Sailor Trek DS9 (Soton) Chapter 5 - Return to yesterday... Luna hopped down from O'Brien's shoulder onto the top of Sisko's chair. "Now, let me see if I've got this straight," she said. "Three ships from what you call the Dominion were accidently transported to our universe nine months ago our time. They were then somehow captured and controlled by the Negaverse. They used the changeling in and attempt to kill all three Scouts, but only were successful in kill... in killing Sailor Moon." Her voice broke at the last, and she paused as the memories of that terrible day raced through her mind. After a time, she was able to control the emotions that had inevitably risen up from them. "Still, that was more than enough to alter the course of events for our world. Then yesterday, as Queen Beryl was about to mount her main attack and the Sailor Scouts went to face her; this ship," she nodded to the main viewscreen which still displayed an image of the unfortunate starship, "the Enterprise, crossed over from your past to our universe. It was subsequently attacked by the Dominion ships and destroyed, thus altering your past." "That about sums it up," Dax replied. "About the only thing you missed was the fact that there are now two quantum fluxes in this system, where there should be only one." "How can I leave something out if I don't know about it?" the balck cat wanted to know. Dax smiled. "Sorry." "Do you have any information about that second flux, Dax?" Sisko asked. "You could say that." She pulled up a sensor schematic on the main viewer. "I sent a probe through the second flux and programmed it to return after taking some sensor readings. The exit point is in the Gamma Quadrant. The probe's astrometric readings indicated that it's been several months since we left DS9." "Months?" O'Brien exclaimed. Dax nodded. "That's right. And the coordinates that the flux emerges into the Gamma Quadrant are identical to where the Defiant observed three Jem'Hadar ships vanish a few days before we left the station." She paused. "The thing of it is, I had just come to that conclusion, that they had gone through a quantum flux, just before the wormhole began acting up." "But you have no idea where the second flux came from?" Sisko asked. "Not a clue," the science officer admitted. "It's a moot point anyway," Sisko said. "Without a method to travel back in time, we have no way to correct the timelines." "Great," Mars mumbled. "So we're back to square one." "I'm afraid so," the captain agreed. Dax bent down to check an alert that had just started flashing on her screen. "I'm picking up a large neutrino emission..." She looked up, surprise evident on her face. "Benjamin, it's the wormhole!" "On screen," Sisko ordered. On command, the image of the now open wormhole appeared on the main viewer. Sisko noted that it still had a shimmering appearance, as well as the red coloration. "That's incredible," Mercury said, awe evident in her tone. "Yes," Luna agreed, "it is." Mars would ordinarily agree as well, but she was perceiving something else entirely from the phenomena. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to sort out the impressions she was getting. "There's something wrong with it, isn't there?" "Yes," Kira said. "It doesn't look anything like it normally would." Bashir voiced a question that each member of the Defiant crew were asking themselves. "We've been stationary here for hours. Why would it open up now?" Sisko could only think of one reason. "It's an invitation from the wormhole aliens." He seated himself in the command chair and faced the viewscreen. "And I intend to take them up on it. Dax, decloak the ship and take us into the wormhole." "Yes, sir," Dax said, moving to the helm. "I hope you know what you're doing, Captain," Luna said uneasily from her perch just behind Sisko's head. "We'll find out soon enough," Sisko answered her just as the Defiant entered the wormhole. At once the ship began rocking as it was buffeted by the gravimetric distortions that were still echoing through the spatial corridor. All present on the bridge immediately took a seat or grabbed onto a firm handhold to avoid being tossed about. "All stop," Sisko ordered soon after they entered. Dax touched a control on the helm and the Defiant slowed to a halt within the wormhole. But even at rest, the ship was pitching about as if on a heavy sea. "Can't you do something about that?" Mars asked, starting to turn a light shade of green. "I'm trying," O'Brien replied. "But the gravimetric waves are strong enough that the inertial dampeners are having a hard time..." The ship vanished around them. "... compensating for it," O'Brien uncertainly finished his statement as he took in his new surroundings. The others looked about themselves feeling an equal sense of astonishment. To all appearances, they were back in Ops on Deep Space Nine. Sisko knew instantly that they had been brought to the reality of the wormhole aliens. It seemed that he was correct about being given an invitation. One that seemed to extend to his crew and the Sailor Scouts as well. The Scouts and Luna were more puzzled than any of the crew. Mars was casting about the place, trying to sense something about it, while Mercury deployed her visor and then frowned. "I don't understand. I'm not getting any readings." "Don't be worried about that," Dax told her. "If I'm right, we're not in our own reality at all." "Then were are we?" Luna asked. "In the realm of the Prophets," Kira answered in a hushed, reverent tone. "That is correct," a new voice said. They all turned to the entrance of Sisko's office. Standing there was a woman Sisko recognized from the last transit through the wormhole -- Sailor Pluto. "You are in the realm of the Prophets. However, at the moment they can't greet you personally at the moment, as they are otherwise occupied." "Occupied?" Kira asked. "Yes," she replied, stepping down the steps into the lower level of Ops. "You see, you are not the only ones affected by the turmoil in the timelines. The Prophets themselves are in danger. Mortal danger." Kira's jaw dropped, but before she could say more Mars asked, "Hold on a minute. Who are you?!?" "I can answer that," Sisko said. "Everyone, meet Sailor Pluto." "Pluto?" Luna gasped. "The guardian of the Gate of Time?" "That's correct, Luna," she replied. "You know her?" Mercury demanded of the cat. "She does," Pluto said, "But it has been a long time since we last met. During the days of the Silver Millennium, to be precise. And the long time she spent in the cold sleep capsule undoubtedly affected her memory." "I'm glad to finally meet you," Sisko said, walking up to Pluto. "But just what did you mean when you said the Prophets are in danger?" The background scenery then changed, disorienting the Defiant crew. But the new backdrop was a very familiar sight to Mars, Mercury and Luna, as it was the temple Raye lived and worked at -- the Hikawa