Hello! Before we begin I would like to thank the wonderful, beautiful, smart, funny and talented Mako-Chan for putting me on her wonderful site. (Lazuli and Mako-Chan's Fanfiction Corner.) Also, I would like to thank two very special and talented fan fic writers. Stefanie, and Nikki (Nicole Cherre) are two of the nicest, sweetest, and most generous people I know. Thank you Stef for helping me get on ASMR. And Thank you Am-Chan, you are so very sweet, just like your sister. Thank you all. Your friendship and encouragement has helped me more than you know. ^U^ Note from Stef: Ok, now first of all, congratulations to Butterfly for posting! Second, Butterfly you are so turning me into a tomato with all your sweet comments! Read and like! Disclaimers: I don't own Sailor Moon!!! (Duh Like you didn't already know!) ********************************************************************** Love Will Never Part Chapter 1 (Saturday 8:00AM) Usagi rose, the light of the sun shining brightly through her window. Tiny specks of dust could be seen, appearing to dance through the air. She got out of bed, being particularly careful not to awaken the ball of fur at the end of her bed. As she walked toward her window, she stretched. The warmth of the sun, enclosing around her petite figure. It was a glorious morning. Birds could be heard singing, in the distance children were laughing and playing. It was a wondrous occasion for Usagi. Mamoru would be returning for a week. Usagi had long been awaiting for this day to come. He had been gone only a month now, but to her it felt as if years had passed. For each second they were apart, felt like an hour, and each day felt like an eternity. With each day that passed, Usagi's once bright, and jubilant spirit, seemed to dim. She longed to hear his voice, to see his face, feel his touch. To once again feel his breath upon her lips as they drew near for a kiss, would bring her nothing but pure ecstasy. Just the mere thought of his soft, affectionate kisses, left Usagi's heart racing. She was bewildered. Her heart was overflowing with emotions. tears fell freely from her eyes, for she knew now, more than ever, she loved this man. He was the only one she had ever truly loved. Her Mamoru. "Mamo-chan..." ********************************************************************** (Logan airport. Boston, Massachusetts) Mamoru sat, waiting for his flight to begin boarding. He looked longingly out the airports' window. He missed her so much. Mamoru had never dreamed he'd feel this way about anyone, he never thought he would allow himself to. He use to think that love was highly overrated, that dreams were just for sentimental fools. He never thought he'd find someone, to give their love so truly to him. But Usagi was the one. There was no doubt in Mamoru's mind. He loved her. Mamoru longed to see her, hold her, to kiss her. He loved her much more than his words could express. He wanted nothing more than to be with her. Forever. Always. "Usako...." The word flew so freely from his lip's, uttered only as a mere whisper. All of his emotion, thoughts, EVERYTHING! It was all expressed in that solitary word......Usako. "Now boarding flight 202 Tokyo, Japan. Please all passengers report to the main gate." The words echoed through the airport. Mamoru rose, never once looking back. He was returning to her once more. To him, that's all that mattered. ****************************************************************************** ******************** (9:00AM, Tokyo park) Usagi wandered aimlessly through the park. She felt so helpless, alone. She watched two lovers row out upon the lake. "Mamo-chan. I miss you so much." Usagi found herself in the rose garden, drawn it's sweet scent. She carefully plucked one of the roses, and inhaled deeply. It smelt so much like Mamoru. She fell to her knees, tears flowing down her cheeks like rivers. She pulled out her locket. As it played the soothing melody, Usagi was reminded of the day Mamoru had told her was leaving. The horrible day she found out she would be alone. ********************************************************************** *Flashback* Mamoru sat Usagi down on the couch. He looked her in the eyes intensely as if he was searching for something. Strength? Courage? Love? "Usa...I-I've got something very important to speak to you about." He took her hands in his, gently rubbing them with his thumbs. "I got the acceptance letter from Harvard. I got accepted." Usagi's eyes lit up with joy. "Oh, Mamo-chan! That's wonderful! Now you can go to Harvard and become a doctor like you've always dreamed! Congratulations!" She hugged him, and delicately kissed his cheek. "Yeah, it's....great." He turned away, closing his eyes. "It's an incredible opportunity." His voice grew dark. "It's just.....What if... we can't..." He paused, searching his heart for the right words. "Usa, I just don't know if we can survive a long distance relationship. I mean you saw what happened to Reika-san and Motoki-kun. They only lasted three month, and Reika- san found someone else. I don't want you.." Usagi cut him off, "Mamoru, No matter what I will always love you. You are the only one I could ever love. We've been through so much together. You can't tell me that you have any doubts about our love." Her voice became shaky with this last question, "Can you?" Mamoru's eyes immediately flew open, and rested upon her face. Her eyes were brimmed with tears, and face full of worry. Mamoru cupped her face. "Of course not, Usako. I just don't want to lose you again. I love you." He wiped her tears away, and drew her face up to his. He kissed her gently, longingly. He held her tightly, never wanting to let go. Usagi soon responded to this action, throwing her arms around his neck. Drawing him as close to her tiny frame as possible. Kissing him with all the passion she could muster. Mamoru spoke with deep sincerity, affection and love, "We'll always be together Usako. Forever." *End Flash Back* ********************************************************************** Usagi closed her locket, and rose from the ground, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know we'll be together, Mamo-chan." Suddenly a scream could be heard, echoing throughout the park. Usagi ran toward the sound of the scream. ********************************************************************** Hey, still awake? Well, I hope you like it so far. Since it was my first try at this, please, don't be to harsh. Anyway, you can send me your emails at HLC719@AOL.com. I'll be writing the rest of the story as soon as I can. I would really appreciate ideas. Tell me what you'd like to see happen. ^U^ Also don't forget to visit Mako's site at: http:www.fortunecity.com/riverdell/health/520 JA NE! Butterfly Thanks to Nikki-chan for the name! I was originally going to be called "Firestar," but someone already had that name! Thanks Nikki!