Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, Sailor Senshi, and all terms, names etc. associated with the series are copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. We make no claim to them and this work of fanfiction should not be seen as making a claim. Those characters that are original and the story "Chibi-Usa Times Two" are copyrighted (c) 1997 by Douglas Helm & Will Wolfshohl. This fanfic and nearly 300 other SM fanfics reside in "Tuxedo" Will's SM Fanfics Archive at http://log.on.ca/users/helm/anime/index.htm Send comments to: Douglas "Candle Light Author" Helm (dhelm@log.on.ca) or "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl (wwolfshohl@logicon.com) Chibi-Usa Times Two Part 6: Do You Know What Your Cousin Did? The rising sun came over the horizon and filtered into Usagi's bedroom. Usagi had barely slept a wink during the night. Her eyes were bloodshot and she had a worried expression on her face. She didn't even notice the new day's arrival. As Luna awoke the first thing she observed was Usagi and she looked horrible. Misinterpreting the expression Luna said, "Usagi-chan, I thought you studied." The sound of the low voice made Usagi jump slightly. After clearing her head of thoughts she quickly made sure Chibi-Usa was still asleep. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the contented look on the little girl's face. Usagi thought, "Usagi!" Luna hissed, "What's the matter?!" "I didn't get much sleep," Usagi said softly. "Wha?" came the sleep filled voice of Chibi-Usa; she'd only partially opened her eyes. Thinking fast Usagi said, "I said, `Good Morning Imouto, did you have a good sleep?'" Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Chibi-Usa sat up and smiled. Luna gave a warning hiss then leapt off the bed and left the room. Chibi-Usa shot a questioning look at Usagi who simply shrugged. Remembering Usagi's question Chibi-Usa replied, "Hai Onee-san. I dreamt I was with my mommy." "That's nice, Chibi-Usa-chan," Usagi responded. The thought brought a smile to her face. "What's funny, Onee-san?" Chibi-Usa asked while getting out of bed. "Nothing Imouto, I just thought of something funny..." Chibi-Usa began to walk towards the door, "Where are you going?" "I want to see if Shingo-kun's awake. I want to talk to him." "Sure just try to be quiet, okay?" "Hai!" with that Chibi-Usa left the room. After several seconds Luna came back into the room. Usagi quickly returned to her worried state. Usagi picked Luna up and closed the door before saying, "Luna, I need to talk to you but you have to promise not to tell any of the others." Luna looked suspiciously at Usagi for several seconds before saying, "Usagi-chan, what did you do?" "You HAVE to promise me that you won't tell the others first. Please?" "Usagi, tell me what you did. I won't promise not to tell the others if the situation demands it," Luna protested and set her eyes to stubbornly stare at Usagi. Usagi was getting slightly worried. Glancing at the clock she noticed that she'd have to get ready for school soon and she couldn't talk with Luna while Chibi-Usa was around so... "Okay, okay! Luna, I came home one day and found Chibi-Usa destroying my room. She was searching for the Ginzuishou again. I wasn't in the mood to take it so I grabbed her. We both yelled at each other and I got really mad and..." Luna was looking at her intently so Usagi continued, "I used the Ginzuishou to heal her because I thought the dark energy was infecting her but something went wrong and now there's two of them: an ultra-sweet one and ultra-nasty one..." With that Usagi let go of Luna who fell to the floor and collapsed on her bed. Luna was in a state of shock. She knew that Usagi was dense but she never believed her charge was THAT dense. Irritation soon took over for disbelief. Hopping up on the bed Luna stalked over to the still panting Usagi and said, "I can't believe you did that to that poor little girl! And it took you this long to tell me what happened?!!" "Keep it down!" Usagi hissed, "Luna, I just found out myself... Please don't tell the others. I know I should of listened to Ami. I really messed up and I want to try to fix it myself. Rei