A fan fic by Caleyndar. Rating: PG. Notes: In this chapter, the other two members of the Weapons are introduced. It also sets the circumstances of the next battle. Once again, thanks for those who have e-mailed me. I am also sorry that update will nowoccure only once every two weeks. My web site has my fan fic on it, which updates about a week before here. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Portal/5907/ Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me; only the few I make up. The story, however, is mine. The Name Endymion... Part Three: Faces of War... Chapter Four... The twin setting suns cast a blood red glow apon the resort buildings before us. It seemed the walls were all painted in gold and red, and all shone with a supernatural light. All this I took in as I stood beside Jadeite at the entrance of it; the large resort built by those of the Moon Kingdom. We were dressed in civilian cloths, nothing which set us apart in anyway from the other patrons who spent their time on this world. Jadeite and I exchanged few words on our way here. We had teleported to a deserted road leading here, and had walked the rest of the way in the mortal fashion. Apparently my other generals had set up our temporary base here. Despite the fact that this world was not as old as others in this galaxy, it was well developed in the way of technology and population. This resort was one of many found on this world, located near one of the capital cities. The location of this resort was far from where the previous battle had been fought; that area was far from all civilisations. Serenity and Diamond had gone there on a date to be alone. Mars had come for reasons I could only guess as being to check on the princess. But that hardly mattered now, did it? "Now you understand how I feel, Jadeite," I finally whispered. "Can you feel yourself being torn? What matters more? Your duty, or your love? I have made my choice, but I have nothing now except for duty. And though you may make the same choice as I have, you can not betray me." Jadeite was silent, and that was unusual for him. He liked nothing better than to speak his thoughts, even when they were not desired. "But you can always dream, knowing she loves you in return. That is not so for me. Yes, Serenity loves me, but she has already said that she will not give her heart to me. And that may as well interpret to she hates me for she bestows her affections on another," I continued sadly. My general turned to face me then, his face dark and filled with frustration. "Why have I been cursed like so?" he demanded. "Why haven?t I the right to love whom I desire?" "Direct your questions to the gods, Jadeite. I have not the answers, and never will, though I have asked the same questions you do," I replied, and turned my face to the heavens. The second sun had just dipped below the horizon, and the sky was now on fire, with the streaks of clouds looking much like flames burning. Strangely, I was in a state of calm. The calm before the storm perhaps. Only time would tell how I would react to this. Jadeite stormed off then, upset at the world in general. One could not blame him though. He was finally realising how unfair the universe was, and the pains of love. I smiled softly to myself and followed him. What else could I have done? Find a dark dank cave and curl up in it?s deepest part and weep? And where would that leave me? What would it achieve? It was more productive to live a pained life than no life at all. Besides, night was falling, covering this side of the world in darkness. Hopefully, she would fade from my mind at least for tonight. Pray that there be no moons orbiting this world. Or that none would be visible tonight. Jadeite was out of sight. In the time when my mind had wandered, he had disappeared into the extensive faculties available at the resort. This was not a good day. Well, at least finding my generals would take my mind off other matters. I walked slowly around the resort, which by now was devoid of sunlight, and was lit as bright as day by torches planted into the ground around the paths and key buildings. I came apon a body of water centred in the resort. It was quiet now; most of the guests having gone to the dining halls. There was a small but very pretty waterfall at one end, and a sandy beach at the other where some lounge chairs were situated. They seemed to beckon me, and so I surrendered to them. I was tired and I wanted to rest for just a little while, and perhaps stare up at the stars like I had often done when I led an Innocent Life back on the planet Earth. Letting myself sink down into the lounge chair, I stretched out my long legs and laid back, closing my eyes as I did so. This was the life. If not for all the other burdens that sat apon my shoulders. "A lovely night, is it not?" I