Title: Dark Side of the Moon. Chapter: Prolouge. Author: DragonStar Email: dragonstar@funky.wow.aust.com Rating: pg13. No violence or language, just very intense in places. ----------- Well, it's finally here. The prolouge chapter to Dark Side of the Moon. Thanks tothose who commented on the teaser I sent out a while ago. I know there wasn't actually much to comment on, but the encouragment was good. It was mostly written in the last couple of days. I couldn't before with Uni and exams, but now they're over I'm getting started with some serious writing (for those who are still interested by the end of this ;) So without further ado... the Dark Side of the Moon Prolouge. New Moon Rising. All characters are Naoko Takeuchi's. Blah blah blah. You know the drill. "Dark Side of the Moon." A Sailor Moon Fanfic. -by Ben Gibbons. Prolouge. "New Moon Rising" It's a beautful day. The sun is shining and a cool breeze is blowing. Usagi and Naru are walking through Ichinohasi park talking and eating ice cream. Usagi, true to form, is licking away at a mile a minute. "Mmm, ice cream... I love... ice cream..." "Really, Usagi," giggles Naru. "Slow down. It's embarrasing." A sly grin appeared on Naru's face. "If you keep eating like that, you'll end up fat just like Sailor Moon." This has it's desired efect as Usagi splurted out a mouthful of ice cream and started coughing and rubing tears out of her eyes. "Wh... What did you say?!" Naru held back the urge to burst out laughing, hiding her grin by skipping on a few steps ahead of Usagi. "Oh," she said in a carefree voice. "Everyone's talking about it." "They... are?" asked Usagi in a worried tone, running after her friend. *Got you!* "Don't you know?" she asked in just the right tone to inflame Usagi's curiosity. "No! Tell me tell me tellme tellmetellme!!" Naru motioned her closer "Well, I really shouldn't tell you this, but..." "But what?" Usagi whispered eagerly. "Well..." Naru leaned even closer. "Your ice cream is dripping all down your hand." "HUH?!" Usagi fell flat on her face. She was up immediatley and started licking her melted ice crem from her hand and wrist. "Oh no! My ice cream!" Then, without a break, worked her way up the side of the cone and proceeded to wolf down the rest of her ice cream. Then all of a sudden she started yelling, "OWW, OW OW OWIE OWIEOWIEOWIE!!" and jumping in around in little circles. "Usagi! Are you all right?" Naru asked worriedly. After a few seconds, Usagi calmed down. "Usagi. What happened?" "Oh, it's nothing. My teeth just got cold from the ice cream, that's all. Come on, Naru." she said, running ahead. "We're going to be late for dinner at my house." Naru sighed before running after her best friend. "At least being late all the time keeps her from getting fat from all the food she eats." she remarked to no one in particular. ************** "So tell me..." asked Usagi. Usagi and Naru were walking back to Naru's house after dinner at Usagi's. It's nearly dark and they're walking just a little faster so Usagi wouldn't have to walk back to her house in the dark. "Are you and Umino an item now?" Naru's face turned an interesting shade of crimson and she brought her hands to her face to hide it from Usagi. "Usagiiiii... It's not like that at all." "Sure it is." replied Usagi in sly tones, nuging her friend with her elbow. "And I'm sure you don't like it when he calls you the most beautiful girl in the universe." She grinned as Naru's blush deepend. "And *I* know that you sometimes make special lunches, just for him." Naru stopped and stared wide-eyed at Usagi. "You... You know about that?" she stammered. "Ee-yep." "Oh. Well, I guess you could say we are. Sort of... I mean, he *is* really nice when he's not telling everyone how smart he is. And when I can get him to talk about something besides the internet, he's really fun to be with. And when he takes his glasses off, he has the cutest puppy-brown eyes. And his lips are so soft and warm..." She trails off as her blush deepens even further and she get a far away look in her eyes. "You mean you've *kissed* him?! Umino? Eeewwww!" "Usagi!" Naru said, slightly annoyed. "Be nice. You just... don't know him the way I do." she huffed and walked off ahead. *'Don't know him the way I do'?