Thanks go to MPrin81730, Kit Kat, and Remembrance, Sarah, J.R, Carmen and everyone else whose emailed me and I forgot their names on this list for their comments. EMAIL ME YOUR COMMENTS! If you don't know the legend/key (whatever you want to call it) yet- go look back at the previous chapters. I'm dedicating this to Kari. She's a really great friend and if it weren't for her I would have failed my science fair project. I can always talk to her about anything (and I usually do, don't I Kari?) Anyway, she's also a really great fanfic author, though her fics aren't posted yet. Read Calynder's "Closed Palms"; it's the BEST story! Read anything by Sorceress, Keeper of the Jade, and Nancy Nguyen. And Broken Wings by Setsuna M. And anyone on the SMRFF list, they're a great (crazy yeah but?) buncha supportive, creative gals (I'm pretty sure there aren't any guys on the list)! Kami/Kami-sama- God Senshi- soldier Youma- monster Fuku- suit (sailor suit) Nani- what ~*~* - This means like a scene change or something, a POV change. It is longer from Serena's POV after this mark. Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z. Never has never will. Get over it people. I HATE disclaimers. Don't sue, I don't have any money. Get it? Got it. Good. ------------------------------------------ ------------ The Real Serena Tsukino Chapter 4 by: BlackIris3 email: Oh Kami it's cold here. Stupid Negaverse, their base just had to be in the North Pole. But I can't start complaining, I mean, the other senshi are here and are just as cold and they aren't complaining. It's funny, but wouldn't you think Mars would hate this weather worse than I would? Think about it. Anyway, back to the problem at hand- how to get into the Negaverse? Mercury's tapping away at her little computer, 'SHE doesn't seem to mind this cold weather, lucky her, she's used to ice!' "I'm picking up some negative readings." 'Well *duh* Mercury, we are standing on top of the Negaverse you know. How much more negative can you get?' I thought to myself. "Look! It's Andrew!" Lita screamed. Andrew was tied up, with his arms extended and his legs together (think crucifix) Oh Kami. How on earth did they get Andrew!? Wait a sec? that Andrew doesn't have the same aura as my cousin. That's not him! That *thing* pretending to be my cousin has an evil aura, it's a trap! Lita started to run to him, "Wait Lita! It's not him! It's a trap! DON'T!!" Ami screamed as she scanned over the fake Andy. She didn't listen and when she got to him, vines shot out of his chest and grabbed Lita! And then the disguise was dropped and 5 youma crashed out of the ground, their vines tightened around Jupiter. They were female, but then what else is new (AN: please don't ask me to describe the Doom and Gloom Girls. I don't remember what they look like), these youma were wearing *very* skimpy swimsuit-type clothes, some one piece and others bikini- like, and had two dragonfly wings attached to each of their backs back. She lifted Lita into the air with her veins tightly wrapped around her arms, legs, and neck (though she wasn't being choked). "JUPITER!!" we all cried in agony at seeing her like this. Then her face became determined, and I could see in her mind what she meant to do. No one heard my strangled "No?" over their own cries and the cold arctic wind whipping around us. They didn't know? they didn't know what she was going to do! All they knew was that their friend and fellow soldier was in the enemy's clutches., but not me. No, I knew, but I couldn't stop her. She looked down at us lovingly?taking one last, final look and grinning in that wonderful, dangerous, cocky way she does; she yelled a defiant, "Don't worry guys! I'll be in the Negaverse, just you worry about Beryl and protecting the princess, not me!" I couldn't scream; the little antenna on her tiara rose up from the green gem and crackled with lightning. A tear slipped down my cheek and landed on the soft snow before quickly freezing. Now they were screaming, now they understood. We had to help her! But we can't? She must do this, it's her destiny to die fighting?to die protecting you. That word again? destiny? "Jupiter Thunder CRASH!!" she screamed her attack with so much passion, it was deafening. The air all around her burst with tremendous power and energy, and the vines that held my friend became electrified and she and the witches who held her fell through the ground, into the darkness that was the Negaverse. My chest tightened, "No? Jupiter?" Another tear fell from my eye and dripped onto the snow like a sin. I saw her?her spirit?in my mind. She was so happy, she was wearing her school uniform and winking at