would never let me live it down... Please?" Luna stared hard at Usagi pondering for a long time before saying, "All right I won't tell the others..." Usagi sighed in relief and started to thank Luna but was abruptly cut off, "There are conditions however." Usagi froze in place while Luna continued, "One, I'll tell all if anybody gets hurt. Two, this will be a limited time offer... YOU, Usagi, have to solve this problem within the next week. I'm amazed your parents haven't found out yet! You'll have to send the `sweet one' some place else." Usagi chuckled. Luna just glared at her. "What about Ami's? Chibi-Usa would probably like that. Ami-chan can help her with schoolwork and keep an eye on her at the same time. She's been worried about her anyway." "Yes... and she's stayed at Ami's before so it won't look quite as suspicious. When are you going to tell her?" "I'll ask Ami at lunch today and ask Chibi-Usa when she comes back from talking to Shingo." "What if Chibi-Usa finds her other self?" Luna asked. ****** Chibi-Usa slipped out of Usagi's room and noticed Luna was watching her warily. she thought as she walked down to Shingo's room and knocked on his door softly. Shingo opened the door and gave Chibi-Usa a strange look, "What happened to your pajamas?" Shingo knew they were vastly different than the last ones he'd seen her in. Thinking something was wrong Chibi-Usa vainly tried to see if there was a hole in them, shrugging she decided to press on, "Can I please talk to you, Shingo-kun?" "Well maybe..." Shingo grinned internally, Stepping inside he let Chibi-Usa enter his room and closed the door. He began to quickly formulate a plan for revenge when Chibi-Usa said something that completely stopped him. "Shingo-kun, why did you mess up the kitchen yesterday and blame it on me?" "Me?!? I didn't do it, you did..." "But I don't remember, I'm trying to be really good. I don't want Usagi-chan to be mad at me anymore. Won't you please stop getting me into trouble, Shingo-kun?" Chibi-Usa pleaded. "Me getting YOU into trouble?!" Shingo demanded. "So I suppose I took control of you and tried to drown Luna?!" The statement was dripping with sarcasm. Chibi-Usa had a shocked and horrified expression on her face, "Oh don't play the innocent, Mom was telling Dad and I heard it." "But I didn't... or at least I don't remember doing it," Chibi-Usa protested. "Don't remember, huh?!? How can you not remember trying to drown Luna and getting spanked?!" Shingo was now incredulously staring at Chibi-Usa; he couldn't believe his ears. Chibi-Usa thought, With that thought she left Shingo's room and started back towards Usagi's room. Pausing outside the door she thought she heard voices. Knocking she entered and looked around. Only Usagi and Luna were inside the room, ****** "Chibi-Usa-chan, how would you like to stay at Ami-chan's?" Usagi asked when Chibi-Usa came back from her talk with Shingo. Chibi-Usa seemed flustered by something but when she heard Usagi's question, she took on a hurt expression. Tears were already forming in her eyes. Usagi seeing the tears walked over to Chibi-Usa and squatted down to look her in the face, "What's the matter, Imouto? I thought you'd like to stay over at Ami-chan's." "Why do you want to get rid of me, Onee-san? Was it because I hurt Luna? I don't remember doing it!" Chibi-Usa sobbed out. Usagi thought as she pulled Chibi-Usa into a comforting embrace. Picking Chibi-Usa up she carried her over to the bed and sat down with her on her lap. "Imouto, I don't want to get rid of you... Why would you think that? And you didn't hurt Luna. I just thought that you'd like to stay with Ami-chan for a few days." "I DIDN'T hurt Luna?" Chibi-Usa sniffled out. "No, I don't think you would," confirmed Usagi. Luna added her reassurance by rubbing up against Chibi-Usa's leg. "See... she's telling you that you didn't hurt her either." "B-but Shingo-kun said I tried to drown Luna and that Ikuko-mama spanked me... Why would he make something like that up?" Chibi-Usa protested. "Ah... Maybe he doesn't like you spending so much time with me. He thinks that you should help him bug me," Usagi explained. "Imouto, you want to be