For Love or Money - Part 3 By Crystal Heart Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. they belong to Naoko Takeuchi. He was miserable. His eyes were tired, and strained. She touched the TV screen, and felt tears in her eyes, her fingers almost quivered. Why did he have to go through this alone? She stood, and turned to her husband, as Darien continued to speak mechanically to the interviewer. He took her in his arms, letting her cry. "He's so miserable?" she cried. "Why?" Andrew looked at his wife. "I don't know?" "He's been so strong," Mina began. "But what does he do when he leaves the television screen, closes that door of his, in that lonely apartment far above the world, alone, so alone?" She fisted her hand. "How could she do that?" She'd known Darien since they were in college, since he set her up with Andrew. The young man had always distanced himself from others, but there was, underlying, a streak of compassion, always willing to listen to others. A part of him that needed people. A part of him that needed?someone. She never knew the story of this mysterious woman of the past, she never knew there WAS a mysterious woman in his past. But Serena Hilton entered the doors of his office. And life fell apart. Parts of her wanted to find Ms. Hilton and give her a talking to. Or at least tell her what a misery she was putting him through. It was almost as if he only held on to the company to show Serena something. Mina knew not what he was trying to prove. The beautiful Serena Hilton, however, had vanished. No contact had been made between the architectural firm and Global for quite some time now. Mina had been almost certain that Serena loved Darien at one point, and that she could make him happy. But based on his behavior lately, she? She panted, falling to her feet, bracing her figure against the concrete. "Get up, Serena, that isn't safe. You'll cramp up that way. Come on, get up, walk it off." Serena looked up to Amy, her eyes exceedingly bright with exercise. "I?like?the feeling?of blood?rushing to my brain?thank you?" she gasped out angrily, pounding the pavement weakly, taking out her frustrations. "You asked to join me." "I had no idea?you'd make me run three miles?I haven't run for months?and you want me to?jump right?into three miles?" she gusted out. Sweat beaded her brow, and she continued to hold herself against the cold cement. Her muscles knotted in Amy's promised pain, and she winced as she forced herself up, letting the early March breeze dry the sweat slowly. She distracted pain by concentrating on breathing. Her lungs were on fire. "I've got a meeting with Claybourne at 8:45?" Amy checked her watch, putting hand to forehead, wiping her brow lightly. Serena looked at her friend. "Thanks for letting me come along with you. I don't have to be in until 10:00, so why don't you go on, and I'll try to get this exhaustion out of my system before I get into work, okay?" "Sure," Amy hugged her sweaty friend, and waved goodbye. "Stretch out those cramps, and make sure you do a cool down walk or stretch before you go in. Take care, okay?" There was a plea in Amy's eyes, shimmering in concentration as they conveyed to Serena her message. *Don't think about him. Don't think about it. Don't.* Serena nodded, and waved her friend off, as she turned in the opposite direction, to start her mile long walk back to her apartment. As she walked through the March coldness, her heart shivered as she felt that gap that had been there for the past three weeks, since Darien walked out on her? *Don't.* It wasn't HIS walking out on her, she reminded herself. SHE walked out on him, in actuality?as she remembered the pain in his eyes. Would she ever forget the look in his eyes? Knowing that she caused him so much pain tore at her heart. She'd never intended to hurt him. Darien was the last person she'd ever want to hurt. Correction: the last person she'd want to hurt, after herself. And her father. Her father. Yes, she loved her father. He had no right to make her doubt her father. After he'd left that night, she thrown herself into her bed, and slept into late next morning, waking up with a pain in her head from the alcohol, and a pain in her heart, which she ignored. The headache went away with a day's rest, and hermitage for the next week. The heartache persisted and exacerbated with each day, as she turned off radios updating the public of the situation of Global's financial and legal mess, and the possibility of his NOT being able to fight the allegations against him increased. She mumbled a weak greeting to the doorman, and went into the elevator. Leaning back against the walls of the close private cubicle, she closed her eyes, and stifled more tears. She'd think that by now all her emotions would have been drained. That she could not feel so much pain still. She'd tried aromatherapy; she tried the relaxing tapes. And when all else failed, she called up Amy to go run out her thoughts, to run out her tension. To run out her loneliness, her emptiness. It had not worked. There was an infinite spring in her that made forgetting him impossible. He had no right to ask that of her. He was asking that she'd turn away from her FATHER, to believe HIM, a man who'd previously given up on her. But what was she to do? She certainly couldn't give him what he wanted or needed. He'd betrayed her before, right? Doubt. Did he speak the truth? What if he hadn't betrayed her before? And what about her father? Her heart pounded with the thought. What if she was wrong? What if? What if he'd been sitting in that college dorm, working his heart and soul out for a girl he loved, but thought he'd lost? She'd been alone as well, though. She loved him too. Love. He loved her. He still did. Until a month or so ago. After that, well?he had to hate her now. But a part of her did speak that they would love each other forever, that no matter how much they hurt each other, they'd be doomed to this intimacy of souls, which they would never be able to escape. To exist her whole life with the knowledge that the love of her lifetime had come and gone so early. A life in loneliness. Without him. He couldn't really be so dishonest