad people come to destroy us, and the guards can't stop them, you will be there." I looked at her and said," But we don't know how to fight," I said crying. My mom looked at Artemis and Luna, then said," They will teach you to be brave and true." I looked at Lita and she smiled telling me it might be fun, I looked at my mom and said," Okay." Later that day Artemis became my cat and Luna became Serena's, He told me everything that needed to be told and that I would have training everyday. I looked at him and said," I have a question," I told honesty," How do I use my powers and my training to fight bad guys?" He looked at me and smiled and said," Very interesting question, Mina," he paused a moment," you will know tomorrow when everyone comes, that is when you will be trained." He started to go to sleep and he yawned, and the next thing I knew he was asleep. I looked at him for a while then got up to check the halls, and to find my mom, so she could read to me. I heard voices and heard Queen Serenity talking to all the queens in the in the galaxy." I have a very bad feeling about this." Queen of Jupiter said. " Well, the Negaverse is going to attack the moon kingdom," she stopped trying to think," If the Princesses aren't done with their training in time, we are doomed." Chapter 4 " I know that we need to hurry." Queen Serenity cried in anger, then continued," We don't have much time, they are just little girls," Queen Serenity said trying to make everyone understand." We can't make them fight for a grown up cause, which it was our responsibility." Everyone was looking at Queen Serenity it seemed that it was impossible for everyone to handle. I walked away hearing enough, went into my room and got into bed. " If we don't finish our training, we'll be doomed. I fell asleep with a very bad nightmare that the moon was destroyed and my mom was killed and this monster was killing Prince Darien and Serena. Artemis woke me up I had a cold sweat and as Artemis was trying to wake me up." Mina, wake up," he said to me. " Uh, what happen?" I looked at Artemis and said," I had a weird dream that Serena, and then the moon, then my mom." He stared at me for a while and said," What are you talking about?" I had no idea how I was to explain this to any one," Never mind." I said and got out of bed to go to the restroom. I didn't what to tell anyone what happened but the dream made me fourteen and I was pretty old to be fighting. I didn't talk about it, no one would understand, they would probably laugh or worse tease me so I promised myself never to tell. I went outside to watch the birds fly on the trees, when I went outside I saw Darien and Serena playing piggyback ride. Serena was on Darien's back, they seemed to have fun playing together then they ran into the bushes, I would follow but I didn't want to snoop. After they left, I sat all alone then, BAAM someone hit me on the back," Hie," it was Lita of coarse and she was sort of funny doing that. " How are ya?" I looked at her with a smile then said," I am fine, you?" Lita smiled and answered my question," I'm cool." We sat there not knowing what to do; I just wanted to watch the birds. Then Artemis came and told us it was time for training I went with Lita to a big room that had foam on the walls, Luna came and told everyone to change," you will find your powers and do very well." She said this when Serena came in late." Serena," said Luna with disappointment, Artemis started class while Luna was yelling at Serena, it is not nice to run in late or it is not princess like or what ever she did wrong. Artemis told us to transform into what was that word, Sailor Scouts, ya that is it. He taught us how to hurt an enemy and taught us our power. I tried my hardest but I never got it right well there is always next time. After our training Serena ran to find Darien, while she left I heard Raye say to Amy," That Darien guy that Serena has been hanging out with, he is cute, I will make him notices me." I didn't know what that meant, so I went to sit and had launch with Lita, and we talked about what Serena's life was to be and all the rumors that have been going on. One day it was raining hard and I was board but Lita was sick with a cold. I didn't want Serena to stop playing with Darien, so I went outside into the rain and played in the puddles. Then I stopped playing and looked at a tree and it was full of leaves and as I got soaked in the rain, the rain lifted and their was a rainbow, as I looked at it, I was happy, but Darien was going away tomorrow. Oh, well I will see Serena and be happy. I went inside to see my mom and she said it was time to do princess lessons and to be proper, man I hate to do those things. After my chores I went to see Lita who was sick in bed but had to leave today, a little early, I will miss her. She got up and got ready to leave, she packed her suitcase and went out of the palace, I ran to hug her, when we both said good-bye the plane took off." Good-bye Lita," I said to myself, I went into my room to see a package with a pretty red ribbon and pink raping paper, I opened it to see what it was, and inside was a stuffed animal that looked like Artemis, I liked it. I hope Serena won't be upset when Darien leaves. Later that day Darien left and Serena was sad but she went to sleep, I went into my room scents it was late, and went to sleep. I woke up the next day to Serena going," Mina, wake up you sleepy head." I looked at Serena and said," Oh, know you want to talk to me." I said angrily, Serena looked at me and said," What did I do?" I looked at her and I explained all what happened when Darien was here," and that is why I am mad at you." I ended Serena looked at me with disbelieve and said," I'm sorry," she started to cry then I said," I really missed you and I except your apology," I said to Serena, I paused for a moment and said," Do you want to play?" Serena looked at me and said yes, I was happy when Serena played with me. At the end of the day I had to go back to Venus and be a princess, I will miss Serena. I packed my bags and loaded it on the plane, Serena came and gave me a big huge she apologized again and gave me a gift for my birthday. I hugged her again and went on the plane when the plane took off I remembered my gift and opened in it was a doll of me, and a note. While I was with Darien I made this for you and I hope you will understand. I looked back at the moon and I knew my future would be sweet. Bubblegum