Title: Flower of Love Author: Bubbles Part: 7 E-mail: legoliza@aol.com Rating: PG/P-13 Hullo! Bubbles here. I know you guys want to read the final part of Flower of Love so I?ll make this quick. I have an idea for a new story, but I don?t have a title. It takes place in modern times meaning the story will include Andrew working at the arcade and Serena being a freshman/sophomore in high school. That will be coming out soon. Thank you to Chibi-Serenity, who is wonderful in every way. Hugs to JJJJ for being great and listening to me ramble, to John for being the knight-in-dented-armor and to everyone else who helped me write this story. Jessica, Summer, Arielle, I love and miss you all terribly. On with the story! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ?Then I will kill you.? Seiya?s voice was like ice, cold and hard. Serena gasped as his fingers began to tighten around her throat. She tried to pry his hands off of her but he was too strong. Serena struggled desperately, each of her attempts becoming weaker and weaker. Darkness flashed before her eyes, then the light returned, then it was dark again. She could hear Seiya?s brief laughter echoing in her ears and tears escaped her eyes. Her lungs felt as though they would explode? SMACK!! The claws left her neck in an instant and the air rushed back into her body. Serena?s shaky knees collapsed from under her, and she fell to the floor. Two pairs of arms wrapped themselves around her and held her upright. Serena looked up at her saviors; Mina and Raye glanced worriedly down at her, before returning their eyes to scene in front of her. Serena managed to do the same. Charles and Seiya faced each other, both of their faces burning in hatred. ?This matter is of no concern of your, sir,? Seiya growled at his opponent. ?Oh it is. You have hurt my friends long enough you fiend!? Charles charged towards Seiya and the two began to fight, throwing punches this way and that. Darien and Andrew ran into the hall, and saw Seiya and Charles fighting. As quickly as they could, both men separated the two fighters. They tried to rush at each other again, but were held back. ?What is your quarrel?? Andrew asked furiously, his hand firmly holding on to Seiya?s collar. ?He interrupted my business with her,? he spat, nodding at Serena who looked away. ?Business! Ha! His hands were so tight around her throat I?m surprised she didn?t faint,? Charles glowered. Darien stared at his brother in horror; then tried to attack him himself. Fortunately, Charles had recovered the good sense he had, and managed to keep the two brothers apart. ?Is that why you two were fighting?? Andrew asked, addressing Charles. ?No. He has insulted my lady?s honor and I mean for him to pay for it!? Charles pointed at Raye. Seiya seemed to look on her for the first time. ?So, you joined the rich crowd after all. You don?t want her sir. You don?t want the woman I so tenderly held in my-? Charles snarled in rage, and smacked his fists together. Seiya took an involuntary step back. Charles straightened his back, his face hard. His lips barely moving, he spoke, ?I am prepared to fight for my lady?s reputation. Do you dare to meet me on the field of honor?? Seiya looked up at him, surprise and fear showing in his eyes; covering it fast, he made his reply, ?This is not the first time I have been challenged to duel since I came to London. I will meet you at the Oaks. Sunrise shall we say? Good. Farwell, ladies.? His voice heavy with sarcasm, Seiya stalked away towards the front door. When they heard it close, the entire group breathed a sigh of relief. Raye ran into Charles? arms. ?You foolish, thoughtless, wonderful man. How could you challenge him to a duel?? ?I love you.? The couple kissed. ?Is he a good shot?? Raye looked away, thinking. ?He used to be. Then came the drink, and his hands were no longer steady. If he is sober when you meet?? Raye stared at Charles, fear filling her eyes. Darien knew he had to break the spell of fear that had encased the room. ?You all should get back to the ballroom. The guests will worry when they discover all of their hosts missing. I will stay here with Serena to make sure she is alright.? Andrew and Mina nodded, then returned to the ballroom. Raye and Charles did the same. Darien stared at Serena. Her whole body was shaking from shock. ?Come, let?s get you into the library