(Soton) Sailor Trek Chapter 6 - Cosmic Moon Power! "Captain's log, supplemental. We've managed to recover the dilithium crystals with minimal casualties. Unfortunately, the ship is now under attack and we are unable to use the warp engines." The red alert klaxon started blaring while Uhura's voice echoed through the ship, "Red alert! All hands man your battle stations! This is not a drill. I say again, this is NOT a drill!" The Scouts followed Kirk and Spock as they sprinted for the turbolift. "Bridge." The doors closed, and they heard the distinctive hum of the turbolift in operation. Kirk snapped the intercom. "Kirk to bridge." "Sulu here, Captain." "Status report, Mr. Sulu." "The alien has closed to forty thousand kilometers, but it hasn't fired again," the helmsman began. "Probably trying to close the gap before it does so," Kirk speculated softly. Spock nodded. It seemed a logical conclusion. Sulu continued, "Warp drive is offline, but the impulse engines are at full power." "Very well, Sulu. Maintain distance as best you can," Kirk ordered. "Kirk out." He glanced over at his science officer. "What the hell is that thing?" "It's a spacecraft of sorts that appears to utilize some form of organic technology." Kirk looked up in surprise. The answer hadn't come from the Vulcan, but from Mercury instead. Still, he really shouldn't have been all that surprised. Reading from her palmtop she continued, "It's nearly four times the size of this ship and it's power levels are comparably higher to the earlier readings I took of the Enterprise." Spock nodded. "That seems to be a reasonable analysis. I take it you are accessing the sensors through the interface linkup?" "Yes. It seemed reasonable to keep it going until this is all over." Kirk decided to let that go for now. Of more immediate concern was the present tactical situation. Which didn't look good for the Enterprise at the moment. ""Can you make some estimate on it's firepower potential?" She frowned and hit several keys. "Based on it's earlier firing on us, I'd say it's firepower is greater than the Enterprise's. But I'm not detecting anything like your deflector shields." Kirk grimaced. "Well, at least we have some advantages. Let's hope it buys us enough time for Scotty to get the crystals back in." Beryl watched the ship in her crystal ball as it approached the Enterprise. She cackled with obvious pleasure. "Soon those wretched Sailor Scouts will be out of my way... forever! And the Silver Crystal will be mine!" "Do you think it's wise to use the shadow vessel to attack the starship, my queen?" Malachite asked reluctantly. "After so many centuries isolated, the youma controlling it may be insane and uncontrollable. The Silver Crystal could be destroyed." She shook off his concerns. "Nonsense, Malachite. I have total control over it. We'll batter down their defenses and then offer to let them go if they turn over the Silver Crystal to us. They'll have no choice but to comply." "And the ship will destroy them after we have the Silver Crystal?" "Of course. A simple, direct plan." She looked pointedly at Malachite. "Much better than any you ever thought up." Malachite glowered, but did not dare reply. The lift doors opened to the bridge. Kirk practically leapt from the turbolift to his command chair. Spock made his way to the science station, while the Scout gathered together in the rear of the bridge. "Report, Mr. Sulu." "The alien ship has closed to twenty thousand kilometers. Shields are up, and we're proceeding at full impulse." Sulu glanced into his viewer and shook his head. "It's still closing." "Continue evasive maneuvers. Phaser status?" "Phaser stand ready, sir," Chekov answered. He faced the captain with a sorrowful expression, "but only at thirty three percent of maximum." 'Wonderful,' thought Kirk. The shadowy ship fired an energy beam that swung around and struck the ship amidships. The deck pitched under the force of the impact. Having been through this many times before, the crew were able to hold themselves in place. In the rear of the bridge, the Scouts tumbled over each other. "Get off of me, Serena!" a low voice hissed. "It's not me!" "Shields holding, Captain, but weakening," Spock said over the commotion. "Now at eighty percent." "Mr. Sulu, lock phasers on target," ordered Kirk. Sulu worked the phaser controls. "Phasers locked." "Fire!" The red energy beams lanced out from the ship, striking the enemy vessel. It writhed as if in pain, but then came at the ship again. "Direct hit," reported Spock. "Sensors detect no discernable damage to the alien. It absorbed the phaser energy by dissipating it throughout itself." "Could it do the same with a photon torpedo blast?" "Unknown." Kirk tightened his jaw. "Then let's find out. Mr. Chekov, ready photon torpedoes, minimum possible spread." The ship trembled again from another direct hit. Spock looked up from his viewer. "Shields are down to forty seven percent. They cannot handle another hit." "Torpedoes ready, Keptin," reported Chekov. Kirk took a deep breath. "Fire!" The ship bucked slightly as three photon torpedoes discharged from the firing tubes. Two hit the alien ship and the remaining one exploded on a proximity blast. "Got him!" exclaimed Chekov. His glee was short lived however, for the alien emerged from the glare from the torpedo explosions apparently unharmed. "Minimal effect," Spock confirmed. "It was able to absorb the photon energy as well. It would seem that