Sailor Moon G: Memories and Melodies Part 1 Rated: PG Author: Dragonmaster Dyne email: Author's note: Before this fic begins I'd just like to point out a minor detail. For the simple reason that something regarding this will happen later I decided to have Mina transferred to the same school as Serena, Amy, and Lita. This is the first in a series that takes place after Sailor Moon R. All other notes are at the end. Enjoy! ************************************************************* A new day was beginning in Tokyo. A perfect sunny day that was signaling the end of summer, but unfortunately for Serena it wasn't Sunday. Her alarm clock sounded loudly as it startled her into awakening. "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" she shouted and noticed the time, "Oh no! I'll be late again!" Serena jumped out of the bed so quickly that she threw Luna, who had made the mistake of sleeping on her, across the room. Luna landed with a small splat and a cry of "Rowr!" After regaining her composure Luna spoke "Serena! This is the third time this week you've done this! Personally I'm getting very sore by waking up every day like that." "It's not my fault you make the mistake of sleeping on my bed!" Serena complained as she finished putting on her school uniform, "Gotta book it or I'll get detention for sure!" Serena made a mad dash out of the house. I wonder if she can ever run that fast in gym class, Luna thought, but then again she may be too run down to do anything. She chuckled, stretched, and prepared herself for another day of her guardian cat duties. At the school Serena had just barely managed to get into her desk right as the bell was still ringing, only Miss Haruna wasn't there yet herself. "First time in a long time Miss H is late," Serena observed, "Do you think she's sick?" "Can't be," said Molly, "I saw her speaking to the principal right before class started. Maybe she's giving you a small break, Serena. After all you are getting a little faster when it comes to getting to school." Molly snickered at her comment. "Not funny," muttered Serena, "But why bother getting here that early?" "You should try it sometime, Serena," said Melvin, "It's the perfect time to discuss important matters. Unfortunately I only got here ten minutes early today." "TEN?" "Yeah, it's usually thirty but I was on the Internet until 1 AM and overslept." Serena made a face full of disgust, "You rrrrrreally should get a life, Melvin. You and Amy." "I don't appreciate you talking about me that way Serena." Said Amy, who was quietly working on a report that had only been assigned the day before, not due for two weeks, and she was nearly finished. Since Serena was not in the best of moods she decided to keep going, "You've really been doing nothing but studying, Ames. You should really get out more. I think we should get Greg back here, he could get you moving." Amy simply ignored Serena's comment but no one noticed the slight tinge of red appear on her cheeks at the mention of her old boyfriend. Two days ago she celebrated her 15th birthday, but the next day she received a letter from Greg saying he had found a girlfriend. Amy was heartbroken and since she hasn't told anyone the effect of her emotions is isolating her from her friends. Serena was about to deliver another line but, luckily for Amy, Miss Haruna entered the room at that moment so Serena had no choice but to stop. "I'm sorry I was late, students," Miss Haruna said, "But I ran into a new student who the principal was showing around and we got into a conversation that made me lose track of time." "New student?" Molly asked, "Where?" "He's in here for a few classes but only in the morning. By the time he's finished with orientation he should be in gym. But I'll let you speak with him on your own time. Meanwhile turn your books to page..." As Miss H began her lesson Serena wondered exactly who this new guy was. After all, if he hadn't shown up she'd have another detention. Serena knew exactly who to ask. "Melvin!" she whispered, "Have you come up with anything on this guy?" "Not yet," he replied, "I should have something for you at lunch. But for now I'm trying to hear the lesson." Serena sulked. This guy could be a real hunk, she thought and then thought about how he had managed to impress Miss Haruna with his intellect, but then again he could just be another Melvin. Serena decided to just wait until lunch. Her eyes never left the clock as several different lessons were conducted and many students moved on to other classes. Finally, five minutes before the lunch bell Serena's eyes began to get heavy as she half-listened to one of Miss H's lessons on the history of Central America. No one really noticed her falling asleep since they were so used to it. Since Serena's guard was down the lunch bell's ringing startled her so much that she jumped three feet out of her desk (and no one still paid any mind since they were used to that as well). "All right! Lunch!" Serena exclaimed after getting over the initial shock from the ringing in her ears, "Come on, Amy let's go meet this guy. It'll be good for you." Amy, who was reading her textbook in order to stay ahead of the class, simply said, "I'm not interested in that sort of thing Serena. I'd like to read and eat in silence if you don't mind." Serena decided that it would be best to leave Amy alone since it seemed that's what she wanted. Serena walked out to her usual table behind the school where Lita and Mina were waiting for her. "You okay, Serena?" Mina asked, "Or are you just in a regular bad mood from being late?" "No, I made it in before Miss H." she replied, "But now I'm kinda worried about Amy. She's been acting