Hey everyone! Today's the last day of spring break, and I am proud to say that I have worked on this stellar (lunar) part throughout all of break, and I am pretty impressed with what I got! Things in this chapter become a lot more complicated, and fun, but more complicated than fun, and I'm sorry to say this, but the end's a HUGE cliffhanger. Thank you for writing me, my dear fans. I love getting e-mail. And really, it was the questions from people that got me writing more of this story. It's amazing what I came up with. I'm dazzled with it myself, and I just want to laugh maniacally with the twists I've just put in! A brief commercial for my web site. It's http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/8024/index.html. Go ahead and visit. I love visitors! "For Love or Money - Part 2" will come out when it's out. I have to apologize for this; I thought I could write the finale by the end of spring break, but I got really caught up in this story. I do have some swearing near the end of the story, only because it contributes to the situation. Just a warning. I don't own these guys. I own the story. Guarding Heart Chapter Three - Lightning Crashes By Crystal Heart Dancing in the leaves, the wind brushed past the kingdom and teased golden locks of hair, as she twirled about happily in the autumn winds. Her skirts gathered about her feet, and her blouse was light, and loosely formfitting. As she gathered the silk vest about her more, she smiled to the sounds of birds flying south of here. Tiptoeing among the clouds, the sun managed to spill out over the walk, and warm her, also catching in her hair, making it glow, making it alive. She smiled as the sun came out once more, before it had to disappear once more behind the clouds. A soft patter of silk shoes could be heard against the brick walk. Serena smiled, turning to see a frowning face of a worried Raye. "Serena?" A cold wind chilled her, and came into her mind, freezing thoughts, and concentrating a certain pain in her soul, and she knew something was wrong?with him. She immediately rushed off, leaving a stunned Raye, looking after her, as a cold wind blew about her skirts. He was dreaming again. She was walking to him in a dream, laughing as she usually did, and her face seductively beautiful, enchanting. She was dressed in beautiful white silk, embroidered with gold, the dress outlining her stunning figure, and making his throat dry. She danced about him, always waltzing just out of reach when he reached for her. He was getting frustrated, and reached out for her abruptly, taking her by the arm, and pulling her to him. "Your highness?no?" her voice was filled with fear. A pinch. "Ow." Darien opened his eyes to find himself staring into beautiful flashing blue ones. They appeared quite startled. "Serena!" Serena pushed herself away, and slipped out of the bed, where he had pulled her before, when she was checking his temperature with her hand. She was blushing, and slightly angry. That close to letting him kiss her, and when he reached for her, she found that being in his embrace made her feel quite light-headed. Miffed at that, she frowned deeply as she looked at Darien again. Deciding humor was the best way to get out of this one, she put a smile on and laughed, "Didn't I just say yesterday something about helping and getting some romantic advances? I assure you, Prince Darien, your mother pays me enough to make my life more than satisfying." Darien looked away from Serena, her figure in that pristine white blouse, the top two buttons undone, revealing a smooth neck which he wished to kiss all over. Her waist was in a gold skirt, and he wanted to put his hands about that waist and pull her to him, kiss her lights out, and then let this strange feeling in his stomach go. The least she could do was pull that hair back from around her shoulders, and back in a ponytail or something; he just ached to touch it. This was getting bad indeed. "My, you ARE feverish!" she exclaimed, as she dared to touch his forehead again. She wanted to put her fingers through his hair?the thick wonderful crown of hair he had. "I do believe that you got a bit of a chill last night, being left outside so long!" She immediately turned her back to him, and worked again to clear her mind as she filled a basin with some water. She smiled, dancing around the room with her partner, as Zoy looked on. "You let her go, so don't mope," Neph whispered to him. "Oh shut up!" Zoy bit his lip. It hurt him. He was such a fool, for letting her go, but he'd die before he'd tell HER that. It was true; he missed her, and was thrilled when he realized that she loved him. But now, it was different. She let HIM go in the first place, so it wasn't his fault if she came back too late. The only question that remained in his mind was, WAS it too late? *I can't still love her, after loving her all these years and having her turn me down?no, it's too much, and I just can't stand for it once more. I just can't.* Emotionally, it was straining to love her all these years. To have her so far away, and now to have her so close and far at the same time. It tore at him, and he almost thought to win her back, but he'd remember that all he would ask for would be heartbreak. Neph was bored. Sighing, he walked out to the balcony. In slightly over a week, at the moment of the moon's fullest moment, the Queen of the Moon would come down, and meet the kingdom of Earth. But he wasn't into the diplomatic things. No, nature and everything around him seemed to bring him more joy than indoor intervals of mindless boredom. Surprisingly, there sat, outside, a woman in dark green velvet, who appeared to be as bored as he was. Even more to his surprise, this woman was Lady Kylnmore. The door closed behind him as Lita sat up, and turned to look at him, puzzlingly. "Sir Borsche." "I'm sorry, did I interrupt anything? I thought the balcony was empty before I came out here." "No, I'm just enjoying the evening. It's nicer out here than it is in THERE," she smiled courteously. Nephlyte couldn't agree more, but he continued conversation cautiously. He knew all about women?"So was it very beautiful where you came from?" "Oh no. I lived in an orphanage from birth to 18 years old. I never lived in a place as beautiful as Terryl Manes, and certainly in not so grand a place as the palace. I love it here." "It IS very beautiful here. It's?a lot like my home back in Getrig." "You come from Getrig?" her eyes widened. "Yes, why?" "Oh, nothing, I suppose," she mumbled, miserably. "Tell me." "It's just that?someone in my past?was from Getrig." *And I hope I never hear of that?place again!* "Oh?" "My it's a bit chilly out here, now," Lita smiled. "Care to go in and dance a few, Sir Borsche." "Call me Neph. Sere does." Lita laughed. "Sere. I love that girl." Neph smiled too. "She's lots of fun. It's about time someone here taught the Prince how to treat a true lady." Lita smiled in agreement. "I'm starting to like you?Neph." Serena smiled as she saw the couple dancing about the ballroom, in avid conversation. Lita's eyes were shining, and her expression was intent and friendly. Serena sighed. *Perfect. But Neph?* she stopped the thought as she looked at the miserable Amy, trying to carry on a conversation without looking every other second to Zoy. Serena was hiding amongst the shadows, watching the events of the ball. Mina and Kunz had started dancing together earlier, and it appeared that they were getting along well. Jed was standing aside, looking protectively at his sister, and frowning as if in deep thought. Raye was dancing with her brother, and they appeared to be fine, though they had their snits at times. But it appeared that she wanted to dance with someone else. She smiled slyly, as she made her way to the dancing prince and princess. "May I cut in?" she asked sweetly. Both were astonished. "Sure!" Raye said promptly, gesturing towards Darien. "No, not with Darien, come on Raye!" she smiled. She dragged Raye to the far end of the ball room, where they found the orchestra. The music stopped, and Serena sweetly smiled to a violinist, and asked to borrow the instrument, as Raye smiled to a violist. They started a lively merry jig, and smiled, as they didn't sit down, but danced to their own music. Watching them, Mina smiled and walked to Lita, taking her arm, and they rushed the end of the ball room, Mina grabbing a cello and sitting down, and Lita grabbing a bass. To complete the ensemble, Amy smiled and laughed for probably the first time that night, and grabbed a violin, and fiddled along. The queen smiled brightly at Serena, as Serena winked up to her. Serena had turned the long ball into something a little more. Darien did not know what to be. Upset, maybe, confused, probably, angry, very possibly, but intrigued? NO WAY!!!! As he paced in his bedroom that night, he contemplated what to do. As if he had to do anything! But he was concerned. About the kingdom. She was tearing it up and bringing in a whole new style, a whole new face. The guard was turning into the princess herself. He was shocked to see all the reservations of modern thought were drifting away Serena took each one on, and changed it a bit. But at least tonight, she still wore a DRESS. He hoped she would at least not challenge THAT! But as he stood at his balcony, looking at the lighted window, from which a strong peal of girlish laughter emanated strongly, he began to wonder about even thought. He NEVER expected her to take so well to society. He NEVER expected society to take so well to her. Thinking back on the evening, though, and seeing in his mind those brilliant, lively blue eyes and laughing smirking mouth, he smiled grimly to himself. She was dangerous. *Dangerous? To what? The kingdom? How?