as to fabricate such a lie? She never believed he'd be so evil to take the money, but? She closed her thoughts, and turned away from it. No. No. Darien WANTED her to believe him. He was a desperate man. He would have done anything. Her fist clenched. He was using her. USING her. She repeated her self-therapy, and got off the elevator with new confidence. She was going to take a shower, and get to work early, and start working. "Rain rain, go away?" She stared outside, stormily. She shook herself out of trance, and concentrated on the plans in front of her. She'd called in sick. A foolish, childish thing to do, but after stepping out the shower, and watching the storm rage outside, her inner storm harshly quipped her with quick painful words. She'd spent the last hour in the desk room, trying to cheer herself up, by designing the house plans for her dream house, a pastime she'd avoided for quite some time. She knew why?because somewhere, deep inside herself?she didn't want to dream anymore. Because the dream was so different from the reality. The dream betrayed reality. The dream house was not complete unless He was in there, picking out their tasteless but comfortable furniture, and laughing together as they painted their rooms, rooms that would hold their children? "Why must I still think of him? He's gone!" she reprimanded herself. Global, Inc., had even postponed the completion of the new headquarters, to combat the allegations set against the corporation. But proving that insider trading never occurred in a company as large as Global was like proving that a woman never lied about her age?there had to be some?discrepancies?along the way, not enough to seriously damage the company's integrity, but? And then, the stocks in Global were falling quickly. The nation's economy seemed to slow down now; the corporation had become a touchstone in American business from the time it was founded. Oh what was happening? And what was she supposed to do about this anyway? Go to him? He didn't want her anymore. He'd made that obvious. The last weeks, not even one attempt to get a hold of her. Not one attempt to even try with the firm. And what would she have done if he did? As she watched his tired face appear on magazine covers and newspapers, his soulless eyes flash at the TV screen dispassionately, she wondered if she was the cause. Or if it was just the strain of losing something he'd worked hard for. Sure, he'd had some help with the funds in the beginning, but he must have worked so hard?if he was anything like the Darien she'd known, so many years ago. The Darien from so many years ago. *A myth* she told herself. *He's not coming back to you.* And then, the money issue. Did her father really pay Darien off? She just couldn't believe that. But still?was it below him? Her heart shuddered with the belief. Her father! Really? He was all she had left, and she wanted to suspect HIM? She must have turned into some ungrateful wretch along the way; she had NO BUSINESS, NO RIGHT to question her father's integrity, or his decisions, had there been one actually made. Would he? She shook her head, as she stood up to pace around the room, trying to pace away her anxiety. It had been an internal battle this past month. She could not find resolution. She was desperate for resolution. She wanted to believe her father. But she wanted to believe Darien. Oh beautiful Darien, a man she'd loved for so long, a man she still did love, she mused, as she touched her finger to the television screen to the stoic face with the dark, abysmal depths of lifeless eyes. "And in other news today?" the TV continued as the image vanished from the screen, but not from Serena's tear-soaked mind. He hadn't shaved for weeks. He hadn't slept for even longer. He was going to lose his company. So much of his work, all gone. He now stood at the docks. The water could fill up and wash away feeling. It could smother the wretched pain he felt was on fire in his mind. Did he want to? *Want to what?* he asked himself, angrily. Suicide was not the answer. This last month was more hell than anything, it wasn't that he was losing his battle, it was that he had already lost it. He'd lost Serena. His angel, looking so coldly at him as she dismissed him. And how was he supposed to take her back? How was he to WIN her? Bundling the scarf about his neck, and straightening his thick winter business coat, he went to a bench, settling down, running his hands through his hair. The water never looked so appealing. *Just end it all?there's nothing left here for you anymore. She doesn't love you.* The waves lapped heavily against the dock in rhythm. *She doesn't love you.* *She doesn't love you.* Standing, wringing her hands, she stood with her hair primly braided back, in a floral, matronly dress, accessorized with soft pearls. "He will see you now," the kind Cathy said to her. "Serena, what a pleasant surprise!" he smiled. Serena nodded, and entered the office. "Father, I'd like to propose something to you?" "What?" he barked an answer to the ringing phone. "Darien?calm down?" Ken looked at Drew over the conference table. Darien took a deep breath. "Yes?" he asked between gritted teeth. "Get back here?I think there's something you've got to see?" Darien sighed, and pulled himself from his easy chair, where he'd been mulling in front of figures that didn't seem to matter. The door. He went to it warily, straightening his tie as he approached it. Looking through the peephole, he swore and blinked again, as he swung open the door. "What do you want?" he asked, gruffly. She looked tired as she said quietly, "I'd like to come in, for a few seconds." "I'm going out now. I'm expected at the office." Cold, Darien. He repeated it to himself. She swallowed. "Please. Just?" He felt his heart quivering. Why did she have to look so hurt? Why did she have to look so sad? Was there was anything he wouldn't do, to change the world for her, make things more pleasant? She, who refused him. She?who?was not his. He turned from her. "I have to go," he forced out of himself, as he moved her aside, a little too gently. "Wait?" she said, as he began to run down the hall. He cursed