DISCLAIMER: Sailor Moon is copyrighted 1992 by Naoko Takeuchi. All except the characters I created belong to her. I'm just borrowing them for awhile :-) ********* SENSHI IN COLLEGE: EPISODE 2 - "Butterflies and Stars!; Return of Chibi-Usa and Chibi Chibi!" ********* ****30th Century Crystal Tokyo**** She pumped her legs higher, higher than she ever had gone before. Her pink hair flew out behind her, and she laugh with joy when the swing rose and she could see out of the palace gates and over Crystal Tokyo. Her breath quickened from the excitement, and her cheeks were flushed. Sure, she was fourteen years old now, but no one told her she had to stop experiencing the pleasures of childhood. Just look at Momma for example. I'm about ready for you, Elios, she thought. Soon, I'll be old enough and strong enough to be your wife. I've finally got the soft chest and the smooth hair...just like Momma. Poppa says I'm so pretty now, he looks rather sad when he says it. He says I'm really a big lady now, and not a small one, but I don't mind still using my nickname. After all, I've grown used to it. Chiba Chibi-Usa, known to the rest of the world as Princess Usagi "Small Lady" Serenity, slowed the swing down to a stop. She caught her breath, allowing her gaze to sweep over the gardens. It was a beautiful place, one where she came all the time as a little girl. She didn't know what brought her there at the moment, but she was glad she was there. After all, with her increased duties as a princess and her classwork, sometimes she forgot how to have fun. She stood up and knocked the dust off her school uniform. She better go in before Momma called her for supper. Mako- chan wanted to cook for them tonight, and they were all looking forward to it. She started to walk toward the palace, when she noticed butterflies coming out of the bushes and fluttering into the sky. "Oh!" Chibi-Usa cried, watching the butterflies go by. She turned and looked at the bushes, noticing someone inside of there. She frowned. The swingset had stood facing the entrance to the palace, but no one had come outside. Someone had snuck in! She grabbed hold of her brooch. She hadn't used it in two years, but she had to protect her family. "MOON CRISIS..." The bushes rustled and out stepped a little girl with red heart-shaped odango. Her blue eyes looked astonishingly like Neo-Queen Serenity's. She wore a small sailor outfit, and looked to be no more than two years old. The little girl cocked her head to one side. "Chibi?" Chibi-Usa lowered her brooch. A little girl? Something about her seemed familiar. She had faded during the fight when Nerehenia had killed Mamoru, but when Usagi saved him, she hadawoke and gone back to the 30th century later on. She glanced at the child. She looked so much like her...so much like her mother too. Who was she? "What is your name?" "Chibi!" "Chibi's your name?" "Chibi Chibi!" "Chibi Chibi?" Chibi-Usa straightened up for a moment, then noticed the little girl wander off into the bushed. "Hey, kid! Wait! You've got some questions to answer!" She ran off into the bushes behind her. Diana walked down the path to the playground, her bell announcing her arrival. "Small Lady, your mother wants you for dinner!" She looked after Chibi-Usa as she disappeared into the bushes. "Small Lady, where are you going?" She ran after her. After a moment, a flash of light came from the bushes. ****20th Century Tokyo**** Meiou Setsuna shot straight up in bed. She threw back the covers and got up. Something strange was going on here. "PLUTO CRYSTAL POWER...MAKE-UP!" "Setsuna-chan?" A sleepy Michiru pushed opened the door, and glanced for a moment at Pluto. She blinked, then rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "What's going on?" "Someone is time-warping again. And I have a good idea who it is." Pluto frowned. "How many times do I have to tell Serenity-sama and Small Lady that time shouldn't be mmessed with?" She grabbed her staff and nodded to Michiru. "I'll go wake up Haruka," Michiru started to leave. "Don't. Wait until I get back. If we're lucky, it's just an odango-wearing girl who needs a good talking to." "And if we're not lucky?" Pluto's eyes grew dark. "Then we're in bigger trouble than I thought." With a flash of light, she was gone. Michiru turned around, and realized she wouldn't have to wake up Haruka or Hotaru. They were both already awake. She walked into Haruka's embrace, and allowed it to soothe her. She prayed it was only Chibi-Usa and not something else. ********** The books were Greek to her. That was the only way Usagi could put it. She picked up the course book, squinted at it, turned it upside down, and scratched her head. She grabbed the undergraduate catalog and tried to make sense out of it. She was having even more trouble with it. She looked up. Across the table, Ami was helping Rei, and Mamoru helping Minako with their course catalogs. From the kitchen, the delicious smell of pork ramon floated in the room. Her stomach growled, and she tossed down the book. Without a word to her friends, she walked into the kitchen. Makoto stood at the stove, stirring something in a pot. She wanted to practice cooking for them because she was starting the Washoku School of Cooking tomorrow. She smiled as Usagi when she walked in. She looks at home in a kitchen, no matter whose it is, Usagi thought, looking around Mamoru's spartan kitchen. The girls had decided to gather over there out of respect to Rei's grandfather. Yuuichirou was taking care of her grandfather for the evening, so she could get ready to register for class in two days. "Hungry, Usagi-chan?" Makoto asked the obvious. Usagi nodded. More of anything, she had a headache about what she wanted to do. She leaned against the counter. "Mako-chan, how did you know you wanted to be a cook?" "Hmm...?" Makoto was testing the ramen. She turned a knob on the stove before turning her attention back to Usagi. "I love cooking. I really enjoy seeing people like you be happy because of it. Not to mention there is great satisfaction out of seeing something come out of nothing." "How's that?" "Well, take cookies. Flour, eggs, butter, milk...for the most part, those things alone are nothing. But together, they are something wonderfully tasty! And they make people happy too!" At that moment, the timer rang on the oven, and Makoto slipped on an oven mitt. "Your cookies are done!" She opened the oven and took out a tray of sugar cookies and put them on the counter. "Let them cool for a bit, and then we'll make sure they're edible," she winked at Usagi. Usagi laughed for a moment, glancing over at the trash can where two plastic wrappers for