shrine. But Pluto answered Sisko as if nothing had changed, "Exactly what I said, Captain. But it will take some explaining. "You see, Beryl won't be content with just Earth... or even just this universe. Her lust for power and conquest is nearly unlimited. She will send her forces through the second quantum flux Commander Dax discovered, invading your Gamma Quadrant. Empowered by the Negaforce, her troops will overrun the Dominion in short order." The Defiant crewmembers seemed stunned by this announcement. To them, the forces of the Dominion seemed nearly unstoppable. The fact that Beryl's troops could conquer the Gamma Quadrant power that quickly seemed incredible to them. Pluto continued, "And still she will hunger for more... And she will send her forces through the wormhole into the Alpha Quadrant." "The Federation will fight them," Worf stated firmly. "They cannot," Pluto said. "Because in this timeline, there is *no* Federation." "No Federation?" Even the usually unflappable Odo seemed shocked by this announcement. "I see what she's getting at," Sisko said. "Without the Enterprise returning from it's five year mission, there'll be no one to confront Vejur shortly afterwards." Pluto nodded. "Correct, Captain. The advanced probe will reduce the core worlds of the Federation to lifeless husks before it leaves; rendering what is left of the Federation easy prey to a concerted Romulan/Klingon attack." Again the background changed, forming into one of the briefing rooms on Deep Space Nine. Each of them was seated at the table, save for Pluto. She moved around the table still speaking, "In this altered Alpha Quadrant, three main powers vie for supremacy: the Klingons, the Romulans, and the Cardassians. Nothing remains of the Federation, save for a few isolated colony worlds." Kira leaned anxiously forward, "What about Bajor?" Pluto cast a sympathetic look to her. "I'm afraid it's still dominated by the Cardassians." In a blink of an eye, they found themselves on the Promenade. "This is the station as it appears in what you would call the present." Sisko, Kira and the others looked about, but there was not a Starfleet uniform to be seen. Nor were any uniforms of the Bajoran militia visible. All they could see were Cardassians troops... and Bajoran slave laborers shuffling to and from the station's ore processing facilities. "Of course, it is still called Terok Nor." Kira looked horrified. "May the Prophets save us." "They cannot," Pluto replied evenly. "Now it is up to you to save them from the Negaforce." The Hikawa shrine reformed about them, but Kira seemed oblivious to the changes. She walked up to Pluto and stared evenly at the mysterious Sailor Scout. When she spoke, her voice was low and tense. "How can the Prophets be in danger from the Negaforce?" Mercury spoke up. "When Beryl sent her forces into the Alpha Quadrant through the wormhole, she sent the Negaforce as well," she theorized. "Correct," Pluto confirmed. "And it was during it's passage through that it came into conflict with the Prophets." She cast a sympathetic gaze to Kira. "Their power may be great, Major, but even they have their limits. And the Negaforce surpasses them. They *are* fighting the Negaforce... But it is a fight they are slowly losing." "Then that's the reason for the wormhole's odd behavior -- and for the changes in it's appearance," Dax said. "It's a result of the struggle between them." "Correct," Pluto said again. "Since the wormhole aliens exist outside linear time," Dax continued, more so for Mars', Mercury's and Luna's benefit than anyone else's, "a struggle between them and an equally powerful opponent would have repercussions in all areas of time -- past, present, future... It's all the same to them." "There's just one thing I'd like to know," Sisko said as they found themselves once more in Ops. "How did all this start? I know the Jem'Hadar ships coming through the flux was the trigger for the changes to the timelines, but where did that second flux come from? They don't just appear out of thin air." "You're quite correct, Captain. They don't." Pluto looked to Worf, "But if you want to know how it appeared, you should ask Worf... for he helped bring about it's creation." The Klingon looked confused. "Me?" Pluto nodded. "Of course," Dax said in sudden realization. "I should have seen it before." "Seen what before?" Odo asked. "This isn't another quantum flux... It's the same one traversed by both Enterprises. But when the Enterprise D attempted to seal it, all the torpedo did was to relocate the flux through time and space on both sides of it. Thus in our universe, one end of the flux was relocated to the Gamma Quadrant, while here, the other side was shifted to a point halfway between the orbits of Earth and Mars and a point in time a hundred years earlier." "Essentially correct," Pluto confirmed. "Picard's desire to seal the flux was well intentioned, but it led directly to this temporal paradox we find ourselves in the middle of." "My God," muttered O'Brien. "Then Q was right. Captain Picard is going to have a fit when he hears about this." Worf grimaced at the thought of Q being right about anything, then straightened as he heard laughter echo through his mind, followed by, "I told you so, Microbrain." Pluto frowned. "Q may lack in several in the area of social graces," she said pointedly to the air above them, "but he does tell the truth... For the most part, at any rate." "You sound as if you know him quite well," Bashir observed. "We've been... acquainted with each other for several centuries," she replied. "Centuries?" O'Brien looked over Pluto closely. To all appearances, Pluto seemed to be a woman no older than her mid-twenties. "How old are you?" Pluto raised an eyebrow and her expression showed slight amusement. "Really, Chief O'Brien. As a married man, I would expect you to know better than to ask a woman her age." The scenery shifted to the temple once again while O'Brien tried to avoid looking to flustered. "Ignoring that, what must be done to repair the timeline..." " to prevent the Negaverse from taking control of the Dominion ships," Sisko said. "Failing that, we must prevent them from interrupting the normal flow of history." "In short, keep them from killing Sailor Moon," Mercury added. "And either one of you," Worf said. "Correct," Pluto said with a nod. "OK, so we know what to do," Mars said. "But there's still the small problem of time travel. Or have you got a way around that?" "I can provide a means for several people to travel in time," Pluto admitted. "But that would be of little value to us, for to properly contain the threat you... *We* will need the Defiant. That would be extremely difficult for me to handle alone." She paused and smiled. "But not when one has the assistance of the Prophets." They blinked, disoriented at finding themselves back on the Defiant's bridge. "We've emerged from the wormhole," Kira announced after