* *No, you idiot! To YOU!!!!!!* "Gotcha!" she slammed the pillow over an auburn head. Lita smiled and laughed to her heart's content. Feathers flew. "Serena! I swear, Patricia is going to look at this room tomorrow and she'll quit! That's the sixth pillow these ten minutes!" Raye sighed. "It's not my fault if they can't make pillows better!" she laughed. The girls had settled down after their ballroom performance on the floor of Raye's room to talk and be merry. Even Amy's spirits were up and golden, as the girls laughed at one amusing thought and memory after another. "Okay, no more pillows," Serena smiled, cheerful. "But I just CAN'T get rid of this energy!" "I don't think any of us can. Geez Serena! It's just like you to get us all energized and leave us with nothing to do." "Or no pillows to fight with," Lita said, half remorsefully, half teasingly, at the pillow remains, mostly scattered across the room. "I'll collect some swan feathers tomorrow afternoon by the lake, and sew up six luxuriously beautiful pillows, and embroider some pillowcases too! All right?" she asked. "Besides, they're shedding feathers now, and it's a great time to get some soft pillows." "Did you have to spoil six of them to prove your point?" Mina asked, teasingly. Serena smiled. "I believe two of the six were spoiled by YOU!" she said, laughing. Serena leaned back and lay down on the soft rug of Raye's room. "Tonight was SO much fun! Raye, we ought to have these kind of parties more often." "Not if my brother has anything to say about it!" Raye giggled. "He was blue and purple the whole evening!" "Just because we're not into social norms does not mean we're unladylike," Serena smiled. "Besides. Someone else's brother was blue and purple this evening too!" she smiled, winking at Mina. "OH SHOOT!" Mina said, putting her face in her hands. "He's going to kill me!" "For what? Dancing with Kunz?" Serena smiled. "He's good catch, by the way. I was beaming when I saw you two together." "Jed's just a little overprotective right now." "I don't blame him. He is, after all, your brother, and he cares about you." "But I'm twenty years old now. Do you believe, he's been pushing guys out of my life since childhood? You know, Serena! I had to learn how to SPIT from you!" "Um?don't tell Jed that." "Kunz is a good person to talk to. He's witty and confoundingly obstinate. I like to argue with him over views, and the best part is that we can still be friends." "Just watch yourself with him. He's been known to break hearts," Serena winked. "Then again, so have YOU!" "Don't look at me. I have an oppressive brother," Mina rolled her eyes. Wanting to take the attention off herself, she looked for a scapegoat. "Why are you bugging me anyway? It appeared Lita had a nice time." "Oh no, don't get me into that," Lita said, crossing her wrists, holding them in front of her face, as she looked away. Sernea smirked. "You know, it's been a while since I've seen Neph with a lady, even if it was only 'friendship', which I know you'll claim. He's got this thing against women. You could say that he's a sworn bachelor, but you really COULDN'T exactly say THAT?" "Why?" Lita asked, slightly curious. "Well, he's engaged, didn't he tell you?" "He's WHAT!?!?!?" Lita rolled in her bed. It wasn't expected that they'd be more than friends, no he gave no clue of a relationship or anything, but a woman hater? Engaged? To who? But then again, he wasn't the only one that kept a secret? Serena had decided, of all times, that she was tired after saying that he was engaged, and went to bed. She wanted to HIT Serena. She was curious now, more than anything. As she tossed and turned, she suddenly stilled as she noticed that Serena was getting out of bed, and putting on some boots. Lita closed her eyes and feigned sleep while Serena looked around the room, quietly, and left. Curious, Lita sat up in her bed, and decided to follow her. Beryl stood outside. It was so easy to find her, so easy to summon her. Now that she knew. "Come, you pathetic little messenger. I'm right here." Serena rushed out to the figure in midnight, and looked at her, stopping her run, holding herself from throwing herself at the woman's throat. *Composure was the key. Giving in to anger, would be giving in to Metalia.* "What are you doing?" she said, bravely, as her nightclothes brushed the dark, chilling wind. "Nothing," Beryl, narrowed her eyes, innocently. "Stay out of my dreams." "So afraid I'll hurt him, aren't you?" "Who?" It tormented her. The figure in her mind, whom Beryl used against her. Who was it? He's appear, and she'd recognize him, to have him vanish, vanish from memory as well, as darkness and anger became the only memories of her nightmares. "Metalia has a message for you, MESSENGER," Beryl said, twisting her wrist. Serena felt her throat twisted, collapsing to her knees. "Listen, and listen hard. You must join my fight." "NO!" she cried, with a voice that was almost gone. *Not again. Be strong, Serena!* "Leave her alone!" a woman sprang from a tree, landing on her feet, slapping Beryl across the face. Serena's throat was immediately eased open, and she took a breath. Lita backed to Serena. "I have a lot of questions for you," she mumbled to the blonde. Serena's figure glowed as she was wrapped in moonlight, leaving her in her Messenger robes. Lita was surprised, so surprised that she callapsed when she felt her throat being pinched. The feeling quickly traveled to her stomach, and settled there, starting to take her limbs. "NO!" Serena looked on, helplessly. "You do anything to me, and you friend will DIE!" Beryl laughed. Lita's strength was failing her, as she fought to hold on the last thread of light. Serena whispered to herself. "Please, Selene, help her." Lita fought it. The feeling was starting to take her eyes, as she started to imagine the sun in her heart, sparkling, burning away the darkness, lighting her soul. She was going to fight this. A green sign flashed on her forehead, which Serena recognized as the Roman signature of Jupiter?the Jupiter 4. An unexpected surge of energy burst against Beryl, as Lita collapsed, unconscious, freely breathing deeply. Serena sighed with relief. Beryl, clutched her heart. A strong force, whom Metalia wanted. She had to get Lita. Beryl grasped at Lita's fallen figure before Serena could move, and started to vanish in an enveloping darkness. Serena gritted her teeth, and cried, "Come on, Beryl fight me!" Beryl's figure darkened, as if materializing once more, ready to fight her. Serena looked at her, challenging her. Beryl looked back to Serena, narrowing her eyes, making a promise to crush her in darkness. Serena narrowed her eyes as she lunged to Beryl, and fell to the floor of the garden as the image vanished. She got up, weakly, and immediately closed her eyes and whispered, "The lake." She vanished. She materialized in front of the lake, in front of Selene. "She took my friend." "She suspects her. After all, that burst of energy was not expected. Your friend released herself from the bonds of the spell, similar in the way you did so yourself." "So is she the princess, or is she a guardian?" "She had a crest on her forehead in the brief moment of energy." "What kind of crest." "The Jupiter 4, emblazoned in Green." "She's Lady Jupiter!" "Lady WHAT?" "The princesses of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are