Hi! Sorry that I didn't have any chapters out last week. But here is my next chapter instead. In these authors' notes, I would like to thank all the encouraging people who have written me. Bunny Chan, for your energetic spirit and kind words, I thank you. Annie, you are so very sweet, and I'd love to here more about your stories. Mako, I could never forget about you. You are so.... so well, I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given. You're a true friend forever and always. Nikki, you are sweet, and extremely generous. I hope that your computer works very soon so that we can talk. Silver Moon Princess, I can't wait for you to begin to post. I love your story. As soon as it is up EVERYONE has to read it. Last but not least, my dearest Stefanie. You have been like an angel. Cheered me up when I was grieving, helped me through so many situations. You are not even capable of understanding your importance as a friend to me. Thank you. I would not even be posted without you. *blushes* Thank you, Chibi-Butterfly-chan. You are my best friend, and I don't know what I'd do without you. Disclaimer: Now that that's over with, I just like to remind everyone that... Sailor Moon is MINE!!! NOW AND FOREVER!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! Regretfully my last statements are far from the truth. Unfortunately, Sailor Moon never has, and never will be mine. (Except for in my dreams) (Stef: DARN!) ********************************************************************** Love Will Never Part Chapter 5 (Wow, Chapter 5 already? Never thought I'd make it this far without a single flame! That' right. I have not recieved one flame!) (Stef: I'll change that after I send this in!) (A distant galaxy, filled with gruesome creatures) The figure entered the dark room. It knelt low to the ground, facing the back of a chair. "My master, I have returned with the second innocence's energy." The chair slowly turned to reveal, not a youma. But a human like creature. His laughter echoed throughout the entire castle. "Hahahahahahhaha! Good work Sirius. Give me the energy, and go forth. Search out the next victim. I want that energy. All of it must be restored to the golden crystals and the Gypsum must be restored and placed in the Crystallization room before Midnight in three days. You have till then to retrieve the next two crystals. Oh, and Sirius?" The youma looked up from his kneeling position on the ground. "Yes Lord Nova?" Nova smirked, revealing his pure white fangs. "Do not fail me. There is no place for failure in this game. The punishment will be far worse than death, let me assure you." With that he was off to search for the next innocence. Nova rose from behind the shadows, revealing himself. He was tall, and had dark green eyes. His hair was a shimmering light green. He walked slowly toward a door in the back of the room, clutching the energy closely to him. In side the room was a tall body length mirror, surrounded by a dark moat of water. The room gaze off eerie vibes. He stood in front of the mirror with his eyes closed, concentrating. An image began to form in the mirror. As it became clearer the form of Usagi appeared. She was sleeping soundly in Mamoru's arms. "The Queen might be gone, and the moon destroyed, but... this moonchild, this world. It will be just as good. We will have our revenge on the people of the moon. Starting with the Princess. I have gone inside her mind. Found her darkest fears. I will use this to my advantage. The silly rabbit is afraid of losing loved ones and her mind is filled with dim-witted emotions. She has hopes and dreams that could so easily be destroyed. Ha! Sleep well dear princess." ********************************************************************** (Raye's temple, Raye's bedroom 10:00PM) Usagi lay, resting in Mamoru's protective grasp. She had fallen asleep while waiting for Raye to finish her fire reading. Ami had revealed that in three days, at midnight, the crystals will become one and the Gypsum will release Canopus's power. If the sailor scouts wanted to defeat the new threats of the Nega-force, than they would have to be one step ahead of Nova. But they still needed to find the next pure heart energy carrier. As Luna, Artemis, and Mamoru talked, Usagi drifted on in her slumber... She was running down a street. Not knowing where she was heading. When she reached the end of the road she met a sight that made her quake with fear. The Senshi, her family, friends, and even Mamoru, were tied up. An unseen force was torturing each. They cried out in agony. Usagi tried to run to their aid, but