girl?s voice asked quietly from beside me. I started, having thought I was alone. Opening my eyes and turning my head, I found that a small girl was sitting in the previously empty chair beside me. She was perhaps a year or two younger than me, and quite small in build. Every feature about her was delicate and sweet, being fine boned. She was graced with long, slightly wavy black hair that fell in cascading waves down to the small of her waist, and contrasting bright blue eyes with gold and silver flecks. "Yes, it is," I finally managed to answer. I let my eyes take her slight figure in. She was clothed in a simple dress which was sleeveless. On her bare left shoulder, the one closest to me, was an unusual tattoo. It was that of a dagger, and it was black, as if clothed in shadows. I looked away and down at the large pool that sat before us. The pool reflected the starlight above, with the distant waterfall provided us with some peaceful background music. "Two night skies," the girl said. "Two heavens perhaps?" "If Heaven exists," I answered without looking at her. "It does, sometimes," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. I turned to face her and smiled. The flames lit her face perfectly, making her even more beautiful. "Do you have a name, stranger who talks of Heaven?" I asked. She paused for a moment before answering, "Shara." "Shara," I repeated. "I?m Darien," I said, giving her my Innocent name. "It?s nice to meet you, Darien. But I must say, you looked troubled. Would you like to tell me what they are? Perhaps I could help you," Shara said, giving me a kind smile. "They?re matters of the heart, Shara. Unless you?re Cupid, I doubt you could help," I told her. "But thank you for offering. It?s always nice to know someone cares." "I like to make others feel better," she said. She looked off into the distance and stared into space for a moment, and then turned back to me. "I?m sorry, Darien, but I must go. My twin brothers will be waiting for me to go to dinner. Hope to see you again." She faded into the night with a small wave of her hand and a departing smile. I waved back, and decided it was about time I found my companions so that I may eat. With Shara?s mentioning of food, my stomach had suddenly decided it was empty and was grumbling. Departing from the paradise in the midst of the resort, I used my link with my generals to locate them quickly. They had acquired three suites on the highest floor of the hotel building. I should have known that they would choose the most expensive rooms. And well, the most strategically placed too. That would have been Kunzite?s doing. Riding the high speed elevator up to the thirtieth floor, I stepped out into a very luxurious foyer. I quickly found the door to the nearest suite where my generals were. I knocked on the door since it was locked, and I had no choice unless I teleported. Kunzite answered the door quickly enough. He would have known it was me even before I stepped off the elevator. I stepped into the rooms and Kunzite closed the door behind me. My other three generals were present also. Nephrite sat on the lounge reading a book, and Zoisite was playing chess by himself on a computer programmed board. Jadeite was leaning against a wall out of the way, a dark expression on his face, glaring at everything. "Tomorrow, we?ll locate our targets again," Kunzite said as he walked around me to stand facing me. "If you wish, one of us will attack should the chance arrive." I said nothing. I only glanced at Jadeite, who?s face soured even more so at the mention of attacking his love. It was clear to me now what he had picked. Love. But like me, duty had to come first. "Very well," I replied. "Do as you see fit." Did I feel the same emotions that ran like molten metal through Jadeite?s veins? Of course I did. The last thing I wanted was to hurt Serenity in any way, either directly or indirectly. But she had made clear to me that she wanted nothing to do with me, though she loved me, and I her. And for me, I had my people to think of; those who were killed on the orders of Queen Selenity. They deserved revenge, and I had to give that to them. "But please, could we eat?" I said, setting a lighter tone. Kunzite looked at me and blinked his eyes, not understanding. "He?s hungry, Kunzite," Nephrite told Kunzite, setting down his book and standing. "I see. I believe there?s a dining hall on level two of this building. Shall we go there?" Kunzite inquired, his tactical mind on as usual. "Whatever. The closest place will do. I?ve not eaten since breakfast this morning," I said and headed back to the door. Zoisite turned off his holographic chess game and stood up without a word and followed my lead. Jadeite pushed himself off the wall, his attitude undesirable, his mood dark. What was he thinking and