the guardians of the princess. You have found one of the guardians." "There's LIFE on OTHER PLANETS?" "Yes, Jupiter's court is guarded by Zues, as I watch the Moon's court. The Jupiter 4 is the royal planetary crest, and green is the royal color." "So Lita is the princess of JUPITER!" "I don't know, Serena. You must find her." "Either way, I must get her out of the clutches of Metalia, or else I will have a LOT of problems in the morning?" Serena mumbled. Looking to the moon, and then at the lake. What did Metalia want more?the Messenger, or a potential guardian?which one was more sure. Would the guardian know what to do, or who she was, without the messenger? No? She rushed off, and Selene looked after her, worried. "Serena!" "I'll come back, with the Lita Kylnmore, one of the women whom we've been looking for." She ran into the middle of the plains, crying out. "Come on Metalia! You want me. You've got me! Give me my friend! Come on Beryl! You want a piece out of me?" Beryl immediately appeared. "The coward returns." "Speak for yourself!" Serena growled. "Give me back my friend," she said, beginning to assemble a ball of light in the palm of her hand, behind her back. I want to see my friend." "You want to see your friend?" Beryl asked, conjuring up a girl, holding her up b her collar. "And why?" "She's one of my friends. Isn't that enough?" "No?but let's see what you want with the silly human." Serena wanted to lunge at Beryl, and take her friend back. The ball of light grew stronger. "Metalia wants her. Have you realized the consequences?" Beryl's eyes narrowed. Serena continued. "After all, she's probably a much better catch. After all, one of the guardians?but then again, she could be a MERE human. Either way, Metalia must think that Lita's something special?probably naturally ten times as strong as you, and of course, Metalia wouldn't want weak old YOU to command such a strong powerful person such as Lita." "No, she promised me the world." "But do you think that a ruthless heartless angry force with no honor nor integrity would keep a promise? She'll toss you aside, Beryl?that is, unless you say that I managed to steal her from you, and that it wasn't your fault?" She was playing a mind game, Beryl imagined. But truth was in her words. She would be replaced with the stronger woman, even IF Beryl was ten times smarter than HER. She had to do something. She cast aside the woman, throwing her to the ground, hearing delightfully a few cracks in Lita's body. The figure lay motionless, and Beryl had the satisfaction of knowing that Lita would not be able to recover, ever?as good as dead. Serena winced. "Now to deal with you?" Beryl said, looking Serena. Serena took her ball of light, and pitched it into Beryl's stomach, and went to Lita, looking at the bloodless face. "Oh Lita?" *The Lake!* The figures vanished, as Beryl got up, her body weak. It only made the story she was to tell Metalia more true. Somewhat satisfied, and somewhat starved of power, she vanished. The two figures appeared before the Moon goddess. Selene smiled. The Messenger was EXTREMELY clever. She didn't know what happened, but Serena was in perfect condition, so she knew that Serena must had crushed darkness messenger. "What did you do, Serena?" "You didn't see it?" "I can't see anything of events anywhere outside the lake." "Does that apply to Metalia?" "Acutally, yes." "Good, because Beryl would be dead if Metalia knew what REALLY happened." "You outwitted her, I take it, then, seeing that I see no extra wound." "Yes, but I am afraid that Beryl did an abusive number on Lita while she was in the dark world, wherever they were. I have a feeling the Beryl didn't quite take her into the dark world, though." "Why?" "Because Beryl would want to change her through spiritual movement, not physical?will she be all right?" "Yes, she's on the verge of death, but you have powers to remedy that." "I do?" "You have a healing touch naturally, Serena, as you found out when you cure people such as the prince, but as my messenger, you have my healing powers. Simply take some water from this lake, and wash away her wounds." Serena did so, and as she rubbed water over Lita's cheeks, rose blossomed back into them, and as she passed her hand over a wound on a cut, the cut vanished. Serena looked up, startled. Selene simply smiled. As Serena finished, she finally passed her hands over Lita's eyes, and Lita awoke. She looked at Serena, and she sat up, to see Selene, standing on the water. "Another weirdo?" she fainted. Serena looked at Selene, exhausted. It was almost dawn, and the whole story was finally told to Lita, who looked confused. "So let me get this straight," Lita said, looking carefully at the woman standing at the water. "Serena's human, but she's the Moonlight Maiden, messenger of Selene, meaning she is to find all the guardians and save the granddaughter of?Hecate/Metalia?" "Yes." "And I'm actually some princess from Jupiter, which actually HAS life. I have to guard the princess of the moon, whom we don't know, and never should know, and defeat Metalia and Beryl." "Yes." "You are CRAZY!" Lita said, standing up. Serena looked helplessly at Selene. "All right, there's only one way to prove it to her. You've already transformed in front of her, which she didn't believe, so she has to transform." "Woah, woah, wait! Transform into what? A frog?" "No! The guardian from Jupiter. Now here," Selene conjured a green pen with a gold cap, with a star with Jupiter 4 in the center, on the top. "Hold it, and say, Jupiter Star Power!" Lita took it, solemnly. "Serena, if I blow up, please tell Neph that I hope he and his FIANCEE live a happy life," she said, bitterly. Selene looked to Serena and Serena mouthed, "Don't ask." "Jupiter Star Power," Lita said, lamely. All of a sudden, thunder came form the clear night sky, and wrapped her in bright light. When the transformation was over, Lita found herself in a Sailor outfit, with a green skirt, and green collar with a pink bow, tall lace-up green boots, and a tiara with a green gemstone. At her bow, a green star with the Jupiter 4 on it flashed in the moonlight. Lita didn't know what else to do but laugh. Serena's eyes were glazed with happiness. "Lita! You're?you're?" "Different? Well, I have to say, it was curious before, but now I believe you." "But you have to promise not to tell anyone." "I truthfully don't believe anyone would believe me." "All the better," Serena said, concerned. As they walked back to the castle, it being dawn, and too late to risk being seen using her teleportation powers, Serena walked back to the castle with Lita. "So how long have you been??" Lita asked. "A few weeks now." "Really?" "Yes. We are to report to the Moon Queen when she arrives in a week." "Does she?know?" "Yes." "So?what do we do?" "I have no idea. I've only exercised my powers twice. The first time was when I discovered my?talents, and the second was last night. Both times, Beryl summoned me with a nightmare." "So, does anyone else know?" "Kind of?" "What do you mean?" "The first time, Darien protected me before I transformed, so he never really saw me as the Moonlight Maiden. He only knows I was fighting with Beryl that night, but I don't think he even knew it was me." "Well, then your secret's pretty safe?hmm?let's train a little right now," Lita smiled. "Race ya back?" Serena laughed. "Your on! One..two?" She started off. Lita chased her, yelling after her. "You cheated!" "You only cheat if you get caught!" Serena smiled as she stitched a pillowcase close. Lita smiled back as she put a few more stitches in her white dress for next week. "I haven't seen YOUR dress yet, Serena." "That's because I want it to be a surprise." "You just want to shock Darien!" Mina smiled. "Maybe?" "You probably stitched something so amazing that he'll start drooling the minute he sees you!" Amy smiled. "Why I would do THAT is inexplicable." "You have a crush on him!" "I do not!" Serena denied, for the zillionth time. She took her pillow, and threw it at Amy, who sat by the door, when the door opened, and Darien came in. "Oh Selene!" he said, as he took out a dagger and cut up the pillow before it hit him!" Feathers lay all over the floor. "You RUINED my pillow!" Serena stood up. "You shouldn't be throwing it, then." "Oh shut up!" she said, getting up, and trying to salvage as many feathers as she could. She wore a yellow skirt and white blouse today, and as she bent over, he saw a very nicely formed bottom. The girls in the room noticed his gaze, and