Title: In The Arms of the Enemy. Formerly titled "I Promise" chapter three Author: ChibiMercury Email: Puppy65221@aol.com Rating: blood, violence, death....you know... the usual.... ^_^ disclaimer: Sm is not mine... don't sue me. A scream pierced the air in the hot day. It was so hot that everything was moving about like bee's honey. Slowly, slurring.... in piles of sweat and much-needed lemonade. The temperature had to be at least 90 degrees. Minako and George sat in the park, trying to cool down with the other's assistance. They had arrived there after a giggly afternoon at the public pool. Minako was still in her swim suit and shorts, but she was still hot. George, only in his swim trunks, was also sweating, but Minako didn't mind. He reminded her of a real man when he was like that. She wiped a slick stray strand (alliteration) of her golden locks of hair from her eyes when the scream was delivered. Minako tossed her head up from George's shoulder where it had been resting peacefully, "Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" He fondled with her hair, braiding it with careful caution, wrapping it in messy pigtails about her head in love. Her hair was fun to play with; you could do nearly anything with it. "I didn't hear a thing.." And he hadn't. He had been to busy with Minako. Twirling and playing and having a fit of an estatic state with her. The voice of evil seemed funny now. He wondered what had made him join Drauston. It was silly now. Very silly.... "George... I have to go-" She leapt up with the grace of a deer and swiftly ran off. She was gone like a shot, and George didn't even see her disappear. It was almost rude although he didn't mind too much. That's the problem with you, baby, he thought, you leap off with out a second's notice. It was as if you were one of those pesky Sailorsenshi...." He shook his head in foolishness, there was no way she could be one of those woe causers. It was three months later. The Eojian's had settled upon the planet and were now involved in a long search for the bleeding crystal. It was hard though, there were no clues to the crystal's where abouts at all. None, it was as if the crystal was invisible or something. Invisible.... now there was something to think about. They had already checked at least 350 people for some clues, alas, they had found none. Yet Tokyo is a large city with perhaps millions of people. There was still much to go threw. ----- They gathered in a group together, whispering, conversing, speaking in a chilling fear. The heat blistered around them, yet they were c o l d. There was nothing they could do to save the day. The evil had struck again and now they were faced to watch... do nothing else except watch in growing horror. Ojka had a knife jabbed into the victim's back. A slick shiny knife. A knife that almost lived to kill. A knife it looked like, but it glowed a reddish hue of mystery and eerie almost like an evil talisman or something. The senshi couldn't interfere either, because Ojka could at any moment kill the victim with the rotation of her knife. Perhaps push it into his back a little harder. Twist his neck or punch out his heart like a paper cut out. They, of course, had seen it done before. The senshi watched in horror, some even turning their backs from the scene with their faces a green color. It was sickening and there was such a horrible odor that it nearly choked them. It was, of course, the smell of fear, and the little boy held much fear. It stank like a rotting body in a ditch or even worse, one of those indescribable monsters which keeps you awake at all hours of the night until your therapist helps you realize it's nothing more than your vivid imagination. The victim stood motionless in midair, stiff like a board; it was a small boy child. He was trembling violently and his eyes were rolled back revealing only the whites like eggs. It was as if he were in a trance, his mouth leaked of white froth which appeared to be rabies although they knew it wasn't that, and blood flew from his nose and mouth, his face was pale like a stone and just as cold. They couldn't tell if he was in pain, they couldn't help at all. They could only watch in growing horror. "Damn, you don't have the crystal either, boy," for a villain, she had a soft voice even when anger exploded from it like shards of glass from a broken dish. She pulled the knife from his back with a slippery noise, and he fell from the air immediately, into her out stretched arms. She fell to her knees and stroked his hair back in an almost motherly fashion. Wiping the blood from his face with unbelievable tender care, she stood and faced the senshi, whatever caring she had currently held, it was gone, "It seems you have some business with me?" The softness was gone and now she faced them, looking like a lousy whore. "Hai," Sailormoon declared and struck her battle pose. She gave a look of determination and powered herself up. The other scouts leered on from behind her. Hahaha, the battle was now beginning. "VENUS LOVE ME CHAIN!" A whip-like trail of hearts burst from Sailorvenus's fingers towards Ojka. They shook and radiated of glowing gold and stabbed themselves into Ojka's arm like a tack. Her face paled noticeably at the sight of the blood trickling and bleeding onto her uniform. "Oh, you b-b-b-bastards," she stuttered and powered up for attack. "That's the last score you'll ever tie to me!" An iridescent glow overtook her body; it was bluish and purplish and a large sphere of energy took place in her uplifted palm. Anger of an unknown force overtook her body and multiplied her displeasure. Her eyes flashed blood red, and she was no longer sane; She was so wild in uncalled for rage that she was near insane, "Take your medicine like a MAN," she roared and while lunging the spherical shape towards her enemies, "Born of FIRE," she whispered as she released it, "raised of fire, POWER of FIRE, GO!" "NO," cried Sailormars, "It's gonna kill us; Mars Flames Sniper!" Her small arrow dissolved into Ojka's blue beam as easy as water. Sailormars never had a chance. It was just as well, they were awfully weak and lazy from the vacation of evil forces. This was perhaps their first attacks in two years. It exploded just as it reached a foot within the radius of the senshi. It wasn't a loud explosion either, it was so loud it was q u i e t