strange since yesterday." "Maybe it's because she's feeling kind of lonely since her mother went to that medical conference the other day." Lita wondered out loud, "I mean, her apartment looks kind of bleak when I visit her and she's alone." "But never like it was since yesterday," Serena added, "We need to cheer her up, maybe get her to meet the new guy. From what I've heard he's a lot like her." "You must mean Dav," Mina said, "he's in my gym class and he's really cool." "His name is DAV?!" Serena asked, confused, "I know he was smart enough to distract Miss H from getting to class on time and he's a good athlete too?!" Mina nodded, "We were playing soccer and he can run like the wind. I spoke with him afterwards but he seemed kind of isolated, but he's very nice." "Yeah," Lita began, "I saw him and spoke with him a few minutes ago before coming to the table. He sounds really nice but he sounds like he wants to be alone." "Oh, did he remind you of your ex-boyfriend?" Mina taunted, Lita's expression developed a scowl and a sweat drop since she knew Mina was right. "He's probably just shy." Serena said, "But if we can get him to speak with Amy maybe they can share their interests." Large sweat drops appeared on both Lita and Mina. "Is this a good idea?" Asked Mina. "What's wrong with that? Amy needs someone at her level to speak with, it's kind of obvious she's feeling out of place with her intellect." Lita and Mina were shocked as Serena was speaking this way, she was acting completely unusual. "If you want to try to talk to him he's over there," Lita pointed at a bench in front of the soccer field where a young man with short brown hair and very dark grey eyes sat. He seemed to be half-thinking and half-staring into space. "Well I'm going to go talk to him then," Serena said with a serious tone, "I wouldn't be here right now if not for his distraction and I have to thank him." With that she bolted away and headed towards the bench. Lita and Mina having strange expressions the whole time. Serena quickly made her way over to the bench where the young man had his eyes closed. Serena couldn't tell if he was concentrating or asleep. She took another step towards him when his eyes promptly shot open as if he had been trained for things like that. He looked at her with a blank stare and Serena began to sweat a little. He spoke first. "You're Serena, right?" He said. Serena regained her composure and quickly sat down, "Yes," she replied, with a little reluctance. "Your friend, Lita mentioned you and said I'd know you by your unusual hairstyle." quickly shot an icy stare back at her table where Lita only grinned. The young man continued, "I'm Dav," he offered his hand and Serena quickly shook it. "What do you think of the school so far?" She asked. "Pretty good. The cirriculum is nice, not enough challenges though. The gym class I'm in is good. Mina can really kick." Serena's mind suddenly remembered one time when the girls were playing soccer and one of Mina's kicks had sent the ball flying straight into her face. That was the last time she played goalie. "I've never heard the name Dav before? Where's it from?" "No idea. My family was- er, I mean is a little off balance." "I... think I understand." "If it's not too much trouble Serena I'd kind of like to be alone right now." Dav said quietly and stood up. "I know what you mean, new people need to get used to the place." Serena said and stood up, "Was nice meeting you." "Ditto." He began to walk towards the building and Serena thought, Those two were right. He's really isolated... That can easily change though! Serena's mind began to formulate a plan when she noticed that Dav had turned around. "A quick question, Serena," he said. "Yes?" She replied, her hopes rising. "Why do you have meatballs in your hair?" Dav didn't wait for the reply, he quickly turned again and walked into the building. Serena was half-disappointed, half-angry. From her table she could hear Mina and Lita making feeble attempts to contain their laughter. When Serena returned to her table, and shouted for the other two girls to knock it off, she began another conversation. "That guy is the exact opposite of what you said!" she spoke loudly. "Oh come off it, Serena," Lita said, "You just said that because of the comment regarding your meatball head." The brunette started laughing again. "Considering you were the one who told him to s..." Mina quickly found a hand clamped over her mouth by Lita who was delivering her message of "shut up". Serena didn't notice as she was eating. After a few minutes she cleared her throat and began to speak again. "I've got an idea of what we can do regarding Amy's problem." Lita and Mina quickly developed sweat drops. "W-what are you up to now?" Mina asked. "I think I know what Serena's thinking," Lita started, "Amy and Dav think a lot alike from what I know about him..." Serena continued, "If we can get those two to meet then maybe both will get out of their deep blue funks!" Mina was hesitant, "You're not trying to get Amy another boyfriend are you?" "If that's what happens then that's what'll happen." Serena summarized, "Now, how are we going to get them in the same place?" "What else?" Lita said, "Take him to the arcade." Serena's eyes bulged, "Lita! You're a genius! But who's going to invite him?" "I can do that," Mina said, "During our soccer game when he accidentally tripped me he helped me up and therefore he must be used to me the most." "I'll get Raye and do my best to get Amy to come with us," Lita said, "We'll take her to the arcade even if we have to stuff her in a bag and carry her over!" Serena nodded, "Right, so after that here's what we'll do..."