* Usagi shivered as an image popped into her mind. "Now there's a picture I didn't want to see." she mumbled to herself before jogging to catch up with Naru. "You really like Umino that much?" she asked seriously. Naru looked sideways at Usagi to see if she was still teasing. Seeing that she wasn't, she smiled slightly. "Yeah. I do." "That's good," said Usagi softly. "It's good that you have someone like that. Everyone should have someone they care for." Usagi thinks of Mamoru and herself. The two friends continue on in a comfortable silence. *********** She was standing in a courtyard. Radiating around her were gracefull geometric garden beds, filled with bright, fragrant plants and flowers. She looked around her. She was sure she had never been here before, yet it all seemed so familiar to her. Before she even lifted her head, she knew what she would see. Hanging in the pale yellow-pink sky was a beautiful blue and white cresent. The Earth. "I know this place. Where am I?" "You know where you are." said a soft voice behind her and she whirled around to face the speaker, an ethereal figure that was just as familiar as the courtyard, yet just as unknown. It was tall, and vaguely feminine, but she couldn't be sure. It kept drifting in and out of focus and it's clothes and long hair swirled around it as if moved my a breeze only it could feel. "You have only forgotten." "Where am I? What is this place?" she asked. "Why does this all seem so familiar?" "This place," replied the figure, gesturing around them. "This palace," it gestured to a glittering outline of a majestic palace that she hadn't noticed before. "This used to be your home." "My... My home?" she looked around her again. "You mean I used to live here?" "Yes," said the image before her. "You, the princess and the rest of her Senshi. You all lived here... before the end. Before the darkness came that ended it all." A glittering tear formed and drifted down it's face before being blown away in a sparkling trail. "Princess...? Darkness...? Who are you? Why am I here?" "You are here because you are the Second." "I'm the Second? I don't understand. The second what?" "You will remember, if the need arises." The world seemed to blur and distort before her, fading away. "Do not forget." the figure called, it's voice growing distant. "If anything should happen, you are the Second." And the world disappeared into balckness. Naru Osaka gasped and sat up in bed. She was breathing hard and her head felt funny. The windows of her bedroom were open and a cool breeze drifted in, cooling her sweat-soaked face. The digital clock on her nightstand read 3:27am. "Wow," she breathed after she had her breathing under control. *What a strange dream. I wander if it means anything...* she thought, before lying down and falling back to sleep. By morning, it would all be forgotten... ***************** BAM!! "USAGI!!" Ms Haruna screamed, slamming a textbook down on top of her desk, while the girl in question shot from her prone position on her desk to her feet, blurting out the 'Usagi General Purpose Excuse #157.' "Ms Tsukino!! How dare you fall asleep in my class! If you can't stay awake..." Usagi zoned out at that point, head lowered and nodding ocationally. She already knew she had just earned a detention this afternoon. She'd heard all the variations of that lecture several times over. She was just gratefull she'd had lunch already, or she'd have spent lunchtime in a classroom as well. She was just so tired. Every night for the last four nights, Negaverse creatures had attacked seemingly random targets, and Sailor Moon and the rest of the Senshi had had to fight them. They'd won, of course. The Senshi always won. But the last one... Last night it had almost... almost... Usagi tried not to think about it. "...and after turning up late for class, yet. If your behaviour doesn't..." Yeah. She'd been late as well this morning. The night before an enemy had attacked... again... And sure enough, she was jerked awake by an urgent message from Rei, summoning her and the others to face another monster she had sensed during a fire reading. She had returned home afterwards just in time to have a couple of hours sleep before her mother had woken her for school. Ami was waiting for her in the living room. She hadn't done that for a while. Usagi was glad she had. She would have been even later with out her there. Ami was acting bright and perky, but she couldn't hide her slightly red eyes. They were both late. It was the only reason Usagi hadn't had a lunchtime detention as it was. Ms Haruna was so stunned to see Ami late for class, she missed Usagi walking in after her and sit at her desk. "...this really isn't proper for a young..." As they were running to school, they had met up briefly with Minako, running equally as late and looking very much the worse for wear. Eyes red, hair dishevelled and her uniform slightly twisted and half untucked. They had discussed all the ideas about the patters of the Negaverse's attacks they could think of, ending up just as confused and dejected as before. The first creature and been blowing up the foot-bridges in a park on the other side of Tokyo. The second had tripped a ward in a temple near Usagi's house, and had led Rei, then Usagi and Ami, then Minako and Makoto on a chase all over the city before finally being cornered on the harbour docks and destroyed. And then it was a monster draining energy from the night watchmen at an empty warehouse. And last night... Usagi shuddered. Last night a monster had stood atop the Tokyo Tower yelling for 'the Great Sailor