as she ran the moved farther and farther away from her. She even transformed, but to no avail. Mamoru looked down at Usagi's trembling form. Mina laid a blanket over her petite figure, but Mako noticed. Usagi wasn't shaking from being cold, tears were slowly beginning to form at the corners of her closed eyes. "She's having a nightmare." She replied. Mamoru gently began to shake her. ********************************************************************** The torturing was becoming worse. Little Shingo was screaming his heart out. She could see in his eyes that he was terrified. With renewed courage she ran. She told herself, 'If I believe in myself than nobody can stop me. Hold on guys, I'm coming to rescue you.' She leapt in the air. Plummeting to the ground with a thud. She had reached her mother and with ease disposed of the youma. The youma torturing the others were also fairly easy to dispose of. As she was untying her last captive friend, Minako, a dreadful snicker could be heard, seeming to come from nowhere, but also coming from everywhere at the same time. Raising a fist to the sky she proclaimed, "I am Sailor Eternal Sailor Moon! How dare you mess with the people I love most?!! I demand that you show yourself immediately! "As you wish, princess" The voices growled. High above them, dark mists began to come together to form a figure. (Much like they did when Small Lady transformed into Wicked Lady) "Who are you?" The figure glided down to the ground and landed gracefully. "I am the ruler of the stars. I am the celestial body regarded as Canopus, Sailor of the stars." She had long flowing hair. The color was the darkest shade of purple. And her eyes were almost black. In the center of her forehead was a symbol much like Princess Serenity's only it was a star instead of a crescent moon. She wore a Sailor Soldier fuku. It was a dark black, with yellow stripes down her collar leading to the bow. In the center of the bow, was a (you guessed it) star. She wore jet-black boots that went till her knee. (Much like Mercury's and Moon's, only the heels were taller) Her skin was a light tan, and if she wasn't as evil, and didn't wear that devilish grin, Sailor Moon could have almost sworn she was pretty. "I have come to destroy you Sailor Moon. Or should I say, Princess Serenity. You are one of the last descendents of the Moon Kingdom, the place in which I have vowed vengeance. First I will strip you of all that you hold dear, destroy this miserable planet, and then..." She smirked, and said in an amused voice. "I will destroy you limb by limb." She razed her hand, and smiled. "But first things first." A blast of negative energy pulsed out of her hand and within an instant Usagi's family was gone. To her it was slow motion. The blast slowly made its way from Canopus's hand, and her family. She could clearly here their cries, and she could undoubtedly see the blood. They were gone. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. Suddenly she was ripped from her nightmare and the next thing she new, she was out of breath, and trembling within Mamoru's caring embrace. ********************************************************************** NNNNNOOOOOO!!! Another cliffhanger. (Smiles devilishly) Don't you just hate it? Well that's it for this week. It was actually suppose to be a longer chapter, but you see, I just finished typing my 10-page history report, and also I'm sick. I shouldn't even be on the computer right now. But I did it for you. I've been typing non-stop for about 6 and a half hours. *coughing* Also, I'm working my butt off on another story. (Sighs) What I do for you people. Well, I already thanked everyone; so I guess this is goodbye till I finish the next part. It will most definitely be longer cause I already got it written out. I guess I'll see you then. Oh, I almost forgot. (Drops to her knees) Please forgive me Stef. *cough cough* I didn't mean to have another cliffhanger, or such a short story. I gotta tell ya, If you never here from me again, it's probably cause Stef, along with a few other people, have killed me for skipping a week and delaying them the pleasure of reading my story. Sorry again. *cough* Butterfly Stef: Uh-huh. Sure. Ya know, that excuse hasn't worked for me in a loooooooong time. I never get away with cliffhangers anymore and neither should you! But I would never kill you! Nikki-chan, definitely. Am-chan, *looks around* maybe. But you- never, Imouto-chan! *looks around again* Would I lie? *smiles dumbly* Sorry you were sick, but I've been there! Hey, people, you can flame her if you want! I'm evil, I know it!