where you can sit down.? Darien led her into the side door, and sat her down on the couch. ?Did he really?? Serena nodded, her eyes filling with tears once more. Darien enfolded her into his embrace and held her tightly. ?He will pay for it. That is the last thing I can take from him. I?m so sorry Serena, that you had to get involved in this.? ?I wanted to get involved.? ?Why was he doing that? Because of what we did to him?? Serena shook her head. ?No, he recognized me from the night I stole your letters. He discovered me in his room and I made something up to get away. Tonight he-he threatened me with it.? Darien stared at her, empathy written across his face. ?He said I was an imposter, that I wasn?t really Mina?s sister. Someone had coached me on the right things to say and do. This birthmark was a tattoo? He said he wouldn?t tell anyone if I paid him. I refused.? Serena rubbed her neck, and winced. ?Let me have a look at it.? Darien tilted her head upwards, and stared at her throat. The red marks were clear against her pale skin. Undertones of purple and blue were already showing through. He stroked his fingers gently across the sores, and felt Serena tremble beneath his touch. He removed his fingers, and looked deep into her eyes. The fear was gone from them, and love replaced the wariness. He pulled her closer; she did not resist. Their lips met. Serena closed her eyes and surrendered to Darien?s assault upon her mouth. His hands caressed the back of her dress as he leaned her down onto the couch. Darien broke their kiss, and looked down at her. She smiled up at him, desire plainly in her eyes. ?You should go to bed,? he whispered, nibbling on her ear. Serena?s mouth dropped slightly and she let out a gasp. ?Darien!? ?Yes. Yes you should. I find that good night?s rest always restores one?s health.? She smiled and kissed her temple. ?Maybe you should follow your own advice.? Her gaze turned worried. ?You must stop the fight between Seiya and Charles. If one of them should die?? ?You feel pity for my brother? The one who stole from me, tried to choke you, and?kissed you?? The last few words were a growl. Serena stroked Darien?s hair; it had fallen over his eyes again. ?I just don?t want anyone to die. Please say you will stop Charles. Please darling. Raye is so happy with him and if-? He cut her off with a kiss. ?Yes, Charles won?t fight tomorrow, I promise.? Serena hugged him. ?Thank you darling; thank you.? Serena kissed him one last time, then walked out of the library and up to her bedroom. ?Charles won?t fight him. I will.? The Next Morning? Serena moaned slightly. Someone was shaking her. ?Serena! Serena! Wake up, it almost dawn!!? ?Too early.. Dawn!? She sprang out of bed. Molly, who had awakened her, leapt forward holding a dress, ?Put this on quick! I had a feeling you would want to be at the park this morning after what happened last night.? ?How did you know?? ?The whole house knows! Servants see everything.? ?Everything?? Serena thought. ?Oh dear?? ?Hurry Serena!! James has the carriage waiting for us outside. No one else in the house is up yet.? Tying on her shoes as quickly as she could, Serena and Molly dashed downstairs and into the waiting coach. With a crack of the whip they were off. But to Serena, it wasn?t fast enough. What if Darien hadn?t been able to stop Charles? What if he were on the ground, bleeding? What if?oh no! They had reached the park. Serena threw open the door and was about to run out when firm hands stopped her. ?No Serena,? said Molly. ?We have to act as though we were just taking a walk. Dueling is illegal and we cannot draw suspicion over here. We can just walk fast.? Nodding numbly, Serena linked arms with her friend. Together they strolled closer to the great oak trees, where the fight was to be held. When it came in view, Serena nearly cried out. There was already someone on the ground! She tried to run forward but Molly?s word stopped her. ?It appears that Charles is not meant to fight.? ?What do you mean?? ?Darien is the one who shot him. Monsieur Seiya is not there yet.? Serena looked at the scene more closely. It was true. Darien was the one who held the gun. ?He promised to keep Charles out of the fight?? she whispered faintly. ?He has arrived.? Serena stared at the newcomer. Dressed completely in black, Seiya sauntered over to the crowd. He and Darien spoke