ICQ# 28399288 Hi, well here's the second chapter of my story. Its kind of weird. I dont really know what I'm doing yet, so I dont know where this'll lead. I'll just let flow naturally. I didnt really have much time to write because I have alot of school stuff to do. Well, anyways, I'll get this thing outta the way. Sailor Moon does not belong to me (DUH, to all you who know that, but I have to write this anyway.) Sailor Moon belongs to Taoko Nakeuchi, She's one smart lady for thinking of it, though. But, there are some peoples I created thats not in the Sailor Moon thingie. Hades, Falconis, Leonis, Lupus, Felis, and Aurora are mine. I havent got all this figured out so if it seems a little strange, tell me and maybe I can try to explain it. If I even know what I was trying to say. Sometimes I say stuff and I have no clue as to what I was trying to say...........OK, enough of that. I'm sure you all want to know my life story. Its pretty dull, right now........ Give me some comments, criticism, or just plain e-mail to..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Silver Love by CrystalHawke Chapter Two Serenity and Tranqullity stepped out of the portal. It closed behind them, leaving htem in a clear wooded area. They looked around letting their eyes adjust. The gravity on Earth was much different than that of the Sun and Moon. Serenity figured that out first hand. When she went to take a step she tripped on her feet and fell flat on the ground. Tranquillity helped her up. "Stupid gravity." Serenity muttered. Tranquillity smiled and shook his head. "What?" Serenity asked. "You." Tranquillity said. "You need to be careful." "I am careful." Serenity argued. Something red caught her eye. She gasped and went over to the rose bush. The flowers seemed to welcome her. She picked one and smelled it. "Its sweet." She said. "Remember, we are not to engage any Terrans." Tranquillity said. "And if we do...." He placed his hand on her forehead. The cresent moon sigil disapeared. He did the same to his sun sigil. "Now remember...." "I know." Serenity interrupted. "No speaking to Terrans if we do come in ontact with them." Tranquillity smiled but his eyes showed he wasnt sure she follow through with it. Being how curious she is. But, that was why he was here. To make sure that didnt happen. He watched as she played with the flowers. He shouldnt have anything to worry about should he? There were no Terrans around, Right? "Come on. I want to walk around." Serenity said. Tranquillity followed her until they came to a lake. They sat down and stared at it in silence for a while. There was no need for them to talk verbally. They had telepathy, plus the fact that they were twins enhanced it more. *You dont like it.* *I'm worried we'll get caught.* *We wont* *How can you be sure?* *Please try to enjoy. For me?* *I'll try.* *Good, now look over there.* *Why? All it is is.......* SPLASH "Serenity!" Tranquillity yelled when he surfaced. Serenity was laughing from the bank. Tranquillity grabbed her and pulled her in. "No, dont...." Serenity cried before landin in the water. She came up sputtering. This time it was Tranquillity that was laughing. "Dont do something, less you be willing to take the consequences." "Oh, be quiet." Serenity pouted. She got over it and they started to play. They were laughing and shouting. They foragot all about being worried and had fun. *Back on the Sun* "Serenity, where are you?" Queen Serenity called. *Where is that girl?* She saw the Sebshi up ahead. "have any of you girls seen Serenity?" "No, ma'am." Mina said. "Why is she missing?" "Oh, I'm sure she's around here somewhere." Queen Serenity said. "If she's not in the castle then she's probably out with Tranquillity." "Should we look for her?" Rei asked. "oh, no thats quite alright." Queen Serenity said. "I'm sure she's fine." "Alright, then." Lita said. "But do keep an eye out for her." "We will." Ami said. Queen Serenity smiled and walked off. That girl was always running off. Well, Tranquillity was with her. How much trouble could she get into anyways? She spotted Hades. "Have you seen Serenity and Tranquillity?" "Um....uh...Serenity and Tranquillity? Um, no." Hades said. He didnt notice he was holding hois breath. "Oh, well, if you see them tell I want to talk to them." "Will, do." Hades said. She left and he let out the breath he was holding. *I sure hope those two dont take very long. After all it'll be my head too.* He walked back to the portal. *Of course I could always go back and change it.* "How much do you want to bet Serenity is getting in trouble?" Rei asked. "Well, if Prince Tranquillity is with her theres a rare chance that she will." Ami said. "Oh, sure get technical and ruin the fun." Rei said. "You need to have more confideance in her." Mina said. "Yeah, she is the princess." Lita said. "When is she not doing something to get in trouble?" Rei asked. "Wellllll, when Tranquillity is around, when theres food nearby, when...." "Ok I get the point." Rei said. "But still I bet she's getting in trouble." The others looked at her for a moment. Then they placed their bets. They went into the training room where the guys where practicing. Lita commented on how they looked like her old boyfriend. The others rolled their eyes. "Hey, have you seen Teanquillity?" Will asked. "No, we havent." Mina said. "Have you seen Serenity?" "Nope." "Huh, they must be together then." Ami said. "GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A CAT!" "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" They watched as Luna chased Artemis. It was amazing how he could run. He streaked across the room like lightning. A black thing zoomed past them aslo. "Looks like Luna's after Artemis again." Owen said. "I wonder what he did this time?" Logan asked. "Who knows?" Will said. "Women!" Jake said forgetting there were four of them in the same room. "They're always grouchy." "Oh, really?" Rei asked putting her hands on her hips. They looked at ther other girls and their eyes went wide. "Uh, ummmmm , thats not what I meant." Jake said nervously. "What did you mean?" Ami asked. "Uh, um, well......oh shit," "Get them." Mina said. The guys looked at each other for a second before taking off. They matched