Pillsbury premade cookies lay on top. She scooted over to the can and pushed the trash down. "Why do you ask?" Makoto asked when Usagi walked back over to the sink and started to wash her hands. "I've never had to think about what I wanted to be before," Usagi admitted, washing her hands and turning off the water. "Mamo-chan and Ami-chan want to go into medicine and computers. Rei-chan wants to go into business and sing. Minako-chan wants to be an idol. You want to be a cook and open up a flower and pastry shop. I've never thought about anything other than being Mamo-chan's wife, and eventually becoming queen." She laughed for a moment. "I don't remember seeing majors for either of those jobs." "It's okay to have an undecided major," Makoto said. "Like Ami-chan said, lots of college students don't know what they're going to major in. Usually you major in what you enjoy doing. What do you like to do?" "Well...sleep. Eat. Read manga. Be with Mamo-chan...Did I mention sleeping?" Makoto bit back a laugh. "You were in the Cartooning Club in high school. You got really good at it by senior year. Do you like to draw?" Usagi nodded. "Un! I really like it." "See, there's a talent right there!" Makoto took a cookie and bit into it. "And your cooking is improving too." "As long as it comes pre-packaged!" The girls laughed together, and walked back into the living room, where Rei seemed to be done with her schedule, but Minako having more and more trouble with hers. "But I want to be an idol!" she was saying. "Why do I have to take two semesters of science? Idols don't need to know science!" "You're suppose to obtain a well-balanced education, Minako-chan," Ami explained. "That's why the curriculum stresses you to take all different types of classes, and not just music and theater." "This is the pits," Minako flopped onto her back. "I feel like I'm in high school again. The only fun classes I get to take are chorus, theater, and the movie watching class." "Dinner's ready!" Makoto announced. Rei and Minako sprang up. Ami was flipping through the undergraduate catalog, a serious look on her face. Mamoru had already gotten up and walked over to Usagi. "You didn't do your schedule yet," he pointed out. "Oh, I will!" Usagi managed a bright smile. "Sign up for the classes I'm in!" Minako told her. "Then we can have lots of fun together!" Usagi took her copy of the undergraduate catalog and sat down with it. She opened it up and started to find the section for undecided majors. Rei stopped walking into the kitchen and looked back at her. "Aren't you hungry, Usagi?" "I'll eat later." Everyone shared a look. It wasn't like Usagi to miss a meal. Mamoru walked back over and sat down next to her and took the course catalog. In a low tone, he started explaining the books to her while reaching for a sheet of paper and a pencil to write down her classes. Ami finally put the other catalog down and got up, her classes for the first semester on a sheet of paper. She had decided to go ahead and take a semester at Azabu while waiting for the reply from Harvard. Until then, she could get some of her core classes out of the way. Still, it was hard to wait. She walked into the kitchen, and soon the happy chatter of the other senshi could be heard. Everyone was either eating or hard at work. It was rather peaceful. Was rather peaceful. Out of the corner of his eyes, Mamoru noticed a bright flash of light outside of the window. He looked up, startled. Usagi did as well. "Nani?" "I thought I saw something." He got up and walked over to the balcony and outside, Usagi at his heels. They both stood on there, hands on the railing as they scanned the area. Usagi's eyes narrowed, noticing something glittering from Juuban Park. "Mamo-chan, look," she said, pointing to the park. "There's somthing odd in the park." They looked at each other. Odd things often fell from the sky when they were around. Things like circuses, evil queens, youma.... Their pink-haired odango-wearing daughter... They whirled around and ran out the apartment door. None of the other senshi noticed. They were still too busy chowing down on their food. ********** "AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!" Chibi-Usa hit the ground on her rear- end. Before she had a chance to recover her breath, Chibi Chibi landed on her and knocked her to her back. Then Diana landed on top of the heap as well. Chibi Chibi looked down at her. "Chibi Chibi?" This is too much work, Chibi-Usa thought, sitting up with the twosome in her lap. Wait, two? She gaped at her cat. "Diana!" "Small Lady!" Diana jumped down, and assumed the regal position her mother did when she was ready to scold the queen. "You are forbidden to use the time key without permission!" "But she told me I needed to come back here!" she objected. What had happened in the bushes all occured so fast. Chibi Chibi had taken the time key, and she saw a vision of the past version of her mother in deep trouble. She had done the only thing she could do: use it. Meanwhile, Usagi and Mamoru were running down the street as fast as they could toward the park. He was taller, but she was used to running very fast. Being late for class does have its advantages, I guess, she realized at the moment they ran into the park and stopped in the entrance to catch their breath. After a moment, they heard a couple of very familiar voices come floating up the path. "Besides, no one has ever told me I couldn't use the time key before, Diana. No one's ever stopped me." "Pluto-sama told the queen to keep you from incurring any more time rifts, Small Lady!" "No one ever told ME that!" "Chibi?" They looked at each other. Who else but Chibi-Usa and Diana? Usagi sighed. Great, I have to go around being a mom again. But, wait...she looked up suddenly. The third voice. "Chibi Chibi?" "Who's that?" Mamoru asked her. She could tell the voice struck a chord in him, a memory, but she knew exactly who it was. "No way...she's definitely not suppose to be here!" Usagi gasped in surprise. "Who?" "Chibi Chibi-chan!" Usagi took off ahead of him, and ran down the path toward them. By this time, Chibi-Usa had stood up and dusted herself off. She looked up to see the younger version of her mother run toward them. Her breath caught in her throat. You look almost like Momma, Usagi, she thought, realizing she had grown older in the years she had been away. A smile broke out, but then replaced by a saucy look. "You're late," she noted, when Usagi reached them. "I'm late?" she yelped. "You're not even suppose to here!" "Chibi!" The little girl ran from behind Chibi-Usa, and attacted herself to Usagi's leg. She picked her up and hugged her tightly. "Chibi Chibi-chan! What are you doing here?" A pang of jealously shot through Chibi-Usa for a moment, until she spied her father following her mother in. "Mamo- chan!" she cried, running over to him, and tackling him. For the next few minutes, everyone talked at once, especially when Diana got into the fray. It got equally confusing when the senshi realized where they were, and joined them. Luna and Artemis followed as well, and were overjoyed to see their own child. The happy buzz continued around them, until one very angry voice cut through the chatter. "Small Lady..." Everyone stopped talking. By this time, Usagi was hugging Chibi-Usa while Makoto gushed over Chibi Chibi. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and stared at one very ticked off Senshi of Time. "Puu!" Chibi-Usa bounced to her feet, and ran over to Pluto. Ignoring her obviously foul mood, she hugged her tightly. Pluto stood there for a moment, not sure how to reach. She returned the hug. "You're not suppose to be here," she told her. "None of you are," she directed the last comment at Chibi Chibi, who was blinking innocently. Pluto's forehead wrinkled in concentration. She had been unaware of Chibi Chibi's slippage through the universe the last time until she got there. Now, again, not only had she travelled through the universe, but she also time travelled as well. Although, she did notice that. Pluto sighed, and detransformed. What would she do with those odango-wearing member of the royal family? "Gomen nasai, Puu," Chibi-Usa said, looking geninuely sorry. "That little girl over there made me think Usagi and the others were in danger." "Danger?" The other senshi asked. "It must be the new enemy," Haruka said, walking up behind Setsuna. Following her were Hotaru and Michiru. Chibi- Usa's and Hotaru's eyes lit up at the sight of each other. "Chibi-Usa-chan!" "Hotaru-chan!" They raced for each other, and hugged tightly. "What about the new enemy?" Makoto asked Haruka. "We don't know much about it. Just we now know it's bad enough for the future to send help," Haruka's eyes narrowed at Chibi Chibi. "If she's back, do you suppose they are not far behind." "They?" Usagi asked, slightly confused. It hit the other senshi though, in less than three seconds. "The Starlights!" "Oh, I want to see that gorgeous Yaten-san again!" Minako sighed. "Since Mamoru-san's here, I get Seiya this time!" Rei informed Usagi. "NANI? Seiya was never mine to begin with?" A look flashed briefly in Mamoru's eyes. "Some other guy was chasing after Usako?" "It should have been obvious to you when they left, Mamoru- san. Or did you not notice?" Rei asked him. Tiny beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. "Not much, no..." "Just this time, I get to go out on a date with him!" Rei informed her. Mamoru turned on Usagi. "You went out on a date with him?" "I didn't know it at the time, I swear!" During the middle of all of this fray, Ami pulled out the Three Lights membership card she carried. On the back, she smiled at Taiki. I would like to see you again too, she thought, then flushed. The outer senshi plus Chibi-Usa all sweat-dropped at the exchange. "I can't believe you never told Mamoru-san about Seiya, Usagi," Makoto said, then turned on Rei. "And I want Seiya-san this time!" "What makes you think he'd prefer you over me?" "I've got bigger talents!" "Do you think they will return?" Michiru asked Haruka and Setsuna, ignoring the inner senshi. "It's a possibility. Something we need to look out for," Setsuna replied. "If they do, then there's a chance Chaos has broken loose again." Chibi Chibi stood in the middle of the group, happily giggling. The outer senshi simply gazed at her for awhile. ********** Usagi yawned as she walked in her bedroom. She was exhausted. Once everyone had calmed down somewhat, she had managed to tell her more than slightly annoyed fiance the entire story...another day. Chibi-Usa and Chibi Chibi had come back home with her after everyone had left already. Makoto had to start her cooking school, and everyone else was getting ready for registration. Ikuko had remembered both girls upon sight without the need to be hypotized. She praised Usagi for watching over her sister and cousin all night, then ushered the girls up to bed. "Usagi?" Chibi-Usa peered into her room. "Is Ikuko- momma okay?" She walked in, Diana walking in after her. "She's so sad." Usagi looked up from where she was getting a sleeping Chibi Chibi ready for bed. She glanced down at the little girl again. "She's been like that ever since Papa died." "Nani?" Tears gathered in Chibi-Usa's eyes, and she gripped the doorway. She walked in the room and sat on the bed. She didn't stop the one or two tears that rolled down her cheek. "What happened to Kenji-poppa?" Usagi absently stroked Chibi Chibi's hair. "He died a few months ago from a heart attack." Chibi-Usa opened her mouth to ask more, but realized it still hurt Usagi to talk about it. Instead, she placed her hand over hers. "Gomen ne, Usagi." She gazed at the sleeping Chibi Chibi. "She's very kawaii, isn't she?" "Hai. She is." "Why did she want me to come back here? Who is she, Usagi?" Usagi looked at Chibi-Usa. "Have your parents told you about the battle against Galaxia?" She shook her head. "I just know there was the time Poppa and the other senshi went into that mysterious coma and Momma was so worried about them. And then I disappeared for awhile." Usagi perked up and laid Chibi Chibi on the bed. "Chibi- Usa, what happened in Crystal Tokyo two years ago?" ********** CHIBI-USA'S MEMORIES "Konnichiwa, minna!" Chibi-Usa ran into the throne room, swinging her bookbag after her. She was extremely glad to be home after another day at school. She hated school here. It was wonderful back in 20th century Tokyo with Momo-chan, Kyosuke, and her other friends. But, now it was just day after day of the same thing...despair. "Minna?" She looked around the empty throne room. "Momma? Poppa? Diana?" A ringing of bells sounded, and Diana bounded into the room, an unusually grave look on her face. "Small Lady! Thank goodness you're here!" "Diana, what's going on?" Chibi-Usa dropped her bag and picked up the cat. "It's your father! Something has happened to him!" Chibi-Usa's face went pale. "Poppa?" She ran toward her parents' bedroom, praying the entire time she ran. She sped through the doorway and stopped still at the sight of her father lying on the bed, her mother sitting beside him holding his hand. Sailor Mercury was scanning him and performing a medical exam while the other senshi comforted the queen. "Ami-chan, is he going to be okay?" Neo-Queen Serenity's voice shook