me, "I understand now. Don't worry 'bout me, you gotta destroy the Negaverse!" then she laughed and faded away. And I think, I think she did finally understand who I truly was, and everything I did, and why I did it. She finally knew the truth about me, she finally saw the real Serena Tsukino. I smiled a sad, tearful smile. I knew what was to happen; I knew what was to come of us, but I still feared it, I didn't want to do it. This truly would be our last and greatest battle. One by one, they all fell; taken into the Negaverse, destroying at least one or two of those horrible winged youmas. And I was the last; I was alone and miserable. I knew I had to go on; had to defeat Beryl and her master once and for all, but I couldn't, not now, it was just too hard. 'I guess I didn't have to go to Beryl anyway.' I thought sarcastically as a red energy bubble surrounded me and transported me to Beryl's hideous throne room. The sight I was met with sickened me. My Darien was kneeling, kissing Beryl's hand as she glared at me in triumph. "Prince Endymion! I want that Silver Imperium Crystal! Kill Sailor Moon!" Beryl's voice was clear and sharp and loud over the soft murmuring of the other occupants of the throne room. "Yes, my Queen." Darien stood up and walked menacingly toward where I was sitting on the floor. I quickly scampered to my feet and took out my crescent moon wand. "Moon Healing Activation!" My wand's sparkling pink energy flowed over my love's body, but it didn't work, he didn't even flinch. Beryl's laughter pieced my brain, "Foolish little moon child! Your pathetic little wand can't bring him back now! He's mine now, forever! And once I get that crystal I will rule the universe with Prince Endymion by my side!" I stared at Darien fearfully- 'Would he?could he?actually hurt me? Would I stop him, could I hurt him?' No, I couldn't? He took out his sword from his sheath and swung it at me. I dodged and rolled away from him. He swung again and I blocked it with my wand. Then he kicked me and, again, rolled out of the way of the blade. I was beaten and bruised and very tired. I used my tiara throw on him, but it just hurt him for a moment. Finally I was on my knees in front of him, tears in my eyes and star locket in my hands. He was staring intently at the locket, as if he recognized it. I held it up, "Oh Darien, don't you remember? Don't you remember our locket and me? Just touch it; you'll remember then, I know you will! All you have to do is touch it. Please?" my voice wavered and was choked in my throat. I opened the lid and our soft melody began to play. He leaned down and touched the golden surface of the locket. And then he remembered. His eyes glazed, I could sense the dark cloud over my love's hind lifting. He was my Prince again. Beryl let loose an angry scream and hurled a hideous, sharp crystal at us. Darien spun around and threw a multitude of roses at it. The roses? they were red again? The crystal split into smaller fragments, thanks to the roses, and Darien shielded me with his body, his cape protectively swung around my shoulders. Oh no, not again, please not again. His body slackened over me and I knew the crystal fragments had hit him. He rose a weak hand to my cheek, "T- thank you. You? you freed me?" And then his eyes closed. I laid him down and kissed his forehead. He wouldn't survive. I had to deal with Beryl and Metallia now. Beryl was furious and had pleaded Metallia to give her more power. Oh, Beryl got power all right? Metallia had invaded her body and easily took it over. Her body transformed, she grew *very* tall and her hair (now a bright neon blue) stood on end. A crystal tower grew up from underneath me, a crystal flower clasped around me. When the crystal tower had grown as tall as Metallia then the crystal petals opened and revealed my in all my glory. My garb had changed from my Sailor Moon fuku to my beautiful Princess clothes while I was inside the crystal flower. My hair had grown longer and the silver highlights had increased. My tiara disappeared and my crescent moon insignia, marking me as moon royalty, shone proudly. The moon wand burst with power in my hand. Metallia cackled, "So little Princess Serena thinks she can hurt me? You cannot destroy me! I am INVINCIBLE!" I lifted the wand above my head, "Cosmic Moon POWER!" I swung the wand so the tip of the crescent moon was pointed towards my enemy and let loose a powerful wave of pink energy. Blackish-red met pink in a clash of unbelievable power. But I was quickly weakening, our powers seem to be equal but she could sustain and last longer than I could in the battle. "Guys, I can't do this alone. Help