himself for never being able to ignore her. Turning around, he looked at her, as she ran to meet him. She halted three feet in front of him. Standing, facing him, she didn't know what to say. She'd rehearsed and told herself the speech so many times. But now? She threw herself into his arms, and dragged his mouth to his. Tears in her eyes, as she felt her heart crack once more. She winced in emotional pain as she stood back from him. He looked at her, afraid she'd suddenly fall over. "You can go?" she said quietly. He felt his beeper. Cursing he looked down to see Drew's page, urging him to not be late. He looked back at her, and ran off. "I love you?good bye?" Serena whispered. "Charges against Global have been dropped." "What?" Darien's eyes widened. "What do you mean? We've been fighting for the past three months; you can't tell me that after all those struggles?after the case has been mounted against us so high?that it has evaporated overnight?" "We don't know how it happened, but there it is. The facts. All charges are dropped, on account that the evidence was falsified and bogus. The case has been dismissed, as investigators cannot find any evidence of trading that is beyond the bounds of normalcy," Ken said. "They wouldn't let us off so easily?" "Moreover, word on the market is that we can rebound?there's a small company out?waiting to be taken up?lots of potential?" Ken continued, gesturing to a pile of papers. "We can get back?in fact, this will put us in even more comfortable status than before?" Darien was not paying attention?he sat, staring blankly at the screen, where the reporter stated that Global's trading tactics were not any worse than the status quo's. Lord Melvin Erikson dived for the shot. The ball bounced off his racket, and careened to the other side of the court, where it hit the back corner. "In," the spectators all agreed. The remark was punctuated with sighs of adoring women. Mel put a hand to the sweatband on his forehead, adjusting it over his hair. His eyes narrowed, intensity ionizing into a small spark of eagerness. His opponent served. The ball sliced air as it went from racket to racket. Finally, Mel sent the last shot flying into the zone, knocking hard against the grass, and out of zone before his opponent could fight it. And that was match. Mel now straightened his 6'3" frame, and stood back. "Good game," his opponent uttered. Mel acknowledged, breathing in air, regaining composure, letting the intensity drift out into the air. His opponent held out his hand. Mel accepted it, holding out his muscular forearm, a gesture that the women in the audience championed as very *beautiful*. Lord Mel Erikson *was* beautiful. A mix of Nordic and English blood, he stood tall, athletic, and lithe. His sandy brown hair was rude in length, but did not appear to be too long to the women who uttered praises to its sexy scruffiness. His eyes were a placid, unrevealing ice blue. Mel Erikson was a god. At 29, he'd already doubled the value of his estate and name, simply by being a venture capitalist. He'd used his Oxford education to invest smart. And therefore, Mel Erikson did not have to work hard at all to make life work for him. As he wiped his forehead with a fresh towel, and gulped down a bottle of Evian. "That was a wonderful game, Mel!" Philip Hilton congratulated, as he approached, sunglasses on, typical American rich, with a polo and knakis in the middle of a hot summer day. Typical, Mel mused. Mel nodded. "Mel, I'd like you to meet Serena." Mel paused in the process of taking another gulp of water, and placed on his sunglasses, looking at Philip. Name?Serena?who was Serena. *Daughter Serena. Pretty Serena,* he recalled. His gaze focused on the young woman who stood by Hilton, in her white sundress and pretty satin strapped sandals. Had his chin, Mel remarkably noted. While the father was handsome, it was apparent that the girl got those stunning eyes and the rest of her from her mother. "Mel Erikson," he said, gruffly, holding out his hand. Serena took his hand and shook it gracefully. "Serena Hilton." Strong grip, Mel noted. She worked out as well. "You're beautiful," he said very forwardly, as Philip left them to talk to another fashionable person he found it necessary to talk to. "I know?" she said, almost bitterly, as they started to walk off the courts. "You play a mean game," she said. "I'd like to try you some time?" she said. Mel nodded. Silence. "So my father wants me to marry you." "Do you?" he asked. "Do you?" she replied. "I asked first," he smiled. The smile would have melted any woman into assenting a thousand times over. Serena Hilton did not feel its effects. "Why not?" she asked. "Why?" he replied just as frankly. "I answered. Your turn. Do you want to marry me?" "Why not?" he replied. Mel Erikson apparently did not care what happened. Serena sunbathed idly by the pool at her father's English summer "cottage" in Surrey. She hated idleness. She looked to the novel in her lap, and realized that it gave her no comfort. She'd tried reading for the last hour, and in that last hour, she had absorbed absolutely nothing. She wanted to be working. If she were working, she wouldn't have to think. She wouldn't think about Mel. She wouldn't think about Darien. He was like Darien in so many ways. Mel's laugh was somewhat bitter, tinted with a tone of realism. He saw no illusions, just like Darien. Mel's ice blue eyes sometimes glazed over in conversation, as if within the conversation, he had seen another one, and was still progressing in that conversation in his mind, while the world talked around him. The way that Darien would get so intense about an idea while she talked to him?the way she used to yell at him when he wasn't listening? Mel was nice enough, she supposed. He was gorgeous, not half as gorgeous as Darien, of course? Darien. Mel was wonderful about this. But did it disturb him that neither of them were marrying for love? It would have disturbed Darien. And here was the difference. Mel saw the world cynically and believed it. Darien felt something when he saw the world, as if though it was horrible, he could get by, and make things work. Mel was?resigned. They'd