This is my first fan fic so go easy on me but... I put tons of hours into it and many long nights. Also as you know I own absolutly know rights for Sailor Moon or any related character (however I wish I did) all the stuff in this story belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, except for Sailor Earth I created that character. This fan fic is rated PG so basical anyone who wants can read it, it just has a little romance the end but nothing nasty so don't fret^_^ *************************************************************************************** Sailor Moon & Sailor Earth in love? by: ~Goddess of Lightning~ It was a treacherous and gruesome night. The rain pouring down heavily making it bitterly cold and seeing difficult. The temperature was only a mere 22 degrees outside at 1:00a.m. on a horrable Friday night. There were tornado and thunderstorm watchs in almost all of Crystal, Tokyo. Who would be out in such a storm? The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask fighting together again. The Sailor Scouts arrived first in a trianglar position with Sailor Moon in the middle, off to the left was Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury, off to the right was Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus. There colored costumes danced in the down pour and could only be seen by the fading light beams of a near by lamp post. Then came Tuxedo Mask only moments later at the aid of Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. Still none of them spoke but hearing all of them land was enough to tell the negamoster guests had arrived. Then Sailor Moon spoke "I am Sailor Moon the champion of love and justice in the name of the moon I will right all wrongs and truimph over evil and that means you!" All the nega creep said was "Then let the games begin." This however was no game it would be the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Masks greatest fight ever. The nega creep was sent personal by Queen Beryl and called himself Pura it had eight tentacles much like an octopus. Pura was at 10 feet tall and weighed at least 900 pounds. It had two huge blood stained eyes in the middle of its face, was muck gray, had skin as hard as rock, and it felt like sandpapaer. Despite Pura's apperance he was very fast and could get up to speeds as fast as 50mph also Pura had awesome reaction time. For Pura's defense he spat out vast amounts of nega energy. After only minutes of intense battle everyone was wiped. "Mercury can you do a computer scan I'm dying out here?" Sailor Jupiter asked. "I was just about to do that...Yes he does have one weakness AHHHHH!!!!!!" Sailor Mercury screamed, she had been struck by nega energy. "Sailor Mercury, you're goin pay nega trash Mars Fire Ignite!" Sailor Mars yelled. Pura expecting some sort of move was ready and deflected it back at her. Now both Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars were unconscious on the bone cold chilling pavement soaked and cover in muddy water. "Jupiter how bout we teach this nega trash what the Sailor Scouts are all about?" Sailor Venus suggested "Great idea" Sailor Jupiter agreed. "Venus Cresent Beam Smash!!!" Jupiter Thunder Crash!!!" "Same tired old tricks pathetic" Pura laughed again aimming there powers back at them. "NOOOO!!!!" Sailor Moon shouted now all four scouts were out and only Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask were left. Tuxedo Mask was by Sailor Moon and said reassuringly "Everything it going to be all right I promise, but I guess it's my turn at bat don't ya think?" Then Tuxedo Mask jumped in the air and started flying over Pura's head, seeing what Tuxedo Mask thought would be a good hit dove right at Pura with his cane all ready launched. Pura in only milla seconds put up a defense shield breaking the cane and sending a surprised Tuxedo Mask pareshing to earth. He landed head first only to share the same fate as everyone else. "Only one left this should be fun!!!" Pura laughed "Go ahead give me your best shot." Sailor Moon couldn't fight all she did was clasp on the slick pavement speechless. What Sailor Moon did next was shocking she started to cry. "What do you want I don't have anything for you but please don't hurt my friends" Sailor Moon pleaded. She was sitting all alone in the down pour with only the light of the lamp post catching her face which revealed sadness, anger, and hatred. Sailor Moon stopped crying but the flow of salty tears still rain down her cheeks. Then lightning struck again and Sailor Moon started to cry once more. "This will be easier than I thought" Pura mumbled. "You won't harm anyone else, I'm tired of you nega trash on behalf of the Earth and on behalf of the Moon I will punish you!!!" a male voice demanded. Sailor Moon turned and let out a loud gasp for standing on a building was a myterious new scout. The man had wavey blond hair the color of Serena's, he was 5 feet 11 inches, had ocean blue eyes, and looked strong. The costume he wore consiste of a baggy hunter green body suit with a navy blue cape, brown leather gloves, black boots (that looked like army boots), around the waist was a silver sword and belt, and on the chest embroded in gold was a star. "I am Sailor Earth sworn defender of the innocent." Sailor Earth said. Then Sailor Earth jumped off the building next to Sailor Moon "Allow me" he said helping Sailor Moon up. "You ready to finish this thing off?" Sailor Earth asked "You bet!" Sailor Moon