Moon' to come challenge it. And she had. Blindly, STUPIDLY, entering the elevator lowered for her. It was a trap, of course. Anyone could have seen it. The others would have, but she hadn't waited for them. She had just wanted to finish this as quickly as possible and go back home to bed. It was only pure luck she was here at all, being lectured by Ms Haruna. One of the severed wires had wrapped itself around a girder, holding the elevator just long enough for her to scramble out the hatch and jump to saftey before it crashed to the ground. "...if you aren't careful, young lady, you..." Careful... She was too tired to even think about careful. After barely managing to escape with her life, she 'oh, so carefully' let it goad her into chasing it. She had followed it as far as the first alley before tripping a wire and causing a whole fire escape to come crashing down on top of her. Naturally, she had fallen flat on her face, and could only watch dumbly as a half tonne of metal dropped towards her. This time it was Tuxedo Kamen who saved her, leaping in and hauling her out of harm's way, not even having enough time to gracefully carry her to safety. He had had to grab her by the bow of her fuku. And not even having anough time to escape himself. A metal beam had bounced their way and caught his ankle. There was no serious damage, but he had landed badly and was knocked unconcious as he fell against the brick wall. She had, true to form, gone immediatley to his side and started bawling her eyes out. During which time, the monster had strolled up behind her and whacked her one on the back of the head. Or at least she supposed it did. One moment she was crying over her Tuxedo Kamen-sama, the next she was staring groggily up at the worried faces of Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter, who had finally caught up with her in time to force the monster to retreat through a portal. "...never happen again. Do you hear me? ..." '...Do you hear me? Never go after an enemy by yourself!' Sailor Mars, standing over Sailor Moon, hands on hips. How many times had she seen this? Probably more angry at me getting Tuxedu Kamen injured than concerned about me, she thought. 'Ease up on her, Mars.' Sailor Jupiter, kneeling behind Sailor Moon and putting her hands on her shoulders. 'This isn't the time for it.' 'Then when is the time for it? After she's DEAD?!' 'Mars!' Sailor Mercury, running her computer over Tuxedo Kamen's prone form. 'That's enough.' 'Yeah, she's had enough for one night.' Sailor Venus, also kneeling next to Tuxedo Kamen. Sailor Mars glared at Sailor Moon a moment longer then moved to look over Mercury's shoulder. 'So how is he?' 'He will be fine. His ankle is swolen but not sprained. But he will have a concussion for a day or two.' Sailor Mars tensed up, her hands clasping into fists. A moment passed, then 'Do you know what you've done?!!' She stormed over to Sailor Moon and slapped her, causing her to see spots. She tried to shy away, but Mars struck her again, causing pain to lance through her already injured head. 'Do you even realise what could have happened?!! DO YOU?!!' 'I'm sorry, Mars. I'm sorry.' Sailor Moon whimpered, holding her head, a terrified expression on her face. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry...' she repeated, over and over. 'You're Sorry?!! You're SORRY?!!' Mars struck her again. Hard. She fell back against Sailor Venus, who put her arms protectivly around her as Sailor Moon curled up against her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." she was crying now, trying to hide in Sailor Venus's arms. Jupiter got up and physically pulled Mars away. 'Come on, Mars. Lets go home. None of us has had much sleep latley. Let's get you home and we'll talk about it tomorrow, ok?' Mars was struggling against Jupiter, who was now half carrying her away. 'He could've died tonight! It would've been your fault.' her voice rose in hysterics. 'You could have killed him!! You could have killed him!!! You could have KILLED HIM!!' "I'm sorry, Mars. I'm sorry..." Sailor Moon repeated over and over into Venus's shoulder as Sailor Venus rocked her back and forward, whispering soothingly to her. Mercury was sitting and watching silently, her examination of Mamoru momentarily forgotten, while Luna and Artemis looked down sadly from the rooftop. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." "Usagi? Usagi?" Usagi felt herself being shaken lightly. She came back to herself and focused through teary eyes at the worried face before her. "Usagi? Are you alright?" Ms Haruna asked, her voice lowered with concern, a hand waving behind her back to get the students who had crowded around to go back to their desks. Usagi tried to pull herself together. She noticed she was sitting on the floor next to her desk, arms wrapped around herself and her face wet with tears. The vividness of her memories- no. Dream. She realised she must have fallen asleep on her feet, then fell to the floor as she had done in the dream. She looked around her. Ms Haruna was kneeling in front of her, her hands still on her shoulders. The rest of the class was standing around her, staring at her. Still stunned from being woken up from from her dream, Usagi could only stare back at them. "Um..." she croaked, then swallowed, trying to get some moisture back in her mouth. "Are you alright, Usagi?" Ms Haruna asked again, leaning forward so Usagi was looking her in the eyes. Usagi nodded weakly, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. "I- I'm ok." she whispered hoarsely. "I'm just so tired." Satisfied for now with that answer, Ms Haruna nodded and looked up to see Ami working her way forward behind Usagi. "Ami, could you please take Usagi home? Make sure she-" Usagi inturrupted her just as Ami reached down to help her friend up. "Naru... Can Naru take me? Please?" Usagi didn't want to talk to another Senshi just yet. She had been avoiding her and Makoto all day. Ami paused, her hand inches away from Usagi's shoulder. A pained expression crossed her face, and faded into one of sad acceptance as she straightened up and made room for Naru as she helped Usagi to her feet and the two of them left the room, the other students parting before them without a comment. Ms Haruna stared at the door they had left by, then realised that so was everyone else in the classroom. "Um, ok everyone," she said, clapping her hands a couple of times. "Return to your seats and read the rest of the chapter we were working through." Everyone moved to their desks and picked up their books, unusually subdued. "Oh, and everyone? Could you please not make a big deal of this after school?" Nods and murmors. "Thank you. Ami? Could I please see you for a minute?" She asked, walking out the door and making her way towards the staffroom, a silent Ami Mizuno following after her. *************** "Usagi?" Naru asked quietly. The two of them were walking along the footpath to Usagi's house. Neither had spoken in the ten minutes or so since they'd left the classroom. "Usagi? What's wrong?" Usagi remained silent, just walking without thinking, not even paying attention to where she was going. "Usagi. Tell me what's wrong. I'm worried about you, y'know?" Silence. "Say something, Usagi." Naru asked in a sterner voice, hoping to at least get a response out of her, if not an explaination. "You wouldn't understand." Usagi replied in an expressionless tone. Naru didn't say anything. What could she say? She just took Usagi's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Usagi lifted her head at this, a slightly vague expression still on her face, then turned and smiled at her friend. This only worried Naru more. Her smile was genuine, but she looked like she hadn't slept in a week. Her eyes were dark and bloodshot, and she didn't notice it before, but though her hair was in it's usual pigtails, they looked like they hadn't seen a brush in a week. "How about we go through the park?" Usagi asked, a more cheerful note in her voice. "I don't really feel like going home just yet." "Sure." Naru said, happy that Usagi's spirits were lifting, even just a little. They crossed the street and walked into Ichinohasi Park, following the path that wound around the lake in the middle. Naru thought back a few days to when she and Usagi had last been along this path, heading towards Usagi's house, eating ice cream, and laughing and joking. She looked at her companion now. Usagi was... somewhere else entirely. She was obviously preoccupied with something. And in class... she'd seen her fall asleep in class before. A lot of times, in fact. But never collapse and start crying and apologising about it. Well, apologising about SOMETHING. Naru didn't think Usagi was paying much attention to Ms Haruna. She looked... asleep. A lot like she was now. Sort of sad, expressionless face, eyes vacant and unblinking. *If I wasn't with her, she'd probably have walked right off the path and into the water.* She smirked for a second, then came back to the present. *Whatever's got her down has really sunk its teeth into her.* Naru gently led her off the path onto the grass and sat down, pulling Usagi down beside her. Usagi blinked once, looking around her a bit, then drew her knees up in her arms and laid her head on them. Naru just watched her and sighed. "Usagi?" she whispered. Silence. "Usagi." Louder this time. Nothing. "Usagi, do you hear me?" '...Do you hear me? Never go after an enemy by yourself!' Sailor Mars, standing over Sailor Moon, hands on hips. Usagi whimpered softly. *She must be asleep, poor girl.* Naru laid a hand on her shoulder. Sailor Mars tensed up, her hands clasping into fists. A moment passed, then 'Do you know what you've done?!!' She stormed over to Sailor Moon and slapped her. Much to Naru's concern, Usagi started sobbing and tried to burry her face deeper in her arms. "Usagi!" she gasped, putting both hands on her shoulders and trying to shake her awake. "Usagi!" She tried to shy away, but Mars struck her again, causing pain to lance through her already injured head. 