Highlander Moon by Bill Harris Soton@aol.com Chapter 2 - Unholy Alliance, Take Two Sailor Moon's sudden appearance was distracting, but MacLeod tried to keep on eye on Mornay nevertheless. "Glad to know you're not lumping me in with him," he muttered, glancing back quickly at Sailor Moon. She might have been the girl Mornay had been menacing when MacLeod had come on the scene, but he couldn't prove it by looking at her. Of course, it had been the same with Mina back in London, so it wasn't surprising. He turned back to face Mornay, but still directed his next statement to Sailor Moon. "Just keep out of the way. I'll handle him." "Are you nuts?" she replied. "I don't know who you are, but this clown is definitely bad news. If you're one of the good guys, you should let me help you!" To emphasize her point, she jumped beside MacLeod, facing Mornay. MacLeod took her by one arm and tried to drag her behind him, which proved to be tougher than he thought. "Do me a favor and stay out of it. This is just something I have to do myself." Mornay watched with interest as Sailor Moon objected vocally to MacLeod's treatment of her. While there wasn't an opportunity for him to strike during this altercation, he did have other options. And with MacLeod's unexpected involvement, he decided it was time to exercise them. MacLeod took a deep breath and tried to put a rein in his temper. This was threatening to get as out of control as his argument with Lita that morning, which was something he could ill afford at the moment. He wished he could explain to her about the Rules of the Game; specifically in this case that all Immortal conflicts were one on one affairs; but this was definitely not the time nor the place. Not now, when he was toe to toe with another Immortal. "Look, I'll explain everything later. For now, just let me do this myself. If you want to watch, fine, but stay out of it. There's no need for you to get involved." Sailor Moon failed to be mollified by his words. "As if! I was involved the mome..." She paused in midsentence and her eyes went wide. "YIKES!" Immediately upon her startled yelp, MacLeod spun about, returning his full attention to Mornay. His jaw dropped, as did his sword, as he found himself taken aback. "What the hell...?" He had seen many things in his lifetime, but never in four hundred years had he seen anything like this. Mornay's form was flowing and shifting, increasing his height by at least six inches. His skin started taking on a reptilian tone as well, complete with scales and it gleamed like armor. MacLeod had the sinking feeling that Mornay's transformation went far more than skin deep. "Then again, maybe I could use a hand." "Mina!" The blonde whirled about immediately upon hearing her name being called. But she didn't need to see the source to know who it was. "Artemis! What's wrong?" A smile came to her face. "Is Luna after your hide again?" Artemis' face wrinkled in distaste at her timing. "Give me a break, Mina. This is serious!" "OK, OK. So what's up?" "Duncan MacLeod's in town, for one. I bumped into him at the park." "Duncan? But what's he..." "That's not the important thing right now," Artemis interrupted her hurriedly. "There's some sort of trouble going on in the park, and we think Serena might be in the middle of it. There could also..." "What?!?" Mina exclaimed, interrupting him in turn. "Why didn't you say so?" With a flourish, she produced her transformation wand and raised it skyward. "VENUS POWER!" Mornay attacked first, charging headlong at MacLeod. He was able to evade Mornay's wild swing and tried to return the blow, but Mornay was far faster than he anticipated. The mutated Immortal easily blocked his counter, parrying with such force that MacLeod's katana went flying. The next thing MacLeod knew, Mornay had picked him up bodily and then threw him with enough force that he slammed hard against a tree, shaking it violently. A sharp pain in MacLeod's side caused him to gasp and he knew that at least two of his ribs were broken. He tried to stagger to his feet, glancing to see where his katana had gone. Satisfied that MacLeod was out of the way for the moment, Mornay turned his attention to Sailor Moon. "Now, Sailor Moon, just give me the Silver Crystal and I'll make this easy for you." "The Silver Crystal is right here!" she replied, brandishing the Moon Wand. "But there's no way I'm giving it to you." "Then I'll take it!" "I've got a better idea -- we can use it to get rid of those bad Negaverse influences in you." She lifted the Moon Wand upwards and began, "MOON HEALING..." Mornay made a rather prodigious leap and grabbed the Moon Wand before she could finish. "I don't think so. I *like* being this way! It gives me power... power enough that I can win the Game and be the last Immortal. Now give me that crystal!" As he said the last, he tried to wrest the Moon Wand from Sailor Moon's grasp. To her credit, Sailor Moon hung on to the