ICQ# 28399288 Well, chapter 13 is here. yay. Well, anyway I hoped you enjoyed the last chapters. It's nearing the end. I hope. I might have to do some really big battles, make it more interesting. If anyone has any ideas I would be glad to add them. You'll get credit for thinking of it. Disclaimer: Sailor Moon belongs to Taoko Nakeuchi. I'm sure you all know that already. But, anyways, for those of you who don't. If you haven't read the last chapters you should. If you want to help me write the next story I'm preparing, (It's after they're reborn on Earth. Tell, me. I won't be posting it until after Silver Love is done though. Well, I'm sure you just wanna read the story. tell me what you thought. Who reads these things before the stroy anyways? Give me some comments, criticism, or just plain e-mail to..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Silver Love Chapter Thirteen "Serenity it's time to go." Tranquillity said. He didn't want to have to do this to her but he had to get her home where it was safe. "But we don't have a wy home." Serenity protested. Tranquillyt drew an object from his subspace pocket. The others stared it shocked. "You had a portal device all this time?" Falconis asked. Tranquillity nodded. He hated to this to everyone but it was time to go before anything else happened. "Do we have to go?" Mina asked. She held onto Malachite like a leech. He didn't want to let her go either. The others were the same way. Even Rei. Tranquillity opened the portal and motioned for them to step through. The senshi kissed their loves and stepped through slowly. Falconis patted the gaurds on the back before telling them "Good-Luck'. He kissed Terra and reluctantly stepped through. Serenity was crying and kissing Endymion. Finally her brother broke her away and guided her to the portal. They stepped through. Before it closed though Alyn jumped in. *ON THE MOON* The group emerged from the portal about the same time Selenity came through in from the Dark Force portal. They hugged each other and walked into the palace where Queen Serenity gave a happy yell and hugged her daughters long and hard. She didn't ever want to let go of them. Finally after awhile of happy reunions Queen Serenity took her children in her room. "Thank-you." She said hugging Tranquillity. Selenity told how she was captured by the Dark Foce and held captive in the hopes that they would trade her for the kingdom, and how the servant Arum had helped her escape. Queen Serenity promised her daughter, Serenity, that she didn't have to marry the man she had picked out. The twins related to their experience on Earth. Leaving out the Terran part. Suddenly they heard a commotion and they ran out. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Rei demanded. Alyn shrunk back in fright. Serenity pushed Rei aside. She knew her mother would want answers. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I-I-I.." Alyn stuttered. Queen Serenity smiled gently and invited her to stay. Tranquillity explained how she was a servant and was attacked. In the return of her children the Queen held a special ball. Alyn walked to the gardens. *Those fools,* She thought. *They are so easy.* *How is it going?* A voice asked. *Perfectly.* Alyn answered. *They don't suspect a thing.* *Excellent.* Alyn turned when she heard a sound. Tranquillity came into view. He didn't notice her until he looked up. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was here." Tranquillity apolagized. "It's alright." Alyn said. She noticed Tranquillity grab his shoulder. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Oh, it just hurts a little." Tranquillity answered. Alyn walked over and looked at his shoulder. "That's pretty bad." She said. "It's just a scratch." "Why is it that men always try to act so macho?" Alyn asked. "Why can't they ever tell the truth. I know it hurts." She tore a peice of her dress and started to wrap it around. She stopped. She felt so strange. She looked at him. They were so close. "That should...do it." Alyn said. She was about to leave when he grabbed her arm. He kissed her. Alyn had never been kissed before felt strange and she liked the feeling. When they broke apart they looked at each other in silence. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." Tranquillity said. "It's...alright. I liked it." Alyn admitted. Her stomach was fluttering and her heart seemed to be beating faster. Tranquillity smiled. Alyn noticed he had a sweet smile. His eyes showed kindness and...love? For the first time in her life she knew what love felt like. "Someone will show you to your room." Tranquillity managed to say. "I have to go. I hope to see you later." Tranquillity plucked a rose and handed it to her. Giving her one last kiss he left. Alyn smiled and smelled the rose. It was sweet. She was definalty in LOVE with Prince Tranquillity. *ON EARTH* Endymion sighed. His gaurds and sister felt the same way as he did. They missed the ones that they loved. They slowly rode back to the castle. "So when do you think they'll be back?" Jedeite asked. "I don't think they will be back." Malachite answered. Mina had explained to them that once they left they could never return because they would be watched more closely. The only way they could return is if, Earth joined the alliance. Earth had no way of contacting them so it waould have to be them and only the Queen could send for them. they could all see why the senshi was so reluctant to admit their feelings. They knew what would happen. "Maybe we could go see them." Jedeite suggested. "How?" Nephlyte asked. "I don'tknow how did they get here?" Jedeite said. Endymion looked up at the moon and sighed again. Soon the others found themselves doing the same thing. Tonight, they would be staying out underneath the stars. They didn't notice that they were being watched. The man that was watching them smiled. He blendid into the dark perfectly. Watched and listened to the five men talk about the moon and the princesses that hey were in love with. *This is so good.