A fan fic by Caleyndar. Rating: PG. Notes: Unfortunately, due to circumstances with my work load, chapters will be submitted every second week. I hope still that those who read my fan fic will continue to do so. Once again, thanks to those who have e-mailed me, I am greatful for any comments. Please do e-mail me should you have the time, or any questions. Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me; only the few I make up. The story, however, is mine. The Name Endymion... Part Three: Faces of War... Chapter Three... Time seemed to slow down. A beam of Darkness hurtled towards the Princess of the Moon Kingdom, who laid in the tall golden and bronze grasses, shocked, afraid, eyes wide, unable to look away from what would surly hurt her. She didn?t move. It seemed she could not. She was frozen in shock and fear. It bore down on her, this beam, a great column of the darkest light. How frightful it must have looked, yet how magnificent. I stood on my silver limbed tree, mouth open in a silent scream, my hands pressed against my head, covering my ears as if not to hear the Princess of the Moon Kingdom cry. Why didn?t I move to save her? Why did I not make the Dark Angel of Light cease it?s terrible punishment? Even if I wanted to do so more than my own life was worth to me, there was not enough time. The wolves had cornered their prey. When surly the whole world would hear Serenity scream, a bright silver light tinged with blue burst into existence between the Light and the Darkness. Diamond had teleported himself there, and now, from his hands there was born a great power. It shot out from him, his body alight with the force of it, directly into the eye of the black beam of light. His power, fuelled by his fear, his anger, his hatred, was strong enough to pierce the great beam bearing down on him, and perhaps to weaken it, but it did nothing else. With a start, he realised this. But instead of teleporting away, he opened his arms as if to embrace it. The pillar of dark light hit the Prince of the Black Moon Kingdom full on, sending him flying beyond the one he sought to protect. Serenity let out a cry of fear, and scrambled to her feet to run to Diamond?s side. I did nothing but stand there, shocked. All my mind could ask was, ?Do you really love her that much, Diamond?? But time would not allow such thoughts. The Dark Angel of Light was merciless, and did not cease it?s attack. It seemed not to see what it had done, and still called the Darkness down from the heavens to render this world dead and lifeless. Serenity knelt next to Diamond?s unconscious body in the midst of the storm, the angel praying over the body of a saint. She pulled him close to her, teams streaming down her face in fear and pain. It pained me to see her do this. Did you truly love him enough to risk your life to be by his side in all this? And if you did, my dearest Serenity, I can return to my duty, can I not? Because I will have no reason to love you. And you will no longer need me. But can I bring myself to hurt you even then? So the question remains. She looked up for a moment suddenly, her vision misted with her tears. And stared right at me, through the golden leaves, into my dark eyes. And she gave me a soft smile. The goddess knew! She knew I was there, looking down at her, feeling pained and rejected. The surprise was instantly replaced by something else though. Her smile, her usually sweet features. There was an element there which did not belong. Something was wrong. She looked away soon enough; the Dark Angel of Light had not let up it?s destructive attack. One of it?s numerous black beams if death spiralled towards her. Why did she not move? Why did she merely stare at the Dark Angel who sent Death to knock on her door? Serenity! I jumped off my perch apon the silver limbed tree, streaking down through the many branches and thousands of tiny golden leaves. My black and red cape chased me all the way. Using my powers, I cushioned my landing, and as soon as I hit the forest floor, I was up, my hand on the hilt of my sword, ready to sever the Dark Angel?s innocent head with it?s burning eyes. But another blocked my path. She held her staff with it?s blood red garnet orb in defensive stance, calmly obstructing the way to help her Princess. "Move," I growled at her. "No, Prince Endymion of the Earth Kingdom. I can not allow you to change the future. This must happen," Pluto said softly, her dark red brown eyes gazing into mine without menace or any other emotion. I drew my sword and held it in front of me with both hands. "Don?t make me use this. I will help my only love." Pluto did not answer. Unlike Serenity, I had no feelings for this young woman in front