as she squeezed her husband's hand tighter. Mercury snapped off her visor and gave her queen a sympathetic look. "Something has happened in the past, Usagi-chan, which is affecting Mamoru-san right now. Something...someone has caused a time warp." "Momma?" Chibi-Usa ran in and over to her mother. "Let me go back to the past and see what's going on with Poppa!" Serenity's eyes widened and she put an arm around her, hugging her tightly. "Small Lady, I can not. I could not afford to have anything happen to you." "Please, Momma! Let me help!" "Have faith in our past selves," Venus said, giving the young woman a comforting smile. "We have always overcome difficulties before. Your father will be fine." Serenity smiled at Chibi-Usa. "Yes, Small Lady. Your father will be fine." ********* "I really believed Poppa was going to be fine. But a couple months passed and he didn't wake up. Instead, his body grew fainter and fainter every day. One day, Momma went to go see Pluto and I followed her." ********** "There has been the appearance in the past of a young girl known as Chibi Chibi and a new enemy, Sailor Galaxia," Pluto told Serenity. "I am afraid my presence is needed to help the senshi back then." "I understand," Serenity said. "Is Galaxia the reason why Endymion..." "I am almost certain of it. I am leaving Diana to guard the Gate of Time. I have instructed her to call Small Lady if she needs help. But, if anything is happening to you or Endymion in the past, there is a chance Small Lady could fade away." Serenity nodded, the look on her face grave. "Arigato, Pluto-san. And good luck." Chibi-Usa leaned against the column, trying to catch her breath. She longed to run out and beg Pluto to allow her to go back into the past and help Usagi and Mamoru. But, she thought, looking at her mother as she sank down into the throne and buried her head in her hands, now she needed to watch her mother for Poppa. "Momma," Chibi-Usa said, walking over to her and putting her arms around her. Mother and daughter clung to each other and cried out tears of worry together. ********** "One day, the other senshi faded like Poppa did, and when I woke up one morning, I heard Momma screaming Poppa's name. I got out of bed and was running toward their room when I felt myself fade away. Then, all of a sudden, the world came back into focus and Poppa was awake and kissing Momma. I cried out to them and they ran and hugged me. I figured you and the other senshi took care of what happened here in the past, Usagi. Nothing has happened there since." Usagi told Chibi-Usa the story of Galaxia, and even some of the anguish she felt over not getting letters and calls from Mamoru so she would have the entire story. She glossed over the Starlights very quickly and explained more about Chibi Chibi's role in the events. "So Chibi Chibi is this senshi's star seed?" Chibi-Usa asked. "She's part of Galaxia, but I don't know if she could fully be a part of her again. Perhaps, she was sent back on another mission. Maybe something is happening again in the universe, and Chibi Chibi is here to warn us." Chibi-Usa nodded and stood. "I'm going to bed. Night, Usagi." "Night, Chibi-Usa." Chibi-Usa stopped at the doorway and looked at Usagi tucking the little girl into bed. A pang of jealously shot through her. From what she had infered from the other senshi, she and the child did not fight at all. They were very very close. I wish we hadn't fought all the time, Usagi, she thought. Then she turned and left the room. ********** Makoto walked up to the classroom entrance at the Washoku School of Cooking. She gripped her satchel tightly. Finally, she was getting to realize her dream! She gazed up and down the hallway of classrooms, admiring the paintings and pictures of lavish meals and chefs on the wall. She then stepped in the door of her classroom. It was larger than most normal-sized classrooms. It consisted of two different areas. One contained desks in orderly rows, while the other side disappeared into a hallway. According to the brochure, these were suppose to be fully-equipped kitchens where you worked with a partner on your cooking. "Kino, Makoto?" An older man walked out of the kitchen section of the classroom. He smiled at her. In return, she bowed. "Tetsuro-sensei," she replied, before raising her eyes to look at him. He was dressed in an all-white chef's outfit, and his gray hair parted neatly in the middle with a short braid down the back of his neck. He kept a smile on her as he moved to his desk, and picked up a sheaf of papers with her picture clipped to it. "You had very high marks from your home economics teachers at Juuban High School. However, unlike most of your other classmates, you did not work in a restaraunt during the past few years. Why not?" Because I already hold a more than part-time job as Sailor Jupiter? Makoto nearly laughed at that thought. No one would believe her, even if she said anything. "I did not have the time, sensei." "Time, Kino-san, is of the essence in cooking. However, judged on the sample you cooked for us during the interviewing process, you will make an excellent student. I have set everyone else up in their labortory units with their first projects already. Let's see...," he consulted a roll book. "You will be in kitchen #6 paired with Hiraga, Aneko" He led her down a long hall with frosted glass panes on each door. Painted on the glass was a number. He stopped before the number 6 and was about to pull it open when the door itself blew open and a girl with red hair flew out of it. She hit the opposite wall and slumped to the ground. "Hiraga-san!" Tetsuro dropped his things and knelt by the girl, as well as Makoto. They both checked her for any visual injuries. After a moment, the girl shook her head, and pushed herself into an upright position. "I'm all right, sensei," she told the professor, and with Makoto's help, managed to stand up. "Arigato." Tetsuro shook his head. "Hiraga-san, this is Kino, Makoto. She will be your class partner. Perhaps some of her talent will rub off on you." She nodded. "Hai, sensei. Please enter, Kino-san." Makoto walked into the kitchen and caught herself from openly gaping. It was a complete mess! A yellow substance was dripping off of every available cabinet, counter space, the small table in the corner, and the stove. The floor was not only covered with the yellow gunk, but flour and other staples littered it as well. "Gomen nasai, Kino-san," Aneko grabbed a sponge off the sink, and started scrubbing at the mess on the counter. "I did not realize the sensei would give me another partner." Makoto grabbed another sponge, and started cleaning as