feeling? He loved one from the opposing side, just as I did. But surely the feeling could not be so strong, not yet. After all, he had only met her once, and had not even exchanged words, nor even gestures. Did he feel merely cheated out of his rights, his life? Perhaps. It was the truth, never the less. And so it was with me, by the one who created me. We travelled down to the dining hall and were taken to a table. No one seemed to want to talk, and we merely sat in silence, looking everywhere and at everything, except at each other. I let my gaze travel around the restaurant, taking in all the other patrons who dinned with us, and the restaurant itself. It was a nice little place, with candles set on the tables for two who were on dates to provide a romantic mood. At other tables, there was a small vase of the enchanted flowers I had seen outside earlier in the day, their jewel like centers sparkling in the light from both the candles and the normal lighting. Oil paintings set on the walls around the restaurant provided some colour to the pale walls. In short, the establishment was nothing fancy; rather it was more casual and the air about it was lighter and more friendly. A figure at a table not far from where my generals and I sat caught my eye. It took me a moment to place her, but her long wavy black hair gave her away as the girl I had met at the large rock pool. She showed me only her profile, but I could clearly see the tattoo on her left shoulder. Shara sat reading the menu, the delicate flower. With her was who I guess to be her twin brothers. They were identical, with both having longish straight black hair. Their eyes though, were different in colour. One had striking green eyes, and the other had dark red. The one with the green eyes had a distinctive scar over his left eye. The two brothers were talking and laughing at something. They seemed to be a nice happy family. How Shara reminded me of my adopted sister Michelle. I missed her dearly. A feeling came to me then, and I took another look at the twin with the scar. His face looked so familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before. I had to be mistaken though. Besides, most of it was in shadows. I was about to dismiss them from my mind when one of my generals spoke up. "What attracts your attention like so?" Nephrite asked. I turned my head to face him. "Nothing much. Just that the girl I meet earlier at the pool is sitting over there. She reminds me of the sister I had back on Earth." Nephrite turned around to look at Shara. He seemed to freeze, and then slowly turned back around. "Did she tell you her name?" he almost demanded. "She told me it was Shara," I replied, not understanding what he found so threatening. "I believe she lied about her identity. The tattoo on her left shoulder. It?s the insignia the Weapons use. I think she is Sword. And the twins with her; Blade and Sabre," Nephrite said in a tight voice. For the first time since I had known him, he looked very uncomfortable. At the mention of those names, Kunzite broke out of his silence. Taking a quick look for himself, he confirmed Nephrite?s suspicions. "You?re right, Nephrite. They?re the Weapons. They match their pictures in the database back on the capital of the Dark Earth Kingdom." A memory flashed in my mind. Standing in Lestat?s classroom, watching the Sailor Scouts practise, seeing the leader of the Weapons laugh at them. Green eyes, scar over the left eye. That was where I had seen the young man sitting at the table near us. Anger leapt out of me. How dare he try to hurt my only love! I was about to stand up and storm over there and punch his face in, but Kunzite stopped me with a firm hand on my shoulder. He gave me a look that said don?t do anything rash. "They seem not to know we?re here, or at least, they don?t know who we really are," Kunzite said. "Do not give away our advantage. And do you really think you can best Blade in a one on one fight? His marshal arts training is much more advanced than yours, and you would not be able to use your powers with all these civilians here." He was right of course. I pushed my anger away. Anger? I felt anger and hatred to anyone who tried to hurt Serenity, yet I myself had done it, as had Jadeite, yet I did not hate him. I hated myself, yes, but why did I not hate Jadeite? Because I had ordered him to do so, or had forced him to take my place? Thus I was the indirect cause once again which hurt her? God, how I hated myself! "In any case, our mission here does not concern them, unless they interfere with ours. I suggest, Endymion, that we continue with that we have been sent to do, and only if the occasion arises, do we deal with the Weapons," Kunzite?s voice said softly without emotion. I shook my head slightly to clear away the other thoughts. "Yes, it seems the