all smiled to each other, concealing their laughter. Serena was aware of a difference in the room, and slowly picked up the feathers. "So what's up?" Raye asked her brother. "Besides the ceiling? Sky? Sun?" he teased. Serena frowned as she heard Darien use HER line with Raye. "Darien!" Raye got up and took a pillow that Serena had just made. "Oh no!" Serena jumped between them. "Not MY pillow! I just embroidered the pillowcase for this one!" she spread herself in front of Darien, shaking her head. "Fine," Raye handed Serena the pillow. "Thank you," Serena said sitting down once more. "So what do you want, Darien?" "Actually, nothing. I came by to see how you were doing." "Well, we're doing fine," Serena said, standing up. "I also have THIS," he flashed a few envelopes. "Letters!" Mina stood up. "Any for me?" "I have one for Serena, one for Lita, and one for Mina." Serena took the envelope from Darien hands and looked at it. "A letter from home," she smiled shyly at it. She opened the envelope with delight, as Darien reluctantly left the room. Dear Mom and Dad, I was very glad that you wrote?it's been quite a while since I have heard anything of home. I hope I can visit, or perhaps that you can visit, sometime soon. Preparations for the arrival of Queen Serenity of the Moon continue to be gruesomely tiring and tedious, and yet exciting. I know I was at first skeptical of the Moon Queen herself, and I still think the royal hairdo is RIDICULOUS, but the thrill of having royalty from another planet is always exciting. However, preparations lag on forever. We had to stitch a hundred pure white table clothes with gold embroidery thread yesterday, and I do believe that I had to stitch fifty of them, though I had the others with me; they spent much of their time sighing and hoping. For what? Well, the list is a long one. Mina is worried that her brother and Kunz aren't getting along, and she doesn't want her friendship with Kunz to get in the way of her kinship with her brother. Also, I have a feeling that the emotions that are plaguing Mina are turning out to be stronger than anyone would have guessed. She and Kunz share the thread of being pushed together because there was no one else. And strangely enough, they are sticking together, like best friends. She likes to be with him; it appears she can't be with anyone else. I spend most of my time as of late preparing for the queen's arrival more than she does (the queen had requested my knowledge of royal trivia which Madam Kilbourne had instructed me on) and Amy and Lita are somewhat sad, and Raye is being fitted for every single dress she could possible wear into the next century. They talk a lot, and he's given her books to read, and they've discussed them, and it's a careful camaraderie; Kunz doesn't usually have friends as close as Mina; in fact, I don't think even the boys and I know about him that much; he keeps distance, because he's always been the leader, I suppose. Never PART of any group. Now, Jed is furious. He watched Mina and Kunz with a mean eye, and I think he's afraid of losing his sister's connection. I can understand that, I suppose, but I just wish he'd grow up. Especially around her highness, Princess Raye. Don't get me STARTED on those two. He's been forced to guard her a few times while we've been on errands. They are colder than ice. It's mounting, though. The tension is so obvious, it's almost palpable. One day, they're going to burst into this passionate argument, because they are that kind of people, and they, at this moment, are playing a game of who can be colder with the other. I wish I could slug them BOTH over the head. Now, Amy. Shy, sad Amy. She's pretty normal now, laughing at jokes, slipping back to routine, but I think there's just a little something more bitter about her attitude now. It's probably because she's had a touch of something that she can't get now. It hurts here eyes when she looks at Zoy, though, because tears always form. He's avoiding her now. I think he believes that by avoiding her, he's keeping himself safe, and not hurting himself. If he could only see how much he was hurting her by doing that. They're not even friends more, and that hurts her more than anything. Lita's wistful. She's still friends with Neph, but when you look at them, you just know that something's lost. There's a longing in her eyes, and she can't sleep at nights now, thinking about it. I think she's curious about his fiancee, but I can't tell her about that. That's for Neph to tell her, but there's something about her that I don't think that ANYONE knows, and it's starting to hurt her when she thinks of it, late at night. As for her majesty, Queen Meryn, he's perfectly a pain in the butt right now. She leads me around the castle from here to there, asking my opinion of everything. I like having such a large hand in the matter, but I thought her advisors were for this task. Also, I've had to sew so many things these past days, because her majesty wanted my touch?seeing that "Madam Kilbourne sang so many praises". I've thought of deliberately screwing up, but I found that useless, because I've already completed my earlier projects with such success. Well, I am at least grateful the Queen's her gown is left to her seamstresses. I have enough work to do on my own dresses. As for HIS highness, I detest his presence. Every single time I walk about the castle with Queen Merlyn, he is there as well. While Raye does not have much involvement in the preparation of the Moon Queen's arrival, it appears that her highness is dragging the prince by his ear through the whole process just for the mere joy of presenting her fine handsome son in front of her prized lady in waiting. She's still pathetically hopeful that I'll get fond of him. I just smile, though, and nod my head, and scorn him later. But as of late, he's made an effort to stay a distance from me. I don't mind; in fact, I like it. But I don't like the strange looks he gives me, as if examining me for something. Mother, I know he is handsome, and SEEMS charming to, perhaps, a snake, but he's still a prick. He may be intelligent, but he's still got a lot to learn about a lady. And no, mother, I am NOT interested in teaching him. Father, I have read all the books you have sent last month, and you must send me another batch, but not until Queen Serenity leaves, or has at least been here a while. I will have a very busy few days ahead of myself, and I think having the presence of book in my bedroom will only distract me. Wish me luck; I hope the visit of Queen Serenity will be wonderful. Write back soon, I love you both very much. Your daughter, Serena She walked from hall to hall, making sure everything was perfect. Not a rose out of place, not a tapestry hung skew. The halls were garlanded with white rose and gold ribbon garlands. The black marble floor was polished until it glittered. The maidens of lads of the court were in brilliant new suit, and the castle had been cleaned inside out, from the cracks in the garden walk to the mustaches of the busts in the library. Serena had the supreme satisfaction in knowing that she had directed all of this to happen, had dwelt over the floor plans of the castle, plotting out the most efficient, effective cleaning method. And now, everything was cleaned, and being decorated. Cartloads of white roses had come to the front of the castle this morning, and Serena had been tempted to just jump into a pile and swim, but caught herself as the Queen asked her how the proceedings went. She had just gotten out of her audience with the queen of the proceedings, and now walked the halls with a floor plan and a pencil, and a list. The housekeeper was at one side, and Prince Darien was at the other. He always was, for they were the committee for the preparation of Moon Queen's arrival. She was very pretty this morning, even if she wore a simple shapeless dress of yellow calico. Her hair was caught back in a cheerful red rag, as it had been the previous days, and Darien wondered if she even slept with it on, for he had not seen her without it. She had missed meals with the castle people, by walking around, scolding maids and butlers. He had missed them as well, since he was forced by his mother to help her with the affairs. He had had to lift heavy things and put in his opinion, though she'd usually look at him curiously, quirk an eyebrow, and then maybe take his advice, or offer a reason why he was wrong. Amazingly enough, Serena usually took the advice. At these moments, when forced to cooperate, they'd get