well. "Please, call me Makoto. Kino-san makes me feel old." Aneko giggled. "I am the old one here. I am Hiraga Aneko, so whatever you call me makes me feel old. I hate having a name that means 'older sister.' I wish my parents could have come up with something better." She looked over at Makoto. "Oh, don't clean that, Makoto-san! It's my mess. They all usually are." Makoto smiled at her. "It's okay! Two cleans much faster than one does. If we hurry, then we can start on our class project for the sensei." Aneko nodded in agreement, and knelt down on the floor to work at the mess there. She glanced up at Makoto, who was running the sink full of hot water and adding a cleaning solvent in it to help get the mess up easier. She looks so pretty, and so smart, she thought. Maybe she's better at this than I am. She's really nice too. I hope she won't come to hate me like everyone else does. The girl rubbed at her eyes for a moment, then set back to work. ********** The phone rang and Misora snatched it up off its base. She stood up, and walked around the polished maple round table she had been working diligently at. Pens and pencils slid to the ground off her lap when she stood. "Moshi-moshi? Ah, Dark Shadows!" Her eyes lit up at the sound of her boss's voice. "Are you about ready to send out the next youma?" "Only if I can entrust you to carry out the mission without me," he replied over the line. Misora cradled the phone on her shoulder, and walked into the kitchen. She crossed over to the gleaming white refrigerator and pulled it open. "Washoku School of Cooking? A lot of young cooks have just started their classes there, according to my sources," Misora said into the phone, as she rummaged through the refrigerator's contents. She pulled out a can of Pillsbury biscuits, and kicked the door close with the heel of her three-inch black heels. She walked over to a polished maple counter and opened one of the cabinets above it, and took out a mixing bowl. "Hmm... I see." "After what happened at T*A Girls School, we can not afford another mishap. We were close to being caught, or at least recognized. So, that is why you must take care of this yourself, Misora," Dark Shadows's voice could be heard over the line. "We need the energy their hopeful souls provide. Lots of it." "Don't worry," Misora popped open the can of biscuits. "It'll be easy as one..." She dumped the biscuits into the bowl. "Two..." She reached for a bottle sitting on the counter. Uncorking it, she poured the contents into the bowl. "Three!" The bowl started to shake. Misora laughed and punched the off button on the bowl, and took a few steps back. Soon, a shadow grew in the shape of an odd looking creature, and fell across her. ********** "Here we are," Mamoru pulled into a parking spot, and glanced at the four other girls in his car. Both Usagi and Minako were sleeping, while Rei and Ami were flipping through a course catalog. Rei glanced at them, and muttered something under her breath before returning to the catalog. "Usako," he tapped her shoulder lightly. "I don't think these two are used to being up before noon," Rei commented, dryly. Minako sat up slowly, and yawned. "Are we there yet?" "We were only in the car for five minutes," Rei said. Usagi finally woke up. "It's too early to be going anywhere," she mummered, trying to remember how to undo her seatbelt. "If you want the good classes, you've got to register for them early. Besides, take a look at the line," Mamoru got out of the car and pointed toward one of the buildings. Usagi, Rei, Ami, and Minako all got out of the car and gasped. "EH????" "We're never going to get the classes we want!" Minako wailed. "If you two hadn't dawdled...," Rei commented. "WE DIDN'T DAWDLE!" Usagi and Minako screamed back. Ami simply sweatdropped. "Take it easy!" Mamoru ran around to break up the screaming fit. "There's different places for all of us. Every major registers in a different area of campus. Rei, you're suppose to go to Bidgood Hall and register. That's the business school. Minako, you're suppose to go to Moody Music Building. That's where the music department is. Usako, you're suppose to go to Clark Hall. That's for undecided majors." "What about you and Ami-chan?" Usagi asked. "Ami and I have to go to the Azabu School of Medicinal Study. It's near where you have to go. I'll show you to Clark Hall." After a few moments of discussion, Minako set off in one directon while Rei, Usagi, Ami and Mamoru went in another. As they walked past the buildings, Mamoru pointed them out and told them the names for each one of them, and what classes were held there. From the parking lot, they passed the student union building, and the art department. There, they came up to a grassy area with the buildings surrounding it in a square. This was called the Quad. From there, Rei left them and walked toward the business building, and Mamoru led Usagi and Ami back behind the one building on the Quad, which was the main library. He took her into another building, which he said was the main office for the College of Arts and Sciences. A line of students already extended down the stairwell. Usagi gulped when she saw it. It was so much easier in high school, she thought. My classes were always chosen for me. "Will you be okay here?" Mamoru's voice penetrated her thoughts, and she pasted a smile on her face. "Hai! Go on and get your classes. I'll be fine.!" "Remember, go back to the student union building when you're done. Do you remember where that is?" She nodded. "Don't worry about it. I know exactly where it is!" The line bumped forward, and she had to climb a few steps and couldn't stand next to him any longer. "Ja ne, Mamo-chan! Ja ne, Ami-chan!" He stood there for a moment, smiled at her, then left the building with Ami. Usagi watched them leave, the pasted-on smile kept there until they were gone. Then, she dropped it and sweatdropped. The rate this line is going, I'll be here until next week! ********** "Ohayo, Makoto-san!" Aneko looked up from her work. "How are you doing this morning?" Makoto placed her satchel on the small worktable, and smiled back at her partner. "I'm well this morning. What are you up to?" "I'm trying to make breakfast for us," Aneko replied, pointing to the dough she was trying to knead out. "Fresh biscuits, and eggs cooked anyway you like!" Her stomach growled in response. She had pulled an Usagi that morning, and had run out the door with no breakfast. "That would be marvelous!" "Great!" Aneko picked up a couple of eggs. "How do you like your eggs?" "I love Eggs Benedict." "Eggs Benedict?" A frown crossed the girl's face. "Uh huh." Makoto pulled an apron out of her