most logical plan. But they seem hardly warriors. That young man there seems hardly the foe the attacked Serenity and her soldiers all that time ago." "Nothing is ever as it seems," Kunzite said. The rest of the night was spent in an unspoken and uneasy truce. We ordered our food, ate it, and left in silence. The Weapons were eating their desert when my generals and I left. Once we were back on the top floor, Kunzite and Jadeite took the suite on the left, and Nephrite and Zoisite took the one on the right, leaving me the one in the middle. I sighed. I wanted to tell Kunzite I wasn?t a helpless blind puppy. I could protect myself. He didn?t have to plan everything, including were we slept, around my safety. I entered the suite and immediately went to the showers. Wash away my worries, and perhaps whatever Darkness that remained. But of course, I thought in poetry. With Darkness, I meant my dark emotions. Another unfamiliar ceiling. Was there one that I truly knew? One that I could call home? The only one I had ever known was back on Earth. Even the one I had spent the last two years of life in I did not consider as ?home?. Would I ever find another? I turned onto my side on the queen sized bed apon which I laid, drifting in and out of sleep. Pieces of today came back to me. Pluto and all her riddles. Serenity and her fears of me. Jadeite and Mars. My own wants and duties to my people. And of course, the Weapons. "Pluto," I whispered the name. "Soldier of Time and Space, holder of the key to all that will be." I gave a gentle laugh. What had she accomplished today? She had told me to wait for Mars to come. Why? So that she may save Serenity? But I could have done the same, and I did, didn?t I? And I had cast out the hate Serenity would have felt towards me had I not saved her life. So what was the purpose for waiting for Mars to arrive? Pluto had said it would be important should the true future be created. Could it have been so that Jadeite would fall in love with Mars and vice versa? It was the only other option. But what would that accomplish? They were in the same situation Serenity and I found ourselves in. Without certain factors, of course. Well, in time, all would be revealed, one way or another. Or perhaps not, should I die before then. 'And I would never do anything to hurt you beyond what I do today, unless circumstances demands that of me, as they do of you.' Serenity had said that to me today when we lived in our dark isolated world. She referred to our duties towards our people. She understood why Jadeite had attacked her today. Because millions of lives were always worth more than one. And if I had been forced to chose between the two, as much as I would have wanted to chose Serenity, my duty towards my people would have me chose the other. "Life is never fair," I said into the night. And the Weapons. For what reason were they here? I doubted very much that they were here on a vacation as Serenity and her companions were. Did they mean to attack them as well? Yet how could such seemingly happy siblings be capable of such a destructive task? "Shara," I muttered. "You who cared so much about me, you would be the one to hurt the one I love. How can that be? And why? All for greed? Yet you seem so sweet, so kind, so much like my sister with her child like innocence and love. How can you be Sword? How can you be the sister of Blade who attacked my beloved Serenity?" I was talking to myself. The first sign of insanity. Could you blame me, considering all I?ve been through, all the pain I?ve suffered at the hand of Life? Ah, you haven?t suffered enough, Endymion. Would you like to be delt another blow? Yes? Well, enjoy. A memory came back to me then. In a flash of light, I was thrown back in time, and I stood, weak to the point of almost collapsing, my entire body pained, but my heart and soul more so. I looked like an angel who had been dragged through the dust. They merely stared at me, my presence interrupting their intense game of chess. And then Armand and I had been alone, Louis and Lestat having left. And he had shown me a vision that had changed me greatly. Of Serenity; her real cause for travelling to Earth to find me. Had that been a lie? I rolled over on my bed, feeling awfully alone. Why did everyone lie to me? To the point where I didn?t even know what was real or merely an illusion anymore? Why could I not have one person with whom I could talk over such matters which I could trust? Nick and Dawn were gone. When I would see them again, I did not know. God, I was so alone! And as for that vision. Did it matter still after so long? What did I truly want from it? Simply, the truth. I wanted to know, though I doubted the answer either way would greatly upset me. Such things just did not matter now. Not when I knew she loved me, only that she