me, please." I cried to the spirits of my friends. And one by one, they send me their love and energy. Green, blue, orange, and red energy twisted around my own pink beam and shot towards the witch. My beam overpowered hers easily, "What?! NO! This can't be happening! No one can defeat me!! NO ONE!!" She was dead, at last? My body couldn't take it anymore and gave out of my. I fell to the soft, snow- covered ground. My transformation slowly reversing and I reverted back to Serena, not being able to hold either my Princess form or my Sailor Moon form. I looked up at the night sky, gazing at the beautiful mystical full moon and the twinkling stars. Such beauty, such serenity, such tranquility?. I couldn't hear anything anymore? no sounds passed through my ears. 'It's so peaceful here, and so beautiful. You never see a sky like this back in Tokyo.' Was the moon getting dimmer? or is it just my own vision dimming? The world around me was getting blurry and the on object that remained sharp and bright and clear in my vision, was the moon. It was beginning to snow softly again? it's funny how I couldn't feel the cold anymore. All my life I wanted to be normal, it's true how people say you always wish for something you can never have. Goodbye father, goodbye mother, goodbye brothers and sisters, goodbye, goodbye. Goodbye everyone, I'm going to be with my love and my friends in Tartarus with my Uncle Hades. Have you forsaken me, my family, do you hat me? Oh you torture me, hurt me, and laugh at my sufferings and hardships. You let me die, you let my body give out and my soul lost. Why do you despise me so? Did you hate my love, or was it just me? My twin, Apollo, why will you watch me suffer? Why? Why?? I wish? I just wish? just once? Ahhh, sweet oblivion? finally, peace? at last? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~* Her body went limp. The moon turned red with blood, the blood of her mistress? The snow continued to fall over the princess' body, creating a bed and blanket of snow. She looked so serene and tranquil that she seemed as if she were only dormant, only sleeping. A golden light shimmered close to the princess' body, and that light materialized into a man. The man with golden hair and bright blue eyes knelt beside her and brushed stray hairs from her face. A tear slipped down his cheek and landed on Serena's pale one. Another being of light, much larger that the first materialized and laid a hand on the man's shoulder. "Do not worry son, it is not hers, nor any of her other loved ones that had fallen tonight's, time to pass on yet. I will grant her last wish." The larger being bent down and placed a finger on her forehead, he began to glow. "Go, my daughter, be with your friends and your Prince and find happiness. You will become, until you are once again needed, what you want to be the most, a normal teenager." There was a brilliant flash of light and lightning crashed down in the distance. The larger being was gone, and the smaller one was about to leave. "Goodbye, my twin. Our mother, Selene*, sends her love. We heard your thoughts and prayers and we have not forsaken you. We do not despise you and we hate seeing you suffer, me most of all. You will go through many hardships and you must be strong to survive them, my sister. You must survive. Goodbye and know I love you." He kissed her forehead and disappeared into the light from which he had come. Some time later, the princess' eyes slowly opened and she looked at her surroundings. 'Nani? How'd I get here??' She got up and made her way home. On the way, she bumped into a tall young man with raven black hair and deep midnight blue eyes. Why couldn't she shake the feeling she knew him?? She mumbled an apology and the guy makes fun of her hair. They trade insults back and forth when she decided she'd had enough and began to walk home, all the while shaking her head and wondering why she suddenly had such an incredible sense of deja-vu? ------------------------------------------ ----------- *- Queen Serenity was also Selene, the moon goddess. That's why she (Serena) is a full goddess instead of a demigod, 'cuz her mother was a goddess as well. Get it? Do you like it, hate it? Email me with your comments. I'm sorry I couldn't get this out sooner but I wasn't able to type it up last week. I have the next chapter written up and I was gunna send it in with this one but I didn't have enough time to type it up, so it will DEFINITELY be out next week. I'm gunna put the DBZ gang in here soon (in chapter 6 actually), they're gunna visit Sere! That's when the story's really gunna pick up. Send me your comments . Thx! Luv ya. ~BlackIris3