S.I.U. - The Sailor Investigation Unit by DARK DAY FOR ANIME (Mark A Page) Disclaimer - all characters pertaining to the series Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon are owned by Takeuchi Naoko, Bandai and Kodansya. All other characters were thought up by me. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Miyuki stared at the figures, flitting through the darkness, with the total air of passionlessness that had followed her throughout her life. She sniffed and slammed the ammunition case into the handle section of her self-made revolver, staring at the dark metal object. It was the only thing she had felt any attachment to for much of her seventeen years of life. She looked up again as one of the figures started clambering over the walls, looking for someone like her. They wouldn't find her, of course. She had the bearing of a corpse when she wished to, and one of the things looked for by those pursuing her had been signs of life. ----o Kaji sat, miserably, in the chair at Shimazaki's desk. He'd received word, as soon as Miki had been taken away in the ambulance, that both Katarin and Shimazaki had brought Doctor Mizuno in, and the woman had virtually confessed to the killing of Sailorjupiter. Now she was in one of the (albeit, more comfortable) holding cells, awaiting her first interview. He felt tired. The day had been, altogether, too long, and he'd not had any sleep since yesterday. On top of that, there hadn't been any word about Aoi, not since the reports of three figures, flying through the city, had stopped. Kurabuto had only just left, after debriefing him on the events at the hospital where Doctor Mizuno had worked. Any moment now, he expected the SIU chief to come barging in, asking a few hard questions about Aoi's recent activities, and he was buggered if he knew, precisely, how to answer them. He never truly understood Aoi's motives, although he'd sympathise with her, sometimes. It was obvious that she saw exposing the Sailorsenshi as her ticket out of the SIU and into a more glamourous field on endevour. Most women within the police force of Japan were prevented from serving on the frontline of criminal activity, their duties suppressed to nothing more than a public relations exercise. Aoi had been one to break through those regulations, and he admired her for that. What he didn't admire was the personality required to do it. Still, she WAS his partner. His mobile began to buzz, making him jump from his musings. He grabbed it from the desk and answered. "Akunatsuka...." He waited for a reply. There was none. Frowning, he tried again. "Akunatsuka. Who is this?" "Officer Akunatsuka Kaji of the Sailor Investigation Unit?" The voice was soft, almost dead. There was a slight husk to it, but it was definitely the voice of a young woman. "Yes, I do answer to that name. Who is this?" "The Hikawa Shrine, south of the Budan Markets. Attend the scene. Senshi dead there." "What did you say?" It was too late, the line had gone dead. Well, he thought, add that to yet another weird event to cap off a very weird day. ----o Hotaru sat on the small stone pillar, staring across the empty grounds of the Hikawa shrine, picking at the base of her senshi fuku. Artemis sat next to her, equally as bored. The pair had had about enough of Rei's rampant paranoia. After checking through all the buildings within the temple, including the storage shed, of all places, Rei had decided to take a recce along the shrine's surrounding wall, seeing if anyone was hiding in the bushes and such. Hotaru had given up at this point, and decided to wait until Rei had satisfied herself that there was nobody else here. Artemis, being the great shirker of work that he was, and still slightly dazed from having ten times his weight of metal pots drop on top of him, opted to do the same. Luna, for her part, thought it best to humour Rei as much as possible, and look like she was taking the responsible position of following her around. A good twenty minutes before Rei was finished, however, Luna came wandering back to where Hotaru and Artemis were sitting, an exasperated expression on her face. "Either they're hiding really well, or she's in desperate need of medication." Luna plonked herself several feet from the stone. ----o Miyuki placed her mobile phone in her jacket and brushed her long, black hair from her face. Her ice-white eyes had not shifted from the figures within the shrine grounds. That Akunatsuka person sounded like all of the other