wand for all she was worth. "Forget it!" Mornay dropped his sword and used his free hand to grab Sailor Moon by the throat. "Let it go or die!" he snarled. "Are you sure there isn't some middle ground here?" Mornay snarled, but before he could reply... "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!" A brilliant beam of light shot over Sailor Moon's shoulder and struck Mornay full in the chest. He stumbled backwards, fell to the ground and lay there unmoving. Sailor Venus ran up to Sailor Moon. "Are you OK, Sailor Moon?" "Yep," she answered. "Thanks for the save, Venus." Venus just smiled in answer and flashed her the "V for Victory" sign. Then, satisfied that Sailor Moon was in good shape, she glanced over at MacLeod. "You OK, Duncan?" MacLeod was still shaky, but he had managed to stagger over to where his sword had landed. "I'll live, but... BEHIND YOU!" Reacting to MacLeod's warning purely on instinct, Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus both dodged left, managing to avoid Mornay's charge. Instead of striking either of the Scouts, his blade hit a tree instead and clove right through the foot thick trunk. "Great, he must be an Immortal too," Venus said as they watched the tree crash to the ground. "Immortal?" asked a very confused Sailor Moon. "More than an Immortal," Mornay sneered. With a flamboyant gesture, he swept his free hand in their direction. Two dark energy globes leapt from his hand and struck them both, effectively restraining them. "As I've just demonstrated." MacLeod grabbed his sword and moved as best he could towards Mornay, even as the other Immortal stalked over to the two Scouts. He wouldn't be able to do much in his current condition, but he only knew he had to try. "Time to end this," Mornay said, standing by Sailor Moon. He raised his sword high, ready to strike the final blow... "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" ...and was struck full in the face by a ball of flame. Stunned, Mornay staggered backwards from the blast. Sailor Moon looked up and was elated. Sailor Mars had arrived, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mercury flanking her. "You're here!" Then she added in mock annoyance, "It's about time, too!" "Look who's talking about other people being late," Mars retorted. "Later, you two," Mercury said. "Right now we've got other worries." "You can say that again," Mornay sneered. Though scorched in the face, he seemed otherwise unfazed. He gathered himself to charge at the Scouts. "Quick, use the Moon Wand, Sailor Moon!" Mars said. "I'd like to do that, Mars, but I'm a little tied up at the moment." "Not for long," Mars noted. A spirit ward appeared in her hand. "I'll have you both out of those in a jiffy." "And we'll keep him occupied until you do," Mercury said. "Right, Jupiter?" The tall Scout nodded as she readied herself. "Right!" "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!" In an instant, the battlefield was enshrouded in a thick layer of fog. His targets suddenly hidden in the mist, Mornay looked about to find them in confusion. MacLeod was quick to take advantage of this opportunity. Ignoring the pain from his still-healing ribs, he stepped just behind the other Immortal and swung his sword as hard as he could, aiming for Mornay's neck. The blade struck home, but the results was anything other than what he expected. Instead of cleaving clean through Mornay's neck, somehow the toughness of his altered form prevented the blade from penetrating more than a centimeter. Still, he howled in pain from the blow. In the same instant that he struck, MacLeod heard "JUPITER THUNDER... CRASH!" In the next instant, he felt a surge of electricity throughout his body as the electricity of Jupiter's attack was conducted right through the katana and into him. The Highlander jerked spasmodically then fell lifelessly to the ground. Mornay held a hand to his neck, hissing at the pain of his various wounds. Given his injuries and the fatigue he was now feeling from the combat, retreat seemed to be the better part of valor at the moment. "We'll finish this later, Sailor Moon," he said, vanishing into a puff of smoke. The fog vanished seconds later, leaving only MacLeod's still form on the ground. The Scouts ran up to him, four of them showing expressions of grave concern. "Is he badly hurt?" Sailor Moon asked anxiously while Mercury scanned him to determine the extent of his injuries. "I doubt it," Venus answered. "After all, his head is still attached to the rest of him." "What do you mean by that?" a puzzled Sailor Moon asked. "You see, he's..." "Dead." Four sets of eyes turned to look at Mercury at this, three of them with varying degrees of shock in them while Venus looked annoyed at being interrupted. "I'm not detecting any signs of life within him. No heartbeat, respiration or even any brainwave activity at all." She closed her computer slowly. "I'm afraid he's dead." "I killed