of me. I did not hesitate to strike the first blow, meaning not to kill, but to disable. Pluto blocked my blow with her staff, sounding a loud ringing in our ears. I with drew and attacked again, but before I landed it, my attention was drawn else where. A pure white and golden light was suddenly born from behind Pluto. So pure in it?s power was it, so wonderfully bright. With out even glancing behind the Soldier of Time and Space, I knew the source of it, from where it came. There was no other than her. The fount of the power came from her forehead, from the crescent moon in the symbol we both shared. It lanced out from her, a great golden arch of blinding power. And it smashed directly into the Dark power. The union of the two opposing powers resulted in an explosion of all colours from the spectrum of light. Had I died, I would have thought this was the light of God. This light erased the existence of the world, wiping out all that could be seen in it?s glorious magnificence. Like Mercury?s fog, the light soon faded, and it seemed as if the world had been reborn, as often the world is after the coldest winters, where there is nothing around one except ice and snow and death. The Darkness was gone. No clouds covered the water colour blue sky washed with white. No dark beams of energy flashed around the plain bringing destruction to the path it took. The twin suns once again shone brightly, casting it?s young light onto the now perfect and alive plain. All traces of destruction was gone; the blackened growth of grasses, the dust and ashes. This was utopia once more. And Serenity laid there, her weakened body over Diamond?s unconscious one. Much of her powers had been spent, as all ours were should we expel such a great amount of energy. "Serenity!" I screamed, not caring who heard, and made to leap over Pluto?s form. Pluto, without even the slightest pause in time, as if she knew I would do what I did, leapt up into the air in front of my flight path, and cast me towards the ground as if I was not fit to join the ranks of Heaven for which I headed. "Why do you do this?" I demanded, looking up at her from where I laid sprawled on the ground. "I thought you wanted me to love her, to be with her for eternity! Why separate us now?" "I do this for the Princess, and for you, Prince Endymion," Pluto answered, standing her staff by her side and looking down on me with her own red brown eyes. "You may love her now, but I grantee you, should this not be allowed to take place, you will not love her in the next moment in time." The Soldier of Time and Space glanced away from me and at where her Princess laid. "You speak in riddles," I said, and pulled myself to my feet. I watched, with one eye on Pluto, the Dark Angel of Light regain it?s disbanded Darkness. Serenity?s power of Light had weakened it as much as she had weakened herself, but the Angel was recovering faster than she. "I speak the truth, Prince Endymion. I speak of what the Future holds," Pluto replied. "Oh, yes, the blessed Future," I muttered sarcastically. "The Great Future which would have me suffer because it?s what the Gods want." I spat these words out. I was disgusted with myself, and with the world in which I found myself drowning. "There are no Gods," Pluto said calmly. "No Gods?" I asked. "Then why pray to Selene, Goddess of the Moon? I?ve heard Serenity do it." I gave a bitter laugh. "And if there are no Gods nor Devils, then why do we suffer like so? Why live in pain? Who wills such a thing? And who creates the future?" "The Gods exist only because we believe in them. And one lives in pain, and suffers, because they cause it, no matter whether or not they were born into it. And the future, as I have said before, is created by the past," Pluto said. I gave her a smile, but it never reached my eyes. "You always have answers, don?t you?" "No. Never," Pluto said almost thoughtfully. I looked away from Pluto and back onto the battle field. Serenity still laid there, by Diamond?s side. Jadeite was still levitated up in the air by his own powers, and his mouth was hung slightly open. Through our blood bond, I could feel that he was shocked. Shocked by the power Serenity had displayed. Suddenly, she was held in higher regard in Jadeite?s mind. The Dark Angel of Light stood on the ground, it?s head hung, it?s eyes closed, it?s black wings limp, almost as if it had died. "Please, Pluto, let me go to her. Let me have a moment in time to hold her close to me," I whispered. Did she even hear me? Or did the wind snatch away my words before they reached her ears? "You will not like what you behold, Prince Endymion," she merely replied. I looked at her, slightly confused. "Do not go. Not until