Title: Opposites Exist Author: Dream Enid Rate: PG13 E-mail: writergrL3@hotmail.com <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Hello minna-san! I got a whole bunch of e-mail on my last fanfic, "Six AM." Yay! *grins proudly*. I was so excited. It was unanimous. Everybody liked the fanfic, and 'everybody' thought it was different than the "regular" fanfics out there?I don't know where this is good or bad so I'm going to take this as good. No flames came last time! This is my first part story! I don't think this is a confusing one like the last one, or at least it's not my intension to make it as confusing. See, last time that style was written for a reason. T'was my best work yet. I'm just kidding y'all around. E-mail me please at writergrl3@hotmail.com That's L3. Now on with the fanfic? <><><><><><><><><>< Oops, I thought I would get away without the disclaimer, didn't I? I bet you are just 'so' glad you caught me, aren't you? Well, here it is?I don't own Sailor Moon! *WAH* Okay, okay, 'now' on with the story? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Five teenagers sat laughing in a booth in an arcade. A young man joined them, sliding next to one particular girl. He playfully tugged on a golden pigtail flowing out from one of the odango adorning her head. She happily returned the move by brushing the black fallen bangs out of his midnight blue eyes. "You came after all," the girl stated. "Hai," he huskily replied, noting the insecurity in her voice. "Why wouldn't I, Usako?" "I don't know, Mamo-chan," she replied, nervously grinning back. The four other teenagers exchanged knowing smiles. The two before them, or Couple of the Millennium as they secretly called them, were still as unsure as they had been in the beginning of the relationship. Each person shivered one by one as a cold air passed over them. Mamoru lovingly placed his green blazer around Usagi's shoulders after feeling her shiver, sacrificing his own warmth. The fourth other young women sighed again, observing the absence of their own lover. "Usa-chan," a girl with short blue hair began after setting her textbook completely down, "I wanted to remark on how well you're coming along on those poems." "Ara, arigatou," Usagi replied, a blush returning to her cheeks. "What poems?" inquired Makoto. "I didn't hear of any poems. What about you Mina-chan?" "Nope," a blonde answered, tugging her red bow tighter to her head. "Tsukino Usagi! I want you to tell me about these 'poems' of yours," a girl christened Rei scolded, shocked her best friend neglected to show her such a thing. "I've just written a couple that's all," Usagi's voice trailed off, looking down at her hands folded in her lap. Would they approve of such a thing? "Usa-chan, you were never going to tell me about these poems were you?" Rei asked, truly hurt. "No, I was! I promise. Ami never would have known had she not sneaked up on me while I was writing one. She made me promise to show them to you. They're at home. You want to come with me after the arcade?" Four nods responded to her. Her eyes flew to the face above hers. His grim face remained in position. "You're not going to come?" Usagi's voice wavered. "Well," he looked helpless. "I promise my father won't be there." "Well, in that case." The six beings failed to recognize a figure standing next to their table, as did the rest of the people in the arcade. The figure regarded the humans before him. It was hard to believe they held the power they did. The figure smiled to himself, applauding himself for finding the alter egos to Sailor Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Tuxedo Kamen. He prepared himself for the spell he was about to cast. The world- changing spell would keep them from fighting the evil of the world and allow him to rule in place. "Opposite seem to attract. Unto these, may theirs become their existence. To keep from what they are willed to do, may fiction become reality which tears at their ability to act," he chanted, his eyes never breaking contact. He smiled, as he was to see if it worked, pulling his black robe further over his head. The six people blinked. They stared around them. Changes began to occur immediately. Everyone else in the arcade went about as if nothing happened. The others; however, expressed their changes. Usagi sat up from slouching. "A book?" Ami replied, surprisingly. "What am I doing with a book outside of school?" "Obviously doing the right thing, studying," Usagi replied. "Yeah right," Ami replied, tossing the book onto the table. "Actually, it is time for me to take leave for my house," Usagi began. "Usa-chan, you prmised we could come see your poems," Rei asked meekly more than replied. "Like I should be spending my time doing such things as that!" Usagi replied bitterly. "I thought it was kind of nice," Rei commented, biting her lower lip to hold back the tears threatening to fall at a moment's notice. "Yeah, well, grow up. Let me out, Mamoru-san." She paid no attention to the tears falling from her friend's face. "Sure, babe," he responded, sliding out of the booth. When Usagi slid across the seat and stood up, Mamoru patted her bottom pleasingly. "How dare you!" Usagi responded, slapping his face. She gracefully walked away from the booth and out of the arcade. "That was awesome," Mamoru responded, feeling his cheek with one hand. *** Sailor Pluto regarded the scene rippling in her fairly large pool of water before her. She noted the odd happening, missing the robe- clad stranger. She brought her staff to the water, replaying the scene. It was minutes after she began to form actual thoughts. "What happened?" she asked herself. "Something is disrupting time. This was not supposed to happen." She knew she needed help. She picked up her staff and aimed it to the Gates of Time. "I summon thee, Sailor Uranus, and thee, Sailor Neptune." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< E-mail me at writergrL3@hotmail.com I won't write the next part until someone does!