* The man thought. He could feel the evil getting stronger. The Alliance could use them. Unfortunalty, things didn't go according to plan. He knew what was going to happen. He felt someone stand next to him. "Everything is going well." The man said. "Does it really have to end?" "You know it does." A woman answered. "You know the future and what it brings." "Destruction." The man answered sadly. "It's ironioc that something so peacful will end in a terrible fight." "But a time of greatness will come out of it." The woman answered. "The princess will be even more powerful and she will be known to be as great as her mother." "I know what will happen, but yet, I'm afraid." The man said. "You will not face it alone." The woman said. "I will be with you." "It will be hard to watch them die." The man said. "My parents, my friends..." "Shhh, do not worry over it." The woman said. "This is the path that Destiny has chosen. No one can change it." *SOMEHWERE ELSE* "The time to take what is rightfully mine is soon at hand." Beryl said. "Prince Endymion will sit by my side and we will rule the universe together." "What a pathetic Queen you are." Leila said. "You don't have any minions to do your work for you." Maura said. "An ALL POWERFUL Queen would have someone to do her dirty work." Guinevere said. "Who asked for your opinions?" Beryl asked annoyed. When would these Dark Force jerks leave her alone? She couldn't wait to take it over. "We are here to make sure you suceed in your task." Maura said. "The Dark Force dosen't ake to failure." "Well, why don't you just worry about what your going to wear." Beryl said. "And leave me to do my own..." "Queen Amira, dosen't take to incompetant, ugly women that think they're more powerful than her." Guinevere intterupted. "The sooner you do your job the sooner we can stop watching you." Leila said as if the thought of watching Beryl sickened her. "What do you suppose I do?" Beryl asked. "We have a news for you." Leila said. "You will take the listen if you really want this Prince." "I'm listeneing." Beryl said her attantion fully on what they had to say. *DARK FORCE* Sesostris was still in a bad mood that Princess Selenity had escaped. How was he going to get Serenity? If her ever caught the one that helped her escape he was going to make his life a living hell. Rubeus watched as Lord Sesotris thought. If he knew that he had let Princess Selenity escape he was a dead man. He didn't care though, because he wouldn't let anyone hurt HIS princess, HIS love. AS long as Sesotris didn't know that he was the one that had let her escape, then everyone would be safe. He looked at Arum and the otehr servants. He was grateful for what they did. He made sure that they knew it. As soon as everything calmed down he would help them escape and help Arum find his sister. He hoped that Selenity would give him another chance. He would leave the Dark Force, he would give up anything to be with her again. "Rubeus," Sesosrtis said, breaking him out of his thoughts. "You wouldn't happen to know anything abouther escape wuould you?" "No, my lord, I searched everywhere." Rubeus said. He knew the dark lord didn't really believe him, but he didn't care he could never hurt her again. Queen Amira walked in bowed. "My Lord everything is going according to plan." "Good." "Nyla's plan is sure to win." Amira gloated. "She has never lost before." "Yes, Nyla," Sesostris said. "How conveniant that she suceeds when YOU fail." "What are you saying?" Amira asked. "I'm saying dear, that Nyla seems to be more powerful than you." Sesotris said. "It should be you who serves her." "She is just a minion." Amira argued. "Yes, and tell me, is it not her that always wins your battles?" Sesotris said. "I think when this is all over she'll replace you." "What if I win?" Amira asked. Sesostris looked at her and she started to laugh. She would get to keep her place. All she had to do was take Nyla's glory for her own. *EARTH* Endymion was the first to wake. The sun was just peaking over the mountains. His sister sat up. He could tell that she missed Falconis. Soon the other were awake and was preparing breakfast. Malachite was looking through his things when he lifted out an object. endymion grabbed it. "A portal device." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Well, what did ya think? It seems like the bad guys are just there. You know. I'm sure your all wondering who those two people are that was watching the prince and his gaurds, welll, you might find out in the next chapter. I haven't decided yet. I might reveal the min the end. You'll just have to wait and see. Tell me what you think.