Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, Sailor Senshi, and all terms, names, etc. associated with the series are copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. We make no claim to them and this work of fanfiction should not be seen as making a claim. Those characters that are original and the story "Chibi-Usa Times Two" are copyrighted (c) 1997 by Douglas Helm & Will Wolfshohl. This fanfic and over 300 other SM fanfics reside in "Tuxedo" Will's SM Fanfics Archive at http://log.on.ca/users/helm/anime/index.htm Send comments to: Douglas "Candle Light Author" Helm (dhelm@log.on.ca) or "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl (wwolfshohl@logicon.com) Chibi-Usa Times Two Part 9: Beruche The silence that followed Chibi-Usa's outburst was deafening. Rei stood there with her mouth opening and closing but no sound escaped. It was a very funny sight except that no one was laughing. Chibi-Usa speared her feet in a defiant stance, placing her hands on her hips and stated with all the authority and courage she could muster, "Rei-chan, say you're sorry to Onee-san... You shouldn't be so mean to her." Rei's face twisted into an angry snarl as she finally found her voice and shouted, "`Me say I'M sorry'?!!! I'm not the one who threw water balloons or went sneaking through Usagi's personal belongings. You called her `BAKA ODANGO ATAMA' just as much, if not more than, I did so why should I apologize... I'm not the one that's been BAD!" That did it. Chibi-Usa's posture slumped, her courage deserted her. Her bottom lip began to tremble as she lowered her head. Chibi-Usa thought as she flushed with embarrassment. "YOUR Onee-san, although I don't know why you'd ever want to be even around her, took the person you were and split you like an apple!" Rei shrugged off the placating hand from Ami. "AND YOU TELL ME TO APOLOGIZE!" Usagi who'd raised her head in astonishment at Rei's outburst had immediately saw the signs. She rushed over, scooped Chibi-Usa up in one arm while placing her hand over Chibi-Usa's mouth, and rushed from the room. Ami was next to follow Usagi out but turned towards the bathroom. She knew what had happened. Minako shared a look with Makoto. They weren't entirely sure what was going on. Getting up they glared at Rei who had stubbornly crossed her arms looking in the other direction. They shared another look before heading off to see what was happening. ****** Ami brought out a small bowl filled with warm water and a washcloth. Usagi smiled her thanks to Ami and took them. She was speaking in quiet soothing tones to Chibi-Usa who had become sick and now was looking rather miserable. Usagi then proceeded to clean up Chibi-Usa's face and neck. "It's okay... here," Usagi said reassuringly and handed Chibi-Usa a Kleenex. The child blew her nose and sniffled a bit. Standing up Usagi said, "Come on Imouto, let's get you inside and properly cleaned up, okay?" A small nod. Taking Chibi-Usa's hand Usagi led her off towards the bathroom. Ami heard the noise of the others coming out. When she saw that Rei wasn't among them, she gave a sigh. "Minna-san, I think I'll go have a little chat with Rei..." Makoto decided and walked back to the Great Fire Room. ****** Makoto saw Rei meditating in front of the Great Fire eyes closed concentrating on something. She observed her friend for a few moments before speaking, "Rei-chan... That wasn't very nice. I can see you being upset with Usagi but to yell at Chibi-Usa like that..." "THAT Chibi-Usa thought it was great, Makoto!" Rei stated stubbornly. "THAT Chibi-Usa became so stressed out because of you that she threw up... I don't think that makes you feel happy, Rei... There are some things you just don't do." Rei lowered her head and heaved a sigh, "I know Makoto... I just... I wish that Usagi would act more responsible..." "More responsible?" Makoto asked, "Rei, Usagi made a choice... She acted the way she thought she should. Sure at first it was because she was angry but I really think that she meant well." Rei remained silent for several seconds before saying, almost to herself, "I... I just can't see Usagi being this stupid." Makoto sighed slightly, "Rei-chan..." She waited until Rei was looking directly at