good, right?" Chibi-Usa nodded, "Well if you stay at Ami-chan's for a few days, I'm pretty sure you'll be extra good. That will show him. I'm not mad at you and I don't want to get rid of you. You're my Imouto after all." This brought a slight smile to Chibi-Usa's face. "So will you go?" Chibi-Usa sniffled once more before saying, "Hai, Onee-san. But I'd like to stay with you. I will REALLY miss you." "I love you, Imouto. Nothing will ever change that," Usagi said. "I'm sure that when you come back from Ami-chan's, you won't be blamed for anything! Now we should get dressed or we'll both be late for school." ****** "Hi guys!" Usagi declared brightly, "Um... Ami-chan can I talk to alone?" Ami and Makoto along with Naru gave Usagi a strange look, Usagi wanted to talk instead of eat? Setting her book down Ami got up and followed Usagi off a little before Usagi turned to her with a pensive look on her face. "Usagi-chan, if you're going to ask for my math notes..." Ami was cut off when Usagi finally worked up enough nerve to ask her question. "Ami-chan, could you watch Chibi-Usa for a few days?" Ami had a look of surprise. "Why, Usagi-chan? Can't you watch her? It would be easier and with Luna there, I'm sure there's nothing special I can do." "Well... I've just been having problems and well... Please Ami-chan, I asked Chibi-Usa if she wanted to stay with you for a few days and she practically broke down in tears because she thought I was trying to get rid of her." Ami frowned slightly. "Really? What other strange behavior have you observed?" "Well she's been having these mood swings. I mean she first wants to be called Usagi and then she's wouldn't even consider being called anything else but Chibi-Usa," Usagi replied. As a little extra incentive Usagi added, "And she somehow keeps slipping away from me. With your minicomputer you could keep track of her, couldn't you?" "Alright Usagi-chan," Ami said. This was a mystery that she would like to solve. "When are you going to drop her off?" "I'll go pick her up from school and swing by your place." "I have juku today..." Ami started to say but again Usagi cut her off. "She'd probably like to go with you to juku, Ami-chan. Oh there's the bell, gotta go." With that Usagi scurried off back to class before Ami could say anything else. ****** Usagi arrived at Chibi-Usa's school on time. She expected Chibi-Usa's normal exuberant greeting. Instead, she found the little girl sullenly waiting for her. Usagi feigned a smile. "Imouto, ready to go?" "Hai," came the soft reply. "Imouto, we have to go to Ami's right away but I'll drop by later tonight to read you a story and drop off some clothes." Chibi-Usa's response was to sniffle a little bit. Picking her up into a hug Usagi said, "Imouto, I told you I'm NOT trying to get rid of you." "But I'll REALLY miss you... It's like being away from Mommy all over again," Chibi-Usa implored. She was trying her best not to cry. "Please Onee-san, can't I stay with you?" Starting to walk Usagi said, "Imouto, I'll miss you too. I promise I'll come and walk you to and from school every day. You'll see me plenty." Chibi-Usa was getting desperate, "But Onee-san, PLEASE? I really want to stay with you!" Usagi grimaced, "Chibi-Usa-chan, I understand how you feel but you HAVE to stay with Ami-chan for a few days or you WILL get blamed for being bad. I know you can be good and I don't want you getting into trouble and staying with Ami-chan for a few days will help do that. Do you understand?" "Hai," Chibi-Usa mumbled. She didn't like it but Onee-san had said she had to. She couldn't hold the tears back any longer. As an after thought Usagi added, "You can't tell Ami-chan that I said you had to stay there." Chibi-Usa seemed to start to protest but subsided after awhile and the two girls headed for Ami's. ****** The next few days were peculiar for the Senshi and the Tsukino's. Usagi found that staying home was not a good idea because the evil Chibi-Usa used every possible opportunity to attack or humiliate both her and Shingo. Even threat of punishment from her parents seemed not to phase her. Her disrespect of them was increasing at an alarming rate. Nor were the Senshi immune. Makoto