talk long hours about it. Serena was becoming resigned. There were illusions that tricked people, she now asserted. They tricked people into thinking they were something other than what they were. They tricked people into thinking others other than what they really were. And in the end, there was pain, and hurt. There was no love in this world, because if there were love, two people who loved the same person would not tear the person apart, and cause so much pain. Mel had simply looked. He didn't understand. He never fell in love. Surrounded by a crowd of adoring women, he never felt he urge to take one by his side and keep her around. He didn't like the idea of matrimony very much, but he'd deal. It might be fun, he'd asserted. And she looked like the interesting type. Did he even realize half of his beauty? He was very beautiful, and he knew that, but did he have any idea of how wonderfully?him he was? Serena sighed. And she was going to marry him. And she did not want to marry him. She was not as intimidated by marrying him as she was before, but still? But a promise was a promise. For Darien. Another day at Global was coming to close, and Darien finished his last negotiation of the day with a sigh, standing up, and unrolling his shirt cuffs, and rebuttoning them. The new headquarters was being built at good pace now, and Serena's firm had sent papers for him to sign every once in a while. He never saw her anymore. It made no sense. Was that night, three weeks ago, when she came bursting into his life again, kissing him so sadly, a dream? The kiss? Sadness? Goodbye? Confused, Darien shook his head. Global was on top once more, and he had no reason to feel uncomfortably edgy about the company. They had bounced back better than before. Now that the first big trial was behind them, the executives were all sitting back; Global was in good shape, and nothing like this would come again for a while. Having been cleared of the charges, it'd be hard for them to suddenly return. And the next time they came, Global would be prepared to crush the allegations, and move on. Move on. The cell rang. "Calloway." "Darling?" "Sorry, hon you're not quite my type," she got up from the Parisian cafe table, and smiled icily. "I'll be going now. Au revoir!" she waved off, as she left the handsome French actor with the bill for their lunch. She was beyond bored. Taking out her cell, she dialed the familiar number. "Calloway," the other end of the line barked. "Darling!" she purred, putting on her wide Jackie O sunglasses, while parading past all the chic shops that ceased to entertain her at the moment. "How have you been?" "Bored to death. I'm coming back soon?" she drawled slowly in her faint, husky Texan accent. "And you?" "Could be better?" "Sorry I wasn't around?had to get out of a sticky situation," she uttered, remembering an angry ex-lover out in Spain: a rather ugly court case over some property? But she knew he expected no less. "So when you going to be around?" "Think I may stop by Houston see what's up there, be around in a week or two?" "All right. I can put you up?" Her thick lips, curved into a smile, as she got into the red Porche convertible the valet drove up in. "Fabulous. I'll be in touch?" she said, as she pressed the off button with her blood red manicured nails, and tipped the valet with 100 American dollars, as she could not find a smaller bill in her wallet, and bid him goodbye with a smooth kiss on the cheek. Seating herself in the black leather interior, she flipped down the visor, and reapplied her loud red lipstick, tied the bright orange silk scarf around her head to protect her curls from the wind, and started the car. Minutes later, she was driving away 30 km/hr over the speed limit to her next destination. "I suppose I could swing by Global today with you if you want?" Amy offered, stopping in Serena's office, concerned look on her face. "No, I've been putting it off long enough, and there's no reason why I ought to?" *?show weakness* she completed. Serena stood, brushed off imaginary lint from her black suit, resecured the black velvet scrunchie keeping her blond curls back in a bun, and grabbed the portfolio, exiting with Amy, telling her secretary, "I'll be back in an hour or so. If Mel calls, give him my cell so he can ring me. I'm expecting him?" She confidently slid into the car's driver seat, and started the engine. She would show no recognition of weakness. The Darien Calloway she was about to see had never seen her cry. The Darien Calloway she was about to see didn't really know her. The Darien Calloway she was about to see was a business associate. After their business was finished, they'd part, he with his business?and she with? When she thought about it, she was ready to cry. Her future was out of control, and yet, had never been so set in her life. She was going to get married, retire from the firm once this last project fell through, and live "happily every after" as a domestic spirit. Last project. The painful irony that it was Darien's project too? She shook her head, and hastily wiped the tears, checking her eyes in the rear-view mirror as she stopped at a traffic light. As she pulled into an empty space in Global's parking structure, she paused, took a breath, reapplied her lipstick and once more checked her eyes. Ready. "Sign here?" she gestured with her right hand. Darien looked up Serena. So brusque, so?unlike herself. He looked at Lita. Lita nodded to Serena. "Wiring?" Serena started to explain. The cell interrupted her sentence. "Hello," she answered. Darien gripped the arms of the chair tightly. He did not know what to expect when he saw her today. But he did not expect for her to gust in with Lita, smiling, and pretending that he was merely a person she worked for. Not? She was dressed professionally in black, but her air suggested that she put no effort into her precise image for him. He searched her eyes. They were sheltered in glasses today, and remained placid. And then there was the cell. She was smiling mysteriously now. "Why did I call you?" she teased. "Well don't you feel special?" she laughed softly. "Anyhow, the six o' clock meeting got moved ahead to five, so I'll be ready to leave for dinner at six. Be prompt! Daddy hates it when we're late!" she smiled softly into the phone. Pain. When was the last time she laughed like that to him? Talked like that to him? *Daddy hates it when we're late?