idiots she had faced in her life. Most of them were dead now. Like her family. They attempted to impose their will upon her. She studied them, strange objects that they were, wondering what drove them to do what they did. It stunned her, when she reached the age of understanding, that she had been spawned by them. She ended their lives that day. ----o "We can't ignore the possibility that someone may come after her. But I think her fears may be a bit premature." Hotaru sounded less than sure of her words, but decided it worth saying, anyway. "Shouldn't we be trying to get her into some place of safety?" Artemis looked at his two companions. "I mean, that was what you came here for, wasn't it, Saturn? To round her up, and anyone else you could find?" "Hmm.... Yes, it was. But I sincerely doubt that she's in the frame of mind to listen to anything I have to say...." Hotaru pointed to the base of the stairs, where Rei was tearing open the small letterbox set just inside the front gate. "I think she's taking this a little too far." ----o For some reason, Kaji found himself out of the office and rapidly pacing down the corridor, towards the elevator that would take him to the car park. The voice. Something about the voice seemed to drive him on. He'd heard that voice before, somewhere. Something to do with another case he'd been involved with, before he'd joined the SIU. A massacre scene. Fifteen members of a Yakuza family killed. All looking as if they'd not had the opportunity to defend themselves, each with a single gunshot would to important parts of the body. The division he'd worked for had been given a prior warning of events, by a young woman with the most dead voice that anyone had heard. He'd heard that voice, just then. ----o "I HEARD YOU, SATURN!" Shouted Rei from across the yard. She angrily threw the letterbox's contents on the ground and came stamping up the stairs and across the yard. "I happened to be looking for mail bombs, if it is any of your concern." "That's just silly." Artemis sweatdropped. ----o The lone figure that had been searching around the ground was now walking back towards the others, looking rather angry. Miyuki could never understand such emotions. There was no point in getting angry with someone. If they tried to do some negative act against you, kill them. It was that simple. She wondered why nobody else could understand. Certainly, her substitute parents could never understand. She bounced the revolver in her left hand, well used to its weight, then lifted it towards the moving figure. She had nothing against these people, but a job was a job, and money kept you fed and clothed, with a roof over your head. ----o "Oh yeah?" Rei stared daggers at Artemis. "You think it's silly do you? Well, let me tell you a little something...." A shot rang across the ground of the Hikawa Shrine. The left side of Rei's chest exploded outwards, splattering blood across Hotaru's face. Rei stared down at the wound in shock, then let out a horrified cry as she tasted blood in her mouth. Hotaru leapt from the stone and caught Rei as the fire senshi began to lose strength in her legs.... ----o Part Twentytwo Necronomicon ----o "Well, I must say.... Those clothes certainly look good on you." Pagan grinned as he stared at the short green skirt Aoi was now wearing. Mhaere, standing behind him in the doorway to Aoi's bedroom, was trying to suppress a giggle. Aoi shook her head, feeling uncomforatble with the tiara she was wearing. She'd twice tried to remove it, but it wouldn't leave her forehead. "Stop making jokes." She stared at Pagan and noticed the appreciative direction of his gaze. "And don't get any funny ideas. I very much HATE wearing sailorfukus, even one that belongs to a Sailorsenshi." "Hmm...." Mhaere stepped into the room and studied the design of the Sailorjupiter uniform. "I'd say this is something of a retro design. If I'm not mistaken, the Sailorjupiter fuku has made several stages of progression from this one." Aoi blinked, then turned to the mirror, set in her wardrobe cabinet. Despite hating the way the skirt and bodice hugged her frame, she had to agree.... This design was reminiscent of the original Sailorjupiter fuku, according to the photographic evidence she had been made to study during her time with the SIU. "Bizarre. Maybe the uniform develops along with the skills of its bearer...." Aoi snapped out of her musings and shook her head. "Iyaa! How the hell am I going to get out of this thing?" "Why don't you