had caught Chibi-Usa rummaging through her belongings when she came home from school. Before she could question how the child had gotten into her apartment, Chibi-Usa used Luna-P to distract her and made her getaway. Ami had been assaulted by Chibi-Usa who had decided that Ami, being the brightest one, must keep the Ginzuishou for Usagi. Needless to say Ami was rather shocked when she found that four blocks away Chibi-Usa along with Usagi were chatting pleasantly while having ice cream. This thoroughly confused all the parties involved. Usagi vehemently defended Chibi-Usa who seemed about to break down again. Ami was similarly stumped when the energy reading she'd received from Chibi-Usa who attacked her seemed to disappear completely later. Something was really wrong here. Ami suspected Usagi of knowing more than she was telling but didn't press the issue. Artemis was only barely saved from a gruesome fate by Minako later that same day that Ami was attacked. Again Chibi-Usa managed to slip away but this time it was Ami who defended Chibi-Usa. She knew they'd been doing homework and then later Usagi had come over to read Chibi-Usa a story. Chibi-Usa was never out of her sight. Even Rei and the Hikawa Shrine grounds were not immune to the terror. Chibi-Usa seemed to be on a wild rampage although it wasn't nearly as bad as the others experienced; the damage was spread out greater. For Usagi things seemed to be escalating at a frantic pace. But it all came to a head that Friday afternoon while Usagi was walking home from dropping Chibi-Usa off at Ami's. The only good thing was that Usagi managed to grab Luna-P and take it to the good Chibi-Usa. ****** Usagi came walking up the front path of her house and was about to open the door when it was flung open. Chibi-Usa came bolting out past her and turned down the street at a furious pace. Ikuko wasn't far behind yelling at the top of her lungs. She stopped a few steps past Usagi. It was obvious she couldn't catch the fleeing child. "YOU GET BACK HERE!!! WHEN I GET A HOLD OF YOU, YOUNG LADY, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SIT FOR A WEEK!!" Clutched in Ikuko's hand was a nice red dress that seemed to be stained somehow. Usagi looked at her mother for a second before asking, "Mom, what happened?" She'd never seen her mother like this. Ikuko was almost hyperventilating. "That... that... Chibi-Usa was... snooping through my closet! I came into my room and found the dress your father gave me as an anniversary present spread on the bed and she was spilling something blue on it. Now it's ruined; it was a permanent dye." Ikuko began to calm down. "I'll go look for her," Usagi declared. Property damage was one thing but spoiling something of her mother's was a different matter. It had just become personal. ****** Chibi-Usa was furious, "BAKA OLD HAG! I wasn't done! Threaten me will you! I'll show you then I'll really show `Chibi-Usa'!! I have to find the Ginzuishou!" She continued to wander the darkening streets while planning her next move. One thing was certain... She was tired of that hell hole. She'd get Baka Odango Atama to tell her where the Ginzuishou was and then she'd be able to get out of this primitive place. It was now late at night, the streets were deserted except for a few people. Chibi-Usa was not scared though, Out of frustration Chibi-Usa picked up a large rock and threw it as hard as she could. It sailed through the air and shattered a window of a nearby store. The tinkling sound of glass was pleasant and she felt slightly better. Picking up another rock she hurled it towards another window. It hit the window smashing it sending shards flying away which sparkled in the streetlight. To Chibi-Usa, it was a beautiful sight to behold. Feeling even better she spotted a shop selling precious jewels. Picking up the largest rock she could find she prepared to throw it when a voice from behind her startled her. "Hold it right there, young lady!" Spinning around Chibi-Usa saw two police officers standing on either side of a police car with flashing lights. She smiled slightly, With that thought she cocked her arm to throw the rock. They would not stop her this night.