along. They wouldn't talk of anything else but the drapes, or tablecloths, but they weren't expected to. However, it didn't mean they didn't argue, and over the past days, the housekeeper had become more of a mediator. It appeared now would be no different. "I think the ballroom should be lined with the rose garlands?" Serena was saying, as she turned about the white marble floor, gesturing to the walls by the ceilings. "No?" Darien said. "You have that in the halls, and I'm sure you can be more creative than THAT!" "OF COURSE I CAN BE MORE CREATIVE!" "Sure, then?" he looked at her. She cleared her throat, and looked at him, narrowing her eyes, as she looked at the housekeeper (who had been rolling her eyes). "I?think?" Serena began. Darien looked around the room. Serena did as well. "Well, you could gather up the roses in bouquets, with yellow ones, keeping with the royal color motif?" Darien started. The idea was pretty good, she had to think, but not to be outdone, she began to start in on his idea. "And then you could hang them at the lanterns on the walls," she gestured. "And then we could have not a garland, but maybe?" "Gold silk looped about the room, connecting the bouquets, secured with white satin ribbon," Serena smiled. Darien looked impressed. "Good thinking, Lady Kingston," he smirked. She looked away. Most of their decorating ideas had come this way. But she had to admit, the idea they came up with would be worth her humiliation. "Do it, Miss Reynolds." The day Queen Serenity of the Moon arrived was a day to celebrate, for everyone, including the Kingstons, who had decided to come to Terryl Manes. It was still a day off, but they had decided that after the last letter, Serena worried too much. She may have been busy the next few days, but they were determined to see her. The problem was getting to her. As they had pulled in front of the palace earlier that day, they had been turned away, since the palace was busy enough, and they were not recognizable. Edward had stayed, to argue with the guard, as Lauryl walked about the city, fascinated at the kind of life Serena undoubtedly had now, one that she and Edward never could have offered her. All of the world and more for their little Serena, who had looked wide-eyed at the moon in her childhood, asking happy questions. Lauryl had always wondered of Serena's origins, but she had firmly decided recently that Serena must have been the daughter of an angel, or a goddess, because everything about her seemed so different from normal activity. *Trust Serena for that,* she smiled. No, Serena never tried to be like everyone else. Why should she? As Edward joined his wife, putting his arms around her, as she looked at a shop window, he smiled to her, "I didn't get to talk to her, and the guard wants proof of our relation to Lady Serena. Lady Serena! Doesn't that have a nice ring to it?" "Not as nice as Serena Kingston," Lauryl said. "So did you show him the papers?" "I was going to when I realized they were in the drawer of my desk at home." "Oh Edward! What are we going to do?" "Don't worry, love. We'll find a way, or luck will be extremely kind." As he rode his black steed back through the streets of Terryl Manes, Darien sighed with relief that the only thing Serena sent him out here for was to put in another order for white roses, for replenishing the dying ones that would be around the castle within a few days after the queen arrived. However, he was satisfied, riding at late afternoon, as many of the shops were closing. There were townspeople who smiled to him, as he waved back. Contrary to what Serena thought, Raye's description of and reverence for her brother was more true than they would have liked to believe. Darien was a loving prince, who liked his people, and trusted them, or at least the ones who didn't fence him the ground and then slap him. There was always an exception, and apparently, Darien's was Serena's. But then again, Darien appeared to be Serena's exception, for she was so much nicer to other than to him. But he didn't care much for her opinion anyhow. As he passed a dress shop, he saw a woman crying on the shoulder of a man, and slowed his horse. "Is everything all right, sir?" he asked politely. Edward Gardner lifted his golden head to focus on a sight that was quite unusual, so unexpected that he had to rub his eyes. When it struck him, he gasped, as his tearful wife looked up to smile, with glittering eyes at her husband. "Luck is EXTREMELY kind!" she hugged him. "Sir?" "Yes, your highness," he bowed. Serena whisked through the halls in her dress, scraping orders though a sore throat, sore from her permanent garrulous state she had been forced to accept while she was organizing the event. Darien had to be back soon. She had to have a rest. He could take over, for five minutes, while she rested. Surely, that would be all right. He wouldn't be able to take the castle down form her ideas and replace it all in five minutes, could he? She had been up since dawn this morning, stitching, tasting, baking, for crying outloud! Serena almost never touched the oven mitt and spatula, but she had to, today. She had washed the tablecloths she'd stitched, and had worked in the gardens, the dirt still dusty on her cheeks. Her friends, had been stitching furiously, now trying to finish their gowns. They had worked at a slow pace before, gossiping, and dreaming. Now, they were serious. Serena had stopped to talk with them for five minutes, before Miss Reynolds came rushing into to snatch Serena once more. I hadn't mattered, though, for the girls were NOT good at conversation today. Serena's gown was already finished. One of the advantages of working by moonlight was the silence, which allowed her to work diligently, and though she had worked into sunrise at times, and had gone on no sleep, Serena had accomplished the task, and hidden the dress from the view of her friends. But now, Serena looked horrible. Her eyes were overly bright from overwork, and her body was thinner, since she had reduced her tradition three meal day down to two: day meal, night meal. Her face was paler as well, and she felt her forehead burn up. But she was determined to get through this. Once the Moon Queen arrived, Serena would be more at liberty to sleep in. But she'd have to protect the queen at night, because that was her job. But at least Lita would help with that. As she walked down the hallway, and smiled to herself, *One more day?she's here tomorrow.* Darien smiled at Edward and Lauryl, and wondered how such nice people could have raised such a cat of a daughter. "I insist that you stay at the palace, where you can be with your daughter. It would be an honor if you would. The castle is more than enough clean!" he joked. *He is exhausted! That boy ought to find a bed and just sleep for a few days.* Lauryl smiled at Darien. "Your highness! We're flattered." "Just accept," he said, warmly. Edward decided his daughter was very wrong in her description of the prince. Granted, he did end Serena's dream of being one of the four, but Edward and Lauryl were proud that their daughter was a lady in waiting, and it as just as well, for he had always thought that Serena's disposition called for a duty that would make her see the world at a different angle, even if it was from a woman's. From looking at the prince, he could tell that Darien had his hair pulled by roots by his daughter, for he'd seen conflict in the boy's tired eyes, and knowing his daughter, Edward deduced that Serena and Darien had had plenty of each other these past few days. "All right, then, your highness." "Call me Darien," he smiled. "When I find you, you will die!" As Serena plowed through the halls yelling, one thought was in her mind, *Kill him!