her, "Usagi isn't stupid. She may occasionally do dumb things but she means well and tries the best way she knows how. Look how she's taking care of Chibi-Usa now." She paused, "Usagi-chan is our friend and our leader. What you did to her might have been a little overbearing but certainly normal... But I really think you need to talk to Chibi-Usa. She's a very upset little girl and it's all because of you." With that Makoto left the room quietly to let Rei think about what Makoto had said. ****** Usagi heard a knock on the bathroom door and looked up to see Rei tentatively looking at her. Usagi looked at Rei sternly. Chibi-Usa moved a little way in front of Usagi. Rei heaved a sigh. The little girl who she'd upset was still going to defend her Onee-san from the big bad Rei. Rei said softly, "Can... Can I talk to Chibi-Usa alone?" Rei winced when she saw the panic in the young girl's eyes. Usagi knew what Rei was trying to do. She placed a hand on Chibi-Usa's shoulder and said, "Honey, do you want to talk to Rei-chan alone?" Chibi-Usa looked up at Usagi, "Will you be alright, Onee-san?" Her voice was a little scratchy and her big red eyes were slightly puffy from her crying. "You won't yell at her?" It was more of an order than a question. Usagi looked directly at Rei who flinched away from her look. Rei shook her head no. "Hai, Imouto, I'll be alright." Chibi-Usa, reassured, gave Usagi a quick hug before holding out her hand tentatively towards Rei. Rei hesitated for the briefest moment before taking the offered hand and slowly led the little girl back to the Great Fire Room. Sitting down Rei indicated that Chibi-Usa should do the same. "Rei-chan, why do you hate Onee-san?" Chibi-Usa asked softly. The question cut like a knife into Rei, she nearly shouted out, "I don't hate Usagi..." "But then why did you say all those mean things?" Rei sat silently for a short time collecting her thoughts before saying, "Chibi-Usa-chan... Usagi shouldn't have used the Ginzuishou on you," Rei continued on before Chibi-Usa could ask the obvious question, "She should have trusted her friends to help her but she didn't and that hurt me." Chibi-Usa looked at Rei puzzled for a moment before answering, "I don't get it... Why are you mad at me for being good?" "Chibi-Usa-chan... I'm not mad at you for being good. I was very upset with Usagi-chan and when you started to defend her, I became very upset with you. That was wrong... I shouldn't have yelled at you." Chibi-Usa looked at Rei for several seconds before asking, "Rei-chan, are we still friends?" Rei didn't really want to admit that she was sorry for upsetting the little girl but as the silence continued, she could tell that Chibi-Usa was getting nervous, "Hai..." Rei finally said softly, "We're still friends." ****** Hearing footsteps, the others looked up to see Chibi-Usa and Rei walk out holding hands. Chibi-Usa had the faintest hint of a smile on her face and it broadened when she saw Usagi. As they came closer Chibi-Usa practically shouted, "Onee-san... Rei-chan likes me!" Makoto winked to Rei unseen by the others. "That's great, Imouto..." "Usagi, can I talk to you?" Rei asked. "Hai..." getting up Usagi followed Rei off away from the others and into her room before Rei said, "Usagi, what's got into you? Ami told you that it would probably leave her system..." "Rei-chan, you don't know what I went through!" Usagi started to whine but caught herself, "I was so tired of having my room ripped apart by her looking for the Ginzuishou. If you remember correctly, you're one of the ones who told me not to say anything about it." Rei ducked her head slightly, "Usagi... I just..." she trailed off she wasn't really sure how to explain why she was irritated with Usagi. "I have to go home now... Listen, I made a choice and I have to live with the consequences. I truly love that little girl and I know what I did to her was wrong but..." Usagi sighed, "Rei-chan, I hope you can understand." She turned and after walking back to Chibi-Usa took her hand and led her towards home. Rei was left mulling over what had just been said, ****** "Beruche, you will accompany Princess Usagi. You're under her orders," Rubeus said the following day, "Now, Your Highness, would you