she comes," Pluto continued. Before I could answer, there was a ripple through the air. I looked up to see the Dark Angel lift it?s head and open it?s blind yet seeing eyes. I stood, tense, knowing not what to do. It looked up, it?s ashen blonde locks of hair flowing around it?s wondering face. It?s brilliant eyes seemed to look right at Serenity?s weakened form and ask ?why did you do that? in the most innocent manner. Serenity stared back at it, unable to do anything else except give the softest smile. The Dark Angel of Light began to float above the ground again, and once more it spread it?s black angelic wings. Serenity turned her beautiful head, as if she did not want to watch her own death. "Never?" I asked, continuing our conversation from before, when we spoke of having answers. "You never have the answers? Then why did you reply when I asked you those questions?" "I do not hold answers to the questions you seek to ask me concerning your fate, your destiny, nor hers. I have only the knowledge to do what I must to see to it that the two of you are together for all of eternity," Pluto explained. "Why us? What is so important about our two fragile souls? Why not another pair of star crossed lovers?" I demanded gently. "I can not reveal to you your own future," Pluto replied. "No. Not you can not. You won?t," I answered, eyes no longer seeing Pluto at all; only how Serenity fared, and the progress of the Angel. "Why? Because you fear your duty, just as I fear mine. You dislike the powers you hold; the power to change the future, because you see all and know all. You might as well be God Himself. If such a being existed." "You are right, Prince Endymion of the Earth Kingdom. What you say is the truth. Let us leave it at that," Pluto said almost uncomfortably. I picked up my sword, of which I had dropped when Pluto had sent me hurtling towards the earth. I glanced down at it, at the sunlight reflecting off the blade. "Yet you still tamper with history. You still seek to change the future. By stopping me from helping Serenity, you do exactly what you fear." "I know," she replied shortly. It?s arms rose until they were parallel with it?s darkly feathered wings, and then it seemed it?s eyes grew brighter. My instincts told me this was another attack. I wanted to be by Serenity?s side, to protect her, as I was surly placed in this damnable universe to do. Never mind that Pluto had instructed me to wait for ?her? to come. She was not here, whoever she was. "Tell me, Prince Endymion, the last time we spoke to one another, you told me you despised the Princess of the Moon Kingdom. Why do you love her now?" Pluto asked suddenly, trying to take my attention away from the Dark Angel and Serenity. "You know that I never truly hated her. You knew even before I figured it out myself," I replied. "So why ask me such questions now? You know that the only reason I ever wanted to hurt her from the beginning was because she hurt me by not believing and trusting in me. And the fact that most of my Kingdom was destroyed, and thus I was cast off to a back water world. Then, perhaps I just wanted to hate her because I believed that we could never be, and that I would be hurt by her should I even contemplate of loving her again. And it?s what I believe now, even though I do not hate her." She listened to this, her expression almost sad, pitiful. The Dark Angel?s eyes grew even more intense in their brightness, and without thinking, I disappeared from where I stood in front of the Soldier of Time and Space. Did Pluto call out to me? It did not matter. In a flash of silver and blue light, I was staring straight into the Dark Angel?s blinding eyes. My own eyes widened, entranced with those into which I lost my soul. The Dark Angel?s arms came up, almost as if it was reaching out to touch my spiritual form. My right arm rose from my side as if I had no control over it, wanting to touch this being?s physical shell. My left hand still held my sword loosely, but soon it slipped out of my grip, as if it was the least important object to me in the entire universe. Jadeite seemed to scream out in pain suddenly, his arms flying up to clutch his head, dropping Pandora?s box. How pretty. That delicately carved box falling though the air, tumbling as the world?s gravity pulled it closer to it?s body. The world suddenly seemed to turn, and the greatest pain was born through my entire body. I clenched my teeth, determined not to cry out, and just feeling with every fibre the fire that roared like a raging river through my skin and into the very marrow of my bones. The Dark Angel. It had attacked me. And now Jadeite was paying the price for hurting me. Louis was right. The Loyalty