and it shook and trembled with the forces of an 8.6 earthquake upon the Richter Scale. The senshi all collapsed to the ground, hearts leaping in their throats as so they couldn't breathe. Now this girl had POWER. Ojka didn't even try to stifle the hideous laugh which bubbled over her lips, "Whoops, seems like there's a little accident here..." "Dear Mercury," Sailormercury sighed with a forced breath. Her hair was now a mixture of dark blue strands of hair and blood; all was matted around her skull and her eyes held a wild yet clouded look. One seeing her on the street may have sworn the devil had entered her eyes. "If we weren't in our........ senshi forms....." she whispered with struggled gasps, "We'd be dead...." :: I think Mercury's dead any ways :: The little boy who had been Ojka's most recent victim had disintegrated upon feeling the force of her blast. All that remained of him was a scrap of his t-shirt and a sneaker he had been wearing. "Wow," Ojka said in a semi-shocked tone, "those are some damn tough shoes." She began giggling uncontrollably. She looked up, surprised, with an idea implanted into her Eojian skull, "Well Sailors, since I'm here...." She lifted her index finger into the air with a smirk, "Why don't I look for my crystal.....?" Sailormercury's now limp body obediently rose into the air on Ojka's command. Floating steadily towards Ojka, Sailormercury, unaware of her current predicament, mumbled in and out of consciousness, "Hai....mum....still fourty five chapters ahead....hai....study.." It was ironic that Ami's last thought was studying; it had also been her first thought, in the hospital, barely an hour old, she thought, "me... gurblegurble... is gonna go great....study....smart..." The dagger appeared from no where. The eerie red glowed was fresh and bright, as if it was e a g e r to stab her. The knife entered Sailormercury's back cleanly and she jerked forward with a painful gasp. Mercury's eyes rolled back as if she was a ventriloquist dummy into the back of her head and blood trickled onto her chin like slick drool. She rose into the air like a puppet, white froth dripping from her lips, her nose squirting blood like a fountain from the high altitude. She was at least 50 feet in the air by now and only a speck to the other senshi's view. This all happened in a moment of five seconds, and Ojka clapped in pleasure; this was FUN!! They watched in pain as Sailormercury's body quit wriggling around lifelessly like a worm, and it suddenly gave off a brilliant flash of light. They covered their eyes from the flash and Ojka gasped. It had to be the crystal! No other persons had reacted like this! Pleasurable ideas forced their way into her skull, once she had the crystal... who said she'd have to give it to Drauston? She could rule the world. "Hmph, well that was easier than I expected," she laughed and flicked her wrists. A small crystal poked out from Sailormercury's ribs. It forced its way out from the bones, protruding like a fractured rib from her chest. The crystal was not coming free. It was struggling, as it was resisting, not wanting to go. Ojka flicked her wrist a second time and the crystal's forced was halved. The defense fallen, the crystal was torn. And there was a loud pop* and rip* as the crystal emerged from Sailormercury. Her chest held a gaping hole in which one could look through, and at that moment, Sailormercury's heart burst. It took only a matter of five seconds to retreive the crystal. That was ten seconds now. "Well done.... thanks for keeping the crystal safe for me, Mercury, " Ojka laughed, "although you're not alive to hear it, I really appreciate it!" She pulled the dagger loose quickly faster than the eye, like a magician, and Sailormercury was falling from fifty feet above. She was falling in incredible speed, like a blur, and she faintly felt her flesh melting off her bone. She was nude, and her skin fell in chunks from her body. Like rotting meat, falling, slipping, chunking; it almost peeled from the bones in simple ease. Ojka transported off with a giggle. The other's watched in horror as Sailormercury dehenshined; now she was Ami, and they saw the flesh falling daintily from her defenseless body like snowflakes. She was falling faster now, only about twenty feet from the ground at amazing speeds. "Catch her," Sailormoon cried in panic as Sailorjupiter rushed forward, leaping for the body. She landed on her face, cutting up her lip and nose and soon she was also a bloody mess. She leapt a little too short though, as a sickening thud hit the cement and a large indent cracked into the sidewalk. Ami was at least on solid grounds. "Oh, catch her," Sailormoon screamed and they rushed towards the lifeless body. It was quite disgusting indeed. Her forehead had been melted off and the white skull showed out proudly. Her flesh was gone in most places, and the skeleton peeked out into the day. Already a thick pile of blood surrounded her. She smelled worse than the fear that the little boy owned. The senshi gagged and covered their mouths from the horrible smell, but still it leaked through. This time, they could all smell the death reeking from her rotting soul. They stopped short as they realized what happened. Sniffles and sniffs emerged from their lips, tears streaked from their eyes. Even the usually tenacious senshi were shivering. "It's not supposed to be day time," Sailormars suddenly sniffled, "this sort of stuff has to happen at night when it's gloomy and rainy.... not on a sunshiny day..." Sailormars was green, she was crying too, but that was to be expected when one of your best friends had just been mutilated nearly. Sailorvenus began throwing up without control. A large puddle of goo was resting near Ami's messed up head. Blood made her stomache queasy, what could she say? It was a nasty scene, an uncommon one, but they paid no heed to the facts. "She's dead, isn't she?" Sailormoon cried tearfully. Sailorjupiter nodded, her lip hanging by a thin strand to her face. The blood mixed with the green fuku and suddenly the thought, "christmas colors and its still summer" entered her mind. The sadness engulfed them all, and they quieted, save the occasional sniffle. ------ Far off, in the depths of a living hell, a woman stood over her newest prize with puzzlement. "It's not the crystal," Ojka gasped incredulously. END PART 3