Justine's Memoirs chibahana pg Chibahana@aol.com chapter 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: New Hero New Power Justine had been awake all night, and still wasn't tired when dawn was coming. She was awake for a reason. She knew trouble was coming. Justine had a way of knowing when trouble was close by, and this morning was no exception. Ever since Anne and Alan came to Earth, it had be nothing but trouble for her and the scouts. The girls wanted to be normal teenagers, not superheroes. Lea and Serena being the main two. No matter where you are about to strike, I will get you at every single turn, Justine thought bitterly, as she walked out in the cold morning air to get the paper which was always stolen from her doorstep unless she got it first. On her way back into the hotel main office to drop off the paper she stopped and turned around. Nothing. Or was it? She sensed a very familiar presence, and it felt warm to her. She kinda half-smiled at herself, and the turned back into the hotel. She still wasn't tired. She finally looked at the headline. "SAILOR SCOUTS FIGHT OFF EVIL LION!" Justine chuckled at this. They must have still thought the six girls in sailor suits were the only fighters against evil. They will get it right, Justine thought, one of these days they'll see me. She also spotted something that really struck her fancy. A virtual reality center was opening that very day. I might just go, she thought, it would be nice to get out among other people. I stay inside way too much anyway. When she got back to her room and in her bedroom which was nearer to the bathroom, she got out of the clothes she had been wearing the day before, and got into the bathroom where she went into her shower and tried to wash off any fear about anything bad happening today. Today would be a good day, and Justine knew it. Nothing could have been closer to the truth later the same morning. "Justine," she heard a happy Lea squeal. She felt a huge jolt and felt Lea's arms hug her tightly around the neck. "Hey Lea," said Justine, giving her friend a short, but meaningful enough hug to satisfy her friend. Lea knew that today was not a good day for Justine and she understood perfectly why Justine would be so distant. It was the anniversary of Neph's death. Justine knew it too, but to Lea's surprise and much to Justine's surprise too, Justine didn't seem all that sad about it. Justine told Lea she wanted to be alone at the moment, just so she could go by his grave and leave some flowers there. Lea noticed something in the way Justine said that. Something told her Justine was actually going to be okay on her own. Justine walked on her own, not noticing Lea had been pulled into an alley by someone. In fact, Justine had just begun to turn the other way when she bumped into a young man, who's deep voice made look up in surprise. "Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you the way I did," said the man. Justine knew there was something familiar about his voice. She looked up to see his face at the same moment he looked down to see her face. She almost screamed his name, but he kissed her before she could. The kiss lasted maybe a minute but it felt like an eternity. After their kiss had ended, Justine almost fell on top of him. They stood there panting and embracing for a long moment. Justine was the first to speak. "So you were the presence I felt this morning when I was getting the paper," she said pulling back from him. She had now gotten control of her balance. "Yes it was, Justine," said the brown haired man, staring into her large, soft, blue eyes with his narrow, piercing, blue eyes. Justine hugged the man again. She never wanted to let go of him again. This moment was going to last her a lifetime. "Nephlyte," said Justine, putting her head next to his chest to hear his heart beat. This was wonderful just holding on to him like this. Little did they know that their peace would be interrupted by the evil lurking near them. Justine stood straight up and was very silent for a moment. "Justine," asked Neph, "what's up? Is it the Sailor Scouts? Do they need you?" "I think so," she said in a hushed voice, "I can't really tell." "You better go where you're needed then," he said just as quietly. "I will be there with you anyway. I promise." "Okay, but you better be there." She ran into an alleyway and transformed. She looked for the danger outside, but there was none. Then she heard screams on the inside of the center. Why would someone be screaming? The Negaverse was in there, that's why. The Negaverse was attacking her friends, and she wasn't in there protecting them. Justine decided that enough was enough. She rammed into the VR center and started shooting at the monster that had Darien, Moonlight Knight, and Masked Tuxedo. Masked Tuxedo? How had he come back? Well that wasn't the point right now. The point was he was back and she had to help him and the others. All of a sudden she spotted Lea on the floor with her cousin. Were they crying? She shook it off and went back to trying to save the guys. She called on her laser but it didn't work. What the hell? All of a sudden out of a flash of light and a blue laser, Justine looked up to see a new face. A face she didn't even know. She was surprised by him, and