* "See you?" she said, pressing the off button. The smile immediately vanished. "Now where were we?" she asked, in a totally different tone, a totally different person. "Wiring?" Lita prompted. "Oh yes?well there were some faults with the design I had originally intended, but they have been fixed, and this is to authorize the change?" she said, professionally. "Last paper to sign, and then we're all out of here!" she smiled casually. Lita grinned in gratitude of that statement. "Thanks Serena?I'm glad you could stop by today." "No problem. Light day today?" *?as I'm not taking on any more jobs?* Darien straightened up in his chair after he had scanned the document and had signed it, and capped his silver and gold-plated pen. "We're having a dinner this weekend for the new headquarters," Lita said conversationally. "I'd like to invite you?" Lita said. Serena smiled, surprised. "Ummm?sure." Lita held out her hand. Her left hand. Serena shifted uncomfortably. She'd made a point to hide her left hand during this meeting. Why did Lita Blackstone have to be left-handed? She cautiously held out her left hand, blocking it from Darien's view with her body. Darien had gotten up, and approached the two. Lita smiled good-naturedly. "Also, I read about your upcoming nuptials?congratulations?" That's when he noticed it. The diamond on her left hand. *She's getting married.* She smiled at Lita. "Thank you." She smiled to Darien, cloaking any indication that she expected a response out of him, and held out her left hand to him as well. "Nice doing business with you, I'll be in touch." She met his eyes. His tried to probe hers, but she disinterestedly broke hand and eye contact, and casually grabbed her portfolio. "Thank you again," She followed Lita out. Lita told some happy story of Mina and Andrew coming this weekend while they were in the elevator. Serena smiled, and laughed. They bid farewell when Lita exited on her floor. "I'll phone your firm with directions to our place. Your fiance and your partner and her date are invited, so don't hesitate to ask them to come too." Serena smiled in thanks, and waved goodbye. Another day?another meeting, she sighed, getting off the elevator in the parking garage, smiling in return to the woman in the sunny bright yellow suit and orange silk scarf. She reached into her purse and took out her keys, and sorted through them to find the remote key to her car. She pressed "unlock", disabling the alarm, and put her briefcase in the back seat, and got in, fastening the seat belt. She then collapsed on the steering wheel and sobbed. "Hello!" she brisked by the secretary who smiled back to her. "Been a while since you've been around." She smiled back. "I've been busy. Is he busy?" "Just finished a meeting, finishing up for the day." "Great," she untied the orange scarf from her hair, ruffling the curls. "I don't need to be announced." She knocked briskly on the door. "Come in!" he growled on the other side of the door. She shrugged and entered. He turned, and surprised, he smiled. "Oh, it's you!" She smiled back. "Of course?come now, Darien, what's wrong?" she approached, kissing him on the cheek and embracing him. "Not used to the time yet are you?" Serena smiled to her fiance as he yawned. "Never will be, I'm afraid?you people also talk very oddly?" he noted, his British accent never so pronounced as it was now. Serena smiled. "That's America for you." Mel sighed back in the leather seat, closing his eyes briefly. "Tonight's not a big thing is it?" "No not tonight." He looked exhausted. They'd been in a social whirlwind since she'd picked him up at the airport. He looked decent tonight, in dark pants and dress shirt and tie. She followed Lita's directions with no difficulties, and pulled up into the driveway. She shook Mel's shoulder gently, and he opened his eyes. "Ready?" "Sure?" he took the bottle of Chardonnay they had decided to bring as a gift. They got out of the car, and he held his arm out to her. "Come on?" Engagement was camaraderie between them. A nice friendship that she had not had for quite some time. Knowing there was someone there for her was comforting. The Blackstone residence was large and grand. She almost fell back in fear. "Hello Serena!" Serena turned to see Amy and Greg. "Hello Amy! This is Mel?" she introduced her fiance, smiling as Amy smiled to him. Greg gestured to the front door, and Serena took his arm, as Amy and Mel were deep in conversation already about his current impressions of Seattle. Lita opened the door. "Hello Serena! Hello Mel!" she smiled. "Er?no, this is Greg, Amy's fiance," she smiled. Mel stepped forward now to take Lita's hand and kissed it. "Charmed," he smiled. "And this is Amy, my partner, and her fiance, Greg." "Great!" Lita smiled. "I'm glad that you could come." The party was rather small. A few couples, including Mina and Andrew Plots, Lita and her husband. Mel introduced himself to the couple, and they smiled courteously. Mina looked at Mel, and Serena, and smiled nervously. As Lita walked into another room, Mina quickly followed, and steered them into a desk room, shutting the door behind her. "Lita! How could you?" "What?" Lita asked. Of course Lita didn't realize what was really going on. Mina sighed. "There's something up between Darien and Serena?I think?in the past?" Lita paled. "And she is here?with her fiance?oh god what have I done? Why didn't I see this before?" "Calm down?we'll get through this?" Mina said. "I like Serena too?but?" Knock. The ladies turned to see Andrew enter. "Um?Darien just got here." "Dateless?" Mina asked, slowly, worriedly. "Yes?" Andrew said. "But don't worry?I think Matt will be here later?" "Matt?" Lita asked. "Don't ask?everything will be all right," Mina said to Lita. "You're positive about Matt?" she questioned her husband as they exited the room. Lita followed, confused, but willing to accept whatever was going to happen?with a