de-henshin?" Pagan smiled. Aoi stared at him, dubiously. "You just wanna see if all this comes flying off in the process, don't you?" "You read my mind." His smile was just so sweet, she wanted to deck him one. "Regardless.... I don't think the henshin pen has made a wise choice in baptising you as the new Sailorjupiter." Mhaere stepped up to Aoi and knelt down, tugging at the skirt. "Strange material." "It's a lovely mixture of cotton and flesh." Aoi looked down at her. "The clinical pathologist, back at central, did an analysis of the original Sailorjupiter fuku." "Cotton and flesh? Whose flesh?" Mhaere let go of the skirt as if she'd been playing with diseased slime. "My flesh, fool. Whose else would it be. Apparently the fuku creates a hybrid design, using genetic material of the wearer. Besides that, why do you think the pen made a bad choice?" "Because you probably don't have the Heart Crystal of a Sailorsenshi. Or the Star Seed. You realise you need both to be one, don't you?" Mhaere blinked, wiping her hand on her jacket. "Well, of course I knew about both.... But then.... Well, let's face it, there is only so much one can know about the Sailorsenshi. Without actually studying them...." "Hmm.... I thought as much. Trying to cover up your own investigative ineptitude with excuses...." Mhaere giggled. "ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY I'M NO GOOD AT MY JOB, EHHHHHHH!?!?!" Mhaere cowered as Aoi ranged over her, looking like a Fury on too much coffee." "Joke... joke..." Mhaere made room between Aoi and herself as Aoi rounded on Pagan, whose hand had somehow found it's way up her skirt.... "Just checking for the henshin pen...." He put up his hands as Aoi's face went bright red. "WHAT ABOUT THE HENSHIN PEN? HENTAI! SUKEBE!" Aoi whapped Pagan one over the head. ----o Usagi screamed as something reached out for her. She managed to crawl along the floor of the corridor, just missing the diseased and warped limb as it lashed out, making contact with the large wing-like structure on her back, tearing it away viciously. She felt that, and cried out in pain and mortal terror. The corridor seemed roll around as she glanced back at what she had just avoided becoming part of.... A free for all between a group of indescribable horrors that had emerged from the cells after the doors had been thrown open by some force.... Probably created by the dark young woman who had been toying with her for her own amusement. All thoughts of Minako had left her mind, now.... It almost seemed as if she'd never get the opportunity to rescue her friend, now. She swallowed and scrabbled away as something large and amorphous started slithering its way towards her. Much to Naoko's amusement, the monsters from the cells started to attack each other, as if fighting over a piece of their newfound prey. Casually, she strode between them, completely ignored, almost as if she didn't exist at all. All of her attentions were on Usagi. She felt something about this girl after making the mindlink with her. She wanted to know what it was that she was feeling. ----o "And how are you feeling?" Shimazaki simpered with an almost false air of concern as he looked down at Doctor Mizuno... the woman sitting within the bare but comfortable holding cell, staring ahead as if her mind was elsewhere. She didn't even register his question as he stepped in from the doorway. "Mizuno-sensei?" He knelt down, and noticed how pale her complexion was. He could see she was trying to hold back tears with all her self-control. "How.... does it look like I'm feeling?" She whispered to him. He took a breath and nodded. "Uhh... Not particularly good. Is there anything you want?" "No thank you." Her gaze hadn't changed. "I'm quite fine, just sitting here. Where is Ami-chan?" Shimazaki swallowed, pausing. "Uh, she's elsewhere at the moment." She turned her eyes to him, making him feel uncomfortable. "She's safe. Really." "You're sure of that?" Her question was so pointed, he could feel the jab. "Hai. I'm sure she's safe. She's.... uhhh... Currently with a female officer." She turned her eyes, once more gazing forward. After a few seconds of wordless thinking, Shimazaki stood. "Well, if you're okay, I'll just take my leave and see what is holding up the rostered lawyer." "I won't be requiring a lawyer, thankyou." Her statement took him by surprise. "Umm... It's police procedure. We can't interview you without one...." "I won't be requiring one. It's too late for that, now." Shimazaki