checking her panel readouts. "Chief, get us back under cloak. Dax, I need a report on out location... Both spatially and temporally." Moving to comply with Sisko's orders, O'Brien tapped the controls activating the borrowed Romulan cloaking device installed in the Defiant. Meanwhile, Dax consulted with the navigational computer. "Spatially, we're still in the Terran system right where the wormhole opened up on us. But temporally..." She paused to recheck the astrometric readouts. "We've shifted back in time just about nine months." "Confirmed," Mercury said, checking with her own computer. "We're now four days before..." "...before Sailor Moon was killed," a voice from the bridge rear said. Sisko turned, but he wasn't surprised to see Sailor Pluto standing there. "But a full day before the Jem'Hadar ships emerge from the quantum flux into this universe. You have that long to prepare for them." "Very well," Sisko said. "Now..." "Hold on a minute. There's something I want answered first." Mars went up to Pluto and glared at her. "You've just about admitted that you could have brought the Defiant here at any point in the timeline." Her voice became more strident the longer she spoke. "What I want to know is, why the *hell* didn't you bring them before Serena was killed in the first place?!?" "I think I can answer that," Odo said. The constable moved over to the two Scouts. "So that there would be no shred of doubt with the Defiant's crew over the decision to interfere with events in this universe." Mars seemed astounded at this. "What?!?" "I'm afraid Odo is correct," Pluto put in. "Whenever Starfleet crews have found themselves in the past, they are reluctant to take action unless they are absolutely certain that action is required." She turned to Sisko, "Not that this is a bad thing, you understand." "But why..." Mars began. "Mars, please try to understand," Pluto said gently. "If there were another way to do this, I would have taken it. But I must do everything I can to ensure that the timeline is corrected. It would have been difficult to convince them that they should interfere is I had brought them here prior to the formation of the paradox. And given that we would have only one chance to restore the timeline, it was a risk I was unwilling to take." "But still..." Mars tried again. "Raye..." Pluto stopped for a moment before continuing. "If Captain Sisko and his people are successful, then the events you have lived through since Sailor Moon was killed; including the deaths of Lita, Mina and Artemis; will have never happened. All will proceed as it should have before the Dominion ships arrived. And your past self will be totally ignorant of what might have been." "And we're going to stop it from happening," Sisko said forcefully. "But we haven't got time to waste. Chief, Dax, Worf: Begin a full systems check of the ship, and concentrate on the tactical systems. We're going to have company in twenty four hours, and I want to be ready for them." Each of the three officers nodded in affirmation. But O'Brien added, "Sir, just so you're aware; the ablative armor over the aft section was degraded thirty percent in our last battle. And there's not much I can do to repair it without the facilities at DS9, or a starbase." "I understand, Chief. Just do what you can." He turned to Kira. "Major, there's a possibility that they may get past us. To that end I want you and Odo to work in coordination with Mercury, Mars and Luna and devise a plan to protect Sailor Moon on the ground... just in case." Kira nodded. "Yes, sir." "And just what are you going to be doing?" Luna inquired. "Having a long discussion with our guest over the course of future events," the captain answered, giving Pluto a long look. "Dismissed." The others moved off on their appointed tasks, but Dax took Sisko aside for a moment. "Benjamin, I don't know if this will have any bearing on the mission, but I thought you should know." "Know what, Dax?" "I scanned Pluto a few moment ago." She paused momentarily, seeming uncertain. "For the most part the readings from her seemed consistent with those I got from the other Scouts, except for one thing." "And that is?" "The orb atop her staff." Dax paused again. "I'm not sure what it means, but the readings I got from it are *very* similar to those I've gotten from the Orbs of the Prophets." Sisko considered this. "Given the nature of her duties as described by Luna, I can't say I find that too surprising." "This is going to be a *long* night," Kira said after entering the mess hall. She went up to the replicator, "Raktajino, extra strong." As soon as the mug finished materializing, she picked it up, took a sip and sighed gratefully. "I'll say this much for the Klingons, they sure know how to make a good coffee." Then to the Defiant's guests, "Help yourselves before we get started. We've got a lot of ground to cover." She didn't bother to make this suggestion to Odo... She knew quite well that he didn't require any nourishment, nor did he ever drink anything, either. Mars waited while Mercury got ordered another hot chocolate and a saucer of cream for Luna, then she hesitated at the replicator, remembering the multitude of choices in the computer for tea. "Do you have any suggestion for a kind of tea?" she asked Kira. "Anything except Earl Grey." "Try Tarkalian tea," Odo suggested. "I've observed it to be a favorite among humanoids at DS9." After Kira nodded in confirmation, Mars said, "Computer: Tarkalian tea." In short order a steaming mug appeared. She took a cautious sip and her eyes widened. "This is great!" "OK, let's get started," Kira said. "Mercury, why don't you download all the info regarding the day Sailor Moon was killed into the Defiant's main computer." The blue haired Scout nodded and immediately set to the task. "Odo, when that's done, make a review with Luna about the actual battle itself... Tactical setup, lay of the land... You know the drill." "Right, Major." "Meanwhile, the three of us are going to go over the events leading up to it, so we can plan to cover Serena and your counterparts." "I don't see why we have to go into all this planning," Mars said. "We know what the changeling will masquerade as. Just let me get one good shot at it, and I'll kill it before it can even begin to shapeshift." "There are two problems with that," Odo said, looking disturbed by Mars' statement. "One, you only know what the changeling was just before it killed Sailor Moon. It could be anything else before that point." "You've got a point there," Mars said. "What's the second problem?" "I'd like to avoid killing the changeling, if at all possible." "What?!? Sailor Moon's life is way more important!" "In regards to the timeline, that is correct," Odo said calmly. "However, in the history of my people, no changeling has ever harmed another..." A shadowed look came over him. "At least, not until recently." He shook off the lingering memory of that