please describe to me your plan?" Chibi-Usa now dressed in a dress suited more to her station in life glanced at Rubeus, "What about the power?" "The plan first, Your Highness... I would not wish to expend power unnecessarily," Rubeus said calmly. Chibi-Usa grumbled something acidic before saying, "Hai, my DEAR Rubeus... `Chibi-Usa' goes to school... Beruche will pretend to be a Public Health Nurse and I'll be her `helper'... Her droid will catch Chibi-Usa and we'll get her to tell us where the Ginzuishou is." Beruche remained quiet. She was having serious doubts about the game Rubeus was playing. Rubeus thought, With that Rubeus made his decision and said, "That sounds like an excellent plan, Your Highness... I'll start the power infusion immediately." Chibi-Usa just smiled. Beruche flinched as Chibi-Usa started to chuckle; it sounded awfully malevolent. ****** "How did you sleep last night, Usagi-chan?" Ami asked. They were outside in the schoolyard eating lunch. It was a beautiful sunny day. The three friends were taking this opportunity to discuss the events that had occurred over recent days. "Excellently, if you don't mind being throttled, Ami-chan," Usagi grouched, "When we got back from the Shrine, I had to keep her distracted so she wouldn't say anything about it to Mom. Chibi-Usa still thinks it's a neat idea having a sister and she asked when she could meet her." Makoto snorted, "We better find the evil one and quick before Rei gives the good one ulcers..." "Yeah I know, Mako-chan... Chibi-Usa's really sensitive. Like I said, I slept excellently. She just had this rather protective clamp around my neck all night long... She kept cutting off my air. She's afraid I'm going to leave her," Usagi sighed, "I'm surprised you guys aren't mad at me." "Well... Usagi-chan, I think you were trying to do something nice. You also were being a bit selfish too." Makoto added, "By the way, have you guys seen that Public Health Nurse crawling around?" Ami and Usagi looked blankly at Makoto for several seconds, "No..." "Yeah, she gives me the creeps. There was this..." Makoto trailed off suddenly her eyes grew wide, "It couldn't be." "Nani?" Usagi breathed, "Come on, what does she have?" "There was this little kid with her... Now why would a little kid be with a Public Health Nurse?" Ami flicked out her minicomputer and entered a few commands. Usagi was looking between the two of them before saying, "You don't think it could be the evil one?" "I donno... but I thought there was something odd about her. She kept eyeing me intently like she knew me or something." "These readings indicate that there's a small but highly concentrated Dark Energy source within one hundred meters of our location." Ami stated quietly, "The vector... It's definitely inside the school and it corresponds with the energy signature I received from the evil Chibi-Usa who obviously attacked me before." "What are we going to do?" Usagi questioned, "I mean if we transform and fight here that'll draw a lot of people. It'll look funny with us missing with the Senshi around." Makoto blinked at Usagi in surprise, "Usagi-chan's right... and if we don't do anything who knows what's going to happen?" "What do we have next period?" Ami queried. "Ami-chan, you and I have history..." Usagi glanced over at Makoto who was rummaging around in her school bag. "I've got a study period. We have a sub today but the regular sensei didn't leave a study plan." "We have to do something," Usagi stated again but before they could come up with an effective plan the bell rang forcing them back to class. ****** A little later Beruche in her nurse's disguise looked at Chibi-Usa who pointed to Usagi. They were in Haruna-sensei's classroom now. Having finally received the okay from Chibi-Usa to call the droid, Beruche went about her task to not be conspicuous until she got closer to Usagi. Chibi-Usa thought. Usagi spotted the two entering the classroom and pushed the panic button on her communicator. It would let Makoto know that something was definitely going on. It would also let the others know that something was up. Just as Beruche was four desks away from Usagi, the school's fire alarm went off. Everyone in the room jumped up immediately and