blinked at her, then tried to put on a reassuring smile, annoyed that she wasn't looking up at him to be reassured by it. "Well, whatever the case, I'll go look, anyway." He nervously turned and stepped from the cell. He relaxed as soon as the duty sergeant closed and locked the cell door behind him. "A bit chilly in there?" The duty sergeant looked at him, grimly. Shimazaki nodded. "Rather. I'd keep her on watch, if I were you. I think she's in one of THOSE frames of mind." The duty sergeant nodded. "Do you think we'll need someone to sit in on her?" The pair started on towards the main desk of the holding cells, passing towards a couple of burly officers who were bundling a youth into another cell. Shimazaki looked at the thin- faced youth for a moment as he spun around, facing the doorway. "Well, you don't have to be that rough." He bowed to the two officers, smiling. The duty sergeant shook his head. "That's about enough from you." He brushed the officers aside and grabbed the door, slamming it shut and immediately locking it. "Hey! Don't I get a cup of coffee, even?" "You'll be lucky." The duty sergeant snapped his fingers at the officers. "One more word out of him, and Kami help me, I'll forget procedure...." He turned back to Shimazaki. "Now, where were we?" "Who was that?" Shimazaki nodded back to the cell door as they made their way forward. The duty sergeant shrugged. "Just some punk.... Small time Yakuza boy by the name of Aba Kensuke. We've had him in here before.... Threatening small shop owners in Akihabara." "What's he doing in here, then?" Shimazaki blinked. "This isn't exactly the kind of place one locks up small timers like him." "He's in because of a raid on a local... ahem... establishment. He was in posession. Damned good stuff, too. Must have cost the locals a fair yen." "How good?" "Enough to kill you if you were stupid enough to take it. But at least you'd die happy...." Shimazaki rubbed his chin for a second, thinking. "Who's in charge of this case?" ----o Hotaru dragged Rei across the yard as the cats scampered in every direction, seemingly all at once. Not a bad effort for two cats. Rei was mumbling something. It sounded a bit like "I told you so... I told you so..." Well, there was nothing like humility, thought Hotaru. For a few moments, she wondered why their attacker hadn't pressed her attack. It chilled Hotaru to think that the person wasn't all that concerned about what she did to escape, or retaliate. Then again, it showed overconfidence, something that Hotaru could use to her advantage, if it came to that. Too bad she didn't know where their attacker was. ----o Miyuki wandered, slowly, around the shrine wall, arriving at the open gate as if unconcerned whether she was spotted or not. She watched Hotaru's efforts to get her wounded comrade to a safe place. She chuckled, licking her lips. She thought she recognised Hotaru's face from somewhere, but put that thought from her mind. Only one reason why she was here. No point concerning herself over stray memories. ----o Usagi stared up into the face of a terror greater than her mind could have created, more indescribable than a floating mass of amoeba.... and cringed as barbed spikes shot out, reaching for her body. She had now managed to get to her feet.... somehow. She couldn't feel her feet anymore, as if all bloodflow had stopped. She just knew that she was higher than she had been before. Now only the amorphous object was pursuing her. The rest seemed more interested in each other. The benefit of this was that she was being chased by something that had about as much trouble moving about as she had. Not that that was much of benefit. The dark young woman who had been chasing her was only a few steps behind. She wondered why the thing was ignoring the girl.... And concentrated on her mind... the link that the girl had made to communicate with her. There was a kind of pulse emitting from her mind. A calming pulse. She tried to create that pulse.... ----o Doctor Mizuno couldn't hold the tears much longer. What was keeping that idiot police detective, anyway? "Hey! I said HEY! I want a cup of coffee. Hey! Are you listening to me?" She could hear the voice of the young man in the cell, some way down the corridor. He had been like this for some time, and she was starting to get annoyed with his babbling. "Oi! Don't just walk by.... Hey!" She thought she recognised the voice. But couldn't be sure. If what that officer Shimazaki had told her was the