day, several months previous in the Defiant's engine room, when he inadvertently killed another changeling in a struggle. It hadn't given him much choice, but it still haunted him that he was responsible for it's death. "I don't want to abet in the killing of this one... if it can be avoided." Kira intervened before Mars could object even more vocally than before. "We'll try, Odo. After all, the objective is to save Sailor Moon, not kill the changeling." She looked evenly at Mars until the hot tempered Scout subsided, then turned back to Odo. "But Odo, I want you to understand. If it comes down to it, if it's a choice between the changeling and Sailor Moon..." The constable nodded. "I understand, Major. Securing the timeline is of paramount importance." "Good, now that that's settled... Let's get to work." Kira motioned to a table and sat down with the two Scouts. Meanwhile Odo went over to the monitor and pulled up a tactical outlay depicting the sight of Sailor Moon's last battle. He was startled to feel something land on his shoulder, and saw Luna sitting there. "Sorry," she said apologetically with a cat-like shrug, "but the view from the table isn't that good." Before the constable could respond, he heard a burst of laughter from behind him. He turned and saw Kira struggling to keep from laughing uncontrollably. Beside her, both Mercury and Mars were smiling as well. "Is something funny, Major?" "I'm sorry, Odo," she said not so sincerely, "But if you were viewing it from this angle..." She stopped, trying to control her mirth. "I fail to see what is so amusing," Odo said. "Neither do I," Luna added. "Well, I can," Mars said. "Don't you Mercury?" "Of course." Odo snorted and turned back to the monitor. "Humanoids! Sometimes I can't understand them at all." "I couldn't agree with you more," Luna said. Sisko led Pluto into the small and scarcely used captain's ready room. "Have a seat," he said, before doing likewise behind his desk. "I have a feeling I know what you're planning, Captain," she said as she did so. "Don't you think it would be wiser to attack first, rather than try to negotiate with the Dominion ships first?" "It's not Federation policy to attack on sight, at least outside of a wartime situation," Sisko explained. "If this can be resolved without bloodshed, then I have to take the chance." "I'm not overly optimistic about the chance of that." Sisko grimaced. "Knowing the Dominion, neither am I. But what I need to know from you is, do I have the chance to even try?" "Perhaps," Pluto conceded. "Originally, the Dominion ships were here for two hours before the Negaverse made any move against them. But I would take great care with using that figure, Captain. The future is ever in motion." "Don't worry about that," Sisko said, leaning back in his chair. "I intend to be ready for anything." Nearly twenty four hours later, Sisko took a quick glance around the bridge, checking on the readiness of all systems. But as usual, his crew was extremely efficient. The Defiant was as ready as they could make her. He swung his chair around to face the three Sailor Scouts. "It's almost time," He said to them. "You had better get out of sight before we make contact with them." "I hope you know what you're doing, Captain," Mars said to him. She had been extremely vocal when he had informed them of his plan to attempt to talk the Jem'Hadar back through the flux first. "I still think you should attack the first chance you get." "Tactically speaking, you're right. However, even with the element of surprise, three to one odds against Dominion ships aren't odds I like to face. And a I told Pluto earlier: If there is a chance this can be resolved without bloodshed, then I have to try to do so." He turned toward the main viewscreen. "But don't worry. If it comes to a fight, they'll find us more than a match for them." "Don't worry Mars," Pluto assured her. "Captain Sisko is more than aware of the urgency of this situation. He'll do what is required." A sensor alarm sounded. "Picking up a tachyon surge," Dax reported. "They're coming through." Sisko nodded. "Out of sight, you three. If the situation does get nasty, I want you as aces in the hole." Silently the three left the bridge as Sisko seated himself. "Here we go. Red alert." Around the bridge, the alert lights flashed and the klaxon sounded. It really wasn't needed, as the crew were already at their action stations. Sisko kept his attention on the screen, which was focussed on the quantum flux. There was a brief burst of light along with a slight ripple effect, and three Jem'Hadar ships appeared as if from out of nowhere. "Right on schedule." Worf checked the tactical scanners and frowned. "Their shields came up the moment they passed through the flux. Also, their main power and weapon systems are online and fully active." "Both the Enterprise and the Enterprise D suffered severe power drains during their passages through the flux," Bashir noted. "It seems that's not a problem for the Dominion," O'Brien groused. "Considering how different their technologies are, I can't say I'm all that surprised," Kira said. Sisko took a deep breath. "Mr. Worf, decloak the ship. Major, hail them." The two officers complied, and Sisko noted subconsciously the cloaking field being lowered. Within seconds of Kira's hail, the screen flickered, centered on a Vorta. "I am Fiden, lead Vorta for this group." "Captain Benjamin Sisko, commanding the Federation starship Defiant." The Vorta immediately broke into a wide, and Sisko thought wholly insincere, smile. "Captain Sisko! A pleasure to make your acquaintance. But I am puzzled by what you are doing here, so far from Deep Space Nine." "We're both a long way from home," Sisko noted. "A whole universe away, in fact." "Universe?" Fiden seemed genuinely confused. "I'm afraid I don't understand." "I can explain, but we had better make it quick." Sisko paused for effect. "That is, if you want the Founder on board your ship to survive." The smug look vanished from the Vorta's face. "Threats do not become you , Captain," Fiden noted, with some anger in his voice. Sisko raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't making one. But I do have some inside knowledge about this universe... Which you had better listen to." Mercury watched Mars pace in the hallway. "Raye, could please you stop that? You're making me nervous!" "I can't help it," Mars replied irritably. "Whether or not Serena dies depends on what's being said in there. I can't stand being left out of it!" Mercury sighed. "You're not helping matters, either. Captain Sisko knows whom he's dealing with." "Mercury is correct," Pluto said. "I had extensive talks with him about the timing involved. The last time, it was two hours before Neflyte took control of the shapeshifter. We should have at least an hour before they mount any move." Mars stopped and stared coldly at Pluto. "And if you're wrong?" "Even if she