Event 7B: Ignition!!! What a big to-do!!! A disco ball in the ceiling, loud music with a beat, a buffet of food and drinks to choose from; what more could you want of a party? I notice that Sharon and Kerwin are dancing up a storm. Griffith is helping Endymion make sure there are enough boys for us girls to dance with or, in Cara's case, to flirt with. Cara also did some dancing. Ariadne has a hold of a none-too- pleased Raye who's trying to dance with Chad, scared of all the loud noise and people. Fortunately, Hermione comes along with a boy for Ariadne to dance with before Raye blows a gasket. Clotilda and Cleopatra are quite content to stay off the dance floor and chat with the exhausted Irvette. One of the boys gets a crush on Cecelia (why I don't know) and tries to pick up on her. Some picking up took place, all right. Cecelia lifts the boy above her head and tosses him over her shoulder. Griffith wastes no time leading Cecelia outside and letting her know that he's by no means pleased with her conduct. Out of sympathy, I head over to the boy and introduce myself. Gary, the boy Cecelia flipped over her shoulder, asks me what was with Cecelia. "Don't worry about it, Gary," I laughed. "Cecelia would have warmed up to you better if she were wearing male clothes. But she seriously likes you." "I doubt it, Claribel," Gary told me. "She made it pretty clear that she hates me." "Cecelia always wrestles with her friends, Gary," I said as the music stops. Everybody breaks out clapping. Eyes bug out as Neo- Queen Serenity walks into the room in the most beautiful gown you have ever seen. And I'm not just talking about her usual white gown with the small wings on the back. The white gown Serenity is wearing has a gray hem at the bottom secured in place by yellow thread with a gray and black cape with the symbol of the Moon in yellow on the black side. Sharon returns with Cecelia and Griffith clears out the boys. As Gary leaves, I firmly resolve to look him up and get together with him sometime. He's the only person who has not made fun of my eyes upon meeting me for the first time. The next thing that happens is all the fathers leaving except for King Endymion. What's going on here!?!? "Kerwin!!" Endymion barked. Kerwin jumps with fright. "Yes, your majesty?" Kerwin answered Endymion. "I'd like a word with you outside," Endymion said, beckoning him outside the ball room. After five minutes, Kerwin and Endymion return and Kerwin heads off in the same direction as the other fathers. "Sailor Scouts," Serenity said as she looks at Amy, Mina, Raye, Lita, Christine, Alex, Michelle, and Sharon, "I'm glad you turned out for my birthday. I'm touched." "No sweat, Serenity," Mina said as she adjusts Cara's bow. "Sailor Scouts, who are these children?" Serenity asked as she makes a sweeping gesture in our general direction. "Neo-Queen Serenity, I'm Claribel Mei'ou," I replied. "You and King Endymion visited me in the hospital. Remember?" "Oh, yes, I remember now, Claribel," Serenity said after a pause. "The Sailor Scouts and I wanted to surprise you, so I had them bring their daughters to your birthday party," Endymion told Serenity. "Remember?" "Oh, yes, I remember now," Serenity said. "Girls, when I point to you, step forward and give me your name and age." Serenity then points at me. Why is this happening to me? I step forward. "I'm Claribel Mei'ou and I'm 10," I said. Serenity then points to Clotilda. Clotilda blushes and hugs Lita for comfort. "Mommy, I'm scared," Clotilda mumbled to Lita. Raye notices Ariadne displaying similar uneasiness. Serenity notices it as well and walks over to Clotilda. "What is your name, my young subject?" Serenity asked compassionately as she kneels to Clotilda's eye level. "Clotilda Kino, ma'am," Clotilda replied. Serenity then asks Clotilda her age. "This many." Clotilda then holds up four fingers. "She's going to be five years old in November, Serenity," Lita bragged. "Oh, really?" Serenity asked Lita as she sets her sights on Ariadne. Ariadne grabs Raye's hand fearfully. "Go on, Tenshi," Raye urged Ariadne gently. "Just like we practiced." "I'm Ariadne Hino and I'm this many," Ariadne said, holding up four fingers. "She just turned four last month, Serenity," Raye said. "Funny how kids grow up on you." "It's hard to believe that Reenie and I aged another year today, Raye," Serenity chuckled as she stands up and surveys us. "Now who shall I pick on next?" Serenity pauses again and points at Cecelia. "Who, me?" Cecelia asked Serenity. Serenity nods. "I'm Cecelia Ten'oh and I'll be nine in less than a month." Alex rustles Cecelia's boyishly cut hair playfully. Serenity smiles at Cecelia and Alex and points at Michelle, or rather at Irvette who's hiding behind Michelle. "Hey, lady, that's my sister you're picking on!!" "Cecelia, shut up!!" Alex snapped. "Sorry about that outburst, Neo-Queen Serenity." "Don't worry about it, Alex," Serenity said. "It seems that your daughter is a bit shy, Michelle." "Irma!!" Michelle snapped, glaring down directly at her daughter. Irvette's dark green eyes glaze over with tears frightened at her mother's harsh tone of voice. "Come on