----- It was late at the small house Haruka and Michiru shared. At the early hour, no one noticed a weak flash 50 meters away from the lot the house sat on. The event went unnoticed, but its effect did not. ----- College Life Omake Theatre 1: Freaky Friday by Greenbeans ----- "Haruka?" "Yes, Michiru?" "What am I doing here?" "Michiru?" At this point Michiru had a terrified expression on her face as she looked at the naked Haruka next to her. The only thing keeping Michiru's eyeballs in her head was the fact the her partner had the sheets pulled up over her breasts. "Michiru?! What's wrong?" Haruka leaned forward, letting the sheet slip down. Michiru rolled over quickly to avoid the flash of Haruka's talent. "Put on a shirt, Haruka!" Michiru almost squealed. "Why am I in bed with you?!" "You've never objected before," Haruka said dryly, raising out of the bed to find a nightshirt. She pulled a robe off of the back of a nearby chair and tossed it to the bed's other occupant. "What's gotten into you, Michiru?" "I am *not* Michiru!" Haruka blinked. "What?" She asked finally. Michiru had slipped into the robe by then and walked into the bathroom. A scream soon followed. "Michiru!" Haruka rushed into the small room. Michiru was seated on the toilet sobbing. Her partner immediately wrapped her arms around her love, trying to comfort her. "Tell me what's wrong..." she crooned softly. "I'm not Michiru," she said between gasps of air. "I'm Beans." ***** Weak light filtered into the room as the pre-dawn blazed into the full glory of the day. Beans laid in her bed and calmly counted the number of glow in the dark stars attached to the ceiling. 42. There are 42 stars on the ceiling. That was 42 too many. Beans lifted her head to look over at Alex. She was sounds asleep. The only sounds in the room were the hum of the lake god's fish tank and Beans' computer. She rolled over onto her side and considered her situation. In less than an hour, Alex would wake up and expect her know the morning routine. The point that she didn't know the morning routine was minor. The real problem was if she was in Beans' room, and judging by the long hair that her head was cushioned in, Beans' body, how would she get back to being Michiru? She already had a sinking feeling that Beans was experiencing the same problem as her. She blushed as she considered the rude awakening her friend would get waking up in her body. Especially if Haruka was being her usual self and had Michiru half pinned under her in a tangle of limbs and sheets. Beans got out of bed then. There really was nothing to be done until she could get to Haruka and.. ahem.. 'Michiru'. "It's awfully early for you, Beans," Jeff's head poked out from under the blankets. "Go back to sleep," the woman in question whispered. "I'm getting an early start today". "That's a first," he mumbled before nuzzling into Alex and returning to sleep. "There's a first for everything," Beans muttered softly before searching for a towel to take with her to the shower room. ***** Michiru fidgeted during the ride to the tech school. She was dressed in a totally un-Michiru-ish outfit of trousers, button-up shirt and vest. It looked more like an outfit Haruka would wear. In fact, it was. The pant legs had been a little long, but some pins in the hem was a quick fix to the problem. "You are *not* Michiru," Haruka mumbled as the woman next to her continued to wring her hands. "I think we've established that much," it was Michiru's lovely voice, but not her words. The tone was harsher than Haruka was used to. "You're still upset about this morning? It wasn't like I wanted to be sleeping with you..." "Shuddup! Just shuddup, I was *not* sleeping with you, got that!" Haruka decided that it was not a good idea to press the point with Beans/Michiru/whoever was sitting next to her. The frown only deepened on her companion's face. "Don't worry," Haruka's softened voice broke the silence a few moments later. "First we find Michiru, and then we'll get this all straightened out," she smiled slightly, trying to put a cheery face on it all. "Jeez Haruka, you act like I've lost a text book. This is a little harder to fix," was the sarcastic response. Haruka's eyebrow twitched. "How do you know that? Just because you're in Michiru's body doesn't mean that it requires some long drawn out process to get you.." her words trailed off at the ice-cold glare she received. "Perhaps this is a *tad* more difficult," she amended with a hesitant laugh. "Just a *tad*," Michiru glared out the window. ***** Beans looked disdainfully at the selection of morning foods that the cafeteria presented. 'I don't see how anyone could live off of this,' she thought to herself as she selected a safe looking apple. That and a carton of milk made up her breakfast. She paid for her meal with Beans' food card. She didn't think the other would mind the used points, and if she did, more could be bought easily enough. A table that gave good view of the cafeteria was selected. Haruka would find her here. ***** "Aren't we going to go up to my room and look?" Michiru protested as Haruka tugged on her sleeve slightly. "She won't be there. It's almost 7am. She would have gotten something to eat by now. She certainly won't be at any classes since she couldn't do any better at your programming class than you could at her violin one," Haruka reasoned. She led them into the college union building. ***** Beans looked at Michiru. Michiru looked at Beans. "So, who am I going to sleep with tonight?" Haruka asked