is," Mercury said, intervening, "We should still have three days before Serena is in any danger. And Kira has outlined a good plan to protect her." "I know, I know," Mars said. "I helped make it, remember?" She turned her gaze to the bridge door. "I just wish I was in there." As if in response, the bridge door snapped open, and Sisko and Odo exited. Each of the three Scouts looked expectedly at him. "Well?" Mars asked. "The Vorta, Fiden, has agreed to meet with me, to see the proof we have regarding the situation." He turned to Pluto, "I'd like you to be there, since you have first hand knowledge of how the timeline should go." "Very well," she responded reluctantly. "If you wish it." Sisko noted the unhappy look on Mars' face as well. "Don't worry," he told the hot tempered Scout. "I told Worf to fire on them the moment they do anything suspicious, or if they attempt to get closer to Earth. Since communications with them are closed, you can monitor the situation from the bridge if you wish." Mars nodded and watched them go. "I hope this works," she said. "If it does, maybe things will work out better for me and Darien in the real timeline." Mercury hesitated on the verge of entering the bridge. "Raye, about that..." "What?" Amy paused again, the began manipulating her computer. An image quickly appeared on the screen. "I think you should look at this first." Raye frowned, but complied with Mercury's request. But the second she did so, she gasped in astonishment. Though she wasn't aware of it, the image Mercury showed her came from the logs of the Enterprise D, taken shortly after Rubeus' Borg ship had been destroyed. It showed Tuxedo Mask and all five of the Sailor Scouts. But it wasn't Mars he was embracing. It was Sailor Moon. "What's this about?" "I've read a good many of the logs about the Sailor Scouts available from the Enterprise and the later Enterprise D," Mercury responded. "From all of those, it seems evident that Tuxedo Mask from the original timeline was intimately involved with Sailor Moon... And not you." Mars shook her head. She found this hard to believe. "Why?" Amy hesitated. "Luna, you remember how you always said that one of our primary missions was to locate the Moon Princess?" The cat nodded. "Yes, of course I do." "Well, we had. According to the logs of Picard's Enterprise, Serena was the Moon Princess." "And since Darien was the Prince of Earth, they were involved during the Silver Millennium," Raye concluded. "Somehow, I always knew his heart belonged to someone else." She paused and looked at the image again. "And now I know why." "Raye, I'm sorry..." She shook her head. "It's not your fault, Amy. It's just what has to be." She went through the bridge door, and went directly to Worf. The Klingon stared expectedly at her. "You knew," she said, not phrasing it as a question. The other crewmembers exchanged questioning glances, but Worf regarded her evenly. "Yes." "Why didn't you tell me?" Worf paused a moment. "You had to find out for yourself. After all, in your mind, you were his par'mach'ai." The usually even minded Dax turned to them, eyebrows upraised. "Uh, could you translate that?" "The closest human term would be lover." "WHAT?!?" Luna screeched, causing Raye to turn a dark shade of crimson. "We weren't *that* close," she said. "But I appreciate the sentiment. But would you guys stop treating it as if I'm going to lose him? I mean, my counterpart on Earth will never feel the same way if we're successful." She paused, staring into space, then added softly, "Besides, I'd give anything for her to have a chance to live." Pluto stood next to the large monitor in the mess hall, doubt evident in her expression. "I am uneasy at being present at this meeting, Captain." "All I need you for is to confirm what I tell them about what will happen, to both the Founder on their ship and to the Dominion." Sisko half turned to her. "That is, if it won't cause any disruption to the time stream." Pluto hesitated, considering her answer carefully. "No, I don't believe it will." "Why are you so uneasy?" Odo asked. "I thought you knew the future." "I have certain knowledge about future events in the proper timeline, and how things have progressed in the alternate," she responded. Sighing she added, "However, while we are involved with this process of restoring time, I am as in the dark about future events as you are." The door opened before Odo could respond, allowing Fiden and Komentac'lan to enter the room, escorted by two security officers. Sisko dismissed them with a nod and they quickly departed. Fiden smiled broadly, "Captain Sisko, it is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face." He turned to Odo and half bowed to him. "And you as well, Odo." "Do tell," Odo said blandly. Fiden straightened himself and approached Pluto. "And who might this lovely young woman be?" Pluto said nothing, but arched an eyebrow at Fiden's description of her as young. "Her... uniform clearly isn't Bajoran issue, nor is it Starfleet." He turned to Sisko. "Unless, of course, you're planning on changing them again?" "She's a guest on the Defiant," Sisko explained. "She's a resident of this alternate universe we've entered. Her name is Sailor Pluto." "Sailor... Pluto?" Fiden looked her over again, puzzled. "A rather odd name." "Not for a Sailor Scout," Pluto said, addressing the Vorta for the first time. "She's the reason for our being here," Odo said. "So that we can save your lives, as well as the life of the Founder on your ship." "You have made that threat before," Komentac'lan snarled. "Not a threat," Pluto stated flatly. "Merely a statement of what will occur if you do not return to your own universe." Sisko went to the monitor. "This will help you to understand." He tapped a control and played a visual log, extracted from Mercury's computer, of the battle that had resulted in Sailor Moon being killed. Fiden watched the action for a silent moment. "Mildly entertaining, but I fail to see how this..." His voice trailed off as the changeling suddenly revealed itself, and the expression on his face shifted to sheer horror when Mars was shown destroying it. "It can't be." "It can, and it will." "Why are you showing me this obvious fabrication?" he demanded harshly. Pluto took a step towards Fiden, causing Komentac'lan to put his hand to his weapon. "It isn't a fabrication. This recording is of an event that *will* happen three days from now, if you do not return to your own universe." "So you say." "Yes, I do. And further, your failure to act will also result in the utter and complete destruction of the Dominion itself." Fiden stared back at her, appalled. "Impossible." "No, it is a certainty." "The Dominion has stood for over two thousand years," Fiden protested. "And it will continue to exist long after your civilization crumbles to dust!" Pluto heaved an exasperated sigh. "I should have expected this. Some people must be shown, not