Ceremony was a curse. I laid on the soft golden brown grasses, staring up at the clear blue sky as if in a dream. My entire body ached as if it had been whipped. Please, no more. God, was I eternally thrown into Hell and then dragged back? My eyes were blinded by the sunlight, and I wished I wasn?t tortured so. A shadow passed over me. The Dark Angel had spread it?s wings and taken flight. In the sky it soared now, it?s magnificent black wings blocking out the sun. Why did it not stop? Had Jadeite not dropped the box from which it had been born? But there was no one to command it to stop. Like myself, Jadeite laid sprawled on the golden brown plain, withering in agony; the same pain I felt through my entire being. And now it moved in on Serenity again. I tried. Really, I did. To move and help her. But I was dying, wasn?t I? At least I die free from the Darkness. In trying to help Serenity, I had regained my lost Light. My eyes were their clear deep ocean blue, and the earth in the symbol apon my forehead was once again shining with it?s own light. I closed my eyes in defeat, not wanting anything anymore. Except perhaps that desperate need of love. Pain matter not. It was only physical. Dearest Serenity, live, because I can not. You are a part of me, now and forever. As long as you live, I?ll be in your heart in this life, and we?ll be together in the next. "Mars Firebird Strike!" a voice I knew shouted out. My eyes snapped open in time to see the great phoenix streak over me and slam into the Dark Angel. In an eruption of flames, the Angel?s dark wings and garment caught alight, and like a burning star from the Heavens it fell, crashing to the earth apon which I laid. Mars appeared in my felid of vision then, the young warrior dressed in her sailor uniform. My drifting mind could not help but wonder why they wore such short skirts considering the work they did constantly. She ran up to Serenity, her black raven hair flying out behind her as my cape often did. "Endy," Jadeite?s voice called weakly. "Ah, don?t call me that, you idiot," I muttered, not wanting to speak with him. My eyes rolled up to the sky again. Where was that damned box? Best to call the spirit back before it returned itself to it?s former state. With all of my will power, I pulled myself up into a sitting position. My vision was blurred and my head felt so light. But still I was able to spot the cursed box and call it to me. I loathed holding it. This beautifully crafted box adorned with gruesome bodies dying in unbearable pain. But I opened it, and called the still burning Dark Angel back. I had no more strength after that. I dropped the wooden object and fell back down onto my soft bed of golden and bronze grasses. "Was it worth your pain?" Pluto?s unemotional voice sounded near my ear. "Your darkened soul has left you, but for how long?" I felt too weak to open my eyes and look at her, too weak to gasp out some pointless remark. What was the point? She was a Goddess. She knew all. More than I would ever be gifted to know about even my own soul. "Do not give up your dreams. What you deem hollow is full to others. Your rash actions have not damaged the future in which your happiness ensures. Perhaps they have even brightened the Darkness, for the vision I showed you of the future has changed," Pluto concluded. Her presence left the physical world then; my weakened senses felt that much. I wanted to laugh. There I laid, my body in such pain I felt that I would surly die, and I had been told to dream of better times. When had my life ever been happy ever since I had been given the cursed name ?Endymion?? Yes, with that name I had found my dearest Serenity, but what other pains have I had to suffer for it since? Yet my mind lingered on what she had said. About the future changing; her predicated future for Serenity after all the pain and suffering I had caused her. But what could have changed? She loved Diamond still, did she not? She had said her goodbyes to me. Her goodbyes. No, don?t dwell on that dream, that nightmare again. ?Goodbye, Endymion,? she had whispered. And then she had thrown my black rose away. Only now it was red as the blood that flowed through my broken heart. How I wanted to die. "Sorry, Endy, you don?t have the luxury to die yet," Jadeite?s voice said. "Besides, your powers are too strong for a mere Dark Angel to hurt you fatally." "And so I just have to endure the pain?" I asked forcing my weary eyes open. Jadeite was standing next to where I laid, my arms thrown out; my body was in the form of a cross. My sword laid broken, useless, some distance away. "If you want, Endy, I can help you," Jadeite offered. "When will you ever address me properly?" I