our weapons are only marginally effective against it, even if we had full power available." Kirk stabbed at the intercom. "Scotty, I could use some good news about now." Scotty gave the communicator an exasperated look. Why was it that he always had to rush his repairs? "I've almost got them installed," he replied. "I only need a few more minutes." "We don't have a few minutes!" Kirk exclaimed. The ship rocked again, more violently than before. "Shields have failed," reported Spock. "I'm getting damage reports in from several decks," said Uhura. "Damage control teams are on the way." Kirk watched the alien ship turn to gather itself for another attack on the Enterprise. Without the shields, this one would surely destroy the ship. Then, inexplicably, it stopped, hovering a constant distance from the ship. "What the hell?" "What's it doing?" Sailor Moon asked. "Why's it just sitting there?" "Unknown," Spock replied. He was obviously just as mystified as they were. Uhura touched her earpiece, listening intently to it. "Captain, we're being hailed." "Hailed? By who?" "He identified himself as Malachite, sir." "What does he want?" Jupiter asked. "At a guess, I'd say this," Sailor Moon replied, hefting the Crescent Moon Wand. Kirk nodded. "On screen." The screen wavered, and the image of the Negaverse general appeared on the screen. Luna hissed, and the scouts glared at him. "We meet again, Captain Kirk." Kirk saw no need to engage in pleasantries with him. "Why have you attacked my ship, Malachite?" "You need to ask? You invaded our kingdom and stole several objects from here." "We recovered that which was rightfully ours," Kirk snapped. "I'm not going to debate semantics, not when your precious dilithium is no longer an object of desire for us, Captain. But the Silver Crystal is. Turn it, and the Sailor Scouts over to me, and I'll spare your ship and crew." "Forget it, Malachite!" Sailor Moon exclaimed. "You're not getting my Crystal!" "It's not your decision, Sailor brat," the Negaverse general sneered. "As if!" Kirk tried to look thoughtful. "How do I know you'll keep your word?" Sailor Moon's jaw dropped. "What?!?" The tone in her voice caused him to wince internally, but he force himself not to look back. He had to play out this bluff as far as he could if he was going to give Scotty enough time to work his usual brand of engineering magic. Behind him, the other Scouts looked uncertain, except for Mars. She simply stared intently at him, eyes narrowed. The smugness on Malachite's face was unbelievable. "You really have no choice, do you? Your shields are gone, your ship defenseless and your pitiful weapons are no match for our ship! Surrender the Scouts to me! NOW!" Kirk put on his best poker face, trying to look reasonable. "Allow me a few minutes to consult with my senior officers." "You have sixty seconds, no more!" The screen shimmered and went blank. The Scouts watched a grim faced Kirk move over and start talking with Spock. "He's not going to give Malachite what he wants," Mars commented quietly. "He's just trying to buy time." The others nodded, understanding now. Sailor Moon's face shifted from shock to realization. "Oh, yeah. I knew that." Mars bit back the automatic retort, but glared at her nevertheless. "Even if Mr. Scott manages to get the warp engines back online, the Enterprise won't last long against that ship with the shields down," Mercury observed. "There's got to be something we can do!" Jupiter said. "There is," Artemis answered her, "I've got an idea." "Better late than clever." "Just listen..." Kirk moved back to his command chair. Behind him he could hear Luna and Artemis talking hurriedly to the Scouts, but he didn't have the time to find out what they were saying. He activated the intercom to engineering again. "Scotty, now would be a good time to tell me you're finished." "Very nearly, sir! I only need another minute or two!" Kirk nodded. This was going to be another close call. Perhaps too close this time. "Lock phasers and stand by torpedoes, simultaneous barrage," he ordered quietly. The helmsman and navigator acknowledged the order just as quietly. Uhura winced. "Malachite is demanding to speak to you, Captain. Rather loudly." Kirk grimaced. Why did the bad guys always have to be so punctual? "Very well, Lieutenant. Open channel." Malachite's image reappeared on the screen. "Well, captain? Your time is up. What's your answer?" "My answer?" Kirk saw no reason to continue the bluff. It was all or nothing now. Either Scotty would be finished in time or he wouldn't. "You've attacked this ship without reason or provocation. You and your agents have boarded my ship; have assaulted and killed members of my crew. And you have the unmitigated gall to demand that I turn these girls over to you?" He stood up and took a step towards the screen. "My reply is this: Go to hell!" "You'll regret this, Kirk!" Malachite snarled, and the screen flickered to show the black ship again. "Stand by to --" "It's firing!" Spock interrupted. Kirk watched the energy beam that would surely destroy the ship slue ever closer. It had been a close race, but there was nothing more he could do. "Now!" Artemis yelled. The Scouts nodded, and raised their transformation pens. The Starfleet personnel stared at the Scouts, wondering what they were doing. "VENUS POWER!" An orange globe of energy formed over her head. "MERCURY POWER!" A blue globe formed, and joined the orange one. "MARS POWER!" Another