Artemis' speed. *Back on Earth* Serenity and Tranquillity walked round, drying off. They were still laughing and talking. "That lake was beautiful." Serenity commented. "Not as beautiful as the Lake of Serenity." Tranquillity said. "Nothing is more beautiful than that." "Yeah, but we're not allowed to..." Serenity started to say. She stopped. In front of them stood a man. Tranquillity instinctivly pulled Serenity closer. The man pulled out a dagger and advanced towards them. Tranquillity reached for his. It wasnt there. He would have to fight by hand. That should be easy. After all he was the ruler of the sun. The strongest force in all of the solar system. "Give me all your money." The man said gruffly. He looked at Serenity and smiled wickidly. "Stay back." Tranquillity said pushing Serenity behind him. He circled the man. Using the skills he learned form traing he defended himself nicely. He managed to knock the dagger out of the man's hand. But, not before he took a big slice out of his shoulder. Knocking the man unconciuos Tranquillity grabbed Serenity and took off. Making sure they were far enough away Sereniyt turned to her brother. "Your hurt." She said. She examined the wound. She felt his pain. He was losing alot of blood and the weaker he got the weaker she got. "Please dont die." She wispered. He looked at her sadly. "I knew this was a bad idea." He managed to say. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." She repeated over and over. They felt each others pain. If one of them died, the other would die also. Not physically, but spiritually. "It's my fault." Tranquillity said. "I shouldnt have let you talk me into..." "Sshh, dont talk." Serenity said. "Everything will be alright. You'll see." She felt him getting weaker. He closed his eyes, she kissed is forehead. She laid her head against his good shoulder and waited for them to die. She heard a sound. She lifted her head weakly and saw a man on a horse riding towards them. She thought it was another bad man, but she didnt care. She going to die anyways. When he reached them he jumped down and ran to them. "Are you alright?" He asked. He looked at the wound. It was bad. Serenity tried to push him away. He looked at her too. Seeing she wasnt hurt he picked up Tranquillity and carried him to the horse. then he walked back to get her. She stayed awake long enough for him to pull out a dagger. Then she lost all conciousness. Prince Endymion cursed when he saw the girl lose consiousness. He had t get them somewhere before the man lost too much blood. Where though? The castle was too far and the town was out of the question also. The cottage! He rode towards his private cottage. When he got there, his sister Terra ran out. She saw the wounded man and immedaitly ran back in to get some wraps and Malachite. "What happened?" She asked when Malachite brought the man in. Endymion had the girl. "They were probably tried to be robbed." Endymion said. He looked at the girl's face. She was beautiful. "Whats wrong with her?" Terra asked. "She dosent seem to be hurt." "I think she lost it when I pulled out my dagger to cut some cloth to wrap around his wound." Endymion said. "llook at their clothes." Jedeite commented. "I wonder where they're from?" "Yeah that dosent look like any cloth from around here." Zoicite added. "Can you help him?" Endymion asked. Malachite nodded. "What about her?" "She dosent seem to be hurt." Malachite noted. "I dont know why she's unconcious." Serenity stirred. She opened her eyes and saw the men around. She sat up and scotted back. The men jumped back in surprise. Endymion stepped closer. "It's alright. We wont hurt you." He said softly. "Who are you?" Eh saw the girl glance at the man then back at him. She didnt say anything. "I'm...Darien." Endymion said using is nickname. She stared at the others while they introduced themselves. Malachite started to check on Tranquillity. "Stay away from him." Serenity said harshly pushing him back. They couldnt understand her, because she was speaking Lunerian. "I have to see if he's alright." Malachite argued. He tried again to check on Tranquillity, and again she pushed him back. He was about to protest when Endymion stopped him. "Wait." "But..." Malachite started to say. Endymion gave him a stern look. "Irt's going to be alright." Sereinty wispered. Tranquillty groaned quiety. "Your not going to die." "Please, I wont hurt him." Malashite said. "I need to see if he's alright. Can you understand me?" Serenity nodded and moved aside, but still held on to him. She watched as the man named Malachite checked her brother. She looked at him pleadingly. "He should be alright." Malachite said. He saw the girl look releived. "But he will need to rest for a couple days." When he said that the Serenity went crazy. She started to shake her head no and saying something in Lunerian. "No, we cant saty. We have to be back soon. No one knows we're here. IF they find out we will be punished." Serenity yelled. She looked at the confused looks on their faces as she spoke. Finally she broke down and cried. Darien sat next to her and put his arm around her. *Back on the Sun* "Where are they?" Hades mumbled "They should have been back by now." HE paced back and forth in front of the portal. He was very nervous. What was he going to do? They had to be back soon. He couldnt tell anyone. He would be punished as they would. They all knew the law. His stomach got tighter everytime someone walked past. He waited a couple more hours. Then he couldnt take it any longer. eh had to get them himself. A few seconds later he apeared outside a small building. What would they be doing here? He thought. He walked in and saw five men and a girl around the prince and princess. "Its time to go." Hades said. "No we cant." Serenity protested. "He's hurt." "We have to go...." Hades said. Then he realized what she said. "WHAT?" He nearly screamed. The men jumped back in surprise. "We cant go back now." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Well, thats it for now. I'm pretty busy so I didnt get much done. Well, tell me what you thought. I hope I can have the next chapter better than this one. Its kinda hard to think and do school stuff too. well, anyways... Write me.