started heading for the exits. Beruche totally surprised was nearly trampled by the chaos that ensued. Chibi-Usa was swept out of the classroom by the mob taking advantage of the opportunity to get out of class. In the confusion, Usagi and Ami managed to quickly get away from the crowd. Making sure that no one could see them, they transformed and soon confronted a stunned Beruche who had finally gotten her footing. "Posing as a nurse is wrong, for you do not represent health and happiness. I am the Pretty Sailor Suited Senshi, SAILOR MOON! In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!" Sailor Moon declared. "Where'd `CHIBI-USA' GO!?!" Chibi-Usa demanded, "Get rid of these pests and then start looking for that BAKA." Beruche wasn't eager to fight Sailor Moon alone so she called upon her droid, "Droid Doctorella come forth!" Droid Doctorella stood somewhere around seven feet tall, scarecrow thin, and wearing a labcoat. A stethoscope hung around its neck and when it smiled its teeth were made of hypodermic needles. "Take care of these patients," Beruche commanded and then teleported with Chibi-Usa outside to search of Usagi. "Hai, Beruche-sama." The droid turned and immediately attacked Sailor Mercury. "Shabon spr..." Sailor Mercury started but was cut short when Doctorella flung a role of tension bandages at her. It expanded and trapped Sailor Mercury before it began to squeeze her mercilessly. "Sailor Mercury!" Sailor Moon stated horrified. "Let me get straight to the point!" Doctorella shouted and pinned Sailor Moon to the wall with several long hypodermic needles. Sailor Moon began to struggle as the droid advanced towards her with an evil smile on its face, "Your symptoms require surgery to correct. Now let's get right to the `heart' of the matter, shall we?" With that Doctorella pulled out a large scalpel. Sailor Moon's eyes grew large as she started to panic. As if that was her cue, Sailor Jupiter's voice boomed out, "SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE!" The flying disk of energy hit the surprised droid fully in its back and slammed it into the wall. The force of the impact jostled Sailor Moon loose and flung her to the floor. "Ah, another patient to take care of..." Doctorella hissed out. It stalked towards Sailor Moon who was desperately trying to cut the nearly suffocating Mercury free. The demure Senshi was starting to turn the same color as her hair. That's when Tuxedo Kamen made his entrance. "Tuxedo Kamen-sama!" cried Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter. "Doctors are here to help people not hurt them. They should not practice bad medicine!" "I'll show you `bad medicine', BAKA!" the droid howled while flinging its stethoscope like a whip. Tuxedo Kamen leapt out of the way and proceeded to clobber the droid with his extendible cane. "Sailor Moon NOW!" Tuxedo Kamen shouted. "Hai! MOON PRINCESS HALATION!" Sailor Moon shouted and that was the end of the droid. Turning to Mercury who struggled to gain her breath back after the tension bandage disappeared Sailor Moon said, "Mercury-chan, will you be okay?" Seeing Mercury's nod Sailor Moon turned to Jupiter, "Let's go find that spore and teach her a lesson!" With that both Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter sprinted out of the school and out the doorway. ****** "Damn!" Chibi-Usa cursed as she saw Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter emerge from the school, "Strategic retreat!" Beruche wasn't pleased, "Some leader she is. Rubeus wouldn't have run away," she muttered. With that she and her `leader' for this little trip teleported away. ****** "You failed..." Rubeus sneered out. "The Senshi showed up... How'd they know where we were going to be?" Chibi-Usa wondered and then sent an accusatory glance at Beruche who was too busy looking at a mirror checking her make-up to notice. "Your Highness, you DID provide a distraction for us though... for one of our other projects," Rubeus stated. The End Next in Part 10: Petz Doug Rakura Sakuya's Accountant http://log.on.ca/users/helm/anime/index.htm http://log.on.ca/users/helm/sako/sakohome.htm Sailor Bean : "For puttin' me in this RIDICULOUS SAILOR SUIT - ya sick little monkey - I *WILL* PUNISH YOU!"