him?" Jupiter asked quietly, looking as if she were about to burst into tears. "It was an accident, Jupiter," Mars said. "You couldn't know that he was going to use that sword right then." "Besides, you didn't kill him," Venus insisted. "Give him a couple of minutes and he'll be fine." Mercury knew that Venus could be flighty at times, but this was pushing it even for her. "Venus, the man is dead. Despite what you may think, he's not going to start breathing and sit right up." At that moment, MacLeod gasped for breath and sat up. Four of the Scouts gasped and jumped backwards several paces. However, Venus simply displayed a knowing smile. "He does." She reached out to give MacLeod a hand up. "Welcome back from the dead, Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod." "Thanks," he answered. He looked around, but saw no sign of Mornay anywhere. "Did I miss much?" "Not really," Venus said. The others were still too busy staring at MacLeod in open-mouthed shock to say anything. "Just the bad guy pulling a vanishing act. You didn't tell me you guys could do that." A note of irritation crept into her last statement. "That's because we can't," MacLeod answered. He got back to his feet, flexing his hands as he did so. With the exception of a slight tingling in his fingers, it seemed that the various injuries he had received during the battle had healed themselves. "Just like we can't change into half man, half lizard forms." "This is impossible!" Mercury had finally managed to gather enough of her wits to speak. "There were no life signs whatsoever! None! I'd stake my computer on it!" "You weren't wrong," MacLeod answered her. "I was dead." Mercury seemed even more confused now. "But how...?" "I'd be happy to answer your questions, but I don't think we should do it here." MacLeod looked around. Nobody had come around yet, but with all the noise the battle had generated, there were bound to be onlookers soon enough. If there wasn't one already, he thought. "Do you have someplace we can talk privately?" "No problem," Venus answered. "Just follow us." "You're four hundred years old?" Lita asked. MacLeod wasn't surprised to hear the skepticism in her voice. He encountered that every time he told someone about his immortality. "Just turned four hundred this year," he said casually. "Wow, that must have been some birthday cake," Serena observed, prompting an irritated glare from Raye. From his position in the temple courtyard, MacLeod watched the squabble Serena's comment had provoked with some amusement, idly wondering just what he had gotten himself into. It had been a bit of a struggle getting to this point. With the exception of Mina, the girls had been understandably reluctant to reveal their identities to MacLeod. However, Mina pointed out that MacLeod had known of her identity as Sailor V for several months and hadn't revealed it to anyone, and he had come to Sailor Moon's aid. Serena had been the first to agree with Mina, reversing the transformation process and the others soon followed suit. From there they went back to the temple, where MacLeod began his explanations of what Immortals were... And what it was that brought him to Japan. Luna had been silently listening to all of MacLeod's explanations. She had already known about Immortals, but it was a good idea to make sure her memory in this area was still accurate. As a lull in the nearby commotion developed, she shook her head. "I should have known it the moment I saw him," Luna muttered before glaring accusingly at Artemis. "You never told me you had encountered Immortals since we revived." "Um.... well, you never asked," he replied lamely. Luna's potential tirade was interrupted by Serena. "Wait a second, Luna. You mean you two have met Immortals before?" "Of course, Serena. Immortals have been around for thousands of years, long before the fall of the Moon Kingdom... perhaps even before it began. One in particular traveled there on many occasions. I understand that he and Queen Serenity were good friends." The Silver Millennium - shortly before Queen Beryl's attack Luna grumbled as she continued through the palace hallway. "Ask a simple question of them, get an enigma for an answer. 'Excuse me, do you know where Methos is?' 'He has always been here.' Vorlons!" She glanced over at a nearby alcove and, seeing nothing there, continued on her way. "Hello, Luna," said a calm voice. Startled, she stopped suddenly; then looked sharply at the alcove she had just passed. Sure enough, he was standing in the shadows. "Looking for someone?" "Don't do that!" she snapped irritably. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Methos stepped out from concealing shadows of the alcove. "Sorry. But I am trying to go about unseen." "I know," she said with a sigh. "It wouldn't do for you to be found. Not with the order..." "I know about the order," the Immortal said, interrupting her. "And I can understand why all Terrans are to be expelled. But, even though I intend to go back, I had to remain here long enough to say goodbye." "I know," Luna said again. "And so does Queen Serenity. She sent me to find you, Methos." The Immortal chuckled softly. "You two know me too damned well. Very well, Luna, lead on." Luna turned around and led him the Queen's chambers, careful to avoid the guard patrols. Eventually, they came to the doors and entered. Serenity was on the balcony, gazing at the full Earth above. "Your Majesty?" Luna spoke up. Serenity turned at the sound of her voice. "I found him." "Thank you, Luna," the Queen answered. "Please, stay," she added when the cat started to leave. Luna instead sat down by the door. "I'm glad to see you again, old friend," Serenity said. "Old is a relative term for me," Methos answered. He looked worriedly up at the Earth. "Will she attack soon?" "Very likely," Serenity replied. "And the timing couldn't be worse. I've had a report from the Outer Scouts that the Shadows have mounted an attack on the perimeter defenses." "Somehow I doubt that it's a coincidence," Methos observed. "I agree. For the sake of morale, we're trying to keep up the appearance of normality. But with all that's going on, I'm afraid there'll be much tension at tomorrow's ball." "Not for everyone," Methos replied obliquely. Serenity looked sharply at him, but he kept his face as bland as ever. "What do you mean by that?" Methos only chose to reply by shrugging. "Methos!" "I don't tell you *all* my secrets," he said defensively. She eyed him speculatively. "Sometimes I think you are made of secrets. For example, I've known you for centuries and I still don't know how old you really are." Methos smiled. "Don't you lie about your age sometimes?" "Maybe. But I have the white hair to belie an obvious lie." She smiled herself, answering his. "That's one worry you'll never have." His expression turned more serious. "At least you can have children." Her own smiled vanished, and she gently touched his face. "I'm sorry, old friend. I didn't mean to touch on an old wound." "It's something I've gotten used to," he replied offhandedly. He took her hand and held it gently in his own. "I'd better be going. Your guards are understandably touchy these days... and I believe the last ship back to Earth is leaving soon." "Yes. Yes, it is." Serenity look to the doorway. "Luna..?" The black cat came out of the shadows. "I'll make sure he get there, You Majesty." ""Thank you , Luna." Methos walked to the door, then stopped and turned back to her. "Goodbye Serenity." "Goodbye, Methos. I hope we will meet again." A sad smile came to her face. "If not here... then in the place where no shadows fall." Tokyo, present day. "Luna? Earth to Luna, come in Luna." Serena waved a hand in front of the cat's eyes. Startled back to reality, the cat blinked. "I'm sorry, Serena. I was just... remembering." Serena raised one eyebrow. "Anything you'd care to share with the rest of us?" "Maybe later," Luna said. "For now, we have other things to talk about." "Yeah, like what we're gonna do about this Mornay character," Lita put in. "Well, we know he's after the Silver Crystal," Amy observed. "Maybe we can set a trap for him?" "Our last one didn't work so well," Raye said. "Face it, Malachite sets so many traps that he's able to spot one coming a mile away." "So what do we do?" Mina asked. "Wait for him to try and come after Serena again?" "No, thank you," Serena said. "Having him try and make sushi out of me once was enough." "I've never been one to wait for an enemy to attack either," MacLeod agreed. "I'd rather get to him first and strike on ground of my own choosing." Lita nodded. "I like that. The only problem is finding him. With that vanishing act he pulled, he could be anywhere." Amy nodded. "Even the Negaverse." "I wonder how he pulled that off," MacLeod mused quietly. "Pulled what off?" Mina asked. "That disappearing act of his. Mornay, that is. Along with that transforming trick of his." "He probably gained that ability when he was infused with Negapower," Luna replied. "Possible, but I doubt it," Amy said. "It's more likely that he gained that ability, plus the others he demonstrated, because he was infused with a youma. However, unlike the previous cases we've seen, his personality seems to be dominant over the youma's." She looked at her computer. "If that's the case, I might be able to locate him by scanning the city." Curious, MacLeod glanced over her shoulder at the computer display. "What have you been scanning? Me?" Amy reddened slightly. "I.. I was seeing if I can tell what it is that makes you Immortal." MacLeod suppressed a small flash of irritation. "Any luck?" "Not yet," she confessed, "but..." "Just keep in mind that I'm not a lab specimen, hmm?" After she nodded, he continued, "OK, back to the problem at hand. Let's assume Mornay's somewhere in Tokyo," MacLeod said. "After all, he's not going to give up after one