* The change was beautifully elegant, but he had done it without consulting her, and therefore, he deserved to die. They were partners in this. He had to tell her everything. Of course, she didn't really tell him when she'd changed the centerpieces, or the dinner dishes, or the dessert setup, or the orchestra engaged, or?but that was beside the point. she told him afterward. Never mind the fact that he'd look at her dangerously when she did those things and then let them go. But she wasn't letting this go, even if it was stunning. He had to tell her. "Your doltness!" she yelled. She was impatient, and ready to kill. As he came in the door of the palace, he felt the grounds shake. She was mad at him. He gripped himself for it. He smiled to Serena's parents, and decided that they had to save his butt this time. He led then inside and asked the maid where his mother was. "I believe she's calming Lady Serena down in the dining room, your highness," the maid smiled at him. "She was storming about the palace a few minutes ago, ready to kill you, sire. I'd hide," she said, very seriously, also teasing the prince. Darien decided the maids at the palace were entirely too social. Lauryl looked at her husband, and said, "We can always see her first, Darien. Calm her down, you know?" "No, I made the change without consulting her, and I'll take the heat. She won't kill me," he said, leading them to the throne room. "Now, Serena, you have to forgive my son. He does these things and he's had to let you do your own thing at times, too." Serena rubbed her eyes, tiredly, "I know, I guess, but?" "I know, you're just tired, and it's making everything a lot bigger." "Must be?" she mumbled, sarcastically. But the woman had a point. "I'm sorry, your highness. I think it's just that I want everything in place, and when I saw Darien's changes, I panicked, since he didn't even WARN me! I think he did that deliberately to drive me crazy?" *Like when he grabbed me and almost kissed me when he was sick?or the time when we were testing champagne?* That had only been a week ago, when they had opened few bottles, deciding which ones to use for the ball. When Serena had been uncorking one, the cork had popped off to quickly and had had caught it, while the frothy champagne had spilled over her fingers. Darien had decided to "test" the champagne on her fingers? She shivered. "Serena?" "Nothing, forget it." The queen looked carefully at Serena. Something had flashed briefly in those eyes?a very delightful memory? "Well, I am going to look at those rooms again and make sure that things other than his changes look to plan." The queen nodded, smiling slyly. Darien gripped his breath as he entered the dining room. He sighed with relief when he found only his mother in there. "Darien, Serena's pretty mad at you, but I think I got her slightly calmed down. But you are going to drive her crazy?" "Mother, I brought some guests?" "Darien, the queen is coming tomorrow, and you brought GUESTS?" "Well, these are important ones, mother, and you'll understand, once I bring them in." "All right?" she said. Serena wasn't the only one being driven crazy by her son? Darien walked to the dining room door and opened in, and guided a tall blond man and his sea-green haired wife. "Mother, may I present to you Edward and Lauryl Kingston?" "Kingston?you are Serena's parents! I always wanted to meet the people behind the prodigy!" she smiled. "Yes, and they have come to visit Serena, and were turned away from the gates earlier, for lack of identification." "Really?" the queen asked, concerned. "Well, then you simply must stay, as our way of apologizing for the mix up?" "Mother, if you would allow me, you can talk with Serena's parents while I see her?" he asked. She looked at her son's slightly frightened eyes, and wanted to laugh?she saw a very contrasting feeling in Serena's eyes earlier, but wasn't about to tell her son that. "All right, and I'll arrange for Serena's parents room, and she can see then at supper." "If Serena plans on letting us have supper with everyone," he rolled his eyes. "Tell her Queen's orders. You two are fretting over nothing. The palace is wonderful now, and I think you should stop while you're ahead." "All right, all right!" he said, as he left the room. The door opened, and Serena turned to let her eyes focus on a figure entering the throne room, walking down the white velvet strip of carpet, which was bordered by golden and red embroidered roses. "Returning to the scene of the crime?" she started to him. Darien looked at her and said, "Remember, I didn't anything when you decided gold velvet was prettier than gold silk in the ballroom without my opinion, and I didn't so anything when you got a different orchestra, and I didn't so anything?" "Shut up!" she said. "I know what I did, but I didn't decide that throne room needed red roses instead of white!" "Red's a nice color!" "It's not a royal color!" "If we decided to do the whole palace in royal colors, there'd be no flavor of OUR royal court!" "And I suppose that is why the dining hall is decorated with ivy and pink roses, and entrance is bordered with black and white roses?" "I thought it was a nice touch." Serena growled in frustration. "It's a beautiful touch, Darien, but I wanted to have my say in it as well." "You would have approved, and I had to act quickly. You were busy negotiating with the French cook!" "You knew French, so why didn't you help?" "Because you wanted your hand in that." "So you wanted your hand in somewhere else, is that it?" "Yes, no?what are we arguing, the roses, or my choice to go without your decision, which I might add you've done more than once." "But not to this magnitude!" "And I suppose deciding that white velvet strips of carpeting in every hall and every room was just a SMALL change?" he asked, looking at the carpet. Serena turned from him and looked to the roses all around her. No, she wasn't mad at him for the changes, or making the choice by himself. She was just mad at his patience now. Why did he have to be so darn rational? "Look," he sighed, as he took her gently by the elbow and turned her to him. "I know, I did this without your permission, but I wanted it really bad, and I knew you wouldn't mind, so I thought that it would be a nice change, you know?" Serena looked to him, and felt something that desired revenge for his champagne escapade last week. She approached him and said softly, "Do you always do things if you want to do them badly?" she whispered, playing with his sleeve. *WHAT IN THE WOLRD IS SHE DOING?* he looked at her, "Well, uh," he cleared his throat. She gave a throaty laugh, though it made her throat feel sore again. It was fun to play games with him, and after a perfectly exhausting and emotionally draining day. Her face was a whisper away from his?her lips, just a kiss away. His face turned bright red, and Serena reveled in the moment, and then turned and walked away, towards the door. Serena turned and looked to him. "Are you coming or not?" her voice was husky with her sore throat, and the strange emotion in her heart, which was pounding so loudly she wished he didn't hear it. "Umm?yeah. My mother says we are to join them for supper." "Well, then, that's in five minutes, so let's get going." "What are you waiting for? I'm right behind you," he said. He wanted a moment to himself, to calm his heart down. Gosh she was a very confusing woman! "Isn't it customary for a gentleman to offer his arm to a lady?" she asked, slyly. "You aren't a lady," he responded, and walked past her, and left ahead of her. Serena entered the room, tired, but the first people she saw made her exhaustion slip away. "Mom! Dad!" The others at the table smiled warmly as Serena had an affectionate reunion with her parents. Lauryl looked at her daughter, as she hugged her. "Serena Kingston! You have not taken care of yourself!" "Don't worry, mom," she said, her voice vanishing as her throat throbbed. "I'll be better tomorrow, when the queen arrives." "I'm sure," Lauryl rolled her eyes. "After dinner, you are going to get a good night's sleep." "It appears you arrived just in time to save Serena from herself," Amy smiled. "She's been working herself twenty-four seven." "I can imagine," Lauryl rolled her eyes. The next morning brought a cheerful group to breakfast, as they entered. Across the castle, in the bedroom of the four, Amy was one of the last to exit. She was trying to wake Serena. "Come on, Sere. The day we've been anticipating for a month is finally here?" "Can't move?too tired." "You have to! Queen Serenity is coming today!" she tickled Serena's toes, hoping to rush Serena out of bed. Serena didn't move. "Throat hurts, head hurts, whole dumb body hurts?" Amy looked at Serena's pale face, and looked at the glazed eyes that were open, touched the hot forehead, and left the room to run across the palace. Zoy stood the moment she came in, her face pale, panic in her eyes. "She's got a cold, and she's starting to burn?I think it's turning into fever!" "Oh shoot!" Lauryl rushed out of the chair, "Where is she?" Amy guided her through the long maze of halls. The others trailed slightly behind. As they entered the room, they found Serena on the floor, crying. "Serena! Are you all right?" "Can't get up!" she cried. Darien came forward form the group, lifted her from the floor and placed her on the