ICQ# 28399288 Hello, this is my fanfic I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. It takes place in the Silver Millineum time period. Anyway, lets get this thing thing out of the way. Sailor Moon belongs Taoko Nakeuchi, not me. I'm not that talented to think of it. Even if I had I probably wouldn['t own it because someone else thought of it before me. However there are a few characters that I made up that's not in the series. Hades, Falconis, Leonis, Lupus, Felis, and Aurora, are the only ones so far. Ok enough of this I'm sure you want to read the story, not this. Gives me some comments, criticism, or just plain e-mail to..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Silver Love Chapter One Princess Serenity ran down the corridors. She stumbled a little as she ran. She slid to a halt when she got the door. She couldn' t stop in time and fell, sliding into the room. She looked up to see her mother and her senshi staring at her. Luna was shaking her head. Artemis chuckled. She stood up and brushed herself off. "I am ready to go mother." Serenity said. She walked towards the portal. "How many times have I told you not to run?" Queen Serenity asked. Her daughter looked embaressed. "No matter, we are ready to go. Pluto." Sailor Pluto opened the gate and the queen and five girls stepped through. Making sure they were all through Pluto closed the portal. "Serenity!" Yelled a young man with sun blond hair. He ran towards his sister and gave her a huge hug. "Tranquillity!" Serenity screeched happily. "Mother." Prince Tranquillity said giving his mother a hug. Ever since their father, Queen Serenity's husband died Prince Tranquillity had to assume the throne of the Sun Kingdom. He hardly ever had time to see his sister and mother. Four men stood near the door and a man stood next to the portal. "We welcome you, Queen Serenity." A golden hawk said, that was perched on Tranquillity's shoulder. "Princess Serenity." "Thank you Apollo." Queen Serenity said. "I will show you to your rooms, ladies." Falconis said. He had blond hair. He was half Lunerian and the Prince's head gaurd and best friend. He and the others, had to go to the sun after the king died. Lupus and Leonis are full Lunerian and Felis and Hades are full Sun. Hades was the keeper of time for the Sun as Pluto was the keeper of time for the Silver Alliance. The youngest out of the gaurds was Leonis. The strongest was Felis. They escorted the Senshi to their rooms. "Can we go the gardens. please." Serenity asked. Tranquillity smiled and looked at his mother. She smiled and they left. Leaving her with Luna, Artemis, and Hades. "I guess that leaves me to escort you to your room." Hades said. He took the queen's arm and led her through the halls. "How is your father and mother, Hades?" Queen Serenity asked. "They are doing well." Hades said. "How is...Pluto?" "She misses you." Queen Serenity asked. "it looks like I will have to give you two some vacation time." Hades smiled and his eyes lit up. "Really?" He asked. "I mean if its not to...." "Nonsense," Queen Serenity said. "Even the keepers of time need some time away from their duties." "Thank-you, your highness." Hades said as Queen Serenity stepped into her room. She smiled at him as she shut the door. He punched the air and gave a happy. 'Yes.' as he went back to the portal. "I love these gardens." Serenity said as she smelled some of the flowers. "You have the same flowers." Tranquillity said. They had transported some of the Sun flowers to the moon for the Princess, they had also took some of the Moon flowers to the Sun. That way when they looked at the flowers they would think of each other. "But they dont shine like they do here." Serenity complained. She touched one of the golden roses and it seemed to brighten. "The flowers are happy you are here." Tranquillity noted. Serenity smiled. The rose seemed to pluck itself away from the others and into her hand. A small girl rounded the corner. When she saw Serenity she smiled brightly. "Serenity!" The girl said happily flying into Serenity's arms. "They told me you were here." "I missed you too, Aurora." Serenity said giving the small girl a squeeze. Her hair, eyes, and skin was a gold color. She was a flower dryad and took care of the flowers at the palace. Her flowers were the most beautiful in the whole kingdom. She had crush on Tranquillity even though she was seven and he was seventeen. "Where are the others?" Aurora asked. "They're inside." Tranquillity said. Aurora frowned. He chuckled. "I'm sure they'll be here soon." "Good." Aurora said as she took Serenity's hand and led her to a small fountain. She talked to Serenity animatedly. "How have you four been?" Falconis asked. "Our training is going great." Mina said. "And the Princess?" Lupus asked. "She is doing well." Ami said. "Not