skirmish. We know what he looks like, so if we split up into teams, we might be able to find him first." "Finding one guy in a city this big is going to take a miracle," Raye noted. MacLeod shrugged. "I don't know. I was able to find you without much information to go on. Besides, I can sense when he's nearby." "You can?" Serena asked. "Yep. And I believe Luna and Artemis can do something similar." He looked to the two cats. "Am I right?" "It's not as automatic as it is for you, but yes, we should be able sense when he's nearby," Luna replied. "So we should divide up into three teams. Luna on one, Artemis on another and you for the third," Amy said. "Sounds good to me," MacLeod replied. "But you should keep alert. He can sense when *you* are nearby as well," he indicated the Scouts. Mina stomped her foot in anger. "So *that's* how you were able to know when I was sneaking up on you! I thought you just had good hearing!" MacLeod smiled. "Surprise." "You mean you can sense our presence even when we're not transformed?" Amy asked. MacLeod nodded. "If you try to keep moving or stick with larger groups of people, he won't be able to tell who it is he's sensing." "Like he did with me," Serena noted. "Which means you're going to have to be extra careful, Serena," Luna told her. "Great. Raye was right. It's gonna take a miracle to find him before he can find us," Lita noted. "Serena can use the Disguise Pen when we're out searching," Amy suggested. "That should keep him guessing." "That's a good idea, Amy," Luna said. "It might not be a bad idea for her to disguise herself when she goes home from here." "That cuts down the odds of him finding us first, but it's still a longshot," Lita noted. "Maybe we can cuts the odds further. I might be able to call in some extra help," MacLeod said. "Help? Who from?" Mina asked. "The Watchers." "Watchers?" "They're an organization that watches and records the affairs of Immortals. They've been keeping records on us since modern civilization began." "They watch everything you guys do?" Mina asked. After MacLeod nodded, "Then they saw me transform back in London. They... they know I was Sailor V." "And my contact with them worked it out that you were also Sailor Venus," MacLeod said. "But only he and one other Watcher know about your secret. They decided to keep that information from the rest of the Watcher network." "You trust him?" Raye asked. "I don't think we have any choice right now. But he is the reason I found out your enemies were using an Immortal to strike at you." MacLeod paused to let them think that over. "So are we decided? We meet here tomorrow morning, say at seven, and then fan out to search for Mornay." "Sure." "Sure." "Sure." "Sure." "Seven in the morning?!? On a Saturday?!?" Mornay stepped out of the bathroom, still toweling himself off. "I hope you enjoyed the shower," a voice asked him. "Because it may be the last thing you enjoy for quite a while." Mornay cast a disparaging glare at the figure on the couch, then went into the bedroom to get dressed. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked. "It means your performance was less than exemplary," the other answered but paused. The next voice revealed the reason for the pause. "What it means is that you *failed*!" Mornay spun around to see Malachite glaring at him. The Negaverse General looked decidedly unhappy. "You were supposed to obtain the Silver Crystal AND kill Sailor Moon by now. But the only thing you did today was run at the first sign of trouble!" Mornay felt a surge of fear deep within the core of his being. But if there was one thing he was not, it was a coward. He stepped forward and stared evenly at Malachite. "I didn't run at the first sign of trouble. I fought them all, but I was outnumbered and wounded." He rubbed the side of his neck; the scar from the wound MacLeod had inflicted plain to see. "I had no choice but retreat and fight another day." "You could have kept on fighting," Malachite retorted. Mornay threw up his hands in frustration. "I couldn't even see them! There was that damnable fog!" "Next time I suggest you make sure Mercury is neutralized before you battle them again." Both Malachite and Mornay looked to the doorway as the third member of their alliance, James Horton, entered the room. Mornay pointed an accusing finger at him. "You never said anything about MacLeod being there! The only ones you told me about where those Scouts!" "His presence was not a certainty," Horton replied. Malachite saw that Horton was being less than forthright. "But not entirely unexpected," he observed. "He does tend to show up where he's not wanted." Horton smiled sardonically. "The white knight riding to the rescue." "You should have warned me he might show up, so I'd be ready," Mornay reiterated. "If I knew he'd be there, I would have moved faster." He glared at Malachite. "And you. You said I would be invulnerable with the power you gave me. But an ordinary