thousand prayers uttered under her breath. She ate the roads up in the Jag that she just bought earlier that afternoon. It rode like a honey. She was late. She almost felt bad for being late this time. He said that nothing was wrong. Did he think she was blind? She pulled into the driveway, applied her lipstick, checked her reflection, took down the orange scarf, and walked briskly to the door, ringing the doorbell three times, the way she always did. The door opened and she smiled. "Good evening?" Lita looked at the last guest to their table and turned to Mina who now entered the hall. Confused, she watched Mina embrace her. "Matt!" The woman took off her black shawl, which was beaded in various bright colors, revealing a smooth ensemble of dark dressy pants and a lime green sweater set. Her wild red hair was done up festively, spirals framing her face. Two big lime hoops dangled at her ears. The colors somehow worked. Her style somehow worked. Lita immediately admired her. She followed the two ladies into the living room, where the others had assembled. There was a commotion when the last guest entered the living room. The guests all turned to Mina who said, "Look who we found!" They applauded. Confused, Serena smiled and clapped with the others. The woman who had entered was at 5'8", slender, and chic. Her eyes glittered with exuberance. She walked straight to Darien, and kissed him on the cheek, and smiled an apology. Her heart pinched. So he had someone. She could deal with this. It was good. That meant that he was moving on. That was good. Everyone ought to move on. Darien smiled at Matt in relief, and they chatted on animatedly. When he had arrived, and seen Serena with? Wow. She really did a number. She hooked up with Lord Mel. Mel Erikson, of the playboy lifestyle?traversing the globe, affairs in his wake. And sweet sweet Serena was marrying him. She looked happy enough, he thought sadly. And now Matt was here. Andrew and Mina joined them. "How was France?" "Boring?" Matt sighed. "But I'm back. For a few weeks. Until this place bores me." "Dinner is ready?" Lita approached them. Matt smiled. "Thank god, I'm starving." She was quite brilliant, Serena concluded. Her laugh was magnetic and electrifying. She envied that woman. Laughing so freely. Sitting next to Darien. Serena saw him smile at Matt once more, and her heart twisted. She uttered a small conversational tidbit to Amy now, who smiled back in return with a comment of her own. Serena ate in silence, with a comment or two to Mel every once in a while, who was not particularly conversational, having been exhausted from previous festivities she could only conclude. She was not particularly conversational herself, and carried on stately and elegantly, laughing adequately at her fiance's remarks. She was happy. She was engaged to Mel Erikson, a beautiful witty man. She looked gorgeous tonite. Sitting down the table from him, she glimmered so quietly, laughing at a quiet remark her fiance made to her in private. Was it a small endearing comment? She looked pretty with her hair just pulled back like that, in a ponytail. Strands fell down and framed her face gently and caressed her cheek, the way he wanted to? He looked back at Matt, and smiled, laughing at a joke he had not heard. It was after dinner when she approached him. He was standing outside on the patio, sipping Chardonnay. "You looked at me during dinner," she said conversationally. "You're gorgeous," he answered. "I look at gorgeous people." He took another sip, and turned towards her. "Very gorgeous?" he put his fingers to the curve of her neck, where he had wanted to touch her all dinner. It made her swallow slowly, then hold up her hand in defense, pushing his out of her way. "Don't," she said, turning and walking back into the room. "There you are." He smiled to his new companion out on the patio, and kissed her cheek. "Scaring more women are you?" she smiled, gesturing with a nod of her head towards the door. "Maybe?" "Intrigued?" she asked, smiling, eyes glowing. "Maybe?" he mused out at the horizon. She laughed, amused. "Come on, let's go." He ached to hear their conversation. She was smiling at him now and he smiled back, and put an arm around her waist as he escorted her back inside from the patio. "We'll be leaving now," she was saying now to Lita. "It's been a wonderful evening." Matt joined him. "What's wrong with you?" he asked softly. "Pest?" she simply said, burying her face in Darien's arm, hiding from His gaze. Darien kept his eyes on Serena until she turned to face him, as Mel placed a soft wrap around her shoulders. He held his wine glass to her in a toast, and took a sip that never tasted so bittersweet in his life. The time was going quite slowly, he mused, checking his watch, with a bored expression on his face. He leaned against the marble pillars, catching the eye of many passer-bys, the handsome man in the expensive suit and very elegant shades. His bored expression made quite a few females tempted to join him, leaning against the wall. The expression soon vanished as he saw the redhead in the bright red sundress step off the elevator, placing her sunglasses over her eyes. He got off his post at the wall, and decided to entertain himself a little. Walking by her, he slipped an arm around her slim waist, squeezing it, and pulling her to his side. "And how are you today?" he asked, lips brushing her ear. She wasn't in the humor to put up with any crap. "Pretty good until I saw you?" "I should be flattered that I have such an affect on you?" "Don't be," she slipped out of his grasp, and out the door. He stared after her as his fiance approached him. "Mel, will you ever learn?" she laughed at him. Mel kissed Serena's cheek, and put his arm around her waist. "And miss out on all the fun?" Serena laughed, as they walked out of the Global, Inc building together. "What about this one?" Andrew handed Darien another portfolio of options. Darien glanced at the folder, tossed it in his briefcase. "I'll look at it tonight. Well, I think that's it for today. We'll meet again some time later in the week?" Both nodded affirmative, and Darien got out of his seat. "Mina and