started to back pedal it out of there, but stopped when he spoke. "Masked Defender, I told you I would be here," he said. "W-who are you?" I asked. "How do you know who I am?" "I am the Masked Avenger, my sweet, and I know who you are because we are in love." His deep, rich voice making it clear who he was. She nodded her head and then shot another barrage of red lasers at the monster. Justine knew she was getting help from the scouts, but she didn't really mind. After the monster was dusted, Justine went over to hug Masked Tuxedo. "Hiro," she said happily with her arms around him, "you remember right? You remember that you are Masked Tuxedo?" "I wouldn't be here if I didn't now would I?" Hiro said hugging her back. "Okay you two!" said Lea, who was beginning to look quite jealous. Justine decided to leave them alone. She could now leave happily from a fight and not dread the next one. Hey you would be happy too if you got your man back from the dead. But the fact that she couldn't use the one thing that always weakened her enemies bothered her quite a bit. It wasn't until the next day did everything come clear to her. Let's see. Justine was walking with Neph to school, and then remembered it was a holiday. It had to do with the Celebration of the Cherry Blossom. Justine almost didn't want to go because for some strange reason she thought Neph would killed by Zoycite again. She had no idea why. She decided to get some guts and go to the celebration. Neph promised to stay by her the whole time. Of course we all know what happened to everyone that day, so lets skip to the part where Justine is trying to fight against the weird creature. Justine was de-transformed, not able to throw any attack, and very close to getting her energy zapped. All of a sudden she was falling into the whole with Neph and Obsidian right behind her. When she awoke she couldn't find the girls. She wondered if she was dead at first, but that wasn't exactly what she was. Before she knew it, she was standing in Sun Aide form in front of Neph and another man she didn't know. "Who the hell are you?" she asked. Neph kinda glared at her. "What? I don't know who he is and I have a right to demand to know." "You are very true to your heart, Justine," said the other man, smiling at her. "You have every right to know who I am. I am the god Osiris." "G-g-god?" Justine stammered. Neph went to her as she fainted from embarrassment and shock. When she came out of it, she felt very shy all of a sudden. Justine was never shy. "I am sorry for my earlier behavior," she said quickly. "Justine, I am not mad at you," Said the god, putting a hand on her shoulder." "In fact, honesty is the one thing I love about you. You seem to know the value of truth. I am very proud of you. Listen, your old form is quite out of energy so I am giving you a new power. You must now say the words 'Masked Supreme Power!' and your new attack has something to do with an old gift from Nephlyte. Do you remember the dagger he gave you?" "Yea, I remember it. It was a gold dagger." Justine started to realize what was going on. Neph then pulled out a beautiful weapon that she hadn't seen for a while. "Justine," said the god, "use this to help you fight your enemies with courage. When you use this weapon you must call out 'Masked Laser Dagger THROW!' You must always put emphasis on the 'throw' or the attack won't work. The Masked Defender will always be there for the scouts, and will always weaken the monster enough to let the Cousins kill it." "Where are the girls?" asked Justine, worried her friends were dead. "Getting there own new powers, and weapons. You must go now. Neph, I want you to take good care of her. She will need guidance, and you are the best guide for her. Same goes for you, Obsidian." "Osiris," Justine asked as she was about to leave, turning around to face him. "Yes, Justine?" asked the god. "What about Tuxedo Mask? Is he gonna be coming back soon?" "Tuxedo Mask will be back, but not until the current enemy is beaten. Darien shall regain all of his memories then. Oh, I almost forgot. Do you remember your old butterfly pin?" "Yea," said Justine. "Well here is your new pin. You will use it when you call out your new transformation phrase." Osiris walked over and handed Justine a similar pin to her old one. Justine looked at the new ornament. It was only a little different from her old one. Instead of being plain and small it was medium sized with pretty little crystals on each side, each representing a scout. Well, mostly every scout. You could say Serena and Lea weren't present on the pendant but it wasn't really important. Justine knew who she would be protecting. She all of a sudden found herself right next to the Cousins. The girls now had this new way of killing a monster. A magic scepter. They of course beat the bad guy and revived their friends. They wouldn't know who they were fighting until later on. But that's the next chapter. [AN: This is making me pretty annoyed. I have 12 stories done and no one is even trying to give me their feedback. I WANT FEEDBACK! Please just give me your thoughts on what you liked about this series. Even what you didn't like. I just want to know what you think. If you forgot my email address it is Chibahana@aol.com . Please email me.]