in her studies" Rei said. "Or anything else for that matter." "I'm sure she's not that bad." Leonis said. "Wanna bet?" Rei said. "She cant even walk without falling." "I've never seen her do anything klutzy." Felis said. "She always seemed graceful to me." "She is." Mina said before Rei could say anything else. "Rei just gives her a hard time. That's why she always klutzes." "We can train after you unpack." Falconis said changing the subject. He didn't like it when anyone talked about the Princess like she was no good at anything. She was like a little sister to him. The others were silent as they walked down the hall. Soon they were at the girls' rooms. They went in and the men left. "I cant believe you said that about Serenity." Mina said after they were in the room. "Its true." Rei said. "Yeah, but you dont have to make her sound like an air-head." Mina said. "She is." Rei said. "Maybe if you would let up on her and stop complaining about everything she does maybe she wouldn't be like that." Mina retorted angerly. Everyone looked at her surprised. They shouldn't have been. Mina was her cousin after all, but she never got angry like that, especially to Rei. "She's not Martian, Little-Miss-I'm-Perfect-Because-I'm-The-Princess-Of-Mars. She's Lunerian!" With that said. Mina left. Rei stood surprised. The others had their mouths open and their eyes wide. No one had ever talked to Rei like that. After the initial shock wore off Rei unfinished packing and went to the training room where Mina was with the men. Mina glared at her but continued practicing. "I'm....sorry." Rei said. Mina stopped and stared at her. "I guess I want her to be better than she is." "I'm sorry I got mad." Mina said. Rei smiled and the two hugged before they started practice. "Tranquillity, have you ever wondered what Earth was like?" Serenity asked her brother as they walked into class. "No," He answered. "And you shouldn't either." They sat down and the computer started the lesson. Serenity couldn' t help but think about what Earth looked like in real life. Tranquillity seeing his sister wasn't paying attention decided to do something about it. "Computer." Tranquillity said. "Show a scene from Earth." Serenity smiled as the image was changed into a wooded area. There were strange animals and plants around them. "Its beautiful." Serenity said. She noticed a small rose bush. "I've never seen a red rose before." She gasped. "Dont tell anyone I let you do this." Tranquillity said. "I may be the ruler of the Sun, but even I, am not allowed to be doing this." "My lips are sealed." Serenity said giving her brother a hug. "Show us some Terrans." Before Tranquillity could protest five Terrans appeared before them. Serenity gasped at the one with dark hair. He was handsome. He had deep blue eyes and he wore black armor. the four men around him wore black and silver uniforms. Serenity asked for their names but the computer couldn' t give that information. The more she saw the more she wanted to go to Earth. When she got to her room the others were there. They looked up when she entered. She had a dreamy look on her face. "Who is it?" Rei asked. "Someone." Serenity said. "Who?" The others asked interested. She knew they wouldn['t let up until she told them. But she didn't say a word as to who he was. For the next week Serenity and Tranquillity learned about Earth. Tranquillity soon got interested in it as much as Serenity had. They didn't tell anyone what they were doing. Since it was forbidden to know about Earth. Soon Serenity popped the question. "Let's go to Earth." She said. "No." Tranquillity said. "You know we cant do that." "No one will know." "I think people will know that their Prince and Princess are gone." "We wont stay that long." "No." "Why?" "Because you know the consequences of doing something forbidden." "If you dont come, Let Mina." "No. I'm not going to risk having you get caught." "Please." Serenity said. She gave him a look he couldn' t refuse. Finally he caved in. "Alright." He said. She smiled. "But no less than a day....Earth time." "That would be....an hour here." Serenity said. She had paid close attention to the time of Earth. "I'll go with you." "Thanks." She said giving him a BIG hug. They walked to the portal room where Hades stood at the time gate. "What are you two doing here?" He asked. Serenity bit her lip. "We want to go to......Earth." Tranquillity said. Hades gaped at them. "I...I cant do that." Hades said. The princess gave him a puppy dog look no one could refuse. "How long?" "An hour." Serenity said smiling. "No one will know." "I hope your right." Hades said as he opened the portal. He handed them a small communicator. "Use this when your ready to come back." "Thank you." Serenity said giving him a quick hug before they stepped into the portal. End of chapter one