I are going to the ballet this Friday. Did you and Matt want to come along?" "I think we can do that." "Good day," Greta smiled to her boss. She smiled back to the secretary. "Last meeting of the day?" she smiled happily. "Has our client come in yet?" "Yes, he's in your office already." "Oh dear, I'm not late am I?" she smoothed her thick french braid and straightened her black suit. Black. She only wore such dull colors for very important occasions, and she hoped that the client would appreciate it. "Not too late," Greta checked her clock. "He had arrived early." She nodded, applying demure light pink shade of lipstick. She briskly reached for the doorknob of her office, and opened the door. "Hello?I'm sorry I'm running late. I'm Mollie Matthews, vice- president of Global, Incorporated," she smiled, as she came around the desk, holding out her hand. "You!" she jumped back. "Mollie Matthews," Mel Erikson took her hand, and kissed it, holding on until she pulled it away. "Mollie's such a beautiful name. Why don't you ever use it?" he said, smiling to her. This had to be some mistake, or joke. She almost paused in her actions, but decided to briskly continue. "Darien, Andrew and I started Global back when we got out of college; Darien had a secretary named Molly. I abhor ambiguity," she said, placing her briefcase on her desk, and opening it, taking out the contents efficiently. He had to say, he was very surprised to meet the gorgeous redhead from Seattle over in London, but he wasn't displeased with the outcome. "Vice president?" "Yes, I am vice president with Andrew and Ken, who joined the board later. I take on a less formal role in the headquarter office though; I handle international affairs," she said, putting on her glasses. "Do you know how stunning you look with glasses on?" She deliberately took them off, and looked at him frankly across the table. "Are you here to do business or not?" "Yes of course I am." With that, charm dropped, and his face became stoic, and commanding. The ease with which he dropped his charm and casualness was amazing, and very alarming to Matt. She almost felt her heart flutter. "You look bored," Mina said to Serena. Serena turned away from the window and smiled to Mina. "Not at all. Just waiting for Lita." "Your fiance, Mel, was it? He was very charming?" Serena laughed. "Yes, charming." "I was wondering if you both were up to dinner some time perhaps later this week?" "He's back in London now?he has some business with some investments, he said, but he'll be back soon. I can't guarantee later this week, however, but sure, I can answer for both of us that when he comes back, we'll be certain to dine with you and your husband." "Well if you have nothing else to do tomorrow night, would you be interested in seeing a production of Giselle?" Serena smiled. Giselle? It had been sold out when she had tried to order a ticket for herself last night. "You're serious? You have tickets?" Mina calculated quickly. Darien had already decided not to attend, as Matt was out of town, so there would certainly no awkwardness if Mina decided to get to know Serena on her own. "Yes, my husband and I are going, and actually we have two extra tickets in our box, but I see your fiance cannot make it?" Serena smiled. "I'd be pleased to join you." "Serena," Lita entered the waiting area. "Nice to see you. I was caught up in a lunch meeting. I think Darien's ready for us, so shall we proceed?" Mina joined them, as she had to talk to Darien about the new plans for the opening gala. It was odd how the two ladies with her suddenly decided to take her into their lives, Serena mused. It was if suddenly everyone wanted to know her more. They entered his office after a courtesy knock. No matter how many times she entered his office, no matter how many times she saw him, she inevitably felt her heart pound, lost in foreign surroundings. His turf. In which things beyond her control occurred. And there he was, apparently in stimulating discussion with the speakerphone. "?oh really?" he questioned. "Yes," The Texas drawl she heard was unmistakable. Matt. She almost felt a twinge of jealousy. Almost? To be honest with herself? "Anyhow, I have a meeting to handle right now. Welcome to our company, I think you're really going to like working with us," he said, almost strained, to his new client. "Yes, it should be very interesting?" Mel? That was Mel. She wanted to ask questions. Who was Matt? Where was Matt? Why was her fiance with Matt? Where was her fiance? And what were the three of them talking about? Darien looked at Serena. Almost hurt, he turned away from her, and looked out into the skyline as he finished off his conversation with Matt. "Yes, I'll be seeing you here in about two weeks?" "I think Paris needs a checkup, and after, another New York poke wouldn't hurt," she responded. "All right, well then, take care," Darien smiled, turning around from the window once more and taking his seat. "You too, darling." Hangup. Silence. Mina smiled and immediately broke the tension. "We brought Miss Hilton in." "Ah yes, Miss Hilton," Darien smiled to her casually. As if she were a stranger. Miss Hilton? It almost stabbed her. It had been a long time since he'd last called her that?had he ever called her that? She wanted to ask him so much. She wanted to tell him so much. But what was she to do? What was she to say to him? What could she say to him? I gave myself up for you. I love you. But what could be done? If she told him, they couldn't do anything about it. And of course, it'd make things so much harder. And besides, he seemed rather comfortable the way he was, and Matt looked like? She hated Matt. She envied every cell that got to hug him. She envied every breath that Matt had in her body. Matt was beautiful, loud, brilliant. Things that Darien obviously preferred anyhow. His tastes had apparently changed. It wouldn't have even worked out now?he was someone different. But Serena just couldn't help wondering. Why? She cleared her parched throat. "I brought some more papers," she said. "And how is my building looking?" he asked conversationally, as he examined and signed the papers. "Excellent