(Soton) Sailor Trek Epilogue - Farewells "Captain's log, Stardate 5049.3 With repairs complete and our dilithium crystals recovered, the Enterprise is ready to return our own universe. But first we must return the Sailor Scouts back to their home." The Scouts were clustered around Mercury, their expressions anxious. "This doesn't look good," Venus commented. Sailor Moon shook her head. "I have faith in Mercury. She'll pull through, just you wait and see." "Not this time," McCoy commented. "I'm afraid she's had it." Mercury tried to block out the whispered conversations going on behind her and concentrated on her next move. At last she made her decision and reached out to move her queen. "Your move," she said to her opponent. Spock nodded slightly and contemplated the new positioning of the chess pieces. After a few seconds of thought, he picked up the bishop and moved it. Mercury's shoulders sagged and she looked downcast when she saw where he was moving it to. "Check. Mate in five." "No! It can't be!" Sailor Moon cried. "I'm afraid so," Mercury said. She put her hand on her king and toppled it over, resigning the game. "Good game." "As was yours," the Vulcan replied. "You play well for someone of your age and relative inexperience." She nodded, accepting his congratulations. "I was sure Mercury would win," Artemis said. "So did I," remarked a depressed looking Chekov. "Why are you so glum?" Mars asked. He grinned ruefully. "I just lost a bet with Sulu." The helmsman chuckled. "When are you going to learn to never bet against the reigning chess champion of the Enterprise, Pavel?" "Well, someone's going to beat him someday!" "In the meantime, you owe me twenty credits." "And *you* owe me thirty credits," Uhura chimed in. Chekov now grinned at the sudden change on Sulu's face, but it didn't last long as Uhura then turned and looked pointedly at him. "You too, mister." "If Sulu was betting on Spock, then how did you win?" Luna asked. "She bet on the length of the game," Sulu answered. "And it's never taken Spock longer than seventy moves to beat a noncomputer opponent." "Especially in two dimensional chess," Chekov added. The rec room door hissed open, allowing Kirk to enter. Seeing the game was over, "Did I miss the rematch as well?" "Nope," Jupiter said. "They just finished the first one." Kirk looked perplexed. "Just finished?" "You should have seen it, Jim. She gave Spock the match of his life. Over eighty moves." "Eighty three," Spock amended. The look on Kirk's face was enough to start Sailor Moon giggling. "Eighty... three? My longest game with you was fifty moves!" "Forty seven, to be precise." Kirk was saved from further embarrassment by the whistle from the intercom. "Kirk here." "We've got the warp engines set along the frequencies that Mr. Spock calculated, Captain," Scotty answered. "And the ship has been maneuvered into a high Earth orbit. We're ready to beam the Scouts back home." "Thank you Scotty. Kirk out." Chief Kyle looked up at the sound of the transporter room doors opening to admit Captain Kirk and Sailor Moon. They were soon followed by Spock, Luna, Artemis and the other Scouts. "Before you go," Kirk said, "I just wanted to thank you and your friends once again for your assistance during our stay in your universe. You've undoubtedly save the ship several times over, as well as the lives of several members of my crew." "Also our chances of retrieving the dilithium crystals from the Negaverse would have been exceedingly remote without your aid," Spock added. Sailor Moon laughed lightly. "Hey, not a problem. With me around, there wasn't any real doubt about the outcome." Mars looked like she was about to make a sarcastic comment, but she remained silent. "Yeah, saving the day is what we're best at!" added Sailor Venus. "Besides, you've already paid us back," Jupiter remarked. "If it wasn't for Dr. McCoy, I don't think that Venus and myself would have survived." The blonde Scout nodded. "Considering it was our dilithium crystal that was used to injure you, we did have some responsibility to remedy that," the captain responded. "But I'll pass your thanks along to the good doctor." Luna scampered past them onto the transporter pads. "Come along, girls. It's time we got back to where we belong." "Yeah, by this time your parents are going to be really worried," Artemis added. "Don't be such a worry wart, Artemis," Venus said. "We already covered that angle." "How?" "Uhura patched the ship's communication into the Tokyo telephone grid so we could make several calls to our parents," Mercury explained. "We told them we'd be spending the night over at Lita's." "Oh." Jupiter paused as she was about to step onto the transporter. "You know, it's too bad you can't stick around to help us finish off the Negaverse. With your help, it wouldn't take any time at all!" "True," said Kirk. "And if we didn't have to get back to our own homes, I might be tempted to stay and help. But we're needed back in our own universe as well." "Don't worry about it. No problem," quipped Sailor Moon. "As long as I'm around, Beryl and her goons don't stand a chance!" "At least until you clutz out again," retorted