simply told." To Sisko, she added, "We'll be right back." With that, she and Fiden both vanished. Komentac'lan drew his weapon and looked wildly about the room. "What have you done with Fiden?" he demanded. "We've done nothing to him. And Pluto said they'd be back." Sisko watched as the Jem'Hadar continued to search the room. "Now put that weapon away." "Why should I?" "Because I said to," Odo replied, marching up to Komentac'lan. Komentac'lan stared at Odo, indecision evident on his face. While Odo's status with the other Founders may be in doubt, he *was* still a Founder and Komentac'lan was bound to obey him. For now. Reluctantly he holstered his weapon. It was in that moment that Pluto reappeared with Fiden. The Vorta had a shocked expression on his face. "Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable." "But true nevertheless," Pluto responded. Fiden nodded and turned to Captain Sisko. "I have no choice other than to believe what Pluto has shown me. We will return through the quantum flux." In the heart of one of the Dominion ships, the changeling rested in it's gelatinous state, oblivious to the discussion going on aboard the Defiant. The affairs of the solids were of no concern to it. It's only worry was how the current situation was going to affect the long range plans of the Dominion. Could this new universe fit into those plans? A shimmering in the room interrupted it's planning. Amidst it appeared a humanoid male, dressed in a grey uniform. Immediately the changeling assumed a humanoid shape of it's own. The appearance of this humanoid was an unknown factor, and that was troubling to it. "Who are you?" it demanded. "I am Neflyte," he responded, raising a hand that was surrounded by a glowing aura. "And your new master!" The light shot forth from his hand, surrounding the changeling. Desperately it tried to summon help from the Jem'Hadar on the ship, but it quickly found it's will suborned. Within seconds, Neflyte's spell had brought the changeling completely under his power. Neflyte paused to examine the creature's mind. 'So the creatures on these three ships regarded this shapeshifter as a god, hmm? That could prove useful,' he thought. But he also saw that the Defiant was not under it's control. Indeed, it had proven a formidable adversary in the past. "Well," he said with a chuckle, "We'll just have to destroy it. This shapeshifter should be more than enough for our purposes." He concentrated a moment, summoning the power of the stars. "Centaurus the Centaur and Aquila the Eagle, come forth!" Mars frowned, staring at the three Dominion ships on the viewscreen. "Something's wrong. I'm getting bad vibes from over there." Worf glanced at her before returning his attention to the main viewer. So far the Jem'Hadar ship hadn't moved, and until they did so, he could take no action against them. But Mars had proven herself quite perceptive in the past. Indeed, in many ways her abilities were almost as good as Counselor Troi's. "Chief?" "Nothing," he replied. "No unusual energy emissions, nothing to indicate they're going to attack." "I don't care what your sensors show. Something's up," Mars growled. "You've got anything, Mercury?" "I thought I detected something a few moments ago, but it's not there now," she replied. Dax found her attention drawn from the conversation around her to the sensors, which were indicating a spurious reading. She tapped the console, refining the readings for more detail. Her eyes widened in alarm when she saw that it was indicating a spatial anomaly forming on the bridge. Before the science officer could give any warning, a burst of light announced the arrival of one of Neflyte's constellation avatars, specifically Centaurus the centaur. Reacting first, Worf sprang from the command chair, his hand going for his phaser. This action was enough to save his life, for the centaur fired an arrow that passed through the space the Klingon's head had been mere moments before. It impacted on the far side of the bridge, narrowly missing Sailor Mercury as well. Kira reacted next, firing her phaser. The creature winced at the beam's impact but little other effect was evident. Centaurus cried out loudly and reared back, lashing out with it's hooves at the Major. She ducked below it's attack, and rolled for the far side of the bridge. Mars moved to confront it next, summoning her power. "MARS..." She got no farther, as Centaurus quickly nocked and fired off another arrow. Worf again reacted quickly, shoving her out of the arrows path so the missed her throat. However, this action put his left arm in the line of fire. The Klingon grimaced at the pain as it embedded itself in his forearm, but he ignored it as best he could and fired his own weapon at the intruder. His shot met with as little success as Kira's. Mars gave Worf a silent look of thanks and gathered herself for another try. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" The fireball raced at Centaurus, but it proved to be very agile. It shifted to it's left so that Mars' attack missed completely, impacting instead at the rear bulkhead. The floor and several nearby consoles were set ablaze, and an alarm instantly sounded. "Warning: fire detected on the main bridge," the computer intoned. Several jets of white vapor sprayed out over the flames, further adding to the confusion while simultaneously suppressing the fire. "Fire control systems activated." Boretkat'lyn stared in amazement at the Founder. It had just announce that they were going to Earth, bypassing the blockading Federation starship. He found it hard to believe that they would be leaving such a threat behind them. It was unlike a Founder to make such an obvious tactical error. "Why don't we fire?!?" he demanded to know. He glared at Neflyte before addressing the Founder again. "If it is the destruction of the Defiant you wish, then let us bring it about!" "Enough!" the Founder exclaimed, glaring at the Second. Boretkat'lyn immediately stood to attention. "I trust you remember who is in command here?" "Of course," Boretkat'lyn immediately responded. "You are the Founder." "See to it that you remember that," the changeling snarled. Boretkat'lyn allowed himself a momentary glance with the Third. The Founder's behavior seemed to be most uncharacteristic. Still, it was not the place of the Jem'Hadar to object to the wishes of the Founders. "As you wish it," Boretkat'lyn stated, adding, "Obedience brings victory." The Founder nodded, seemingly satisfied, "...And victory is life. Good, you remember the lessons we instilled in your kind." It paused for a moment, then smiled evilly. "In any event, do not concern yourself with the state of the Defiant. It's destruction has been assured." The changeling concluded the statement with a laugh that chilled Boretkat'lyn to the bone. And there were few things in the universe that could frighten a Jem'Hadar. " a gesture of good will, Captain, I am willing