progress, sir. Only a matter of one more month, I think that's what the contractors are saying. And interior decorating will come to play. We had some preliminary ideas which you've seen, but I'd like to enlist the help of a really great interior designer. Susan Setsuna? I often have worked with her on these kind of projects, and she always does them so well?" "Well then," Darien smiled. "All right, we'd love to engage her services." Engage. Some words just hit her, right to her core. And they made her quiver inside. She fought to keep the fluttering concealed, so that nothing would give away her mixed emotions. Lita took the signed contracts to make xeroxes for Global's records. "Well, then, anything else to say?" Darien sat back. It had been a long day, and there was no better way to end it than to talk with three beautiful young ladies?he sighed, ironically. "The opening gala preparations are all right, but I came by to tell you that the orchestra that we hired will not be making it, so I'm seeking an alternative currently," Mina said. "Good," Darien said. "Nothing too large. We'd still like room to put in the tables and dance floor, wouldn't we?" he smiled. Mina laughed. "Nothing large at all, just leave it to me." "And that is it?" Darien said, after a small moment of silence. "Yes, I do believe that's all we needed," Lita said, returning Serena's contracts. They all stood. Darien held out his hand. "Well, then, nice seeing you again, Miss Hilton." Serena started putting the contracts in order back in her portfolio. She tried her hardest to conceal her shaking hands. Nice seeing you again? That was it? She was relieved and disappointed all at once. "Mina, I think I'll be joining you this Friday yet. I have nothing else to do that night, I'm afraid, and I need interesting company before I bore myself to death," Darien smiled. Mina paused. Dilemma. She looked to Serena, who now was standing up, looking at her hands. "Er?" "Sure, there's still one ticket," Serena said quietly, deliberately. "It would be a shame if we left a box seat empty?" Darien almost looked surprise. Serena detected almost no change in his features, save for a quick flash, which she secretly relished. "Well, then, if it's all right with you and Drew?" Mina looked at Serena. If it was all right with Serena? "Sure, Darien," she said, trying to let it float as a casual invitation. Serena's white knuckles clutched her briefcase even tighter, as she forced a casual smile, and said, "Well, then, I'll see you later this week, Mr. Calloway." She exited. Mr. Calloway. "?I have a meeting to handle right now. Welcome to our company, I think you're really going to like working with us." "Yes, it should be very interesting?" Mel said to the speakerphone, as he slowly slipped out of businessman mode, and once more proceeded to assess the formfitting black suit Mollie Matthews wore. She grabbed the phone now, turning off speakerphone and made some cursory casual remarks to Calloway about going back to headquarters. He leaned back in his chair, pretending to give her the privacy that she obviously wanted. He heard some names in conversation. Paris, New York. He'd never really took time to explore New York before? "You too, darling?" she smiled. She uttered those last two syllables a little too loudly, he noted, as her eyes met his with those words. He leaned forward across her desk, grabbed the lapels of her jacket, and pulled her into a kiss. Wow. She pulled herself out, almost immediately (almost too late?she reprimanded herself) and slapped him, holding the receiver in her hand. She placed it back in the cradle as he sat back in his chair. She seated herself, telling her heart to stop pounding so loudly; she could not hear her thoughts, but even if she could, she had no idea what they would be, save "wow". She could slap. It stung and made blood flower to place where her hand made contact with his cheek. It was definitely worth it though. What a kiss. Now if she had responded, in a different way? "When you look at a man like that, you're asking to be kissed." "When you kiss a woman like that, you're asking to be slapped," she bit back, angry, and blushing at the tremor in her voice. Mollie Matthews NEVER let her voice quiver, especially for a funny-talking MAN. "I don't have time for games. You, get out of here. I've got some more things to do before I leave tonight." He sat back. "I think I'll wait around. I have more questions about Global, and I'd like to have them answered, perhaps over dinner?" In your dreams, buddy. She looked at him, "And what makes you think that I could be a sucker and fall for that sad excuse?" "Because I'm handsome and charming. And you like me," he smiled very complacently. "And modest," she added sarcastically. "Sorry, I have plans tonight," she said, thinking that it would a perfect time to clean her townhouse; the refrigerator's contents had not been alphabetized in months. "Tomorrow night, perhaps?" Can't you take a hint? "And how does your fiance feel about your dalliances?" she asked bitingly. Mel laughed. "Serena finds it humorous. You see?we aren't marrying for love anyhow. The way we both figure, why pretend?" "That's rather bleak," she started taking papers that she was apparently not going to be able to read in this office at this time, and stuffing them in her briefcase for later perusal in the privacy of her townhouse. (Yet another reason why I cannot see him tonight, she triumphed.) "So why even try when you know you'll fail?" Mel remained quiet. "Let me answer for you. 'Because it's another experience that I haven't tried.' Or 'Because Serena is beautiful, and I think that if not now, I will fall in love with her later'." Mel looked at her. Looked at her carefully, in a way that he hadn't looked at anyone in a while. He looked in her eyes. She frankly looked back, and was startled when she saw his unveiled admiration for her, and confusion. So the great Mel Erikson was confused? Somehow, she wanted to laugh at it, but she could not. And suddenly the room became rather sad. Tensions vanished, and she turned away from him. "Let me get my coat," she said, before she could stop herself. To be continued.