energy globe, this one red, formed. "JUPITER POWER!" Her's was a green globe. The four energy globes united above them and expanded outward, forming a spherical barrier around the ship. The energy beam came into contact with it, but was completely deflected. The only evidence that those inside had that the ship had been hit was that the deck shuddered slightly, but this was barely noticeable. Frustrated, the alien struck again, but the energy beam was deflected once more by the Scout's barrier. The ship trembled only slightly at the second impact as well; while inside the Scouts grimaced at the strain of maintaining the force field. "They are generating an energy field of unknown type that is surrounding the ship," said Spock. "It is shielding us from the alien's attacks, much like a deflector shield would. More efficiently, in fact." He stood up and looked at the Scouts. "Fascinating..." "I didn't know they could do that," Kirk said, astounded yet again by their abilities. "Still, we have to figure out a way to destroy that thing." "We have a plan, Captain," Luna told him. "Now, Sailor Moon," she urged. "Use..." "I'm on it, Luna. That thing is moon dust!" Sailor Moon raised the Moon Wand above her head, the Silver Crystal glowing with power. "COSMIC MOON POWER!" The Silver Crystal flared and sent out a bright beam of energy that amazingly passed right through the roof of the bridge without damaging it. It surged onward, striking the alien craft. It moved about frantically, trying to escape the energy blast, but was held in place like a fly in a spider's web. Spock bent over the sensor hood, analyzing the state of the shadow vessel. "The crystal's power is destabilizing the alien ship's organic matrix, but at a very slow rate. It's attempting to adapt to the crystal beam and dissipate it." Kirk glanced over at Sailor Moon. "Is what she's doing sufficient to destroy the alien, Spock?" "Possibly. However, at this point the outcome is uncertain." "Can she put more power into it?" Kirk asked the cats. "Sailor Moon could use more power from the crystal, but it's dangerous. If she uses it's full potential, it will draw upon her life force and then..." Luna's voice trailed off. "I can do it, Luna..." she said in a strained voice. "No, Sailor Moon! You'll be killed!" "That's not an option," Kirk said firmly. Too many had already died on this mission. He wasn't about to ask a teenager to sacrifice herself for his ship. There had to be an alternative. "I..." The intercom whistled, interrupting him. "Scott to bridge. Dilithium crystals are reinstalled. Warp power is online." Kirk smiled. "Scotty, you're timing's is perfect! Divert warp power to weapons. Mr. Sulu... set phasers to maximum and lock onto target. It's time to show these beings from the Negaverse what a starship can really do." Sulu quickly readjusted the controls. "Phasers at full power." "Torpedoes ready," Chekov added, his voice eager. "The Sailor Scouts have helped us many times so far. Now it's time to return the favor," Kirk stated. "Open fire, all weapons!" The phaser beams lanced out at the Negaverse ship again, this time much brighter than before. At the same time a barrage of photon torpedoes were launched, all of which found their mark. The ship writhed and twisted, almost seeming to scream in pain. Two of it's spines had been sheared off by the torpedo impacts, a blackish substance oozing outward from the wounds. "Multiple direct hits," reported Spock. "It's defenses have been significantly damaged. It was unable to compensate for the combination of our weapons and the Silver Crystal's power." The ship rocked again as the shadow vessel unleashed another energy beam at them. "Though it is apparently still capable of resistance." The ship continued to shake as the shadow ship sent a continuous beam at the Enterprise in a desperate attempt to breach the Scouts' barrier. "Sulu, maintain phaser fire." Kirk risked a quick glance at the Sailor Scouts. They were maintaining the shield around the ship, while Sailor Moon was still directing the energy beam at the shadow vessel; but was apparent to him that the strain of this was beginning to tell on all of them. Who knew how much longer they could keep it up? "It's time to end this. Mr. Chekov, prepare another volley of photon torpedoes; target the same spot as the phasers." After the navigator nodded that the torpedoes were ready, "Fire!" The torpedoes struck again in conjunction with the phasers, this time breaching the skin of the organic spacecraft. A mental command from Sailor Moon sent the power of the crystal flowing through the wound into the core of the ship. Giving one last cry of despair the shadow began to crumple up, then exploded outward into a rapidly expanding ball of dust. "Got it!" Chekov exclaimed. "Dusted!" cried the Scouts. They began giving each other high fives. As usual, Spock was characteristically more restrained. "The alien ship has been destroyed, Captain. I recommend that we cloak before Malachite can attack again." "Agreed, Mr. Spock. Mr. Sulu, engage the cloaking device." Beryl screamed in frustration as the Enterprise faded from view. "No, it can't be! I was so close!!" Malachite kept his face passive, but inwardly smirked. 'Much better than my plans, hmmmm?' Next Time: It seems like all said and done, doesn't it? The crystals are recovered, the ship has been saved and safely hidden from view. Well, not quite... Be here for the epilogue: "Farewells"