bed, smoothing hair away from her forehead. "She's got a temperature all right." "I'll take care of it for now. She just needs lots of rest. Nothing life-threatening; she's had worse." Lauryl came forward. "You've got to worry about the arrival of a Moon Queen today. Your majesty," she looked to Merlyn, "Where is an isolated room where she can't spread infection?" "Darien, take Serena to the Blue Room." "All right," he said, taking her up in his arms once more. Lita entered the room later in the afternoon, and looked at Serena, "Are you all right, darling?" "After sleeping most of the day away, yes, better, but Mom won't let me out for another two days, so I can fully 'recover'." "Trust her for that. Geez, Serena, we were worried!" "Yeah, but Mom said it wasn't life-threatening." "Still!" "But I won't be able to meet the Moon Queen; I'm sorry about that. What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you'd be all decked out?" "No, Queen Serenity comes in some hours yet, and I told your mother to take a break, that I'd watch you." "All right," Serena tried to sit up. Lita forced Serena down. "You will lie." "Can I change your mind?" "No?" "So, will you meet the Moon Queen?" "Yes, later tonight, when I get some time with her, and I'll tell her about you." "All right," Serena sighed, resignedly. She couldn't really get her mother to allow her to do anything tonight. "You will get as much rest possible, because when you're better, we have to protect the queen, you'll need full strength." "Got it, cap'n," she saluted. Lita laughed. She would take advantage of the moment. The messenger was now ill, so she'd take advantage. With the Messenger so weak, she probably couldn't handle so many nightmares AND an energy drain, could she? And the queen was now unprotected?with only Lita to protect her! It was too perfect! Beryl smiled into the night, as the festivities for the arrival of the queen began. However, she knew that at this moment, there was a girl on in the Blue room, whose worst nightmare began once more. She rolled in sleep, crying, tears, trailing heavily down her cheeks. The darkness, smothering her, and she had to get out?she had to, but she couldn't! She screamed, but no one heard, no one could?she was alone, all by herself. The piercing laughter, stabbing into her lungs, as her lungs stung with every breath. And she couldn't wake up. She couldn't wake up! Her heart felt the hot ice sizzle while the flames of darkness started to consume it. "Help?" Lauryl looked at her daughter's face, becoming more and more pale. "You will fight, my dear?" her eyes were wide, with tears flowing in fright. This wasn't the cold. This was darkness. And she couldn't do anything, but take her daughter's hand. "Oh, darling?you have to fight. Please." The air was cold, and Lauryl gripped the shawl about her tightly as she felt her heart sliding into darkness. She gently closed her eyes as she fell onto the bed, unconscious. "Help?" Serena's weak voice pierced the silence. Darien shifted uncomfortably in his stance, as he felt something wrong in his mind. Something was not right. There was a darkness. Somewhere. Where? As the moon shined full, he left the group by the palace entrance, as many puzzled stares went after him. Where? Beryl smiled. To add to her triumph, the busybody prince was leaving the scene. With no one to fight her, she'd do well, very well. She tossed in her mind, trying to wriggle her heart from the dark's hands. She thought brightly. She had to. Selene? Sickness made Selene's force in her weak. A dim light fought the darkness, but not strong enough. She wasn't strong enough. Her heart was falling?the darkness taking her sight, as it passed into her mind, and eyes. Darkness, all around her. "Help." The Moon Queen walked the stair of moonlight down the Earth, guard on either side. She'd find the messenger here, and find a way to protect her daughter, and her daughter's world, as well as her own. She had to. Her hair was in buns, with long streaks of moonshine white fluttering in the wind. Her eyes were the blue of night, with innocence and truth shining brightly. And power. She was in a white dress, with gold and pearl embroidered on her bodice, and silk falling to her feet, tossed in the wind. But her eyes were tired, wide, and slightly lonely, remorseful. But none saw that. She had learned to hide it well. Coming here, where Metalia existed heavily in the core of the Earth, hot burning? But she had to stop Metalia, had to help? To those on Earth, she looked like an angel, with the moon behind her. To Lita, she was a beautiful, forlorn mother. To Amy, she was a vision of truth and a survivor of heartbreak. To Raye, she was a legend, in strength, and beauty. To Mina, she was truth, to unveil the past. To Beryl, she was a symbol of power. As she stepped onto to the Earth, she nearly collapsed from the Earth's gravity. Her advisors, Luna and Artimis, took her arms, and held her up. She smiled shyly at Queen Merlyn of Earth, and came to her. "Your highness, Queen Serenity the First of the kingdom of the Moon," Kunz announced. "Help." The cry was in his head, pounding in his veins. It was Serena's cry. Something was wrong with Serena. As he ran through the palace, he heard her, loud and clear, as her voice became strained with a violence, fighting hard? He threw open the door to find her lying on the bed, pale, her mother at her side, unconscious. "Oh Selene?" he approached the figure. He gripped her hand. It was an internal battle. He swore. He wanted to be there, with her, but it was a damn internal battle. He gripped her hand, and looked at her face, concentrating. The darkness was trying to get him, but he fought it, and looked hard at her. "Fight it. Use my energy if you have to, Sere, but fight it. You can't lose this one, not after what you've gone through. You going to beat them until they can't even breathe. You're strong enough. Just believe it. I do." Queen Serenity looked around her, and felt a chill. Something was wrong. She caught Luna's eye and sent a clear warning. Luna gripped the hilt of her sword at her side. Artimis did the same. Serenity bowed back to Merlyn, and smiled. "Welcome to our kingdom." "I appreciate your having me here." "I would like to present to you my daughter Raye Wyndica." As Raye, in her robes, curtseyed to Serenity, and kissed her hand, Serenity felt something warm in the girl. *Beautiful,* she thought, *with a fire in those violet eyes and her shining black-purple hair?* Something important. She was the princess of Earth, a special one at that. A good, purely good princess. "My son, Darien, is, at the moment, somewhere else," Merlyn said, concerned. "My daughter's first lady in waiting, Lady Mina McLullen." Serenity turned to the girl to almost jump back as her face paled. The familiarity of those blue eyes, the golden hair. No, she couldn't be?her name wasn't right, but names could be changed?easily for protection, and the urgency of her note had shown the need to be protective. Mina saw the flash in the Moon Queen's eyes and curtseyed, determined to have an interview with her later. "My daughter's second lady in waiting is ill at the moment, and will join us in a couple days' time, when she is recovered." "Lady Amy Milner, the third lady in waiting." Serenity felt a warmth in this girl's presence, as she had felt with the Earth princess. *It is amazing, how pure and warm Earth girls were,* she mused. Lady Amy was beautiful, and true. Her eyes were a steady blue, and her short blue hair framed an innocent, pale face, that had tasted a bitterness of heart break. "And Lady Lita Kylnmore, the last lady in waiting." Serenity felt full protection with this young woman. She knew?this was one of the two?the other was undoubtedly the ill one. But which one was she? The girl radiated warmth, as the others, and she felt protected in her presence. Her green eyes were warm, as warm as her bright auburn hair. "And now, these are the gentlemen of the court, my son's guards, the Four Who Guard. Lord General Kunzyte Clendon, the leader of the four." Serenity came to the young man with long white hair, and a youthful face, with ice blue eyes. She felt that same warmth in him, but not as strong as she had felt with the girls. But she felt trust as well. "The second general, Lord General Zoicyte Shanning." A tall young man with long golden brown hair caught back in a ponytail, a scar on his cheek to show an honest warrior to fight for his prince. She trusted him as well. "The third general, Lord General Nephlyte Borsche." A young man with a secret, but nothing to frighten her. He had long wavy brown hair, and his dark eyes showed trust in her, to make her feel trust in him. "The fourth general, Lord General Jedyte McLullen." A blond, with a cool air, with an air, she thought, but that would be fixed as soon as he found the right girl. There was a hot fire in his blue eyes. Serenity was feeling relaxed now. Her surroundings seemed safe enough, even with the cold darkness somewhere around her. It was probably her imagination. "And now, Lady Beryl Malage, the daughter of my late advisor." Serenity almost froze in the dark cold. This one was dangerous. She felt it, pulsing through her. The woman looked at her through dark turquoise eyes that threatened as well as smiled. Her mouth was twisted in a strange smile. Serenity felt a weak force in her knees, slinking into her heart, as she collapsed, darkness starting to take her mind. She felt him calling her in the darkness, and reached for him, because he was there, he was THERE! She gripped him, and brought him to her, and holding on tight. *You're crazy!