truth, then Ami was, at least for now, safe. She was glad happy about that, but knew it would only be a matter of time before someone caught up with her, no matter what she was.... It had been some surprise to her when she discovered that Ami was Sailormercury. She couldn't believe that someone like her little Ami had lived such a stressful existence. Of course, she found this out in a manner she didn't want to.... And Ami had found out a few things about her that she didn't want known, either. Their relationship hadn't been the same, since. Not that it had been all that good to start with. There had always been an iciness between them, dating back to the breakup of her marriage.... She could hear the unlocking of her door, but didn't bother to look up. Probably just another duty officer come to check on her. She sighed as the door swung open. Ami.... She probably wouldn't see her again. There was so much she wanted to say to her daughter, to explain things.... To explain why she did what she did.... "Hello, Mizuno-sensei. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." She glanced upwards, and saw the gun pointed towards her head. Her eyes traced the arm of the gun's owner, and stared into his smiling face. "Don't you know you should never keep a lady waiting? You really need some work on your social skills." He giggled. ----o The duty sergeant sat at his desk, tapping the end of a pen on a small clipboard as he watched a prisoner being escorted through the arrivals area from one of the cell blocks. He almost fell out of his seat when he heard the gunshot. "What the hell...?" He stood as the officer with the prisoner turned, looking at him, blinking. The duty sergeant swallowed. "Was that a gun discharging?" "Either that or someone is playing with firecrackers in the station." The officer shrugged. "HEY! HET! WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE? WHO FIRED THAT THING? HEY! I'M FEELING SCARED IN HERE!" The duty sergeant could hear Kensuke shouting from his cell. Stepping over to the entrance to the holding cell block, he noticed a shaft of light, cast across the floor of the corridor, coming from an open door.... from one of the cells. Doctor Mizuno's cell. ----o "Hmm? You want to have the haul tested?" Abe, the senior sergeant of the drugs squad blinked at Shimazaki's request. Shimazaki nodded. He'd made the request after after thinking things over. There had been a large amount of illegal narcotics pumped into the body of Sailorjupiter shortly before she had been killed.... Ironic that, less than 24 hours later, there should be a large drugs haul involving Yakuza. "Well, I suppose so, though I can't see how a connection could be found between that found on the SJ murder scene and what we've got in here." "You know, better than I do, that each shipment contains impurities that can be traced back to the same source." "Yeah, but still.... The amount you had found on the scene was so small...." Shimazaki didn't get an opportunity to answer that. Katarin entered the small Drugs Squad office with a pale expression on his face. Abe and the two other DS officers stared at him with surprise, enough to make Shimazaki turn. Katarin leaned against the doorway, breathing heavily. "For Kami's sake, why did you run off like that?" "Why? What's up?" Shimazaki put his hands in his pockets, sniffing. It was unusual for Katarin to be so worked up over anything. "Doctor Mizuno...." Katarin took a long breath. "Somebody has shot her.... She's dead!" END OF PART 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Chapter - "Nothing Sacred Nothing Savoured" Thanks to everyone for their feedback on "Across the Border".... I do have these occasional moments where an idea is just TOO strong to put off until I finish other projects. ^_^ I hope to get the next chapter of AtB, as well as UID II, out this week. However, I might also be a lazy bastige and not do anything at all. Well, it all depends if the people in my life stop annoying me enough to give me the time to do it. ^_^;; For anyone who wishes to know, the titles of some chapters of SIU, such as "Sweet Seduction" and this one, "Necronomicon", refer to events and subjects I haven't got around to writing about, yet. Other things have put their ugly mugs in the way. ^_^;; -Mark- DDFA ayanami@merlin.net.au Chief Propoganda Officer, Keeper of the Tapes and Co-Founder of the Saitou-chan Fan Club ADELAIDE JAPANESE ANIMATION SOCIETY Part of the AJAS Fanfic Circle Version 1.0 - 26th May 1998