N O T H I N G E V E R B E G I N S There is no first moment; no single word or phrase from which this or any other story springs. The threads can always be traced back to some other tale, and to the tales that proceded that; though as the narrator's voice receds the connections will seem to grow tenuous, for each age will want the tale told as if it were of its own making. It must be arbitrary then, the place at which we choose to embark. This place, for instance. from Clive Barker's *Weaveworld*. Sailor Moon: Panorama DAWN: A PROLOGUE The young woman, not much older than sixteen, rocked the baby, and sang an old song. She was alone. Her man, such as he was, had left her when the child, which was not his, had been born. How he knew the child was not his was not clear to him. But such is the way of things. The sun was slowly beginning to break across the horizon when the baby vanished into thin air with a popping noise. The young woman let out a shriek. A few minutes later, her crying and wailing was drowned out by the opening of a large gate outside her hovel. A group of five black-armored men stepped through, and burst through her door. "Where is the child?" the leader of the men demanded. "She's ... she's gone!" she shouted. The answer did not satisfy them. By noon, the hovel had been reduced to a crater two feet deep, and the young woman's bones were drying in the sun. The men satisfied themselves that there was no chance that any child of the age they were hunting could be hiding anywhere within a certain range, then stepped back into the gate, which closed behind them. They had many more interviews to conduct. At precisely noon, the child reappeared in the position she had occupied when she vanished, which might have meant a short, dangerous fall had she not been caught by the green haired woman who appeared at the same moment she did. Cradling the infant to herself, Pluto began to whisper. "This is the only way to balance it. I allowed Ourannos' men access to the gates to hunt down the child that he believes will destroy the empire of his dreams ... so I must save the child myself. If only there were a way to save your "brothers and sisters" who will die this day." She sighed. "But this is how it has always been. There will be many families willing to take in an orphaned child this night. Any will suffice. Come, little Beryl. We have a long journey, both of us." The End (For Now) Sailor Moon was created by Takeuchi Naoko, and brought to North America by DIC. Nobody sue me, okay?