bag, then looked at Aneko. "Do you not know how to make them? I can show you." "Huh? Of course I know how to make them! I wouldn't be here if I couldn't!" Aneko cracked the eggs and tossed it, shell and all, into the bowl. Makoto sweatdropped. She's as bad as Usagi... Aneko grabbed a spoon and some shredded cheese. She dumped the entire bag in the bowl, and began mixing it together. "So, how much milk?" "Aneko-san, why don't I make breakfast?" Makoto asked, hoping to salvage something before their sensei came in. She could tell by spending the day with Aneko yesterday that he did not care for her much at all. She had also learned Aneko did not belong in the Washoku School of Cooking. But, if that was the case, why was she there? "You can make the eggs, Makoto-san. I'll do the biscuits!" Aneko grabbed the dough, and it slid onto the floor and on her foot. "OWWWWWW!" Makoto sweatdropped. At that moment, screams erupted from the lecture part of the classroom. She turned instantly and ran out the door. ********** "Come here, Cook-san!" Misora led a large Pillsbury-dough type person into the classroom. She smiled sweetly at the students. "I am your guest lecturer today!" Tetsuro stood from his desk. "I do not recall any guest lecturer on the schedule." "Let's just say it was a surprise...a big surprise! Cook- san!" she turned to the youma. "Take their hope!" "Nani?" Tetsuro cried out as the youma threw out its arms and dough flew all over the room pinning him and the students to where they were. He struggled to free himself from the dough, but it was no use. It was too sticky. Makoto ran out of the kitchen area, and saw Misora. She blinked hard. Where have I seen her before? Memories of Rei's graduation and the youma there came back to her. Suddenly, she dove back into the hallway as a mess of dough flew past her. "Makoto-san, what's going on?" Aneko walked out of their kitchen unit. She ran to her and pushed her inside the room. "Aneko-san, stay in here and lock the door. Don't come out until I say so." "But, Makoto-san..." "JUST DO IT!" Makoto didn't move until the door closed, and she heard the lock click. Then, she took out her henshin wand. "JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER...MAKE UP!" Nothing happened. Her eyes grew wide. The screams grew louder in the other room. She thrusted her wand in the air again. "JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER...MAKE UP!" Still nothing happened. "Nani? What's going on?" Makoto lowered the wand, and shook it for a moment. Her hands shaking violently, she pushed her communicator. "Minna, it's an emergency! There's a youma attack at my school, and I can't transform!" ********** Minako nearly tripped on the stairs of the student union. She caught herself just in time, and ran to one side of the ramp leading into the building. "Nani?" she yelped. "You can't do anything?" "No!" Makoto replied. Rei spotted Minako, and ran up to her. "Let's find Usagi and Mamoru-san, and get over to that school!" "I'm on my way too," Ami's voice came through the communicator. ********** Usagi grinned in relief as she stepped up to the desk. Finally, she was next in line! The man sitting behind the desk glanced up briefly at her. "Name?" "Tsukino, Usagi." "Just a moment." He began flipping through the records. At that moment, her communicator began beeping. She quickly hit it on. "Nani?" she whispered. "There's an emergency at Mako-chan's school," Minako told her. "We've got to get over there!" "NANI??? But, I'm registering!" "Usagi!" Usagi glanced at the man, still looking for her records, and back down at her communicator. Duty vs. duty warred. She had to get over to the cooking school and help out Makoto, but she also had to register for classes. She tried not to panic. If she left now, she wouldn't get any classes she needed. But, if she didn't go, something really bad would happen. "Tsukino-san?" The man looked up at her. "Usagi!" Minako's voice was muffled by her hand. She knew then what she had to do. She grabbed the form from the man, signed it, then threw the notebook paper with the classes Minako had helped her choose on top of it. "Put me in all of the classes. It's an emergency, I have to run!" With that, she turn and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the building. The man gazed after her for a moment, then shrugged. Too bad not all the students are this easy to schedule, he decided, then started filling in her classes. ********** Makoto stood watching what was going on from the safety of the hallway. What she saw was amazing. By now, every moving thing had been pinned down except for that woman, Misora, and the youma. Misora turned to the youma and nodded at it. "Go ahead and do it, Cook-san." It opened its mouth, and Makoto heard a faint suctioning sound. Suddenly, everyone's mouths opened, and a sparkling white substance began emerging from their bodies. As the substance came from it, the bodies started to look deathly pale. My god, she's stealing their very souls, she realized. If I don't do something, they'll die! She didn't hear the door behind her open. "Shimatta!" Makoto ran out into the room. Misora gazed over at her. Makoto's eyes darkened with anger. "If you want to fight someone, fight me!" she yelled, then ran for Cook-san. She tore into him, knocking him off balance enough to stop the suctioning. The youma blinked for a moment, then started for her. "MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY!" A wall of water washed over the youma and knocked him away from Makoto. She whirled around. "Sailor Mercury!" Cook-san began screaming, and the girls whirled around. Makoto took a defensive stand, and Mercury snapped on her visor. Misora hummed a cheerful tune as she walked over to the open window. "Take care of them, Cook-san. Looks like my job today is done!" "Wait!" Makoto dove at her, and missed. "This cream puff looks like it needs some extra time in the oven!" Mars's voice came from the doorway. "MARS FLAME SNIPER!" She took careful aim at the youma and shot her fire arrow straight through it. Cook-san dissolved in half and collasped to the ground. "You did it, Sailor Mars!" Mercury exclaimed. "Good work!" Makoto added. "All he needed was just a little extra heat," Mars grinned and leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms over her chest. The senshi grinned at each other for a moment until they heard a noise behind them. Startled, they whirled around to see not one, but two youma standing where the one had stood before. "Just a little heat, huh, Mars?" Makoto gulped. "Gomen nasai..." "VENUS LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!" A rainbow