nearly shouted. "Earth Wind Attack!!!!" Sailor Earth yelled clasping his hands as power emerged from them. This attack was unbelievable strong breaking the shield Pura had put up and turning him into moon dust. Sailor Moon was shocked standing in the rain wide eyed and her month hanging open in disbelief staring at him. "Thank-you...I..I'm Sailor Moon" Sailor Moon managed to say after recovering from the shock. "Um, you're welcome I think everyone should be all right" Sailor Earth replied then in an instance he was gone. Once Sailor Earth was out of sight Sailor Moon ran to the aid of her friends. All the Scouts gradually woke up but Tuxedo Mask was still out "Come on Tuxedo Mask wake up" Sailor Moon cried. Still know movement "no" Sailor Moon whispered the other scouts watched from a distance as Sailor Moon shed her tears but knew they couldn't help. After about 45 minutes he finally woke up "YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!" Sailor Moon screamed then automatical hugged him knocking him back on the ground. He reassured her that he was fine and then took off Sailor Moon didn't believe him though because he had a giant bump on his forehead. "Serena... Dear time to get up it's 12:30p.m." Serena's mother nagged pulling the covers off her exhausted daughter, "All right all right I'm up happy" Serena yawned. Serena stumbled out of bed aching from the night before but decieded to hang out at the arcade. "Darien what happened to your head it's all band-aided up and your arm why is it in a sling?" Andrew asked Darien at the arcade. "Oh this um... I uh got in a fight yeh I got in a fight" Darien replied. "Hey Lita are you ok from last night?" Serena asked Lita who was also at the arcade. "Yeah just a little sore man those creeps are goin pay!" Lita demaned, "Who are you talkin about?" Darien asked. "Um... the people I got in a fight with last night" she replied. After Lita, Serena, Darien, and Andrew asked all there questions about why each other were sore a new guy walked in. "I'm in love" Serena and Lita both sighed with hearts in there eyes while Andrew and Darien got huge sweat drops over there foreheads. "He looks like my old boyfriend Freddy, only a whole lot cutier than Freddy cause Freddy dumped me" Lita mumbled, "Not that again Lita!" Serena moaned. "Well why don't you two go over and talk to him" Darien suggested. Lita had already lost interest though because Ken and her had decieded to get a bite to eat. Serena however decieded to take Darien's advice she couldn't help her self he was so cute even if it was his advice. "Beep Beep Beep" Serena's comunicater went off "Now what... I was just about to talk to this really cute guy" Serena whispered into the comunicater. "Serena, we need you at Rays temple asap" Amy explained "Ok ok I'm comin" Serena sighed. "Am I late?" Serena gasped "Nope right on time for once" Ray said sarcastical. "What's that suppose to mean!!!!" Serena stamered "Hey you two, don't even start" Lita interrupted. "Serena, um how did you beat that nega monster last night?" Luna asked "I knew there was something I wanted to tell you guys, there is a new scout named Sailor Earth only it's a he and majorly dreamy at that" Serena sighed. "WHAT!!!!!" Everyone screamed "What's the problem he used a cool attack I think it was called Earth Wing Attack know know know that's not it oh yeah it was Earth Wind Attack. And he help me up oh I know he loves me" Serena explained. "Serena did he do anything else and what did he look like" Amy asked "Maybe I can do a computer scan on him." "Well he has blonde hair like me" Serena started "Oh God I hope the dieziness doesn't rub off to" Ray commented. "Be quite!!!! He was tall about Lita's height, had blue eyes, and was really really nice" Serena began again "Unlike some people" Serena glared at Ray. "Nope there is nothing, are you sure someone was there and you didn't beat Pura by your self" Amy questioned after doing a quick computer scan. "Serena isn't crazy if she saw Sailor Earth that is good enough for me" Lita ordered in Serena's defense "I agree with Lita the rest of you can believe what you want" Mina stated. "Thanks guys, hey I here the ice-cream truck lets go" Serena squeeled grabbing Lita and Mina's hands everyone else got huge sweat drops on there forehead. Lita and Mina had left after they got ice cream to go to the mall but Serena didn't feel like going so she headed home. "Um excuse me but can you tell me where I can find this address" a handsome man asked handing Serena a piece of paper. "Oh yeah you live right next door to me" Serena replied. "I'm sorry how rude of me my name is Dave" Dave said "I'm Serena" Serena responed then they shook hands. Dave was tall, had blue eyes, strong looking, and wavey blonde hair he resembled Sailor Earth greatly. "Do I know you?" Serena asked "I was about to ask you the same thing" he replied. Serena walked him to his house and he offered to let her inside. "We just moved here from Hawaii, my mom was stationed here she is in the marines and most of the time I am home alone" Dave explained, "Don't you ever get lonely always by yourself?" Serena asked bluntly. "Yeah, but I'm used to it my dad died when I was just a kid so it's been my mom and me ever since" Dave continued. "Would you like anything to drink or eat?" He offered "Sure if you have cookies I'll have a few" Serena answered. While Dave was getting the snack ready Serena was just lookin around when she saw what seemed to be