feared me as well. Feared to be hurt by me. I curled up into a little ball and wept softly, my tears seeping into my pillow. How I hated myself, how I hated the life I lived. Yes, the world was beautiful, but it was so unfair. Like an angel without a sense of mercy. Why was it that there was always something between Serenity and I? Why could we not be happy together? Could we ever be together? Even if she was Light and I was Darkness, was it possible? And if so, then how much more would I have to suffer? But to know that one day I would be with her for all of eternity, I would die a thousand deaths and suffer a hundred years of hell. In the end, none of that would matter. Because I would have her. The night drifted by with my mind riding on a sea of such thoughts. Whether I entered the world of dreams or not, I could not recall. But then, everyone dreams every night. It was merely a fact of whether one could remember them or not. When the first sun rose over the horizon, I was already awake, though I laid as if dead apon my bed, staring blindly into the soul cleansing golden light. I didn?t want to move, much less raise myself off this horizontal platform of comfort. At least here I did not have to concern myself with the world surrounding me. And most of all, with our mission today. Back to locating our targets and attacking. Targets. How crude a word to describe such a delicate being as Serenity. The thought of her made me smile bitterly to myself. No, don?t even think of her again. Better to feel the pain of the golden fire burn my eyes. Burn away the tears that collected there. As the second sun rose, I looked away, unable to stand the bright light any more. It hurt, that thought. To not be able to stand in the presence of light. Because I was Darkness. I dressed quickly and entered the suite in which Kunzite and Jadeite resided. Jadeite was already up, drinking coffee of all liquids. A closer look showed that he had not slept at all. His eyes were blood shot, his blonde hair wild, his civilian cloths crumpled. I slipped into a chair opposite him at the table. He didn?t look up or ever acknowledge me. "You can?t act like this forever," I said softly, placing my hands on the smooth wooden surface of the table and feeling it?s texture. He lifted his head and glared at me. There were bags under his jade green eyes. For a moment, it seemed as if I stared into the face of a complete stranger. More so, one that no longer lived. "I feel the same as you, but I at least keep my emotions under control. You have a duty, just as I do. And you know as I do, that unfortunately, duty comes first," I said, ignoring the uneasy feeling that came to me when I looked into his face. "Don?t speak to me of such things," he spat out. Even his lips were dry and cracked. "I speak merely the bitter truth," I replied. "Listen, rest with me today. Let the other generals handle this matter. Spend the day here and think things over. I plan to do so. I don?t think I could bare to even see one of my generals set another attack on Serenity. Ever if she loves another because she fears me," I sighed, glancing around the well furnished rooms. "Thanks, Endy," Jadeite said, forcing a thin smile. "Don?t think on it. As if you?ll be any use to the others anyway. You look like you haven?t slept in weeks, let alone one night," I said, smiling myself. "Now, how about pouring me a cup of that stuff? I need the caffeine. I didn?t slept too well last night. Meanwhile, I?ll wake our High General and tell him we?re taking the day off." "No need," Kunzite?s commanding voice cut in. "I heard everything. Don?t concern yourself over it. I?ll take Nephrite and Zoisite for the mission today. Jadeite can stay and guard you." I rolled my eyes. "I am not a baby. I can take care of myself." Kunzite didn?t reply. He just poured himself a cup of tea and sat down with us. I took the cup offered to my by Jadeite who seemed a little brighter now, and I sculled that down, ignoring the fact that it was very hot and scald my throat. I liked the pain. Setting the cup down, I announced that I was going down to ground level to find some decent food for breakfast. If I had to be stuck in this miserable life, I could at least be suck in it with a full stomach. Jadeite joined me shortly after I had acquired a table in a cafe. He told me promptly that the others had already left. He didn?t seem too happy about it. I could understand why. Like him, I wanted to see my love, but I also didn?t want to see her be hurt. Nor to be rejected by her. The day became quite warm quickly, and I decided that a swim would wash away the heat. And hopefully, the pain too. Jadeite stayed on the small beach, sitting in the lounge chairs I had sat in the night before, saying that he didn?t feel like getting wet. I dived straight in, relishing in