of golden hearts shot past the senshi and blasted one of the youma. "PINK SUGAR HEART ATTACK!" A blast of pink hearts joined Venus's attack and immbolized one of the youma. "Sailor Venus! Chibi-Moon! Sailor Moon!" the other senshi cried as the three remaining senshi ran in. "Now do it, Sailor Moon!" Chibi Moon cried. "I can't! My Eternal Tier was broken two years ago!" "Now you tell me!" Chibi-Moon looked annoyed. "Huh? Since when have I ever had the chance to tell you, before.....AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!" Moon screamed as one of the Cook-sans grabbed her and lifted her in the air. "USAGI!" the other senshi screamed. I wish I could do something, I need to save my princess! Makoto gazed at Moon while she struggled with the youma. Her hand closed over her henshin wand again and started to raise it when a rose spiraled beside her and struck the youma. Surprised, it dropped Moon, who landed on her rear. "You're suppose to eat the food, Sailor Moon, not have it eat you," Tuxedo Kamen's dark blue eyes were dancing with mischief as he stepped in the room. "Tuexdo Kamen-sama!" the other senshi cried. Moon's light blue eyes darkened slightly with anger. "Mamo- chan...." Makoto whirled around with her henshin wand. She raised it, but before she could say anything, something stuck to her leg. She looked down to see Chibi Chibi staring up at her. "Chibi Chibi-chan, this is dangerous," she said, picking up the little girl. Chibi Chibi reached over and grabbed Makoto's wand and held it in her hands. Makoto's eyes grew wide as the wand turned into a star-shaped brooch with a green crystal with the Jupiter symbol inlaid in it. She looked around, but the others were fighting the two youma, and having a hard time defeating it. "Henshin, yo." Makoto looked back down at Chibi Chibi, who held the brooch out to her. "Henshin, yo," she repeated. Makoto nodded and put her down. "JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "Jupiter?" Venus questioned, and the other senshi whirled around in time to see Jupiter transform. They all stood stunned for a moment as Sailor Star Jupiter stood before them. Her fuku was now layered, like Eternal Sailor Moon's, however, there were just two layers to her skirt. Her sleeves were now balls of transparent light green cloth. A narrow green ribbon replaced her pink one in the front of her fuku with the back one stretching past her knees. On her chest was the new star-shaped brooch. Jupiter did not bother to take the time to admire her new appearance. Instead, she glared at Cook-San. "JUPITER....FOREST ILLUMINATION!" A ball of sparkling green energy formed between Jupiter's hands and grew larger by the second, leaves and other things forming in the midst. At the last second, she released the ball and it closed in around one of the Cook-sans. The youma screamed as the ball envolped it, then it disappeared in a flash of light. "I did it!" Jupiter cried with pride, then stumbled from the sudden energy burst. Mars and Tuxedo Kamen caught her before she hit the ground. Meanwhile, the other senshi tried to defeat the last youma. "VENUS LOVE ME CHAIN!" "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" What can I do? I can't do anything to help! Moon tried to fight the panic welling up inside her. Chibi-Moon looked back at her, then realization sprang into her cinnamon eyes. She ran over to her. "Sailor Moon, I still have the Crystal Carillion," she said. "Maybe Pegasus can help us!" "Do you really think he can?" "It's worth a try, Usagi," Mars ran back into the fight. "BURNING MANDALA!" Moon nodded to Chibi-Moon. The younger senshi grabbed the bell and sank down onto one knee. "Please, Pegasus! Help protect the Light of Hope!" A surprised look crossed briefly over Chibi-Moon's face. She hadn't expected to say that! She rose to her feet. "TWINKLE YELL!" she cried, completing the dance to call Pegasus. She raised her eyes to the ceiling. Please, Pegasus...Elios. Please, Pegasus, Moon silently repeated, her own eyes following Chibi-Moon's. Please. Out of nowhere, Pegasus appeared, causing both girls to gasp. From behind her, Moon heard a male sigh of relief and turned to look at Tuxedo Kamen, but his face remained expressionless. Pegasus swooped down before them. "Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi-Moon. The use of this power is only limited. Time will tell when you can use your new powers. But, until then, accept my help with this." Pegasus aimed a blast of light, and the Moon Kaiedoscope appeared in Moon's hand. "You have the power to invoke this without mine or Chibi-Moon's help, Sailor Moon. Only use it when you desperately need it." Moon nodded and turned to the youma. "SPARKLING MOON RAINBOW!" A sparkling rainbow of colors shot out from the weapon and killed the youma. Chibi-Moon watched the new attack in awe, and turned back to Pegasus. "Oh, Pegasus..." she blinked at the space where he had stood. Tears filled her eyes, and she tried to control them. "Pegasus..." Usagi, who had detransformed, put her arm around Chibi- Moon, who then detransformed. "You'll see him again, Chibi-Usa-chan. I promise," she vowed. Chibi-Usa nodded, then turned to Usagi and buried her head in her chest, muffled sobs coming from the girl. On the other side of the room, Aneko stood in the doorway to her kitchen, watching the senshi help the others up. She quietly slipped back into the kitchen and shut the door. She sank down against it. My god, I'm paired with Sailor Jupiter? Tears welled up in her eyes. Now, I'll never be able to prove my worth. She buried her head in her hands and began to sob. ********** "What did you do about registering, Usagi-chan?" Ami asked her as the senshi plus Chibi Chibi walked toward Crown's Fruit Parlor. "I don't know. I gave the guy the paper and left." Usagi laughed. "He sure looked surprised!" "Usagi-baka," Rei said. "You probably wound up with all 8 AM classes then!" Usagi stopped short on the sidewalk. "8 AM???" "Don't worry about it, Usagi," Minako told her, grabbing her arm. "If the registration guy followed everything on the paper, you'll get what you wanted!" "I hope so." "How is your new cooking school?" Ami asked Makoto. "Other than what happened today, of course." "It like it. My partner, Aneko, she's pretty sweet. But, I'm worried about her. She makes Usagi look like a good cook," Makoto said. "NANI?" "It's the truth, Usagi-chan! You make pretty good curry. I doubt the poor girl can do that." "Washoku is the most famous school in the country," Rei said. "How could she have gotten in the school then?" "Maybe her family is rich," Chibi-Usa commented. "Everyone says I always get special