briefly, then parted and raised their pistols. Serena and Molly held their breath. The wait was unbearable. ?One-Two-Three-FIRE!!? CRACK!!! Gunpowder filled the air. Serena saw Darien stumble, a ray of blood soaking through his shirt. ?Darien did not fire?? Molly said thoughtfully. She was right, and Seiya knew it. He lowered his pistol to stare at his brother in shock. Even from that distance, Serena could see his hands shaking in fear. He fired again. Darien gave no reaction. He shot once more, his last shot. Sparks sizzled between their eyes, but Darien was not injured. Seiya looked at his brother, defiance written across his face. Though he tried to look brave, his whole body quivered in dread. Darien raised his gun. BANG!! Seiya winced as a spurt of blood escaped his arm. BANG!! Darien had missed his mark, whether it was on purpose or not, no one could tell. Darien lifted up his revolver one last time. Seiya close his eyes. Serena could hear her heart beating wildly. BANNGGG!!!!! The shot broke the dead silence of the park. Seiya cried out and clawed at his chest; he fell forward into the grass and lay still. Serena ran forward. ?Darien!!? ?Serena!? She flew into his waiting arms. ?What are you doing here?? ?How could you fight him yourself? You are so stupid! You are horrible! I love you so much, how could you scare me like that?!? ?There is no wound!? Molly said, kneeling beside the body. ?You did not shoot him?? ?No, I only meant to scare him. Even after all that he has done, I couldn?t kill him.? Molly angrily looked up at him; he had broken the dueling tradition. ?Take him to his hotel and see that he leaves when he wakes up. I don?t ever want to see Seiya again.? James, who had joined them, picked up the body and carried it away, with Charles and Molly helping. Serena sat down on a nearby bench and put her head in her hands. ?You aren?t too furious with me are?? Darien sat down beside her. ?I thought you were going to die. I thought I would lose you forever. I thought?? ?Yes?? Serena looked up at him. ?I thought that the one man I could truly love was going to leave me.? Darien held her hands and kissed them. ?With a face like that, and a mind like yours, you are going to have more trouble trying to get me to leave.? Serena smiled at him. ?Don?t ever leave me Darien.? ?Let?s make that final.? He rolled off the bench onto his knees. Pulling a small box from his coat pocket, Darien looked earnestly into her eyes. ?Marry me Serena. Let me make you happy. I?ll go crazy if you don?t, and so will you. Marry me. Be my wife, and stay with me forever.? He placed the tiny present in her hands. With steady hands, she opened it. Inside lay a diamond, every facet gleaming with promise. Serena stared at it, the looked at Darien. ?Oh Darien? it?s so beautiful!? He lifted the jewel out of it?s protective safe and slipped it on her finger. The gem was surrounded by tiny blue stones, which glistened in the morning sunlight. Serena looked at the ring, mesmerized by the glinting stones. ?I love you Serena, with my all my heart and soul. The words seem cliché ®ow but they?re true. Marry me, love, marry me.? ?How can you think that?that I would ever consider saying no?!? Serena fell into his arms and kissed him for all of her worth. Darien?s arms enclosed around her and held her fast. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him again. Darien pulled a rose out of his pocket and gave it to Serena. ?Do you remember this? I bought it from you a long time ago, when we first met. Even then I knew that I could never survive without you. This flower cast a spell on me. A spell of love.? The sun broke through the clouds, illuminating the two lovers in it?s heavenly light. Darien tossed the flower aside, knowing that he would never again need it to remind him of his true love; she would always be with him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And the credits roll. Thank you all so much for reading my stories. You have made my first fan-fic a success, and I can?t ever repay your kindness. Thank you for the sweet letters I have been getting; hugs and kisses to you all. Ok, for my next story, I am going to do a modern romance, you know, where Serena is in high school and Andrew runs the arcade. It is going to be a bit lighter than this one, more romantic-comediesh. Stay tuned for more exciting stories from: -Bubbles