out and say hello to Neo-Queen Serenity." Irvette creeps out from behind Michelle and studies the queen from toe to head. "Hello," Irvette said shyly to Serenity. "Hi, what's your name and how old are you?" Serenity asked. "I'm Irma Kai'oh and I'm 7," Irvette said to Serenity. "Please call me Irvette." "Hmm, I shall call you Irma," Serenity decided. "It's easier and I like the air of authority it affords me." "But, Neo-Queen Serenity," Irvette protested, "I don't like to be called Irma by anyone but my mommy and daddy." "I'm not going to mix it up with you over this," Serenity told Irvette firmly. "Your legal name is Irma Kai'oh and that's what I will call you. You will answer to the name of Irma or I'll refer you to your parents for insubordination." Serenity pauses to take a few deep breaths to compose herself and consider who's left. She then sets her sights on Hermione. "Why you have to pick on me?" Hermione complained. "I not want to be here!!" "Well, isn't that just too bad?" Lita snarled at Hermione sarcastically. "I suggest you apologize to Neo-Queen Serenity and do so right now, young lady," Amy told Hermione angrily as she picks Hermione by the neck and shoves her against a concrete pillar, "before I pulverize you into the dust from which you came!!!" "Ack . . . can't breathe," Hermione gasped. "Okay, okay, Amy, I'll apologize." Amy releases Hermione. "I'm sorry, Neo-Queen Serenity." "Never mind that," Serenity said, seeking to move things along. "I'm Hermione Mizuno and I'm 4," Hermione told Serenity. Serenity then points to Cara. "You look like a very fiery little girl," Serenity told Cara as she bends down. "What do they call you?" "Cara Aino and I this many," Cara grinned at Serenity, holding up three fingers. "You remind me of my daughter when she was a toddler, Cara," Serenity said. "You're so cute and cuddly." Before Serenity could straighten up, Cara grabs her and gives her a peck on the cheek. "Cara!!!" Mina scolded. "Relax, Mina," Serenity laughed as she picks Cara up and straightens up. "I needed that after dealing with Hermione. Amy, what have you been doing to Hermione?" "The best I can with what I have, Serenity," Amy replied. Nobody challenged Amy's reply. Doing the best you can with what you have is the only real approach to life that will get you anywhere. I think back to the things I said and did that upset my parents. They did okay with me considering the seriousness some of my actions. "Of course, you have to periodically reevaluate yourself to be certain that you are truly doing the best with what you have, Amy," Sharon remarked. "Okay, so who's left?" Serenity wondered out loud. She then turns to Cleopatra. "I'm Cleopatra Tomoe and I'm 7," Cleopatra told Serenity. "I think I'll just call you Cleo for short, Cleopatra," Serenity said. "Eh?" Cara had just fallen asleep on Serenity's shoulder. Hermione, Ariadne, and Clotilda let loose big yawns. "I'm glad that I'm keeping you awake." "I think that Hermione, Cara, Ariadne, and Clotilda could use a bit of a nap," Endymion assessed. "That's probably why Hermione was so cranky, Amy." "Serenity, what are we going to do now?" Christine asked. "I want to see Cleopatra, Cecelia, Irma, and Claribel fight first, Christine," Serenity explained. Irvette bristles at Serenity calling her 'Irma'. "This will give me an idea of what to expect when they are pitted against Reenie in the tournament." "Oh, you can expect me to give Reenie a good fight, Neo-Queen Serenity," Cecelia bragged. "I'll have her begging for mercy!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!" "The Princess will quickly fall before me like a column of poorly-stacked blocks," I vowed. "Girls, this is not a knock-'em-down, drag-'em-out, rough-'em- up, no-holds-barred free-for-all!!!" Serenity yelled, forgetting that Cara is trying to take a nap. Cara wakes up and a frightened Ariadne cuddles close to Clotilda for comfort as does Irvette to Cecelia and Hermione to Cleopatra. "You can't just walk in and start bashing a lot of heads. There are rules you have to follow which King Endymion will mail to your parents with instructions to go over them with you. Now Cecelia Ten'oh, Claribel Mei'ou, I suggest you exorcise those thoughts out of your mind so we can get started. Inner Scouts, since your daughters are in no condition to do any fighting, you are hereby excused for the day, but I will expect you back here at 9 am sharp tomorrow. I also apologize for any distress I unintentionally caused for anyone with my outburst except for my intended audience." Serenity then turns to look at Cecelia and me. We're dead meat. After the Inner Scouts and their daughters leave, Serenity calls, "Griffith, have the boys finished changing clothes yet?" "Yes, your majesty, they're ready," Griffith replied. "Good, now pick three boys for each of the girls and send the rest home with instructions to return here the next day at 8 am," Serenity told Griffith. "The rest of you will join me in the palace gymnasium. Endymion, make sure that Griffith and the boys are in the gym when we get there or arrive soon after. All right, everybody, let's get the show on the road!!!"