moaned. "Never mind. Just help me up. I can heal myself of my physical wounds." Jadeite reached down and pulled me to my feet, placing my right arm around his shoulder so he could support me better. "Endymion, I?m really sorry about what happened back there," Jadeite said sincerely, though I could sense no guilt coming from him. We both knew it wasn?t his fault; it was mine. "I would rather that brand of pain anytime, Jadeite, than the pain I?ve had to endure in my recent past," I whispered back. I let the blue light of my power wash over me, and as it departed, so did the pain. I felt my energy return, but still I lent on Jadeite, fearing that should I independently walk this world on which she laid next to her lover, that I would crumple up and die from the sheer weight of my emotions; my feelings towards the one who no longer loved me. I lifted my head, focusing my eyes through the veil of my unkept jet black hair on the two figures of Mars and Serenity. Mars stood, strong as I had ever seen her, holding up her Princess of the Moon Kingdom. The afternoon wind whipped their long hair, and sent Serenity?s gown rippling around her body. How she had grown in these past two years. She was no longer a girl; she had the body of a beautiful and gifted woman. Had she ever seemed more beautiful and wondrous to me as she did then? She turned her head to face me then, as if she had felt that I was thinking of her, longing for her. Our eyes meet, my ocean blue eyes and her sky blue ones. Time stopped. The world faded around us, and we stood alone on a bleak landscape with nothing surrounding us but endless darkness. We seemed to each other a candle burning in the dark, and we could stare at nothing else. Neither of us had moved but we stood face to face, close enough to touch, to embrace, to kiss. Still we stared unseeing into each other?s souls. Her clear innocent eyes looked eternally into mine, but did not see beyond them. It was the same for me to her. It was as if we were afraid to do so. Afraid of what? My hand came up subconsciously to brush her cheek, to touch her silken hair. She smiled gently at that. I merely watched her every expression entranced, hypnotised. I lifted her chin, like I had often done two years ago in another universe, in a paradise that no longer existed. I closed my eyes and whispered those three little words, "I love you," to her. "I know," she replied. "And I love you, Sweet Prince Endymion. But you have hurt me too much in the past. I vow that my heart will never be broken again by you. Better for me to endure a life, an eternity, without you, than be hurt like that by you again." My eyes flew open, startled, shocked. My hand fell, lifeless. "I understand why you hurt me in the beginning. In a way, you had the right after all I did to you. But have I not tried to regain you undying love? Have I not tried in vain to show you that I never meant to hurt you?" she seemed to plead with me. "Yet you still refused to believe the truth, and that I do not understand. And so I said goodbye to you, and cast from my heart and mind anything that reminded me of you, of the time we spent together on a world that might as well have never existed." The dream. So that was what it had meant. Pluto, what has changed! God, she no longer loves me, yet I love her still. So what has changed? If she does not feel for me the emotion that I did towards her, what did it matter at all? "I do not hate you though. Understand that, Endymion. And I would never do anything to hurt you beyond what I do today, unless circumstances demands that of me, as they do of you. Perhaps I would have hated you, believing that you cared nought for me, had you not saved me today from your own general," she said in an almost wondrous way. No hate. The symbol on her forehead still displayed a golden crescent moon. There was no trace of darkness as there had been in Pluto?s vision. So that was what had changed. "Serenity," I finally managed to choke out. "Please, do not turn away from me. I need you, and if you want it, if you love me now, I would give you my soul to do with as you please. Just do not turn away from me! You said we were soul bonded. Was that a lie? And if it was not, then why do you love another now?" I said desperately. The fear of losing her was like no other emotion. My heart felt that it would burst, so fast was it pumping. And all that I had promised her was true, from the bottom of my heart. If she would only give me back her love, I would give her the universe were it mine to give. Damn all to Hell who stood in my way. I would defy all if only to be with her. My Father, Armand, my generals. They were nothing to me compared to Serenity, the light of my