a transformation stick on the counter. "What the... is he Sailor Earth" Serena whispered picking up the stick, the same star that was on Sailor Earth's costume was on the pen. "Want anything to drink?" Dave asked from the kichten. "I um have to go I forgot I have a denist appointment" Serena replied. "But if you need anything I live right next door" Serena hollored while running out of the house with his transformation pen. When Serena got home immediatly she used her communicater to call the others to come to her house within minutes everyone was there. Amy examined it and did a computer scan "Yes Serena you were right this is a transformation stick that belongs to Sailor Earth" Amy concluded. "I thought all the Sailor Scouts were female?" Lita questioned. "Not necessarily, if you belonged to a planet and were born male you would still be the sailor scout of that planet oddly enough however up untill now there have been only females" Amy explained. "Well what if there are two siblings" Mina asked. "Then the older one would be the destine to be King or Queen but not a sailor scout of that planet and the younger one would be the sailor scout and prince or princess of the planet" Amy stated. "Since the five of us don't have siblings we have to be the royality and defenders of our planets" Amy finished. "Do you think we should tell him we know his secret or should we wait" Serena asked. "Well I think we should comfort him so we can all work as a unit, besides if he has the powers you say he has he can be of great value to us" Amy remarked. The five of them decieded to talk to Dave after school tommorrow. Meanwhile Dave at his house was desperatly searching for his pen "It's got to be around here somewhere arrrggg where is it great this is just great!" Dave demanded. Back at Serena's house "It is getting late bye Serena meet you here at 4:00p.m. tommorrow ok?" Lita said "Yep" Serena agreed, the others had left about five minutes earlier. "Well I better hit the sack I can look for my pen tommorrow" Dave sighed. The next day in school Ms. H introduced Dave who happened to be in Serena's class. To everyone's surprise Serena wasn't tardy but it was mainly due to the fact that she wanted to talk to Dave after school, and she really couldn't afford another detention. Dave chose a seat behind Serena and they chit chatted a litttle during class and Serena at lunch introduced him to all her friends. The two of them became friends fast they had a lot in common, after school Serena invited him to her house and he came over. "Dave this is Lita, Mina, Ray, and Amy and I uh don't know how to say this but um are you Sailor Earth?" Serena blurted out. "Who wants to know are you from the negaverse?" Dave asked getting into a fighting stance. "Of course not Dave, we are also Sailor Scouts I'm Sailor Jupiter" Lita reassured him "and that is Sailor Venus aka Mina, Sailor Mars aka Ray, Sailor Mercury aka Amy, and Sailor Moon aka Serena." "What!!!! I thought I was the only Sailor Scout" Dave said shocked. "Oh here Dave I believe this is yours" Mina giggled handing him his transformation stick. "What how did you get this?" Dave asked "It was on the counter when I came over so I took it to have it checked to make sure you were Sailor Earth but I was going to give it back" Serena confessed. Expecting him to explode in anger from stealing private property Serena stiffined up "THANK-YOU!!!!!" Dave exclaimed picking up Serena and twirling her around. "You're not mad?" Serena questioned "Of course not because now I know I'm not the only one" Dave laughed. After hours of talking Amy, Mina, Lita and Ray decieded to head home because it was all ready going on 8:00p.m. "Well I had better be going to" Dave sighed getting up from the pink leather bean-bag chair he was laying on in Serena's room. "Wait!" Serena exclaimed "I have something to show you" Serena finished standing up only to reveal a beautiful star locket. "What is it?" Dave questioned "It's a gold locket" Serena finished. "It is lovely" Dave remarked stepping closer to Serena who held the locket gracefully in the palm of her hands. The sun was setting fast in the west but Serena didn't bother to turn a light on because the whole afternoon the sun was the light. Now the moon was out with its beams captivating Serena and Dave drawing them nearer to each other. "It seems vaguely familiar somehow" Dave said just above a whisper. "I plays a wonderful melody" Serena repiled in the same quite voice lifting up the top and then placing it silently on the table. "Shall we dance?" Dave asked extending his hand for Serena's "Why yes" Serena answered placing her fragile hand on his. The two danced gracefully in the rthymic beat of the locket twrilling in the small room for hours. In one final turn Serena's school uniform was transformed into the Moon Princess dress and for Dave his black school uniform was turned into the Prince of the Earth's suit. The two stop dancing and looked each other in the eyes with a cresent moon in the distance behind them and it's rays embracing the couple Serena whispered "I remember." Dave replied "Me to." *************************************************************************************** Well what did you think? I am seriously thinking of writting of a sequel but tell me what you thought. You can e-mail me all your comments to: Don't worry I am not a fragile wose if you thought the story totally sucked than tell me. That's all for now hoped you liked it.