to give the safe conduct through the Gamma Quadrant until you reach the wormhole," Fiden said. Given what he already knew about the Dominion, Sisko found that hard to take at face value. "I'm gratified to hear that. However, there's still the matter of the flux itself. I hope you understand that I would like to eliminate any possibility of anymore ships from our side from crossing over." "Yes, of course," Fiden agreed. "But I can assure you that the Founders..." He broke off in midstatement as the alert klaxon sounded, alerting the rest of the ship to the fire alarm on the bridge. Sisko was in the process of activating his comm badge when a loud cry resounded through the room. They turned and saw a large eagle, measuring a meter and a half tall, standing at the other side of the mess hall. Fiden was only able to say, "What is that?" before it leapt to attack. For all it's size the creature was amazingly quick and agile. It landed atop of them with talons extended before any of them could react, it's attention centered on Captain Sisko. Pluto managed to pull him to one side before it could strike him but Fiden, being next to Sisko, was savagely slashed by the creature. The Vorta had time for a strangled cry before he collapsed. Komentac'lan drew out his weapon and fired two quick shots. Aquila looked irritably at him and swept a wing in his direction, throwing the Jem'Hadar down against Sisko's left leg. The captain went down, grimacing at the sudden pain shooting through his knee. The creature advanced towards him again but it's path was blocked by a grim faced Pluto, her staff at the ready. Before either could do anything more, Odo jumped atop the eagle, his limbs reverting to a gelatinous state and wrapping themselves around it. The eagle cried out in frustration as the constable restrained it's wings and claws. By this point, Komentac'lan had regained his footing. Unwilling to take the chance of hitting a Founder with weapons fire, he charged into close quarters with the eagle and hit it across the beak with all his might. Though Odo had restrained it's limbs, it's head was still free to move and Aquila took advantage that fact by seizing the Jem'Hadar First within it's beak. It swung him to and fro like a ragdoll, then flung him against the far wall where he collapsed bonelessly. It was obvious to anyone that he was quite dead, his neck having been broken. Now Pluto moved in to take action. She couldn't use her powers on it, as that would likely kill Odo, so she chose an alternative course of action. Instead she brought the top of the staff down atop Aquila's head. Her enhanced strength being greater than a Jem'Hadar's, it stood dazed from the blow. Pluto followed the blow up by grasping the staff with both hands and shoving it into the eagle's chest. The eagle was nearly flung into the air, striking the wall in nearly the same spot Komentac'lan had seconds before. It stood there shaking it's head, obviously dazed. Taking advantage of this, Odo immediately reverted to his natural form and oozed away from it, thus giving Pluto a clear shot. Lying on the floor, Sisko blinked, trying to clear his mind. He saw Pluto confront the creature and it glared back at her, having regained it's bearings. It uttered a loud cry and flew at the Sailor Scout. Simultaneously, Pluto swung her staff in front of her. In his dazed state, Sisko wasn't sure, but he thought he heard her whisper something. But what followed was impossible for him to miss. Dark green energy coalesced along the staff as Pluto swung it along it's arc. As it the midpoint, a sphere of energy of the same color shot out from the staff and struck the Negaverse creature. The flare of Pluto's attack hid it from Sisko's sight, but he heard it cry out loudly again, though this time in pain and despair. When the light faded, he saw no sign that the creature had ever been there, other that a pile of rapidly fading dust. Odo reformed himself next to Pluto and nodded approvingly. "Well done." "Thank you." She turned Sisko. "Captain, are you well?" "My leg hurts like hell, but I'll live." He indicated the spot where Aquila had been moments before. "I thought you said it was two hours before the Negaverse tried anything." "I warned you that could change," she reproached him. "Though I admit I didn't think they would move this fast." "The presence of the Defiant may have spurred them into almost immediate reaction," Odo theorized. "We can guess later," Pluto said. "But we must make sure the ships don't reach Earth." "Agreed," Sisko said. "With the Negaverse on the move, the time for talk is over." He tried to get up on his own, but fell back after yelping in pain. "Help me to the bridge." Pluto moved to one side of Sisko while Odo went to the other, and together they helped the captain up and out of the mess hall. Mars grimaced. The bridge was too confined for her to use her firebird attack, along with the fact the Worf was now grappling with the centaur, despite his injured arm. "We need cover!" she said to her fellow Scout. Mercury nodded. "Coming right up. MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!" Instantly the ambient temperature dropped and a thick layer of fog formed on the bridge. Dax noted that the creature seemed to lose sight of them, while she (and presumably the others) could still see it clearly. "Worf! Get down!" The Klingon immediately released his grip on the Negaverse creature, and fell back to the bridge fore. For it's part, the centaur reared back and unleashed a volley of arrows through the room. Fortunately, no one was hit, thought several of the stations took damage of one sort or other. Mars took advantage of a clear shot. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" This time the flame struck true and it cried out in pain while it's bow was incinerated. "Now!" Kira exclaimed, and five phaser beams converged on the centaur, staggering it. "Mercury, Mars... Hit it again!" "Right!" Mercury said. While the bridge was too confined for Mars' more powerful attack, it was more than wide open enough for hers. "MERCURY ICE BUBBLES FREEZE!" "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" Mars yelled, striking simultaneously with Mercury. The twin attacks of fire and ice struck the centaur, and the Defiant crewmembers maintain their phaser fire as well. The combined might of all these attacks was too much for the centaur, and it disintegrated to dust amid a cry of despair. "Dusted!" Mercury exclaimed as the fog lifted. Kira turned to Dax. "Dax, see if there are anymore of these things on the ship." "There was one in the mess hall," a voice came from the starboard door. Everyone turned to see Sisko limp in, aided by Odo and Sailor Pluto. They helped him towards the command chair. "But it's been taken care of." Sisko grimaced as he seated himself. His leg was throbbing intensely, there were more important concerns at the moment. He could see the three ships