life. "What I said to Venus of our Soul Bond was true, Endymion, and it still is. I love you and no other, just as you do me. I do not love Diamond as I love you. But when I am with him, I have no fear of being hurt. And for now, that is all I wish. To be surrounded by ones of which I have no fear. For I fear you, Endymion. Even though I love you more than anyone else in this entire universe," Serenity replied, her voice soft and regretful, filled with sadness. "I understand," I whispered, though to pass those two words from my mouth felt like acid burning my throat. "I love you still, and I know now that all I have done to you in the past was wrong and thoughtless. I deserve the punishment you have dealt out to me; to be banished from your love, from you. And I accept it. But I swear to you apon any pride I have left, that I would never break you heart again," I whispered, for I had not the strength to say those words with any more force. Serenity didn?t answer. She only stepped closer and placed a lingering kiss apon my lips, and said the words I feared the most. "Goodbye, Endymion." And with that, she vanished, as did the dark world that surrounded us. Sun light poured down apon me, striking my side and back, but leaving my face in shadows. I was glad for that. I wanted no one to see the tears forming in my dark blue eyes. My head was bowed, my wild black hair falling over my eyes. Better to hide these emotion ridden tears. I stood as if I had never moved, never touched her, nor she me. Yet I could still feel her lips apon mine. So sweet, so soft. How much must I loose? My innocence, my childhood, my family, my only love. Had there been one above watching over us, I would surly have flown up to the heavens to demand why he was damning me to such loses, such pains. I looked up through the veil of my tears and strands of hair to see Serenity once again standing next to Mars, gazing back at me. And then she left Mars?s side and knelt down next to Diamond. All this I watched, fighting back my tears, the urge to run to her side and beg her to grant me one more chance. My internal turmoil and pleads did nothing though. Serenity continued with her mission as she brought forth the Imperium Silver Crystal and healed Diamond with it in a brilliant explosion of peaceful light. I closed my eyes and looked away, perhaps wanting nought the purity to touch me. Lestat was right. Light and Darkness could never be. Never mind the fact that I needed her Light to survive. She did not need my Darkness. It mattered not that I no longer had the Darkness gracing my soul. I had been born from it, therefore I could never have the right nor power to be with the Light. As the light faded, I opened my eyes, but did not look in Serenity?s direction. I only bent down and picked up Pandora?s Box from where I had dropped it after calling back the Dark Angel, sparing it one last glace before dematerialising it. I turned to leave, wanting to be by myself in some place dark. For any light reminded me of her, the Light of my life. I thought perhaps Jadeite would try and stop me, but he did not, and for that I was glad. Perhaps he understood how I felt. I stopped a little distance away and turned back, wanting to see Serenity for once last time, to lock her lovely image in my mind forever. She helped Diamond up now, weak though she was. Diamond gave her a weak smile, grateful was he for her. And who would not be? He did not seem to see me, and I thanked the gods for that. I did not want to face him now, not when he could attack my weakest point; my heart. Serenity did not look up at me. She only said comforting words to Diamond, and then teleport away in a wash of soft golden light, Diamond by her side. Mars remained however, as if to watch their backs, to make sure that neither Jadeite nor I would try anything else. I half heartedly wondered if Jadeite would; he never liked to lose. Turning, I was slightly amazed to see him staring at Mars with the most dreamy expression on his face. Had I been in a better mood, I would have laughed. Jadeite was in love! How sweet. The feeling I received from him through the blood bond confirmed it. All nice and warm and sweet. The feeling made me smile. I looked over at Mars. Did she feel the same way? She stood there still, a striking figure in red, like the planet she was named after. One could understand why another would fall for a young women like that. As for her reaction to Jadeite? She stared back at him, her violet eyes locked on his as if in a trance. Suddenly though, she broke out of it, glancing around and looking slightly lost. And with that, she teleported away, a red streak in the afternoon sun. End of Part Three, Chapter Three.