* she yelled out in her mind. *But I'm here, and I'm helping!* he thought back. *You wanted help, you got it!* He held her securely against him, as she burrowed into his arms in the darkness. Together, they were of one mind to fight the darkness around them. The dark bonds on her arms were breaking, but some had started to grip his heart. The first blow was the worst. It sent them on their knees, as she held him and kept on whispering, *It's all right. We just have to fight it!* Lita rushed forward, as Beryl took the Moon Queen into her grasp. "Jupiter Star Power!" In a whirl of light, she stood before Beryl, and the unconscious Serenity, as well as the castle group. "LEAVE HER!" The four guarded were paralyzed, by the dark force around them. They only looked on in fear, hoping that Lita could fight the darkness, alone. "You think your small demands will do anything?" Amy growled as she fought the darkness spell, taking a light in her heart, and breaking the bond with force. She ran to Lita's side, as Lita looked at her. "No! Amy stay back!" "No! I'm going to do this with you." "HA!" Beryl sent a beam of dark energy to Amy. "Silly human!" Amy fought it, gritting her teeth, but light burst from her hands as it countered Beryl's actions. A blue Mercury sign flashed on her forehead, as Lita recognized that Beryl had just awaked Mercury's princess, guardian to the princess of the Moon. Lita felt a pen materialize in her hands as she threw it to Amy, and Amy looked at the sign on top of the pen, and looked to Lita, who nodded her head. "MERCURY STAR POWER!" *HOLD ON!* *I'm trying!* *Please, don't leave!* *I won't. Not ever!* The force was incredible. Around them, trying to break them apart, and Serena felt a sudden lost power, as she fell more into Darien's arms. *Oh Selene! Not now!* They braced for the force, as they continued to hold each other. *Look, we have to break out of this.* *What do we do?* *You have to gather your energy, and meet it with mine, and on the count of three, we will use all that light energy to burst the darkness around us, got it?* Darien's thought struggled. *Got it!* *Okay?* Together, they looked into each other's eyes, through darkness. Blue and blue, meeting and fusing. *We'll get out of this, together.* They said together. *One?* *Two?* "Three!" The beam of lightning, surrounded by bubbles burst towards Beryl who felt the blow, but stood, though considerably weakened. "My turn!" she cried, tossing a beam of black energy to Amy. "Amy!" Zoy rushed forward, taking the blow of dark energy from the bond, and taking the beam of darkness for her. He fell, in her arms, and she looked at him. He looked at her in his arms, a girl in a white sailor suit with a dark blue short skirt and a dark blue collar, with a light blue bow, and a blue star with the mercury crest in it. The blue tiara stone glimmered at her forehead, but not as much as her eyes. "Zoy! Are you crazy?" "Just fight. I can care for myself." Beryl took advantage of the moment, and sent a beam of black ribbon darkness entwining Amy. "Amy!" Lita cried. "Crash!" she ordered as the streak from the sky came to rest futilely on Amy's bonds. Lita ran to her, but felt Beryl crash at her back. She turned to fight more. Raye's fist clenched, as she looked to the others?ready to jump forward to help, and Mina's eyes remained on the Moon Queen, who laid in Beryl's grasp. The light was blinding, hot and furious, but it felt warm and comforting to the two who knelt at center, grasping each other, tightly. As the light faded, their eyes opened, Serena on the bed, Darien by her side, his hand locked in hers. They looked at each other, in the silence, and understood. "Thank you?" she began. He cleared his throat, "Well, I take it you're better, now, Lady Serena." She nodded, silently, smiling like a joker. It was damn good to be alive. Damn good. Their grins grew until they finally just burst out laughing, and hugged. He couldn't stand it anymore. He had to do something. He stood weakly, as he saw the darkness start to invade her eyes. No? There was pain in every single cell of her body. She had to keep on holding the light, but it was going?so soon. Her breaths were already short, and her lungs were almost filled. Suddenly she felt the burden lifted, as she felt a hand go through the black ribbon of darkness across her chest, to touch her heart. She opened her eyes, gently to see another pair of blue look gently into hers, tears starting down his cheeks. Her tears mingled with his as it hit his hand which was touching her heart. "I love you?" he mouthed the words, as he felt a darkness come over him. He stood against it, fighting it with all the light he could muster. He was a mere human, and Beryl knew that, but he was strong, so strong. He fought it, hard, and it stabbed at her heart. He was fighting it harder than his girl had? Amy took his hands, tearfully, and held on, stubbornly as she fought the darkness with him. But it was too much?too much, too fast, too deep, too overwhelming, as his eyes started to deepen to black. His last sight, before he fell to the ground was of a girl, in prayer in front of him, whispering "I love you?" As he fell, Amy cried, holding his hand. Just as quickly, he vanished. "NO!" Mina came rushing forward. All eyes turned on her, as she cried harshly for Amy's pain. The pain of a lost love?to darkness. She looked to Lita, whose uniform was battered, her figure on the floor, and Amy's whose tears had consumed her. And she looked to Beryl, the woman who was almost finished, but shone triumph in her evil eyes, holding the Moon Queen. Mina's eyes flashed dangerously, and the light gathered in her palm. Anger, and hurt, and sadness, gathered in her, and all she could believe was that her friends had fallen. *They say that love is the strongest force it the world. Give me the strength to fight this force!* She hurled the beam of light at the dark figure, whose eyes widened as her grip on the Moon Queen slipped, and the body fell limply into Raye's arms, as she had fallen to the ground, taking the dark bond's blow to catch Serenity's fall. Beryl looked at her, her turbulent blue eyes and her blond hair in the wind. "The Moon Princess?" she murmured, as she vanished. As she sat up in bed to have breakfast the next day, she was comforted with the thought that her mother had come out of her coma, as Lita and Amy were telling her. "Serena?" She was happy that Darien had left her last night soon after the crisis was over, as soon as he could walk. She needed distance, now. It was crazy enough trying to find out her feelings without him present. But now, something had happened last night. Selene's powers in her had weakened. Something had happened. She wanted to know what. And Amy's face, pale and sad, mournful, brimming with tears, and Lita, a straight line across her mouth, ready to talk. "What's happened?" "Amy's Mercury?" "That's wonderful, so we have another?" "Beryl took Zoy?" "No! But?" "Mina's the Moon Princess?" "WHAT?" To be continued? Okay, really cliffhanger this time. I promise, questions will be answered, in time. I have to admit, this part was hard, but extremely fun to write! What happened to Zoy? What happened to Selene? What's going on between Serena and Darien? What about Raye? Mina's the Moon Princess? What's Neph's past all about? What happened? What's Lita's secret? Well, you'll find out eventually, I hope. Watch for "Chapter Four - Love Blossoms" in May! (LATE MAY!)