Mars, unable to contain herself this time. "Which will be every five minutes!" "Put a sock on it, Mars!" Sailor Moon snarled. "Thbbbb." "Thbbbb, yourself," Sailor Moon retaliated in kind. "That's enough, you two," Luna admonished. "We don't have time for this!" The two Scouts grumbled and took their places, occasionally throwing dirty looks the other's way. "Do you think we'll ever see you again, Captain?" inquired Sailor Mercury. "Improbable," Spock replied. "It's doubtful, but you never know," said Kirk. "The universe is funny that way. Goodbye, Sailor Scouts. And good luck!" Spock held his right hand up in the Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, Sailor Scouts." Mars and Jupiter tried to emulate him, but failed miserably. The others settled for waving farewell. "Energize," Kirk said to Chief Kyle. Nodding, the transporter chief activated the beam. The Scouts and their feline companions dissolved into pillars of orange-yellow light and vanished. The still night air in the Juban park was disturbed by a low humming noise caused by the Scouts materializing. Once the process was complete, they looked around and noted with relief that they were back amid familiar surroundings. "It's good to be back home," Venus commented. "Yeah, but you gotta admit that was some trip," Jupiter remarked. Artemis nodded in agreement. "Yes. That was one of the toughest fights you've had yet." "Well, it's over now," Luna remarked. "And it's well past time we got home." They nodded, and moments later the five Sailor Scouts were replaced by five teenage girls. "Hey, Lita," Serena remarked playfully, "I bet Spock didn't look like your old boyfriend!" "No," agreed the tall girl agreed, "but Captain Kirk sure did. And now that I think about it, so did Chekov!" She looked puzzled at the groans this elicited from the other Scouts. "Well, I guess I can't blame her," Venus commented. "He sure is a hunk!" "Which? Kirk or Chekov?" "Guess." "I don't know. I found Spock more attractive," Amy said. An odd gleam shone in Serena's eyes and she playfully nudged Amy in the ribs. "Ah, so is he your new boyfriend, Amy?" She blushed a bright shade of red. "Don't be silly! He's not even human!" "Well, half human," said Luna, suppressing a yawn. Raye looked skyward, as if she were trying to spot the orbiting starship. "Do you think they'll be able to get back home?" "Oh, I'm certain of it," Amy answered. "Mr. Spock explained the process to me. He's incredibly intelligent." Serena was about to tease Amy again, but turned her attention elsewhere. "What's the matter, Raye?" she asked, indicating the gyrations Raye was doing with her hand. "Can't do that Vulcan salute?" "I'd like to see you do it!" she snapped. "Hah!" Serena retorted and put her hand up in a near perfect imitation of what Spock had earlier. "Now who's the clutz?" Needless to say, the tongue war was rejoined in earnest. Kirk sat down in his command chair. "Mr. Chekov, plot a reverse course through the quantum flux." "Course plotted and laid in, sir," replied the russian ensign. "Warp engines are set to engage when we come in contact with the flux," Scotty added. "Well," Kirk remarked, looking back and forth at Spock and McCoy, "I can safely say that this has been one of our more... interesting encounters." "That's putting it mildly, Jim," McCoy replied. "Teenage girls with superpowers, invading aliens from another dimension intent on conquering Earth... give me the Romulans or the Klingons any day!" Kirk chuckled in agreement. "Still Bones, I'd have to say that the fate of this Earth is in capable hands." "Or at least paws," added the doctor. "Agreed," said Spock. "Luna is highly intelligent and logical, as is Sailor Mercury. I found that most refreshing in a human." "Oh, really, Spock?" asked McCoy. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Are you sure that it isn't that you liked looking at her legs?" In the front of the bridge, Chekov and Sulu exchanged grins. McCoy was at it again. Spock rolled his eyes in a Vulcan expression of impatience. "Really, Doctor, your preoccupation with physical attributes is most irritating. You are fully aware that Vulcans are incapable of physical attraction." "In a pig's eye!" retorted McCoy. He was smiling at the Vulcan now, thoroughly enjoying himself. "You were definitely attracted to her computer." He leaned over to the Captain and said in a loud whisper, "You know Jim, I really have to feel sorry for Spock. He finally found the perfect female for him, and she had to be underage!" Spock raised one eyebrow. "Most illogical, Doctor. However, I did notice that you were occasionally admiring Jupiter's... assets." Kirk winced internally. Spock had definitely gotten the better of that exchange. "Doctor McCoy!" Scotty exclaimed in mock horror. "She's young enough to be your daughter!" McCoy turned beet red and leveled an accusing finger at the first officer. "Now just a damned minute..." "Bones..." Kirk began. "I am merely making an observation, Doctor." "Gentlemen..." Kirk tried to intervene again in a louder voice. " suggest that I would act that way towards one of my patients..." "She was not your patient at that