innocently. Michiru stomped on Haruka's foot as Beans laughed into her hand. "You'll sleep alone, you pervert," Michiru hissed. This did not go unnoticed as a couple of geeks looked at them from the next table. John looked to Beans, who quickly shrugged to discourage him from coming over. "What are we going to do?" Michiru insisted once Haruka stopped hopping around on one foot. "Live with it?" Haruka backed away from the now- violent Michiru. Beans discreetly scooted between the two of them. "I don't think you could survive living with Beans in my body." "And I don't want you doing any ecchi adult things in my body," Michiru inserted her protest. Beans eyeballed Michiru's choice of clothing for today while humming softly. It was to be noted that Beans was not looking her usual self today. Her choice in clothing, and general style and grace had jumped several notches overnight (literally). "We don't even know what caused this," Beans cupped her chin with her hand. "Pull out the Deep Aqua Mirror and take a look," she suggested. "Huh?" Michiru blinked. "Do you think she can do it?" Haruka joined Michiru in looking confused at Beans. "We'll never know if you don't try." Michiru tried. And failed. And tried. And failed. Losing patience with the entire process, Beans stuck her hand into Michiru's dimensional pocket and pulled out the mirror. Michiru's eyes went wide. "How did you..?" "Lots of talent," Beans patted Michiru's arm reassuringly. "'Mirror, Mirror, On the wall..'" Michiru intoned. "Cute," Beans intoned. The mirror brought up an image of a fish tank before dispersing again. "I think we should go speak with the lake god," she concluded. Haruka showed her agreement with a brisk nod. The three of them trooped up to Beans' room where they discovered that Beans had forgotten to grab her room keys before leaving to eat breakfast. "How could you forget them?" Michiru asked while sighing. "Why would I remember them?" Beans countered. "As fun as it is to stand in the hall and discuss this," Haruka cut in, "there is a lake god in there who has some answers. Where do we get another key?" "The RA," Michiru answered promptly. She then led them on search for a RA that was not in class who could let them in. 20 minutes later they were standing in front of the tank. Beans stuck her hand in and pulled it out again. She nodded for Michiru to try. "I'm deaf to it," she said as Michiru put a testing finger into the waters. 'Yes.. you hear..' a voice reverberated in her head. "AHH!!!" Michiru backed away quickly from the tank. "What are you afraid of?" Haruka scolded. "You've only lived with it for several months." "It.. spoke.. in my head!" Michiru stuttered. Beans rubbed the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. "Of course it did. How else do you think I was talking to it?" "Well, I dunno," Michiru frowned. The expression was as foreign to Michiru's features as a cowboy would be in Times Square. "Will you get on with it already?" Haruka prompted after Michiru stared at the tank for several long minutes. Michiru nodded slowly before sticking a hesitant finger into the tank. The waters burbled around it, caressing her flesh before the voice came back softly. 'No hurt.. help,' it said. 'How?' 'Do as you did before. Make tonight as last.' "It says to make tonight as last," Michiru repeated. Beans thought about the cryptic message. "I think it means that you spend the night with Haruka and I'll be here tonight. Perhaps when we wake up, everything will be normal again?" "It can't be that simple," Michiru protested. Haruka nudged her in the ribs. "Told ya so." "Byte me." "I'd love to," Haruka growled. This earned her both a jab from Michiru and a glare from Beans. 'They are no fun to flirt with when they are like this,' Haruka pouted. ***** Haruka looked at the stiff form lying besides her. Michiru was fully dressed in flannels with a bathrobe wrapped around her, then the covers. She had wanted Haruka to sleep on the couch tonight, but the lake god had said to repeat, so that meant that Haruka got to stay in her own bed. Of course, neither Beans or Michiru would let her totally repeat the last night. They really were no fun. ***** Alex wondered if Beans was feeling all right. she was up early this morning, and is going to be an hour before midnight. Definitely not like her. ***** "I'm not going to touch you," Haruka sighed, annoyed. She really wanted Michiru back. "I know you won't," Michiru whispered. "I just want to be me." "Me too," Haruka agreed. ***** That night there was a weak flash not far outside the residence of Haruka Ten'ou and Michiru Kaioh. Of course, they weren't awake to take notice of it. ***** Michiru blinked to get the sleep from her eyes. She rolled her head over to see Haruka sleeping on her side of the bed, no where near her. The rest of Michiru's body followed her head as she turned to face Haruka. She pulled herself closer to Haruka to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. Haruka's eyes flew open at the slight touch. "Such a gentleman," Michiru drawled while taking note of all the clothing they were wearing. "It's a bit warm." "Indeed it is," Haruka helped Michiru out of her robe. ***** Beans counted the number of glow in the dark stars on her ceiling. 42. As there should be. She stretched before looking to see what time it was. 10:07am. Ah, it's nice to have things back to normal. ***** (End) I must point out that this story in no way effects the regular plot line of College Life, nor will it ever be referred to in the series.