'Do you even realise what could have happened?!! DO YOU?!!' Usagi tried to pull away, "I'm sorry, Mars. I'm sorry." Naru was despertley thinking about what to do. Trying to shake her awake only seemed to make her worse. *My god, what's happened to you?* She laid a hand on the back of her head to stroke her hair, but jerked her hand back as she felt a large welt on her scalp. Naru paled when she noticed some dried blood on her fingertips. *My god,* she repeated to herself, pulling Usagi closer and hugging her comfortingly. *What's happend to you?* But she knew the answer to that... 'You're Sorry?!! You're SORRY?!!' Mars struck her again. Hard. She fell back against Sailor Venus, who put her arms protectivly around her as Sailor Moon curled up against her. To Naru's suprise, Usagi wrapped her arms her tightly, sobbing and softly crying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." over and over into her shoulder. Naru hugged her back, talking soothingly to her. An image appeared in her mind. A garden... A garden arranged in geometric patterns around her. *I... remember.* She was crying into Sailor Venus's shoulder, who was rocking and whispering to her, "It's all right, Usagi. Everything will be alright..." Naru was rocking Usagi gently, who was crying more quietly now into her shoulder "Oh, Usagi," she said to herself, then to the girl crying in her arms, "It's alright, Usagi. Everything will be alright..." Hanging in the pale yellow-pink sky was a beautiful blue and white cresent. The Earth. "I know this place. Where am I?" "You know where you are." said a soft voice behind her and she whirled around to face the speaker, an ethereal figure that was just as familiar as the courtyard, yet just as unknown. "Yes... I know where I am. I remember..." "You know where you are." said a soft voice behind her and she whirled around to face the speaker, an ethereal figure, tall, and vaguely feminine. She kept drifting in and out of focus and it's clothes and long hair swirled around her as if moved my a breeze only it could feel. "Mother...?" Usagi had quietened down. Only an occational hiccup comming from her friend. "Shh, It's alright, Usagi. Everything will be alright. I remember." The warmth of Sailor Venus's body, the motion of her rocking gently, her soft voice, "Shh, It's alright, Usagi. Everything will be alright. I remember." The two girls sat before the woman in the center of the eastern grounds garden, one comforting the other. "It's alright, Usagi. Everything will be alright. I remember. I know where I am. I remember." "Mother...?" "You, Princess, and your Senshi. We all lived here... before the end. Before the darkness came that ended it all." Naru said in a soft voice. A glittering tear formed and drifted down the woman's face before being blown away in a sparkling trail. But a gentle smile was on her serene face. "Yes. You remember." This time, Naru could feel the breeze. Warm, but somehow cold as well. As if... Usagi and Naru were sitting side by side at the edge of the lake in the park, supporting each other now. They didn't know how long they'd been sitting there, but they were both staring up at the crescent moon in the dimming sky. "As if it's not there anymore." Naru spoke softly and sighing sadly. "Yeah..." Usagi breathed. They sat in companionable silence for a while longer. "Come on, Princess." Naru said finally, getting to her feet and holding out a hand for Usagi. "Let's get you home." Usagi took her hand and let herself be pulled up, a happy smile on her face, "Sure thing... Sailor Moon." The two walked off through the park together, hand in hand. The Moon Princess and her Senshi of the Moon. The setting sun behind them, and the new moon rising ahead. END. --------------- Author's notes. If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. This is the prolouge chapter of "The Dark Side of the Moon", though, it could almost be it's own stand alone story called "New Moon Rising" which has a better ring to it. I know it gets a little confiuing towards the end with the scenes jumping all over the place and overlapping. It's supposed to be that way. Usagi's nightmare, Naru's remembered dream, the lakeside, and the palace gardens. They're all sopposed to mesh into each other. If you were expecting a big explinaion of the 'Second' thing, you'll have to wait for the next couple of chapters ;) Thanks again, Ben. dragonstar@funky.wow.aust.com --------------- . ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.'_,' (((' (((-((('' (((( ===================================== = Ben Gibbons, aka DragonStar = == dragonstar@funky.wow.aust.com == = http://www.fam.aust.com/funky = =====================================