receding on the viewscreen, obviously on their way to Earth. "Dax --" Dax had already taken her place at the helm and was working the controls. Fortunately, it had emerge from the recent conflict unscathed. "I'm already on it, Captain. We're on an intercept course at full impulse." Bashir spoke up from nearby the tactical station, where he had been tending to Worf. "Captain, we should get Worf down to sickbay." He paused for a quick scan of Sisko. "And yourself as well. You've got torn ligaments in that knee." "I can wait until this is over, Doctor," Sisko responded. "But you can get started on Worf." "Sir, I can maintain my post," the Klingon protested, trying to ignore the pain from his injured arm. He turned back to the tactical station but stopped when he saw the arrow protruding from the panel. The panels flickered randomly, indicating the station had been heavily damaged. Kira saw it as well, and began working furiously on her console. "I'm transferring weapons control to my station." "There's nothing more you can do up here, Mr. Worf. Get that arm taken care of." Before Worf could object further Sisko added, "That's an order." "Yes, sir," Worf said reluctantly and left the bridge with Bashir. On the main viewscreen, Sisko could see two of the Dominion ships break off and turn to face the Defiant. "Major, the moment they're in weapons range, I want you to open fire." "Yes, sir." Kira kept her attention on the distance indicator, waiting for the other ships to enter range. In a matter of seconds, the distance between them had closed to a scant few thousands of kilometers. "Entering weapon's range -- firing!" The Defiant's powerful pulse phaser batteries spoke, sending a barrage of high energy bursts on the ship on the right. The first couple were absorbed by it's shields but the next penetrated, exploding the Dominion ship. It's companion managed banked right and flanked the Defiant, firing on it all the while. On board, the ship rocked under the incoming fire. Kira retaliated with the other phaser batteries mounted on the ship, but these weren't nearly as powerful as the pulse phasers and the Jem'Hadar ship was able to absorb these. "Dax, do what you can to avoid fire, but keep on that lead ship. That's the one with the changeling on it!" Dax nodded and programmed a series of evasive maneuvers. But tied as the Defiant was to an intercept course, it could only avoid a small fraction of the incoming fire. Fortunately, the ablative armor seemed to be holding for the moment. "The ablative armor is being degraded. It's not going to last much longer!" O'Brien shouted over the din of battle. As if in response, the ship shook again. "That did it. The aft ablative armor is gone!" "Just keep her together for a few more seconds, Chief," Sisko told him. Mercury came up behind Kira, her computer open. "Major, according to my scans their shields are weakest over their dorsal section. Concentrate your fire there," she suggested. Kira nodded and adjusted her firing pattern. Her next shot from the upper phaser array hit the area suggested by Mercury and penetrated the other ship's shields, damaging it's hull. The Dominion vessel broke off on it's current attack run and began a series of evasive maneuvers, trying to avoid other incoming fire. "Nice shooting!" Sisko complimented. He checked the tactical situation again and noted the lead ship was nearly in weapons range. "Kira, prepare a full spread of quantum torpedoes." Kira nodded. "Torpedoes ready and locked on target." "In weapons range!" Dax announced. The Defiant rocked again, as the other Jem'Hadar ship made a new run on it. "The aft weapons array just went offline," O'Brien reported. "We've got damage to the impulse engines, too." Sisko gave no other indication he heard the engineer other than a curt nod. "FIRE!" The Defiant pitched slightly as four of the powerful torpedoes were launched. The lead ship dodged at the last moment, evading two of the torpedoes. But two still struck the Jem'Hadar ship on it's port side. Designed as they were to penetrate the tough shields employed by the Borg, the torpedoes tore through the attack ship's shields, shearing off the port warp nacelle. Suddenly unbalanced, it spun around several times before exploding. "Two down, one to go. Dax, hard about! Kira, lock phasers and fire when ready." Free now from their previous constraints, Dax put the small starship on a tight turn, quickly bringing the Defiant nose to nose with the remaining ship. Immediately, Kira triggered a burst from the pulse phasers, scoring several direct hits. The last of the Jem'Hadar ships became an expanding fireball. "Get us back under cloak, Chief." If we *can* cloak, he added silently. "Cloak engaged," O'Brien reported. "You did it!" Mars cried. "You got them all!" "I wouldn't start celebrating just yet," Odo said glumly. Lacking any other function during battle, the Constable had been keeping an eye on the sensors. "I detected a spatial anomaly forming on the lead ship just before we destroyed it." Dax went over and stood behind him and eyed the readings for herself. Meanwhile, Mercury opened up her computer once again and began working on it rapidly. "Uh oh," Dax said. "That doesn't sound good, old man." "It's not good," she responded apprehensively. "I detected a similar spatial anomaly reading just before Zoisite appeared in front of us, and another one before that centaur appeared on the bridge. I think this is some method of teleportation employed by the Negaverse." "So some or all of them might have been able to get off before it was destroyed," O'Brien stated. "See if you can determine a possible destination, Chief," Sisko ordered, despite having a sinking feeling where they had gone. Mercury answered before O'Brien could even begin scanning. "I've got it. They teleported to the arctic regions." She paused and looked to Mars. "Specifically, D Point." "Right to the Negaverse," Dax said. Kira grimaced at the news. "Damn! I thought we had them." Mars felt and looked suddenly very tired. "It's going to happen again... Just like before." "That must not be allowed to happen," Pluto said. "Otherwise, all will be lost. The timelines of both universes will forever be in chaos." Mars felt someone place a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Sisko standing behind her despite his injured leg, determination etched on his face. "It's not going to happen again, Raye. Not if I can help it," he resolutely reassured her. "Whatever it takes, no matter the cost, we're going to prevent history from repeating itself." Next time: The Dominion ships have been destroyed, but they still have to keep the survivors from causing trouble on Earth. To that end, they begin to implement Kira's plan to protect Serena in chapter 6, "Surveillance". Bill Harris Sci-Fi quote of the month: "Arrogance and stupidity all in one package. How efficient of you." - Londo Mollari in "Babylon 5: In the Beginning"