privileges." "You do? Since when?" Usagi asked. "Since I'm a princess," Chibi-Usa said in a dejected tone. The older senshi glanced at each other. "Why do you say that, Chibi-Usa-chan?" Minako asked her. She shrugged. "I don't want to talk about it." "I say last one into Crown's buys the two homecomers an ice cream!" Minako suddenly yelled, then sprinted off toward the building. "Wait for me!" The other senshi yelled, and took off after her. Makoto laughed, then ran after her friends down the street. Aneko will be alright, she realized. I will help her become a good cook. If she really wants to be one, then she can be. Just look at Usagi. Her cooking has gotten a little better because she wants to be a good cook so badly for Mamoru. If you really put your heart into it, you can succeed in anything. Chibi Chibi started to run after them, then stopped by the park where she saw a lone figure sitting on a bench. "Chibi Chibi?" she inquired, then toddled in. This can't last forever, something is going to happen and Usako won't be able to use her temporary powers. There's only so much that can happen until the enemy realizes this and strengthens the youma out of their reach. If Usako can't fight the youma, what's going to happen to us? Mamoru sighed and stared down into his hands. I'm virtually helpless to her. Nothing more than a hinderance - a distraction so she can defest them. His hands closed into fists. I refuse to be more than just a hinderance. I'm going to help her someway, some how. "Chibi?" Mamoru looked down to see Chibi Chibi tugging on his leg. She looked up at him, her large blue eyes blinking solemnly. "Hope?" He relaxed and smiled at her, then picked her up. "Hai. I hope to help her one day." Chibi Chibi pushed one of her hands against his chest. He startled, then glanced down to see small rings of gold dust rising from his chest. He shuddered from the feelings coursing through him, from his head to his feet. When she lifted her hand away, he felt changed somehow. "What did you do, Chibi Chibi?" he lifted her until she was eye-level. Chibi Chibi smiled at him. "Power. Hope." He smiled back, feeling the hope she was giving him. Chibi Chibi kept smiling. She pointed toward Crown's. "Ice cream!" Mamoru laughed, feeling much better. "Hai, I'll buy you some ice cream, Chibi Chibi. Let's go." He carried her out of the park toward Crown's. Behind him, a swarm of red butterflies flew past. COMING NEXT: EPISODE #3 -- Let the Classes Begin! The Senshi Go To College ************************* Author's Notes: Konnichiwa, minna! I started to do one huge readme file explaining everything going on, but after reading a very good Evangelion fanfic, I saw how the author stuck his notes on the very end of each part of his story which explains some of the actions he took in each part, where certain people came from, and anime/manga references and switches. If you don't like to know some of the answers, stop now :-) 1) Commonly used Japanese terms used in the story: Hai = yes Konnichiwa = Good afternoon! minna = everyone, everybody Iie = no nani = what arigato = thank you gomen ne/nasai = I'm sorry Un! = yeah, okay, to be in general agreement with someone Moshi moshi! = Hello when you answer the phone 2) There is a difference in who knows about whom between the manga and the anime. This clearly follows the anime where Chibi-Usa has no idea that Chibi Chibi exsists, yet Chibi Chibi does know about Chibi-Usa, because Usagi talks about her in episode 186. As for the spelling of Elios, that has been debated. I chose to spell it this way. The references of the soft chest and smooth hair go back to episode 158, where Chibi-Usa longs to look like Usagi to please Pegasus. In the manga, however, Chibi-Usa has met Chibi Chibi, and the girls help Usagi fight Galaxia. Chibi-Usa's recollections about what happened in Crystal Tokyo during the battle are based on the events which happened in the manga during the same time. 3) I know Ami seems to be only a background prescence, but when I was writing the actual story, I realized since Japanese school years were so different from American, that she could attend at least one semester at Azabu before heading off toward the United States. After all, it's just like Ami to want to get at least two semesters ahead of everyone else! 4) One fact I should have mentioned in part one, Ikuko and Shingo do know about Usagi's secret by the beginning of SIC. However, neither of them know the truth about Chibi-Usa or Chibi Chibi. Usagi doesn't have any plans in the near future to tell them either. 5) Why doesn't Mamoru know about Usagi and Seiya's friend- ship? Well, there is reference to it in episode 200, when Seiya tells Mamoru to watch over Usagi, saying it's some words from some guy. He's never had cause to question anything Usagi does, because he knows she would always be faithful to him (which she was). So, the subject probably never came up. The date Rei is referring to is in episode 180, where Seiya invites Usagi out for the day. Now, she would REALLY be in trouble if some of the events brought up in episode 184 were every discussed! 6) Why does Azabu University have English names to its buildings? Answer: Lack of creativity on the part of the author. If any student from the University of Alabama is reading this, then they will recognize the buildings as being the campus. With a few exceptions, the campus is laid out like the University of Alabama, simply because that is the college campus I am most familiar with. Although after this, specific building names will not be used often, it helped four confused senshi where in the world to go. 7) The last scene between Mamoru and Chibi Chibi is some- thing born off a character trait Mamoru seems to have in the manga that I do not see in the anime. Since, in the manga, he never throws a single rose, he worries about being more of a hinderance to Usagi rather than a help. (See volume 5 of the manga, which displays this extremely well.) It is a factor which will come up again. 8) One last thing: About Makoto's new (and eventually most everyone else's) transformation. At the end of the Dream Arc in the manga (Super S for those more familiar with the anime), the senshi powered up into their sailor star form, which I took to be their ultimate form. However, this did not take place in the anime, so here, as in the anime, the girls are currently in super form until they power up. The fuku descriptions are taken from an artbook drawing I saw, so it maybe incorrect. As for the wand changing into a brooch, since I have not actually read the later acts of the manga yet, then I do not know what actually happens to their wands.