the feeling of the cool waters against my warm skin. The feeling was so pleasant and welcomed that all other thoughts fled my mind. I just enjoyed life for a while, floating on my back and diving under the water. Most of all, feeling the water pour over my head and shoulders as I stood under the small water fall. Closing my eyes, I lifted my face to the cascading water fall, opening my mouth as if to drink up the clear liquid that poured onto me. "Blood tastes much richer than water," Armand?s voice whispered into my ear. I started, swallowing a mouthful of salt water. I almost choked. Armand merely laughed. A sweet innocent laugh that reached my ears even though I was desperately trying to breath. His cool arm snaked around my waste and pulled me out from under the waterfall and held me steady as I pulled air into my lunges. "Now, my dear Prince Endymion, care to explain to me why you and Jadeite are here rather than with the others? You do remember that you are here for a reason other than relaxation," Armand scolded me slightly, but his tone was light. "You know as well as I do why I am here instead of hunting for Serenity," I said once I had spat out what salt water remained in my mouth. "Oh yes, I know of all that. I took the liberty of reading your mind when I arrived," he said almost cheerfully. He released me from his embrace and smiled at me. "Yesterday you were in a very bad way. Yet today, you immerse yourself in such luxury. It seems to me you?re trying to forget you have a life," Armand stated. 'And why shouldn?t I? I am sick and tired of thinking. I believe I at least have the right to block it all out once in a while," I said, running a hand through my hair to remove it from my eyes. "You never though this way until yesterday. Was finding out Serenity feared you so terrible?" Armand asked. He suddenly looked at his bare arms and made a face. "I am too pale. I should have fed before I came," he muttered to himself in disgust. I ignored his comment. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Yes, it was terrible to find out she feared me. Feared me! That cut me very deep. If she said she hated me, I would not feel as bad. But fear? And she said she loved me," I trailed off. "And Jadeite is not much better than me." "Yes, I know of that too. A most unusual development. But very amusing," he said with a smile playing on his richly coloured lips. Such a contrast from his white cold skin. "I do not find it amusing. I find it sad. And I am much depressed from it. Is it true?" I asked suddenly. "Is it true that I can never be with Serenity?" 'No. Anything is possible. You can always have hope. But listen, Endymion," Armand said softly, touching my shoulder light with his hand. "Do not forget your duty. You may hate it, but as you well know, it comes first." "The truth always hurts," I whispered. Armand gave me a sympathetic smile and placed his arms around my neck. An uneasy feeling suddenly came to me. Something was wrong. But what? The angel pressed his lips against my neck. Still I listened to this whisper of a feeling. I shouldn?t be here. I should be somewhere else. I looked up suddenly to see Shara sitting at the top of the water fall looking down at us with her large blue eyes. The gold and silver fleck in her eyes sparkled as the sun light played on them. We stared at each other for some time as if in a trance for some time until an ugly thought suddenly struck me with such force that I almost had to gasp for the life giving air that surrounded us. "Shara, where are your brothers?" I demanded. "They had some business to take care off," she replied softly and disappeared from view as she back away from the edge of the waterfall. My eyes widened in realisation and then in anger. "You devil!" I roared and pushed Armand off me. Many eyes turned to us as I raised my voice, but I cared nought. Armand regained his balance in the clear sparkling water and glared at me. "You dare call me such a name?" he demanded in such a cold and menacing voice I almost backed down. "Yes, you fucking bastard!" I shouted. "You came here to keep me away from her now, didn?t you?" I accused. "Because you knew that the Weapons would attack! And you were willing to sacrifice my generals just so you could see her killed!" "Do not forget your duty, Endymion. Better to have her killed by another than to kill her with you own hands," Armand said coldly. "Damn my duty and you to Hell!" I yelled and pulled myself out of the water. "And I would rather die before I let any harm come to her, least of all by my hands." Jadeite was already by my side as I stood up and wrapped a towel around my waist. "What do you propose to do now?" he asked. "We find them and help our loves," I said, glaring at Armand. "I only pray that we are not too late." End of Part Three, Chapter Four.