point, Doctor." "That's beside the point!" "Enough!" Kirk roared, silencing the two. In a quieter voice he observed wryly, "You two are beginning to sound as bad as Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars." Though neither of them replied, McCoy looked somewhat indignant, whereas Spock elevated both eyebrows. Ignoring the looks he was getting from the two senior officers, Kirk addressed the helmsman, "Mr Sulu... take us home." "Aye sir," answered Sulu and activated the helm controls, moving the ship smoothly out of orbit. Moments later, they all heard the hum of the warp engines engaging. The Enterprise was on her way home. The End. Authors notes: Wow. It's hard to believe I finally finished this, I've been working on it for so long. Looking at my notes, I've been working on this story for over a year now. I only hope the end results are worth the effort. But I've still got three other stories in this series left to work on. Thanks to Gene Roddenberry and Naoko Takeuchi, for creating their respective genres. In case anyone's wondering, Lt. Cmdr. Giotto originally appeared in the Classic Trek episode "The Devil in the Dark". (Remember the Horta?) Mina's botched quote from Chapter 3 ("piece of pie") I originally got from "2010", though I recently saw it used in an episode of "Hogan's Heros". Go figure. This was actually the second fanfic I started writing. The first one got put on hold as I got more and more involved with writing the "Sailor Trek" saga, but it will make an eventual appearance. When I first set out to write this, my only intention was to write a decent crossover between Classic Trek and Sailor Moon, and to do it in a serious manner. Most of the other Trek/Sailor Moon crossovers I have seen to date have been parodies (or at least have comedic tendencies), and all involving the TNG crew in one way or other. (Not that there's anything wrong with comedy, but Trek *is* a more dramatic genre than it is comedic.) This got me to thinking: Have people forgotten how Trek really started? Can they really have forgotten Kirk, Spock and McCoy? So I tried to come up with a way to involve these two genres and write in a way that it could have been made as an episode of the original series. And along the way incorporate every possible Classic Trek cliche that I could: Kirk's log entries, Spock saying "Fascinating" at the drop of a hat, the Vulcan Mind Meld, the nerve pinch, Scotty's latest miracle, the redshirts, "I'm a doctor, not a ...", etc. Oh, and of course, Spock and McCoy bickering. What Classic Trek story would be complete without these two taking the occasional potshot at the other? (I don't know about anyone else, but I've found the relationship between Serena and Raye to be very similar to that between McCoy and Spock.) As I was writing this, I had an idea on a Scouts/TNG story and got to work on that as well. Then, after reading Pocket Books "Invasion!" storyline (separate stories with a common thread among the four book lines), it hit me: Why not write separate stories involving all four of the Trek series (Classic, TNG, DS9 and Voyager) with the Scouts? I already had two in the pipeline, so it was just a matter of coming up with storylines for DS9 and Voyager. (Yeah, right! Just!) And so I did. Personally, I think the TNG story is better than this one... and that the DS9 story is even better yet. I'm not sure about the Voyager line yet, as it's still in a state of flux right now, but it's got pretty good potential. (That's only natural since the others are in final draft form and the Voyager story has just had it's second draft done.) But time will tell. But what I think doesn't matter. Your opinions are the one's that count. So tell me... how'd I do? Send comments to: Later... Bill Harris Next up: Sailor Trek: The Next Generation - "A Borg to Remember..." When an enemy of the Sailor Scouts is transported into the Trek universe and meets up with a Borg vessel, this spells trouble for the crew of the Enterprise D. Especially when several teenage girls mysteriously appear on the ship. Preview snippet: "On screen," ordered the captain. The viewer flickered, and the distant form of another ship appeared. "Magnify." Again the screen flickered, and the image of the approaching ship filled the screen. Riker vocalized the puzzlement they all felt, "What the hell?" All along the ship there were projections of some crystalline substance. But the core of the ship, in the form of a cube, was very distinctive. All present recognized it immediately. "The Borg." Picard stared at the screen, a sense of dread filling him. It had been over a year since they had faced one of these ships, but he still had the occasional nightmare about it. Troi glanced over at him, an expression of concern evident on her face. "Highly modified, but it's definitely a Borg ship," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. Then in a more assertive tone, "Number One, take us to battle stations." "Red alert!," Riker cried out. "All hands to battle stations!" Part 1 should appear by the end of the month. Still to come: Sailor Trek DS9 - "Sailor Paradox" Sailor Trek Voyager - "The Negaphoenix" Highlander Moon