blade did this!" He gestured to the scar on his neck. "I was almost killed!" "You survived," Malachite noted dryly, almost sorry that fact. "A katana is far from an ordinary blade. It's among the strongest and sharpest blades ever made." Horton paused and allowed his words to sink in. "You took their best shots and came away barely scratched. If your strategy had been better laid out to begin with, you might have prevailed." Mornay took a deep breath and start pacing. "I see what you're saying. Very well, I'll be ready for them all next time." "Who says you'll get another chance?" An energy sword materialized in Malachite's hand, and Mornay's eyes widened in fear. "Perhaps we should just cut our losses off at your neck and use our other Immortal in your place." "Now, now, Malachite," Horton stepped in. "Let's not be hasty. While Kane may be more adept that Mornay in certain areas," Mornay snorted in contempt despite his fear, "He isn't exactly sympathetic to your cause." "Irrelevant," Malachite snarled. "I've controlled other humans before. I can control Kane just as easily." "As I recall, your previous uses of controlled humans have ended in failure. Can you afford to take the chance this time? Would your monarch be so understanding about yet another failure?" Horton waited for an answer but Malachite's silence told him far more than anything the General could have said. "I thought as much. Now, I do agree with you that a slight change in our strategy is warranted. MacLeod must be dealt with first. With him eliminated, Mornay should find his battle against the Scouts much easier." "I assume you have some thoughts on this?" Malachite asked. Horton nodded. "I know MacLeod and how he thinks. The stratagem I have in mind should be sufficient to through him off balance enough for our purposes. The only question is, do you have the power and ability to pull it off?" "I have power and ability to spare," Malachite told him, his disdain for Horton evident in his tone. "What do you propose?" "...don't have to put me up for the night. I can find a hotel room," MacLeod was saying as he followed Lita into her apartment. "Without a reservation, you might that's easier said than done on a Friday night," she told him. MacLeod grimaced at the truth in her statement. At this point, he'd be lucky if he found a hotel room closer than Taitoku. "Besides, I sorta owe you for... well, killing you." MacLeod chuckled. "For the last time, no harm was done." "You act like you die all the time." "I've done it a few times before," he understated. Now that he was inside, he took a look around the apartment. While it was not luxurious, it was still well furnished and it looked like Lita kept it meticulously neat. "You've got a nice place here. You sure your parent won't mind you bringing an older man home?" "I... live alone," Lita replied in a quiet voice. After MacLeod's disbelieving look, "My parents were killed in a plane crash." "Don't you have other family you can live with?" "A few cousins, but nobody close. And I refuse to do the foster child route!" For emphasis, she slammed her fist down on the countertop. "I believe you," MacLeod agreed with her earnestly. He eyed the countertop, but there was no sign of it cracking. Either it was made of very strong stuff, or Lita hadn't put her full strength into the blow. "I'm sorry about your parents." Lita shrugged. "It was a while ago. I've gotten used to not having them around." "But the pain never entirely goes away." Now it was Lita's turn to look in disbelief. "I've been alive for four hundred years, Lita. I know a little something about loss. Old losses..." A variety of emotions echoed through his soul as he recalled Tessa's death. "...and recent ones." Lita took a good look at MacLeod's face. He was concealing his feelings well, but she could read the sorrow behind the mask. "You lost someone special recently." She phrased it so that it wasn't a question. He nodded. "A few months ago... and she was very special." The awkward moment lingered for a bit. Finally Lita shook herself, "You want something to drink? I could make some tea." "Sounds good to me. Thanks." Lita smiled and went into the kitchen. While he waited, MacLeod walked around the living room. As he passed by the couch, a wave of tiredness washed over him. The day's exertions must finally be catching up to him, he mused. Perhaps he just needed to sit down for a minute. "Do you want anything in your tea?" Lita called out from the kitchen a few minutes later. When no response was forthcoming, she stepped back out into the living room. "Duncan?" What she saw brought her up short. MacLeod was seated on the couch, his head tilted back, his eyes closed... and he was snoring softly. Lita shook her head and went back into the kitchen. "I guess the tea is going to have to wait." Next time: The Scouts go on the prowl looking for Mornay, while MacLeod finds out what happened to his friend Marcus Kane.